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Peer-reviewed Papers

  • Ingram, S., McKee, G., Quirke, M.B., Kelly, N. & Moloney, A. (2017). Discharge of non-acute coronary syndrome (ACS) chest pain patients from emergency care to an advanced nurse practitioner led chest pain clinic: An observational study of referral source and final diagnosis. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (online publication Mar 2017)
  • Kerins M., McKee G. Prizeman G.  ‘Changes in risk factor profile of patients attending cardiac rehabilitation over the last 10 years’. Euroheartcare Athens April 15-16th   2016, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, April 2016; 15 (Suppl 1) S60, P159 (Moderated Poster)
  • O’Coimin D., Korn B., Prizeman G., Codd M., Curran M., Hynes G., Donnelly S., & Fahey T.  ‘Voices that matter - Bereaved Relatives and their experience of care’. Poster presentation. The European Association of Palliative Care 9th World Research Congress (Dublin 9-11 June 2016). Published Abstract
  • Fallon, N., Kerins, M., McKee, G. and Prizeman G. (2015) Achieving blood pressure and LDL targets in cardiac rehabilitation centres in Ireland: how well are we meeting European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention recommendations. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Vol 14: S105-S105 (June 2015)
  • Farrell G. and Comiskey C., (2014) Dualities of Living with HIV/HCV Co-Infection: Patients’ Perspectives from Those who are Ineligible for or Nonresponsive to Treatment Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care. Vol. 25, No. 1, January/February 2014, 9-22
  • O’Brien C., Dempsey O. and Kennedy M.J. (2014) “Febrile neutropenia risk assessment tool: Improving clinical outcomes for oncology patients”.  European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 18 (167-174)
  • O’Brien C., Fogarty E., Walsh C., Dempsey O., Barry M., Kennedy M.J. and McCullagh I. (2014) “The cost of the inpatient management of febrile neutropenia in cancer patients – a micro-costing study in the Irish healthcare setting”. European Journal of Cancer Care.
  • Dempsey, O. & Comiskey, C. (2012) Predicting treatment location: Modelling the geographic spread of drug use. Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy: Proceedings of International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research and Therapy, Las Vegas, USA, 20th-22nd August, 3:4, p120.
  • Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., O’Mahony, B. & McKee, G. (2012) ‘The development of a patient partnership programme and its impact on quality improvements in a comprehensive haemophilia care service’. Haemophilia, 18(6); 875-880.
  • Hough, S., Cronin, P. & Kielty, L. (2012) Advanced role in colorectal screening. World of Irish Nursing, 20(1); 27-28.
    Mc Donald N., Corrigan S., Morrison, R. & Leva C. (2012) Achieving Impact through Human Factors Research, Irish Journal of Psychology, 33 2-3
  • Norton, J., Kielty, L., Corrigan, H., Brady, AM., Noonan, C., Mac Donagh, J., Dowds, J., Gilchriest, D., Farrelly, A. & Hanley, S. (2012) Nurses' knowledge and standards of tracheostomy safety. Journal of Medical Safety.
  • O’ Neill, J. Kiely, L. Codd, M. Brady, A-M (2012) Tracheostomy safety programme in Ireland Journal of Medical Safety p39-50.
  • O'Shea, E., McKee, G., Coughlan, M. & Corrigan, H. (2012) Evaluation of a nurse led haemophilia service. British Journal of Nursing, 21(14); 864-866, 868-870.