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St. Patricks Mental Health Services


History of when collaboration began

In January 2019, a research capacity building partnership was established between St. Patricks Mental Health Services (SPMHS) Dublin and the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. Dr Gráinne Donohue and Dr Brian Keogh from the TCPHI lead the programme in partnership with the SPMHS Nurse Practice Development Team. A steering committee meet regularly to oversee the collaboration. Membership includes the Director of Nursing, a representative from Nursing Practice Development, along with the TCPHI researcher and Principal Investigator.


The partnership is being funded by St. Patrick's Mental Health Services.

Aim of the Partnership

The aim of the partnership is to enhance and develop the research skills and capacity of mental health nurses working in St. Patrick's Mental Health Services, in so doing improving service user care, service user outcomes and the implementation of evidence informed practice across the service.

Healthcare researchers

The initiative is led by Dr Gráinne Donohue and Dr Brian Keogh whose primary aim is to work closely with mental health nurses to foster and support research ideas, collaborations and activities to enhance service user care across the services.

Dr Brian Keogh


Title: Service-user evaluation of the Homecare Service
Collaborators: Shane Kirwan, Marie King, Aoife Farrington, Bernie Jennings, Caroline Doyle, Dr Brian Keogh, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: Mental Health Nurse experience of adaptation to practice during a global pandemic
Collaborators: Aoife Farrington, Marie King, Dr Edward McCann, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: Randomised breathalysing as an intervention to improve abstinence at an open addiction unit: A Pilot Study
Collaborators: Pelma McCullough, Dr Brian Keogh, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: Patient experience of transitioning from in-patient treatment for eating disorders to day care services
Collaborators: Toni O'Connor, Mary Needham, Leah Hargadon, Jean Morrissey, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: Service user experience of the use of physical restraint in acute settings
Collaborators: Lisa Douglas, Jean Morrissey, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: Mental Health Student Nurse Experiences of working in a child and adolescent eating disorder unit
Collaborators: Aoife Farrington, Sylvia Huntley-Moore, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: A year-long evaluation of people who leave in-patient care without informing staff
Collaborators: Adam Kavanagh, Jennifer Donnelly, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: Nurse perspectives on providing care to older people who receive ECT for severe depressive illness
Collaborators: Anita Lonergan, Dr Fiona Timmins, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: Mental Health Nurse experience of working with Adults with Child Sexual Abuse Histories
Collaborators: Caragh Kennedy, Dr Jean Morrissey, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: Nurse Leadership in Implementing Digital Change in a Mental Health Service
Collaborators: Shane Kirwan, Dr Brian Keogh, Dr Gráinne Donohue

Title: An evaluation of mental health nurse confidence in recognising a physically deteriorating patient
Collaborators: Marie King, Dr Brian Keogh, Dr Gráinne Donohue

St. Patrick's Mental Health Services

Conference Presentations

  • Kirwan, S. Cunningham, P. Creedon, J. Keogh, B, Donohue, G (2022) Nursing leadership in response to the COVID-19 crisis in an Irish independent mental health service TCD Conf, March 2022.
  • Kirwan, S, Farrington, A, Donohue, G. (2022) Mental health service users’ experiences of a virtual admission: Qualitative findings from an online evaluation, TCD Conf, March 2022.
  • Kirwan, S, Keogh, B, Doyle, C., Jennings, B, King, M., Farrington, A., Donohue, G. (2022) Service User Evaluation of Receiving Remote Inpatient Mental Health Treatment via the ‘Homecare Service’ TCD Conf, March 2022.
  • Donohue, G, Kirwan, S, Keogh, B (2022) Developing Research Capacity in Mental Health Nurses: the impact of a collaborative model between St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services and Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation. TCD Conf, March 2022.
  • Douglas, L., Donohue, G., & Morrissey, J. (2022). Patient Experience of Physical Restraint in the Acute Setting: A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Research Evidence. TCD Conf, March 2022.
  • Donohue, G, Kirwan, S, Keogh, B (2022) Developing Research Capacity in Mental Health Nurses: the impact of a collaborative model between St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services and Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation. All-Ireland Nursing Festival Sláintecare (March 2022)
  • Kirwan, S. (2022) ‘Receiving Remote Inpatient Mental Health Treatment via the ‘Homecare Service.’ Mental Health Reform, Brave New Connections - Good practice for remote mental health service provision, Jan 2022.

Journal Article (Peer Reviewed)

  • King, M., Farrington, A., Donohue, G. & McCann, E. (2021) Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health Nurses, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 1-8. Advance online publication. DOI
  • Douglas, L., Donohue, G. & Morrissey, J. (2021) Patient experience of Physical Restraint in the Acute setting: A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Research Evidence, Issues in Mental Health Nursing DOI
  • Kirwan, S., Cunningham, P., Donohue, G., Keogh, B. & Creedon, J. (2021) Nursing leadership in response to the COVID-19 crisis in an Irish independent Mental Health service, British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Vol. 10, No. 2. DOI

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Farrington, A., King, M., McCann, E., Donohue, G. 'Working with uncertainty' Mental health nurse experience of working through a global pandemic, TCD Conference, March 2021.
  • King, M., Farrington, A., McCann, E., Donohue, G. 'Mental Health Nurse Wellbeing during COVID-19: Results of Impact (of an event) and Anxiety scales', TCD Conference, March 2021.
  • Kirwan, S., Donohue, G. 'The establishment of the Nursing Physical Monitoring Report within an EHR to monitor clinical investigations of service users being treated in a mental health service', TCD Conference, March 2021.
  • Kirwan, S., Farrington, A., King, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, C., Jennings, B., Donohue, G. 'Service user experience of receiving remote inpatient mental health treatment via the Homecare service', TCD Conference, March 2021.
  • Walsh, V., Donohue, G. 'The Provision and Evaluation of Bereavement and Loss Education based on the Needs of Mental Health Nurses working within an Adolescent Inpatient Unit', TCD Conference, March 2021.
  • Farrington, A., King, M., McCann, E., Donohue, G. 'Working with uncertainty' Mental health nurse experience of working through a global pandemic, RCSi Conference February 2021.
  • King, M., Farrington, A., McCann, E., Donohue, G. 'Mental Health Nurse Wellbeing during COVID-19: Results of Impact (of an event) and Anxiety scales', RCSi Conference 2021.
  • Kirwan, S., Donohue, G. 'The establishment of the Nursing Physical Monitoring Report within an EHR to monitor clinical investigations of service users being treated in a mental health service', RCSi Conference February 2021.

Journal articles (Peer Reviewed)

  • Kirwan, S., Keogh, B. & Donohue, G. (2020) Nurse leadership in implementing digital change in an Irish mental health service, Mental Health Practice. DOI: 10.7748/mhp.2020.e1524
  • King, M., Keogh, B. & Donohue, G. (2020) Evaluating mental health nurses' confidence in recognising a physically deteriorating patient, Mental Health Practice. DOI
  • Kennedy, C., Morrissey, J. & Donohue, G. (2020) Mental health nurses' perceived preparedness to work with adults who have child sexual abuse histories. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. DOI
  • Lonergan, A., Timmins, F. & Donohue, G. (2020) Mental Health Nurse experiences of delivering care to severely depressed adults receiving electroconvulsive therapy. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. DOI
  • Donnelly, J., Kavanagh, A. & Donohue, G. (2020) Risky Business? A year-long study of adult voluntary admissions who leave psychiatric in-patient care without informing staff, Issues in Mental Health Nursing. DOI
  • Farrington, A., Huntley-Moore, S. & Donohue, G. (2020) ''I found it daunting'': An exploration of educational needs and experiences of mental health student nurses working with children and adolescents with eating disorders, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. DOI

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Farrington, A., Huntley-Moore, S. & Donohue, G. 'Mental Health Student Nurse Experiences of working in a child and adolescent eating disorder unit', Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020)
  • King, M., Keogh, B. & Donohue, G. 'Evaluation of Nurse Confidence in Recognising a Physically Deteriorating Patient', Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020)
  • Kirwan, S., Keogh, B. & Donohue, G. 'Going Live' Nurse Leadership in implementing Digital Change in an Irish Mental Health service, Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020)
  • Loneran, A., Timmins, F. & Donohue, G. Nursing Experiences of providing care for older adults receiving ECT treatment for severe depression. Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020)
  • Kennedy, C. & Morrissey, J. Mental Health Nurses' preparedness to work with adults who have child sexual abuse histories: A qualitative study. Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020)
  • Kirwan, S. & Donohue, G. The establishment of the Student Nurse Validation Report to capture student nurse entries that require validation in an Electronic Health Record environment. Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020)
  • Kirwan, S. & Keogh, B. 'Nurse Leadership in implementing digital health change in an Irish mental health service', RCSI conference, Dublin, February 2020
  • Farrington, A. & Huntley-Moore, S. 'Mental Health Student Nurse Experiences of working in a child and adolescent eating disorder unit', RCSI conference, Dublin, February 2020
  • King, M., Keogh, B. & Donohue, G. 'Evaluation of Nurse confidence in recognising a physically deteriorating patient', RCSI conference, Dublin, February 2020

Aoife Farrington

  • Hospital: St. Patrick's Mental Health Services
  • Current role: Clinical Placement Coordinator
  • Qualifications: Registered Psychiatric Nurse. BSc in Psychiatric Nursing, MSc in Child and Adolescent Mental Health in 2017
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: Student Mental Health Nurse experiences of working with adolescents with eating disorders.
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Dr Gráinne Donohue and Sylvia Huntley-Moore


Marie King

  • Hospital: St. Patrick's Mental Health Services
  • Current role: Student Allocations Liaison Nurse
  • Qualifications: MSc. Nursing (RNT), Bachelor in Nursing (Hons), Dip. Higher Education in Psychiatric Nursing
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: An evaluation of Psychiatric Nurse's confidence in recognising a physically deteriorating patient.
  • Description: Quantitative research evaluating confidence levels of a group of registered mental health nurses pre and post-delivery of an education session and prior to the implementation of the National Early Warning Score in their clinical area. The education component of the implemented NEWS was evaluated.
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Dr Brian Keogh and Dr Gráinne Donohue


Shane Kirwan

  • Hospital: St. Patrick's Mental Health Services
  • Current role: Nurse Practice Development Coordinator
  • Qualifications: MSc Healthcare Management, RCSI; MSc Nursing, Trinity College; Lean Green Belt in Healthcare Management, University of Kent; BSc Nursing, Trinity College Dublin; Diploma in Mental Health Nursing, Trinity College Dublin
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: Nurse Leadership in Implementing Digital Health Change in an Irish Mental Health Service
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Dr Gráinne Donohue and Dr Brian Keogh
  • Publications to date: Kirwan, S. (2016) 'A training needs analysis of mental health nurses knowledge and application of the Mental Health Act 2001 which will inform the development of education and training workshops across the hospital' [MSc Thesis] Dublin: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.