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Information about Tallaght University Hospital


History of when collaboration began

In 2014, a research capacity-building programme partnership was established between Tallaght University Hospital (TUH) and the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery. A steering committee met regularly to oversee the collaboration. The Principal Investigator was Professor Catherine McCabe and the Research Fellow was Dr Karin O'Sullivan. This collaboration is no longer funded as of March 2022.

Tallaght University Hospital

Adult Services

Title: Models of Care for Cancer Patients in Active Treatment: a scoping review
Description: This scoping review will identify the models of care that exist in the literature for cancer patients in active treatment.
Collaborators: Dawn Whelan (TUH), Berneen Laycock (TUH), Margarita Corry (TCD), Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH)

Title: Supporting Student Nurse Resilience in the acute hospital setting
Description: This study aims to explore ways in which the transition from University to practice setting can be supported for nursing students in the Irish context.
Collaborators: Deepthi Chakkittakandy (TUH), Rachael O'Byrne-O'Reilly (TUH), Anna Smyth (TUH), Yvonne Counihan (TUH), Daire Ward (TUH), Fiona Hennessy (TUH), Elaine Brunton (TUH), Christina Lydon (TUH), Claire Donnellan (TCD), Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH)

Title: An evaluation of a Slaintecare Integrated community chest pain clinic (ICCPC)
Description: The aim of this evaluation is to explore patient satisfaction and experiences, patient discharge outcomes, and GP views of this new integrated community based clinic.
Collaborators: Shirley Ingram (ANP, TUH), Sharon O'Donnell (TCD), Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH)

Title: Patients perceptions and nurses views of the oncology services provided by the Dublin South Community Intervention Team (CIT) services
Description: This study is an evaluation of the oncology service being provided by the Dublin South Community Intervention Team.
Collaborators: Fiona O'Connor Power (ADPHN), Siobhan Beatty (RGN), Roisin Graham (CNM2), Neil Dunne (DPHN), Norma Riordan (ANP), Liz O'Connell (ANP), Gobnait Byrne (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD-SJH), Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH) 

Title: An evaluation of Critical Care Outreach services in an acute hospital setting
Description: Evaluation of the critical care outreach services in an Irish acute hospital setting
Collaborators: Christina Lydon, Anne Marie Brady, Siobhan Connors, Patricia Morrison, Anne Marie Barnes, Gobnait Byrne, Mary Quirke, Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH)

Title: Experiences and perceptions of emergency department nurses regarding people who present with mental health issues: a systematic review
Description: A JBI full systematic review that examines the experiences and perceptions of emergency department nurses regarding people who present with mental health issues
Collaborators: Mary Quirke, Christina Lydon, Grainne Donohue, Geraldine Prizeman, Patricia White, Eddie McCann, Karin O'Sullivan

Title: The effectiveness of an 8-week cardiac rehabilitation programme in improving quality of life in patients following a cardiac diagnosis
Description: A pre-post examination of the impact of attendance on an 8-week cardiac rehabilitation programme on health outcomes of patients with a cardiac diagnosis
Collaborators: Noeleen Fallon, Caroline Finn, Rose O’Mahoney, Gabrielle McKee, Mary Quirke

Title: The impact of a Cardiac rehab programme on patients with peripheral arterial disease
Description: A pre-post examination of the impact of attendance on an 8-week cardiac rehabilitation programme on health outcomes of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
Collaborators: Noeleen Fallon, Caroline Finn, Rose O’Mahoney, Vincent Maloney, Gabrielle McKee, Mary Quirke

Title: Polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) Antimicrobial Foam Dressing for the prevention of infection in patients with an external fixator, a quasi- experimental study
Description: The aim of this prospective quasi-experimental study is to investigate the use of PHMB antimicrobial foam dressings for the prevention of pin-site infections in patients with lower limb external fixators
Collaborators: Arlene North, Jean Stratton, David Moore, Margaret MacCann, Mary Quirke, Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH)

Title: Dry gauze or Inadine/Betadine tulle dressing for the prevention of infection in patients with an external fixator
Description: Retrospective chart review investigating the use of dry gauze or Inadine/betadine tulle dressings for the prevention of pin-site infections in patients with lower limb external fixators
Collaborators: Arlene North, Jean Stratton, David Moore, Margaret McCann, Mary Quirke, Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH)

Title: An evaluation of the development and implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS)
Description: An evaluation of LMS development and implementation in first adopter hospital site.
Collaborators: Shauna Ennis (TUH), Clodagh McLoughlin (TUH), Tom Martin (TUH), Tony Liston (HSE), Catherine McCabe (TCD), Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH)