Current and Past Students
The history of the Certificate in Contemporary Living

The NIID developed and ran a pilot programme in the spring of 2005. All 20 candidates successfully completed this programme and received Certificates from ASDAN and The Open University in areas such as Transition, Challenge/Independence Awards in Active Citizenship and Self-Advocacy.
The Institute received very positive feedback from the candidates parents as well as the Service Agencies involved. Real growth was seen in the areas of independent travel, self-confidence, making decisions and development of 'speaking up for oneself'. The Certificate in Contemporary Living (CCL) was approved by Trinity Council on the 12th April 2005 and on the 17th of October 2005 the successful candidates from the pilot programme became the first intake of the Certificate in Contemporary Living.
Overview of the Certificate
The Certificate in Contemporary Living is a two year, full time Trinity College Certificate programme. Students on the Certificate have class contact on three days per week. The course focuses on academic learning, personal growth and skills development for students and consists of modules across the areas of social sciences, expressive arts and career planning. As part of the course the students work with various departments within Trinity College and complete two work placements.
The main goals of the course are to:
- Facilitate lifelong learning for students with intellectual disabilities
- Develop skills for independent living
- Promote the full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in Irish society
One of the key objectives of the Certificate is to enable the students make the transition to independent living. Students are supported in securing work placements in diverse areas such as office work, retail, catering, hospitality, childcare and voluntary and community organisations. This experience is of huge benefit for the students in terms of increased independence, autonomy and self-esteem and has opened up pathways for graduates to further education and training, to volunteering opportunities and in some cases to permanent employment.
Another aim of the Certificate in Contemporary Living is to promote the full inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities and facilitate their lifelong learning, providing them with the strategic skills to become independent self-reliant adults and to give them the potential to contribute fully in society.
Values and Objectives of the Certificate
The core values of the certificate programme include:
- A belief in the capacity of individuals with intellectual disabilities
- A respect for the contributions of individuals with intellectual disabilities
- A belief in equality of opportunity for individuals with intellectual disabilities
The Specific Objectives of the Certificate programme include:
- To promote lifelong learning for individuals with intellectual disability
- To promote inclusion in the third level environment for individuals with intellectual disability
- To develop skills for modern society for individuals with intellectual disability
- To develop social skills of individuals with intellectual disability through peer interaction
- To fulfil personal educational interests for individuals with intellectual disability
- To broaden the horizons for individuals with intellectual disability
- To enhance individual employability