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Information about Tallaght University Hospital
History of when collaboration began
In 2014, a research capacity-building programme partnership was established between Tallaght University Hospital (TUH) and the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery. A steering committee met regularly to oversee the collaboration. The Principal Investigator was Professor Catherine McCabe and the Research Fellow was Dr Karin O'Sullivan. This collaboration is no longer funded as of March 2022.
Tallaght University Hospital
Adult Services
Title: Models of Care for Cancer Patients in Active Treatment: a scoping review |
Title: Supporting Student Nurse Resilience in the acute hospital setting |
Title: An evaluation of a Slaintecare Integrated community chest pain clinic (ICCPC) |
Title: Patients perceptions and nurses views of the oncology services provided by the Dublin South Community Intervention Team (CIT) services |
Title: An evaluation of Critical Care Outreach services in an acute hospital setting Description: Evaluation of the critical care outreach services in an Irish acute hospital setting Collaborators: Christina Lydon, Anne Marie Brady, Siobhan Connors, Patricia Morrison, Anne Marie Barnes, Gobnait Byrne, Mary Quirke, Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH) |
Title: Experiences and perceptions of emergency department nurses regarding people who present with mental health issues: a systematic review |
Title: The effectiveness of an 8-week cardiac rehabilitation programme in improving quality of life in patients following a cardiac diagnosis |
Title: The impact of a Cardiac rehab programme on patients with peripheral arterial disease |
Title: Polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) Antimicrobial Foam Dressing for the prevention of infection in patients with an external fixator, a quasi- experimental study |
Title: Dry gauze or Inadine/Betadine tulle dressing for the prevention of infection in patients with an external fixator |
Title: An evaluation of the development and implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS) |
Tallaght University Hospital
Title: Examining patient satisfaction and experience of care pathways of the Cardiac RANP-RANP referral services (Naas-TH) |
Title: Out of Hours Clinical Decision Making Support in Tallaght Hospital – Baseline study |
Title: Observation of mealtime assistance at breakfast: a cross hospital project Nutrition/Hydration Cross Hospital Project encompassing Naas General Hospital, St. James Hospital and Tallaght Hospital Description: This project evaluated the practice of mealtime assistance at breakfast in a sample of patients across three ward types in three acute hospitals and if appropriate, identify possible quality improvement initiatives. Collaborators: Nora O’Mahony, Julie O’Grady, Shauna Ennis, Patricia Cronin, Louise Daly, Margaret McCann, James Mulkerrins, Eimear Digan, Amanda Roberts, Geraldine Prizeman, Mary Quirke. |
Title: Failure to Fail - An exploration of staff nurses’ views of competence assessment of undergraduate nursing students: Cross hospital project |
Title: An examination of patients who trigger of Emergency Response Team calls: A hospital case-study |
Title: Evaluating the implementation of the Early Warning Score system in an Emergency Department of an Acute Hospital in Ireland |
Title: The knowledge, attitude and self-reported practices of healthcare professionals with regards to Carbapenemaese Producing Entreobacterales (CPE) Description: A survey of healthcare professionals working in a hospital setting. Collaborators: Shaini Paul Mathew (TUH), Sarah Whoriskey (TUH), Margaret McCann (TCD), Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH) |
Title: Failure to Fail - A survey of preceptors: A cross-hospital project |
Tallaght University Hospital
Journal Article
- Paul Mathew, S., O’Sullivan, K., McCann, M. (2023). Knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices of healthcare professionals on Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacterales (CPE): A cross sectional study. Infection Prevention in Practice 5(1).
Journal Article
- O'Connor Power, F., Beatty, S., Dunne, N., O'Connell, L., O'Riordan, N., Sloane, H., Prizeman, G., O'Sullivan, K., Butler, É., Howlin, C. & Byrne, G. (2022) 'I'm not being serviced, I'm being cared for': A mixed methods study of patients' and nurses' perceptions of community oncology nursing delivered by a Community Intervention Team, European Journal of Oncology Nursing. DOI
Conferences/Posters presented
- Ingram, S., O'Sullivan, K., O'Donnell, D. (2022) Slaintecare Integrated Community Chest Pain Clinic: An evaluation of patient satisfaction. Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022): 8th - 10th March 2022, Trinity College Dublin.
- Paul Mathews, S., O'Sullivan, K., McCann, M. (2022) Knowledge, Attitudes and Self-Reported practices of healthcare professionals on Carpenemase Producing Enterobacterales (CPE). Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022): 8th - 10th March 2022, Trinity College Dublin.
- Chakkittakandy, D., Smyth, A., O'Byrne-O'Reilly, R., O'Sullivan, K., Lydon, C., Eustace-Cook, J., Donnellan, C. (2022) Understanding Resilience in Student Healthcare professionals for Ensuring Good Quality of Care: A Scoping Review Proposal. Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022): 8th - 10th March 2022, Trinity College Dublin.
Journal Articles (Peer reviewed)
- Fallon, N., Quirke, M., Edgeworth, C., O'Mahony, R., Flynn, N., McGeary, P., Maher, V., Jones & McKee, G. (2021) Evaluation of the effectiveness of a phase three specialised heart failure cardiac rehabilitation programme on cardiovascular risk factor profile, British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 16(8), Published Online: 17 August 2021. DOI
- Byrne, G., Ennis, S., Connors, S., Barnes, A-M., Morrison, P. & Quirke, M.B. (2021) Triggers and interventions of patients who require Medical Emergency Team reviews in an acute adult hospital setting: A cross-sectional analysis of single versus multiple reviews, Critical Care Nursing 41(4) e1 - e10 DOI
Conferences/Posters presented
- O'Connor Power, F., O'Connell, L., Sloane, H., Beatty, S., Dunne, N., Byrne, G., Prizeman, G., O'Sullivan, K., Howlin, C. (2021) Oncology Patients' perceptions of the Oncology Nursing service delivered by a Community Intervention Team. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 9th - 11th March 2021, Trinity College Dublin.
- Connors, S., Lydon, C., Morrison, P., Byrne, N., Byrne, G., O'Sullivan, K., Brady, A-M. (2021) Critical Care Outreach Support at Night - a safety net. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 9th - 11th March 2021, Trinity College Dublin.
- North, A., Stratton, J., O'Sullivan, K., McCann, M. (2021) Investigating Polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) Antimicrobial Foam Dressing for the prevention of infection in patients with an external fixator: Trial methodology. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 9th - 11th March 2021, Trinity College Dublin.
- Ennis, S., McLoughlin, C., Martin, T., Liston, T., O'Sullivan, K., McCabe, C. (2021) Key learnings from a partnership approach to the introduction of a Learning Management System (LMS) in a hospital setting. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 9th - 11th March 2021, Trinity College Dublin.
Journal Article (Peer reviewed)
- Horgan Cuffe, C., Quirke, M.B. & McCabe, C. (2020) Patients' experiences of living with multiple myeloma, British Journal of Nursing, 29(2), pp. 103-110.
Journal Articles (Peer reviewed)
- McCabe, C., O'Brien, M. & Quirke, M.B. (2019) The introduction of the Early Warning Score in the Emergency Department: A retrospective cohort study. International Emergency Nursing 45, 31-35.
- Quirke, M.B., Donohue, G., Prizeman, G., White, P., McCann, E. (2019). Experiences and perceptions of emergency department nurses regarding people who present with mental health issues: a systematic review protocol. Joanna Briggs Institute Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports DOI
- O’Toole, J., Ingram, S., Kelly, N.,Quirke, M.B., Roberts., A., O’Brien, F. (April 2019). Patients experiences of and satisfaction with a collaborative Advanced Nurse Practitioner-led chest pain service non-Acute Coronary Syndrome (non-ACS) in Ireland: a cross sectional study. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, Volume 15, issue 4, pp. 311-315
Journal Articles (Non-Peer reviewed)
- Brady, AM., Byrne, G., Ennis, S., Prendergast, M., Lynch, A., Quirke, M.B. (2019) Organisational Supports for Clinical Decision-making Out-of-Hours in Tallaght University Hospital. Evaluation of the Introduction of a Clinical Support Nurse Manager at Night (CSNM at Night) Role: 12 month follow-up.
Conferences/Posters presented
- Ingram, S., O’Toole, J., Kelly, N., Quirke, M., Roberts, A., O’Brien, F. (2019). The Profile and experiences of patients attending a collaborative practitioner-led chest pain service in Ireland. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, 6th and 7th March, 2019, Trinity College Dublin
- McCabe, C., O’Brien, M., Quirke, MB (2019). The effect of the combined use of the Early Warning Score and Manchester Triage Score (MTS) on accuracy of the MTS and Emergency Department waiting times. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, 6th and 7th March, 2019, Trinity College Dublin
- Byrne, G., Quirke, M.B.., Ennis, S., Connors, S., Morrison, P., Barnes, AM (2019). Multiple reviews by a Medical Emergency Team during one admission. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, 6th and 7th March, 2019, Trinity College Dublin
Conferences/Posters presented
- Biny, B., Quirke, MB., Huntley-Moore, S., (Accepted). Assessing Intensive Care Nurses’ Knowledge of Delirium: Identifying areas of educational need. 37th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, March 2018
- Fallon N., Flynn N., McKee G., Quirke M. B., Finn C., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., Malone S., Maher V. (Accepted). The effectiveness of attendance at a phase 3 specialised heart failure cardiac rehabilitation programme on patients cardiovascular risk factor profile. The 37th RCSI Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2018
- Fallon N., Flynn N., McKee G., Quirke M. B., Finn C., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., Malone S., Maher V. (Accepted). The effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in improving quality of life in patients following a cardiac diagnosis. The 37th RCSI Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2018
- Fallon N., Flynn N., McKee G., Quirke M. B., Finn C., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., Malone S., Maher V. (Accepted). Peripheral arterial disease risk assessment and rehabilitation programme. The 37th RCSI Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2018
Journal Articles (Peer reviewed)
- Brady, AM., Byrne, G., Quirke, MB, Lynch, A., Prendergast, M., Bhangu, J., Ennis, S., (2017). Barriers to effective, safe communication and workflow between nurses and non-consultant hospital doctors during out-of-hours. International Journal for Quality in Health Care
- Ingram, S., McKee, G., Quirke, M.B., Kelly, N. & Moloney, A. (2017). Discharge of non-acute coronary syndrome (ACS) chest pain patients from emergency care to an advanced nurse practitioner led chest pain clinic: An observational study of referral source and final diagnosis. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 32 (2) (online article)
Journal Articles (Non-peer reviewed)
- Roberts, A., Donohue, G., Prizeman, G. & Quirke, M. Building research capacity in hospital-based nurses: A collaborative research model. NMPDU Newsletter. April 2017
Conferences/Posters presented
- O’Donoghue, et al. (2017) Building Capacity for Research & Service Improvement: A collaborative model to build research support, networks and infrastructure to enable mental health nursing leaders to lead clinically relevant research, Irish Mental Health Nursing Conference Dublin, Ireland, 18th-19th May 2017
- Fallon N., Flynn N., McKee G., Quirke M. B., Finn C., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., Malone S., Maher V. (2017). Heart failure Cardiac rehabilitation programme: The effectiveness of attendance at on patients cardiovascular risk factor profile. 10th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar. St James’s Hospital, Dublin, 11th May 2017
- Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Timmins, F., Part, S., Keane, L., Prizeman, G., Dennehy, C. & Fenn, H. Failure to Fail: Factors that support and prevent preceptors failing a student on clinical placement. Poster presentation for the RCSI 36th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference (March 2017)
- Timmins, F., Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Part, S., Keane, L., Prizeman, G., Dennehy, C. & Fenn, H. Failure to Fail: Factors that support and prevent preceptors failing a student on clinical placement. Accepted as a Poster presentation for the RCN International Nursing Research Conference April 2017
- Fallon N., Flynn N., McKee G., Quirke M. B., Finn C., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., Malone S., Maher V. (2017). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a Phase III specialised Heart Failure Cardiac rehabilitation programme (CRHFP) on patient’s cardiovascular risk factor profile. Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation. Kildare, Ireland 25th February, 2017.
- Fallon N., Flynn N., McKee G., Quirke M. B., Finn C., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., Malone S., Maher V. (2017). The effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in improving quality of life in patients following a cardiac diagnosis. Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation. Kildare, Ireland 25th February, 2017. 1st prize poster award
- Fallon N., Flynn N., McKee G., Quirke M. B., Finn C., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., Malone S., Maher V. (2017). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a Phase III specialised Heart Failure Cardiac rehabilitation programme (CRHFP) on patient’s cardiovascular risk factor profile. EuroPrevent. Malaga, Spain. 06th-08th April, 2017.
- Prendergast, M., Quirke, M.B., Byrne, G., Lynch, A., Ennis, S., Bhangu, J., Brady, AM (2017). Identifying factors that contribute to the challenges of providing care Out of Hours: an exploratory study of Nurses’ and Doctors’ experiences in an acute hospital setting. RCSI 36th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2017, Dublin, Ireland 2-3rd March, 2017.
- Fallon N., Flynn N., McKee G., Quirke M. B., Finn C., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., Malone S., Maher V. (2017). The effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in improving quality of life in patients following a cardiac diagnosis. EuroHeartCare, Sweden, 17th-20th May 2017
- Advanced Nurse-Led Referral Versus ED Physician Referral to a Nurse-Led Chest Pain Clinic: Patient Outcomes. Sigma Theta Tau International's 28th International Nursing Research Congress. Dublin, 27-31st July, 2017
- Ennis, S., Brady, A-M., Byrne, G., Quirke, M.B., Lynch, A., & Prendergast, M. (2017). Workflow barriers out of hours: optimising critical care outreach to support clinical decision making in medical and surgical care settings. Tallaght Nursing Research Symposium, September 2017, Dublin Ireland
- Flynn N, Fallon N, McKee G, Quirke MB., Finn C, McGeary P, O’Mahony R Malone S, Maher V. (2017). The effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in improving quality of life in patients following a cardiac diagnosis. Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association, Irish Cancer Society. October 2017, Derry-LondonDerry.
- Quirke, MB, Donohue, G., Roberts, A., Prizeman, G., Brady, AM (2017). Building Capacity for nurse-led research and service improvement: A collaborative model to build research support, networks and infrastructure for nursing staff to lead clinically relevant research. UCC Annual Nursing Conference, November, 2017. Cork Ireland
- Ingram, S., McKee, G., Quirke, M.B., Kelly, N. & Moloney, A. (2016). Advanced Nurse-Led Referral Versus ED Physician Referral to a Nurse-Led Chest Pain Clinic: Patient Outcomes. Sigma Theta Tau International's 28th International Nursing Research Congress Dublin, 27-31st July, 2017
- Brady, A-M., Ennis, S., Byrne, G., Quirke, M.B., Lynch, A., & Prendergast, M. (2017). Workflow barriers out of hours: optimising critical care outreach to support clinical decision making in medical and surgical care settings. International Conference on Integrated Care. 08th -10th May, Dublin Ireland
- Brady, N. et al (2017). Heart failure Cardiac rehabilitation programme: The effectiveness of attendance at on patients cardiovascular risk factor profile. 10th Annual Multi-disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 2017. Dublin, Ireland, 11th May 2017
- Prizeman, G., Donohue, G., Quirke, MB., McCabe, C. (2017). A collaborative research model, fostering research capacity to enable nurse leaders to use evidence-based research for quality improvement. ENRICH Conference, November 2017, Dublin Ireland
- Biny, B., Quirke, MB., Huntley-Moore, S., (2017). Assessing Intensive Care Nurses’ Knowledge of Delirium: Identifying areas of educational need. ENRICH Conference, December 2017, Beaumount Hospital, Dublin Ireland
Journal Articles (Non-peer reviewed)
- Brady, A-M., Prendergrast, M., Quirke, M.B., Lynch, A., Ennis, S., Bhanju, J., Walker, C. & Bailey, L. (2016) Organisation Supports for Clinical Decision Making Out-of-hours in Tallaght Hospital. Tallaght Hospital, Dublin
Conferences/Posters presented
- Fallon N., Finn C., Quirke M. B., McKee G., Flynn N., McGeary P., O’Mahony R., & Malone S. (2016). The effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in improving quality of life in patients following a cardiac diagnosis. Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation February 27th, 2016
- Ingram, S., Mckee,G., Quirke, M.B., Kelly, N.,Moloney, A., Moore, D., Loo, B., Mulcahy, D., Maher, V., & Khan, B. (2016). The effect of referral type (advanced/specialist cardiology nurse vs. ed physician) on the profile of patients attending a nurse led outpatient chest pain clinic following discharge from emergency care. Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation February 27th, 2016
- Ingram, S., Mckee,G., Quirke, M.B., Kelly, N.,Moloney, A., Moore, D., Loo, B., Mulcahy, D., & Khan, B, Doggett, P., Kiernan, H. (2015). Differences in non ACS chest pain patient profile who self-referred and who presented directly to the emergency department. EuroHeartCare, April 14th 2016
- Prendergast, M., Brady, A.M, Byrne, G., Quirke, M.B. (2016) Out-of-hours communication between healthcare professionals in an acute hospital setting in Ireland'. 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC2016), November 2016
Conferences/Posters presented
- Ingram, S., Mckee,G., Quirke, M.B., Kelly, N.,Moloney, A., Moore, D., Loo, B., Mulcahy, D., Maher, V., & Khan, B (2015). The effect of referral type (advanced/specialist cardiology nurse vs. ed physician) on the profile of patients attending a nurse led outpatient chest pain clinic following discharge from emergency services. EuroHeartCare 2015, 14 June to 15 June 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Ingram, S., Mckee,G., Quirke, M.B., Kelly, N.,Moloney, A., Moore, D., Loo, B., Mulcahy, D., & Khan, B, Doggett, P., Kiernan, H. (2015). Discharge of non-ACS chest pain patients from emergency care to an out-patient chest pain clinic: An observational study of referral source and final diagnosis. European Society of Cardiac Care, Acute Cardiovascular Care Association, London, Top Poster Award
Conferences/Posters presented
- Quirke M.B., Comiskey C., Brady A.M. (2014) Enhancing nurse-led research in clinical practice: A collaborative model. Tallaght Hospital Annual Research Conference November 2014
Helen FitzGerald
- Hospital: Tallaght University Hospital
- Current role: Advanced Nurse Practitioner Paediatric Diabetes
- Qualifications: RGN, RCN, RANP, MSc Paediatric Diabetes
- Name of TCPHI Research Project: Evaluating the effectiveness of a hospital based structured education programme for School staff caring for children with Type 1 Diabetes.
- Other members of the collaboration team: Dr Mary Quirke, Eleanor Hollywood, Martina Comerford, and Patricia O'Brien
Christina Lydon
- Hospital: Tallaght University Hospital
- Current role: Assistant Director of Nursing, Nurse Practice Development
- Qualifications: MSc. Nursing Education, MA Healthcare Mgt., Cert. Health Services Mgt., PG Dip. Operating Department Nursing, BSc (Hons) Nursing, Dip. General Nursing, RGN, RNT
- Name of TCPHI Research Project: Evaluation of Critical Care Outreach Services
- Other members of the collaboration team: Professor Anne-Marie Brady, Dr Gobnait Byrne, Dr Mary B. Quirke, Patricia Morrison, Siobhan Connors and Dr Maria Donnelly
Shaini Paul Mathew
- Hospital: Tallaght University Hospital
- Current role: ADON, Infection Prevention and Control Department
- Qualifications: Registered General Nurse, PG Dip Infection Prevention and Control, Master's in Nursing
- Name of TCPHI Research Project: Knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices of Healthcare Professionals on Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacterales (CPE)
- Other members of the collaboration team: Sarah Whoriskey (TUH), Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH) and Dr Margaret McCann (TCD)