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Information about St James’s Hospital/TCPHI partnership

History of when collaboration began

In 2012, a partnership research capacity building program was established between St. James’s Hospital (SJH) and the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery. A steering committee meets regularly to oversee the collaboration. Members include, the Director of Nursing, representatives from Nursing Practice Development and the Centre for Learning and Development, along with the TCPHI researcher (Geraldine Prizeman, M.Litt, M.Soc.Sc. BA) and Principal Investigator (Professor Anne-Marie Brady). Link to article about the collaboration


Currently, this partnership is being funded by St. James's Hospital.

Healthcare researcher

The primary aim of the role of the researcher is to support and advance TCPHI-SJH collaborative research with the purpose of developing high-quality nurse-led research that improves practice and patient care. Geraldine Prizeman, M.Litt, M.Soc.Sc. BA

St James's Hospital

Title: Experience of Internship Nursing Students during the COVID-19 pandemic in a large teaching hospital in Ireland.
Description:  This study aims to explore the experiences of Internship Nursing Students in St. James's Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Collaborators: Val O'Brien (SJH), Ashitha Bhaskaran (SJH), Ambily Velyudhan (SJH), Archana Dsouza (SJH), Ciara Kelly (SJH), Anne-Marie Brady (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD).

Title: An exploration of new-graduate nurses transition experiences to adult critical care.
Description:  This study aims to explore the transition experiences of new-graduate nurses across the Republic of Ireland in adult critical care.
Collaborators: Beatriz Tejada (SJH), Deborah Gaffney (SJH), Ciara McHale (SJH), Gobnait Byrne (TCD), Catherine McCabe (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD), Sinead Gill (TUH), Bernie Gavin (TUH), Shauna Delaney (TUH), Lisa Dunne (TUH).

Title: Evaluation of the Palliative Care RANP role
Description:  To evaluate the role of the Palliative Care RANP role in SJH.
Collaborators: Rory Wilkinson (SJH), Dr Norma O'Leary (SJH), Dr Karie Dennehy (SJH), Anne-Marie Brady (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD)

Title: Scoping review on nursing configuration in medical oncology and haematology day unit settings
Description:  To prepare a scoping review which systematically identifies and describes the role of the nurse\healthcare assistant, the appropriate skill mix and to identify models used to determine appropriate staffing within Ambulatory Oncology Care Units (AOCU).
Collaborators: Norma O'Riordan (SJH), Emma Rowan (SJH), Ruth Hughes (SJH), Gobnait Byrne (TCD), Anne-Marie Brady (TCD), Fiona Murphy (TCD), Jessica Eustace-Cook (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD)

Title: Clinical presentation of COVID-19 between patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease/risk factors and those with no such history
Collaborators: Deirdre McGuone (SJH), Nicola Ferrand (SJH), Frances O'Brien (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD)

Title: mHealth Apps in the Management of Wound Care: a Scoping Review
Collaborators: Gráinne Vaughan, Gobnait Byrne, Jessica Eustace-Cook, Geraldine Prizeman

Title: Development of a Risk Reduction Patient Decision Aid Toolkit for Women with BRCA+ Gene Mutation
Collaborators: Yvonne Hanhauser (SJH), Niamh Byrne (SJH), Elizabeth Connolly (SJH), Anne-Marie Brady (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD), Amanda Drury (TCD), Sarah McGarrigle (TCD-SJH), Carol Spillane (TCD-SJH)
Funder: Irish Cancer Society

Title: The management of acutely unwell patients on chemotherapy, radiotherapy and post bone marrow
Description: The purpose of the current project is to inform future changes in patient care pathways by measuring current practice in SJH against a target set out by the NCCP in the National Cancer Strategy.
Collaborators: Maria Boyle (SJH), Anne-Marie Brady (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD)

Title: Experiences and perceptions of emergency department nurses regarding people who present with mental health issues: a systematic review protocol
Description:  This review is to identify, appraise and synthesize available evidence related to the experiences and perceptions of emergency department (ED) nurses regarding people with any mental health issue that present at the ED.
Collaborators: Mary B. Quirke (TCD), Gráinne Donohue (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD), Patricia White (TCD), Karin O'Sullivan (TCD), Christina Lydon (TUH), Edward McCann (TCD)

Title: Youths with asthma and their experiences of self-management education: a systematic review protocol of qualitative evidence: a qualitative systematic review
Description: A systematic literature review to identify, appraise and synthesize the available evidence related to the perceptions of self-management and educational interactions for adolescents and young adults with asthma.
Collaborators: Karen McTague, Stephen Shelly, Eddie McCann, Jessica Eustace-Cook, Geraldine Prizeman

Title: Evaluation of Project Oak: Implementation of Electronic Patient Record (EPR)in St James’s Hospital
Description: An evaluation of the EPR in SJH to understand the process of system design, development, implementation and issues of sustainability of the EPR in a major academic hospital and to make recommendations for a successful hospital information system implementation and contribute to organisational learning to inform the national digital strategy.
Collaborators: Miriam Roche, Anne-Marie Brady, Grainne Courtney, Kama Stokes, Geraldine Prizeman

St. James's Hospital

  • Title: Post Outpatient Ambulatory Care Varicose Veins Surgery Survey 
    Description: A survey to evaluate the care received by patients who had varicose vein surgery as an outpatient in the Veins unit of St. James’s Hospital.    
    Collaborators: Bernie Hannon, Sharon O’Donnell, Geraldine Prizeman

  • Title: Oncology Patients perceptions of Dublin South Community Intervention Team (CIT) services
    Collaborators: Fiona O'Connor Power (Dublin South CIT), Siobhan Beatty (Dublin South CIT), Neil Dunne (HSE - Public Health Nursing), Norma O' Riordan (SJH), Liz O'Connell (TUH), Heather Sloane (TUH), Dr Gobnait Byrne (TCD), Geraldine Prizeman (TCD-SJH), Dr Karin O'Sullivan (TCD-TUH) 

  • Title: An exploration of nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices associated with urinary incontinence among older people
    Description:  A mixed-methods study to explore knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices associated with the management of urinary incontinence in a care of the elderly setting. 
    Collaborators: Josephine Donlon, Claire O’ Carroll, Anna Ayton, Mary Bell, Cora O’Connor, Anne-Marie Brady, Geraldine Prizeman

  • Title: Development of a shared community identity in Hollybrook Lodge
    Description: A study to explore the meaning and experience of sense of community within residential settings for older adults.
    Collaborators: Miracline Samuel, Ciaran Murray, Louise Daly, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Title: Survey of bereaved relatives-VOICES MaJam Project 
    Description: A post-bereavement postal survey undertaken to determine the quality of end-of-life care in two large teaching hospitals, as perceived by bereaved relatives.
    Collaborators: Bettina Korn (SJH), Diarmuid Ó Coimín (Mater Hospital), Sarah Donnelly (UCD), Geralyn Hynes, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Title: Failure to Fail - A survey of preceptors: A cross-hospital project
    Description: A survey of preceptors, aimed at investigating the extent of failing to fail nursing students, identifying the main barriers to giving constructive feedback or failing students.
    Collaborators: Orla Nugent, Siobhan Part, Helen Fenn, Lisa Keane, Fiona Timmins, Caitriona Dennehy (Tallaght University Hospital), Christina Lydon (Tallaght University Hospital), Geraldine Prizeman
  • Title: 'Kindness' Project
    Initial exploration of potential to carry out a project to develop a hospital-wide 'Kindness' programme for patients and staff. Possibly using Appreciative Inquiry method.  
    Collaborators: Sharon Slattery (PI), representatives from all SJH departments, Geraldine Prizeman, Louise Daly and Patricia Cronin
  • Title: Piloting the 'MiKidney' Smartphone App
    A pre-post study exploring the impact of a Smart Phone Application called MiKidney that was developed by the Renal Department to assist patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) to self-manage their disease.
    Collaborators: Nuala Doyle, Mairead Murphy, Laura Brennan, Alice Waugh, Prof. George Mellotte, Margaret McCann, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Title: Evaluating the impact of a patient information leaflet on the public’s knowledge of sepsis: A pilot study
    A small quantitative project to evaluate the impact of a sepsis information leaflet on the public’s knowledge and awareness of sepsis. 
    Collaborators: Aoife Feeney, Catherine McCabe, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Title: An evaluation of recreational ward facilities for long stay in patients
     An exploratory quantitative project using a pre-test, post-test design to explore patients, visitors and staff recreation and comfort needs and preferences pre and post refurbishment of a store room in the ward.  
    Collaborators: Lorraine Dolan, Maria Kane, Fiona Timmins, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Evaluation of a Self-Management Programme (SMP) – a multidisciplinary rehabilitative programme for people with functional chronic pain
    Collaborators: Carmel Doyle, Lynn O’Connell, Patricia Duff, Dr Basabjit Das, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Observation of mealtime assistance at breakfast: a cross hospital project
    [in collaboration with Naas Hospital and Tallaght University Hospital]
    Collaborators: Julie O’Grady (SJH), Nora O’Mahony, Shauna Ennis, Patricia Cronin, Louise Daly, Margaret McCann, James Mulkerrins, Eimear Digan, Amanda Roberts, Geraldine Prizeman, Mary Quirke
  • Introducing a social work service to an established multi-disciplinary team
    Collaborators: Donna Stapleton, Maria Kane, Dr Anne-Marie McLaughlin, Geralyn Hynes, Geraldine Prizeman
  • An evaluation of the adoption of a quality management process, the St James’s Hospital Nursing Metrics Programme.
    Collaborators: Julie O’Grady, Miriam Roche, Anne-Marie Brady, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Implementation of an innovative intervention and evaluating its effectiveness: consolidated framework for implementation research.
    Collaborators: Paul Gallagher, Margaret Codd, Gabrielle McKee, Catherine Comiskey
  • Patient’s Perspective of self-testing international normalized ratio (INR): a cross-hospital project
    Collaborators: Anne Grogan, Niamh O’Connell, Nora O’Mahony, Katherine Quinn, Gabrielle McKee, Michael Coughlan, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Amikacin and hearing loss in patients with MDR TB
    Collaborators: Lorraine Dolan, Maria Kane, Dr Anne Marie McLauglin, Geraldine Prizeman
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
    Collaborators: Mary Keirns, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Orla Dempsey, Gabrielle McKee
  • Haemophilia carrier testing clinic patient satisfaction survey
    Collaborators: Eadaoin O'Shea, Gabrielle McKee, Michael Coughlan, Helen Corrigan
  • Tracheostomy safety 
    Collaborators: Joy Norton, Lucy Kielty, Margaret Codd, Anne Marie Brady, Helen Corrigan
  • Nurse led endoscopy
    Collaborators: Sharon Hough, Lucy Kielty, Patricia Cronin
  • Living with HIV and Hepatitis C Virus 
    Collaborators: Gillian Farrell, Catherine Comiskey
  • STEMI: Assessment to determine if unit is meeting international guideline times
    Collaborators: Michelle Lynch, Elizabeth Curtin, Lucy Blennerhassett, Sharon O’Donnell, Gabrielle McKee, Orla Dempsey
  • Patient controlled analgesia
    Collaborators: Deirdre O’Dowd, Helen Corrigan
  • What do cardiac patients hope to gain from a phase III cardiac rehabilitation program?
    Collaborators: Mary Kerins, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Orla Dempsey
  • Evaluation of febrile neutropenia risk assessment tool
    Collaborators: Catherine O’Brien, Orla Dempsey 
  • Evaluating the development and implementation of a standardised telephone triage service
    Collaborators: Amy Nolan, Norma Daly, Emma Rowan, Fiona Timmins, Orla Dempsey
  • An evaluation of patient outcomes following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
    Collaborators: Sinead Teehan, Gabrielle McKee, Orla Dempsey
  • Quality assurance audit of the nurse led ‘New persons’ HIV clinic 
    Collaborators: Sinead Murphy, Catherine Comiskey, Orla Dempsey
  • Xolair injection: Evaluating patient quality of life & cost benefit 
    Collaborators: Stephen Shelley, Colm Mac Donald, Anne Marie Brady, Orla Dempsey
  • Student evaluation of undergraduate nursing clinical education
    Collaborators: Grainne Nestor, Miriam Roche

St. James's Hospital

Journal Article

  • Hannon, B., Prizeman, G., Madhavan, P., O'Neill, S., Martin, Z., O'Callaghan, A., Colgan, MP., Canning, C. & O'Donnell, S. (2022) Ambulatory outpatient venous surgery service: an examination of patient satisfaction and experiences, Phlebology. DOI
  • O'Connor Power, F., Beatty, S., Dunne, N., O'Connell, L., O'Riordan, N., Sloane, H., Prizeman, G., O'Sullivan, K., Butler, É., Howlin, C. & Byrne, G. (2022) 'I'm not being serviced, I'm being cared for': A mixed methods study of patients' and nurses' perceptions of community oncology nursing delivered by a Community Intervention Team, European Journal of Oncology Nursing. DOI
  • McTague, K., Prizeman, G., Shelly, S., Eustace-Cook, J., & McCann, E. (2022). Youths with asthma and their experiences of self-management education: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 00, 1– 16.

Journal Articles (Peer reviewed)

  • McGarrigle, S.A., Prizeman, G., Spillane, C., Byrne, N., Drury, A., Mockler, D., Connolly, E.M., Brady, A-M. & Hanhauser, Y.P. (2021) Decision aids for female BRCA mutation carriers: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 11(7): e045075. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045075. PMID: 3425366; PMCID: PMC8276307.
  • Vaughan G, Prizeman G, Eustace-Cook J, Byrne G. Use of mHealth apps by nurses in the management of chronic wounds: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evid Synth. (2021) Mar 2;19(10): 2783-2789. DOI: 10.11124/JBIES-20-00401. PMID: 33651753
  • McGarrigle, S.A., Prizeman, G., Spillane, C., Byrne, N., Drury, A., Mockler, D., Connolly, E.M., Brady, A-M. & Hanhauser, Y.P. (2021) Decision aids for female BRCA mutation carriers: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 11(7): e045075. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045075. PMID: 3425366; PMCID: PMC8276307.

Conferences/Posters presented

  • O'Connor Power, F., Byrne, G., Howlin, C., Prizeman, G., O'Sullivan, K., Sloane, H., O'Connell, L., O'Riordan, N., Beatty, S. & Dunne, N. Oncology patients' perceptions of the oncology nursing service delivered by a community intervention team. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working'. March 2021 [oral presentation]

Journal articles (Peer reviewed)

  • Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Part, S., Dennehy, C., Fenn, H., Keane, L., Prizeman, G., Timmins, F. (2020) Who is failing who? A survey exploration of the barriers and enablers to accurate decision-making when nursing students' competence is below required standards, Nurse Education in Practice. Vol 45. April 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2020.102791

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Fortune, J., Stokes, K., Roche, M., Courtney, G., To, W.T., Prizeman, G. & Brady, A.M. Electronic Patient Record implementation in the Irish acute hospital setting: A qualitative evaluation. Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020) [Oral presentation]
  • McTague, K., Prizeman, G., Shelley, S., Eustace-Cook, J. & McCann, E. Youths with asthma and their experiences of self-management education: a qualitative systematic review protocol. Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020) [Poster presentation]
  • To, W.T., Roche, M., Stokes, K., Fortune, J., Courtney, G., Prizeman, G. & Brady, A.M. Evaluation of an electronic patient record system in an Irish hospital setting based on the DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model: An online survey. Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' (3rd - 5th March 2020) [Oral presentation]

Journal articles (Peer reviewed)

  • Ó'Coimín, D., Prizeman, G., Korn, B., Donnelly, S. & Hynes, G. (2019) Dying in acute hospitals: voices of bereaved relatives. BMC Palliat Care 18, 91 DOI
  • Quirke, M., Prizeman, G., Donohue, G., White, P. & Dr Edward McCann (TCD) (2019) Experiences and perceptions of emergency department nurses regarding people who present with mental health issues: a systematic review protocol, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports DOI
  • Dolan, L., Kane, M., Timmins, F., Prizeman, G. and Dempsey, O. (2019) A hospital recreation room quality improvement intervention, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. Vol 32 (4) pp.1-9 DOI
  • Doyle, N., Murphy, M., Brennan, L. Waugh, A., McCann, M., Prizeman G. & Mellotte, G.  (2019) The 'MiKidney' smartphone app pilot study: Empowering patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Journal of Renal Care DOI
  • McTague K, Prizeman G, Shelly S, Eustace-Cook J, McCann E. Youths with asthma and their experiences of self-management education: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep (2019) May; 17(5):675-681. DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003985. PMID: 31090651.

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Fortune, J., Stokes, K., Roche, M., Courtney, G., To, W.T., Prizeman, G. & Brady, A.M. (2019) Implementing electronic patient record in the Irish acute hospital setting: a qualitative study. Health Informatics Society of Ireland (HISI) (26th & 27th November 2019) [oral presentation]
  • To, W.T., Roche, M., Stokes, K., Fortune, J., Prizeman, G. & Brady, A.M. (2019) Evaluating an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system using the information system success model: An excerpt from an online survey. Health Informatics Society of Ireland (HISI) (26th & 27th November 2019) [poster presentation]
  • Donlon, J., Bell, M., O’ Carroll, C., O’ Connor, C., Ayton, A. and Prizeman, G. (2019) Developing a urinary continence care bundle in a care of the older person directorate in a teaching hospital. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (6th & 7th March 2019) [oral presentation]
  • Doyle, N., Murphy, M., Brennan, L. Waugh, A., McCann, M., Prizeman G.  (2019) MiKidney’: a pilot study of a smartphone app for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (6th & 7th March 2019) [oral presentation]
  • Feeney, A., McCabe, C. & Prizeman, G. (2019) Evaluating the impact of a patient information leaflet on the public’s knowledge of sepsis: A pilot study. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (6th & 7th March 2019) [poster presentation]
  • Feeney, A., McCabe, C. & Prizeman, G. (2019) Evaluating the impact of a patient information leaflet on the public’s knowledge of sepsis: A pilot study. St. James's Hospital 12th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit and Quality Improvement Seminar (30th May 2019) [poster presentation]
  • Hannon, B., O’Donnell & Prizeman, G. (2019) Out-Patient Ambulatory Venous Surgery Service: A Patient Satisfaction Survey. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (6th & 7th March 2019) [oral presentation]
  • Hannon, B., O’Donnell & Prizeman, G. (2019) Out-Patient Ambulatory Venous Surgery Service: A Patient Satisfaction Survey. St. James's Hospital 12th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit and Quality Improvement Seminar (30th May 2019) [poster presentation]
  • Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Part, S., Prizeman, G., Dennehy, C., Keane, L., Fenn, H, & Timmins, F., What impacts a preceptor’s decision to fail underperforming undergraduate nursing students? Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (6th & 7th March 2019) [oral presentation]

Journal articles (Peer reviewed)

  • Donnelly S, Prizeman G, Ó Coimín D, Korn B & Hynes, G (2018) Voices that Matter: End-of-life Care in Two Acute Hospitals. Care Experiences from the Perspective of Bereaved Relatives. BMC Palliative Care. Vol 17. [open access]

Journal articles (Non-peer reviewed)

  • Daly, D. and Das, B. (2018) Non-specific lower back pain. The Medical Independent [March 2018]
  • Stapleton, D., Kane, Hynes, G. & Prizeman, G (2018) Introducing a Social Work Service to an Established Multi-disciplinary Team: Lessons from a Hospital-led TB Care Programme. Irish Association of Social Workers Journal

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Hannon, B., O’Donnell, S., and Prizeman, G. Patient Satisfaction with an Out-Patient Ambulatory Venous Surgery Service. Abstract submitted for Vascular conference in Glasgow, November 2018 [Oral Presentation]
  • Donlon, J., Bell, M., O’ Carroll, C., O’ Connor, C., Ayton, A. and Prizeman, G. Developing a urinary continence care bundle in a care of the older person setting. NMPDU 5th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Regional Conference, 13th September 2018 [Poster Presentation]
  • Doyle. N. MiKidney: A smartphone app empowering patients with CKD. Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation Research Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, 21st May 2018 [Oral Presentation]
  • Korn, B. Survey of Bereaved Relatives: VOICES MaJam. Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation Research Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, 21st May 2018 [Oral Presentation]
  • Korn, B., Ó Coimín, D., Prizeman, G., Donnelly, S., Hynes, G., Codd, M. & Curran, M. (2018) Dying in an acute hospital - care experiences from the perspective of bereaved relatives: Findings from the Survey of Bereaved Relatives VOICES Majam. 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November 9th-10th, 2016
  • Donlon, J., Bell, M., O’ Carroll, C., O’ Connor, C., Ayton, A. and Prizeman, G. Developing a urinary continence care bundle in a care of the older person setting. St. James's Hospital 11th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 16th May 2018 [Oral Presentation]
  • Donlon, J., Bell, M., O’ Carroll, C., O’ Connor, C., Ayton, A. and Prizeman, G. Developing a urinary continence care bundle in a care of the older person setting. St. James's Hospital 11th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 16th May 2018 [Poster Presentation]
  • Doyle, C. and Prizeman G.  A pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Chronic Pain Self-Management programme – three months post completing the programme.  St. James's Hospital 11th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 16th May 2018 [Moderated Poster Presentation]
  • Prizeman, G., Cronin, P., Baby, B., Daly, L. Dreelin, B., Ennis, S., Keogh, S., McCann, M., O’Grady, J., O’Shea, R., Quirke, M., Regi, C. & Roberts, A. Observation of Mealtime Assistance at Breakfast: A cross-hospital project. St. James's Hospital 11th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 16th May 2018 [Poster Presentation]
  • Prizeman, G. TCPHI: Research collaboration with St. James’s Hospital.  Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation Research Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, 21st May 2018 [Oral Presentation]
  • Quirke M. B., Donohue, G., Prizeman, G., Roberts, A., Brady, A.M., & McCabe, C. (2017) Building capacity for nurse-led research and service improvement: A collaborative model to build research support and infrastructure for nursing staff. St. James's Hospital 11th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 16th May 2018 [Poster Presentation]
  • Brennan, L. Doyle, N., Murphy, M., Waugh, A., McCann, M. & Prizeman G. (2018) Empowering patients with chronic kidney disease: development & pilot study of the “MiKidney” smartphone app. Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI) research symposium. 25th January 2018 [Moderated Poster]
  • Prizeman, G., Coimín, D., Korn, B., Curran, M., Codd, M., Donnelly, S. & Hynes G., A survey of bereaved Relatives: Voices MaJam. Sphere 4th Annual SPHeRE Conference, Dublin, Ireland. 11th January 2018 [Poster Presentation]
  • Cronin, P., Prizeman, G., Baby, B., Daly, L. Dreelin, B., Ennis, S., Keogh, S., McCann, M., O’Grady, J., O’Shea, R., Quirke, M., Regi, C. & Roberts, A. (2018) Observation of Mealtime Assistance at Breakfast: A cross-hospital project. Presented to the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group, Dublin 8th January 2018 [Oral Presentation]

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

  • Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., Prizeman, G., O'Mahony, N., Quinn, K., O'Connell, N & McKee, G. The patients' perspective of INR self-testing, remote communication of test results and confidence to move to self-management, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 2017, p4379 - 4389
  • McKee, G., Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., Prizeman, G.  O'Mahony, N., Quinn K. and O'Connell, N.  Patient taking Warfarin perspective of moving from self-testing to self-management, European Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing, EuroHeartCare Jonkoping19-20 May 2017. 16, (S1), Sage, 2017, ppS14 (Published Abstract)
  • McKee, G., Codd, M., Dempsey, O., Gallagher, P. & Comiskey, C. Describing the implementation of an innovative intervention and evaluating its effectiveness in increasing research capacity of advanced clinical nurses: Using the consolidated framework for implementation research, BMC Nursing, 16, (1), 2017, p21-
    DOI: 10.1186/s12912-017-0214-6
  • McKee, G., Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., Prizeman, G., O’Connell, N., O’Mahony, N. & Quinn, K. Patient taking Warfarin perspective of moving from self-testing to self-management.   Moderated poster at Euroheartcare, Jonkoping Sweden:  17-20th May (GMK to present) 
  • McKee, G., Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., Prizeman, G., O’Connell, N., O’Mahony, N. & Quinn, K. The patients' perspective of anticoagulation prothrombin time self-testing.   Poster at the Europrevent conference 6th to the 8th April 2017, Malaga Spain
  • Timmins, F., Cassidy, S., Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Part, S., Keane, L., Dennehy, C., Fenn, H., Prizeman, G., Murphy, F. & Coffey. M (2017) Reluctance to fail nursing students in practice – implications for nurse managers (Editorial) Journal of Nursing Management. Vol 25(7), pp.489-490

Articles (non-peer reviewed)

  • O’Grady, J., Roche, M. Brady, AM. and Prizeman, G. (2017) Core values of nursing care. World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery. Vol 25(1). February 2017
  • Roberts, A., Donohue, G., Prizeman, G. & Quirke, M. Building research capacity in hospital-based nurses: A collaborative research model. NMPDU Newsletter. April 2017

Published Reports

  • Ó Coimín D., Korn B., Prizeman G., Donnelly S., Hynes G., Curran M., Codd M. Survey of Bereaved Relatives: VOICES MaJam. Dublin: Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and St. James’s Hospital; 2017

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Donlon, J., Bell, M., O’Carroll, C., O’Connor, C., Ayton, A., & Prizeman G. Exploration of Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices associated with Urinary Incontinence among Older People. Poster presentation, RCSI 36th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research & Education Conference. March 2017
  • Donlon, J., Bell, M., O’Carroll, C., O’Connor, C., Ayton, A., & Prizeman G. An Exploration of Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices associated with Urinary Incontinence among Older People. Poster Presentation.  10th Annual Multi – Disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 2017. Dublin, Ireland, 11th May 2017
  • Donoghue, G., Roberts, A., Quirke, M. & Prizeman, G. (2017) Building Capacity for Mental Health Research & Service Improvement: A collaborative model to build research support, networks and infrastructure to enable mental health nursing leaders to lead clinically relevant research. Poster presentation. Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing (IIMHN) conference. 19th May 2017
  • Doyle, N., MiKidney’: a pilot study of a self-management smartphone app for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Oral Presentation. ENRICH Conference, Beaumount Hospital, Dublin Ireland. 13th December 2017 [GP presented]
  • Doyle, N., Murphy, M., Waugh, A., Brennan, L., McCann, M & Prizeman G., Empowering patients with chronic kidney disease: The ‘MiKidney’ smartphone app- A pilot study. Poster Presentation. 10th Annual Multi – Disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 2017. Dublin, Ireland, 11th May 2017
  • Korn, B, Ó Coimín, D, Prizeman, G, Donnelly, S, Hynes, G, Codd, Margaret & Curran, M. Dying in an acute hospital – care experiences from the perspective of bereaved relatives: Findings from the Survey of Bereaved Relatives VOICES MaJam. Irish Thoracic Society Annual Scientific Meeting. November 2017
  • McKee, G., Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., Prizeman, G., O’Connell, N., O’Mahony, N. & Quinn, K.  Patients on Warfarin therapy perspective of self-testing of INR (International normalised ratio). Poster Presentation.  10th Annual Multi – Disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 2017. Dublin, Ireland, 11th May 2017
  • McKee, G., Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., Prizeman, G., O’Connell, N., O’Mahony, N. & Quinn, K Patients’ perspectives of self-testing when using anticoagulant therapy. International Conference for Integrated Care (ICIC) Conference 2017
  • McKee, G., Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., Prizeman, G., O’Connell, N., O’Mahony, N. & Quinn, K. Patient taking Warfarin perspective of moving from self-testing to self-management.   Moderated poster at Euroheartcare, Jonkoping Sweden:  17-20th May 2017 (GMK to present) 
  • Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Timmins, F., Part, S., Keane, L., Prizeman, G., Dennehy, C. & Fenn, H. Failure to Fail: Factors that support and prevent preceptors failing a student on clinical placement.  Oral presentation, RCSI 36th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research & Education Conference. March 2017
  • Ó Coimín, D., Korn, B., Prizeman, G., Donnelly, S., Hynes, g., Codd, M. and Curran, M. (2017) End of life care in two academic adult hospitals. Care experiences from the perspective of bereaved relatives - voices that matter. Age and Aging. Volume 46 Supplement 3 (65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society-September 2017. (Published Abstract)
  • Ó Coimín D., Korn B., Prizeman G., Donnelly S., Hynes G., Curran M., Codd. End of Life Care in Two Academic Adult Hospitals. Care Experiences from the Perspective of Bereaved Relatives-Voices that Matter. Oral Presentation. The Irish Gerontological Society 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting. September 2017
  • Prizeman, G., Donohue, G., Quirke, MB., McCabe, C. A collaborative research model, fostering research capacity to enable nurse leaders to use evidence-based research for quality improvement in the clinical setting. Oral Presentation. ENRICH Conference, Beaumount Hospital, Dublin Ireland. 13th December 2017
  • Quirke M. B., Donohue, G., Prizeman, G., Roberts, A., Brady, A.M., & McCabe, C. (2017) Building capacity for nurse-led research and service improvement: A collaborative model to build research support and infrastructure for nursing staff. Poster Presentation. 17th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, University College Cork, November 2017
  • Timmins, F., Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Part, S., Keane, L., Prizeman, G., Dennehy, C. & Fenn, H. Failure to Fail: Factors that support and prevent preceptors failing a student on clinical placement.  Oral & poster presentation. 10th Annual Multi – Disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 2017. Dublin, Ireland, 11th May 2017
  • Timmins, F., Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Part, S., Keane, L., Prizeman, G., Dennehy, C. & Fenn, H. Failure to Fail: Factors that support and prevent preceptors failing a student on clinical placement.  Poster presentation. NMPDU conference 2017. Dublin, Ireland, 14th September 2017
  • Timmins, F., Nugent, O., Lydon, C., Part, S., Keane, L., Prizeman, G., Dennehy, C. & Fenn, H. Failure to Fail: Factors that support and prevent preceptors failing a student on clinical placement. Poster presentation for the RCN International Nursing Research Conference April 2017


Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Kerins M., McKee G. Prizeman G.  ‘Changes in risk factor profile of patients attending cardiac rehabilitation over the last 10 years’. Euroheartcare Athens April 15-16th   2016, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, April 2016; 15 (Suppl 1) S60, P159 (moderated poster)
  • O’Coimin D., Korn B., Prizeman G., Codd M., Curran M., Hynes G., Donnelly S., & Fahey T.  ‘Voices that matter - Bereaved Relatives and their experience of care’. Poster presentation. The European Association of Palliative Care 9th World Research Congress (Dublin 9-11 June 2016).
    O’Grady, J (2016) ‘Demonstrating improvement in Quality Standards through continuous audit’. Inaugural National Office of Clinical Audit Conference (NOCA) (Dublin 18th May 2016)’
  • O’Grady J., Roche M., Brady AM, Prizeman G. (2016) ‘Evaluation of the adoption of a quality improvement innovation in a large teaching hospital’. Oral presentation, 35th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research & Education Conference, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (Thursday 3rd March 2016). 
  • Prizeman, G., O'Coimín, D., Korn, B., Codd, M., Curran, M., Hynes, G., Donnelly, S. & Fahey, T. 'Voices that matter - Bereaved Relatives and their experience of care'. Poster presentation. 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November 9th-10th, 2016
  • Roche M., O’Grady J., Brady AM, Prizeman G. (2016b). ‘Validation that Care, Commitment & Compassion are Important Values in Nursing Care: Patients’ Perceptions and Expectations’. Poster presentation, ‘Reaffirming the values of nursing and midwifery' conference (Farmleigh 3rd June 2016).
  • Roche M., O’Grady J., Brady AM, Prizeman G. (2016) ‘Patients’ Perceptions and Expectations of Nursing Care in a Large Dublin Academic Teaching Hospital’. Poster presentation, 8th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar SJH (May 2016).
  • Roche M., O’Grady J., Brady AM, Prizeman G. (2016) ‘Patients’ Perceptions and Expectations of Nursing Care in a Large Dublin Academic Teaching Hospital’. Poster presentation, 35th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research & Education Conference, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (Thursday 3rd March 2016). 
  • Stapleton D., Kane M., Hynes G., Prizeman G., Dempsey O., McDonald C., McLaughlin AM. & Keane J.  (2016) ‘Introducing a Social Work Service to an Established Multi-disciplinary Team: Lessons from a Hospital-led TB Care Programme’. Oral presentation at the SCOPE research and innovation seminar (1st March 2016).

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

  • Fallon, N., Keirns, M., McKee, G. and Prizeman G. (2015) Achieving blood pressure and LDL targets in cardiac rehabilitation centres in Ireland: how well are we meeting European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention recommendations. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Vol 14: S105-S105 (June 2015)

Journal Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

  • Teehan S., McKee G., Dempsey O. (2015) Management of severe aortic stenosis. World of Irish Nursing. Dec 2014/Jan2015 Volume 22, 10,  (non-peer reviewed)

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Dolan L., Kane M., Timmons F., Dempsey O.  & Prizeman G. (2015) ‘Exploring the Need for and Evaluation of the Development of a Patients Room for Recreational Usage’. Poster Presentation, 8th Annual Multi-Disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar, SJH (1st May 2015).
  • Fallon N., Kerins M., McKee G., Charles S., Finn C., Hannon B., Newton H., Stephenson J., Prizeman G. (2014) ‘Achieving Blood Pressure and LDL targets in Cardiac Rehabilitation centres in Ireland: how well are we meeting European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease prevention recommendations?’ Poster Presentation (2nd Prize). Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Meeting 2015, Hilton Hotel Kilmainham, Dublin (28th February 2015).
  • Fallon N., Kerins M., McKee G., Charles S., Finn C., Hannon B., Newton H., Stephenson J., Prizeman G. (2014) ‘Achieving Blood Pressure and LDL targets in Cardiac Rehabilitation centres in Ireland’. Poster presentation (1st Prize). INCA (Irish Nurses Cardiac Association) Spring Scientific Meeting 2015, Bewley’s Hotel Leopardstown, Dublin (March 21st 2015). 
  • Stapleton D., Kane M., Hynes G., Prizeman G., Dempsey O., McDonald C., McLaughlin AM. & Keane J.  (2015) ‘Defining the social needs of Tuberculosis patients and the requirement for an outpatient Social Work service in St. James's Hospital’. Poster Presentation, ITS Annual Scientific Meeting, Radisson Hotel, Cork 14th November 2015
  • Stapleton D., Kane M., Hynes G., Prizeman G., Dempsey O., McDonald C., McLaughlin AM. & Keane J. (2015)  ‘Defining the social needs of Tuberculosis patients and the requirement for an outpatient Social Work service in St. James’s Hospital’. Poster Presentation at the IPL Health & Social Care Interprofessional Learning Conference, Dublin Castle, October 6th, 2015
  • Stapleton D., Kane M., Hynes G., Prizeman G., Dempsey O., McDonald C., McLaughlin AM. & Keane J. (2015) ‘Defining the social needs of Tuberculosis patients and the requirement for an outpatient Social Work service in St. James’s Hospital’. Oral Presentation, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November 4th-5th, 2015

Journal Articles (peer reviewed)

  • Farrell G. and Comiskey C., (2014) Dualities of Living with HIV/HCV Co-Infection: Patients’ Perspectives from Those who are Ineligible for or Nonresponsive to Treatment. Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care. Vol. 25 (1) pp.9-22. January/February 2014
  • O’Brien C., Fogarty E., Walsh C., Dempsey O., Barry M., Kennedy M.J. and McCullagh I. (2014) “The cost of the inpatient management of febrile neutropenia in cancer patients – a micro-costing study in the Irish healthcare setting”. European Journal of Cancer Care. Vol 24 (1) pp.125-132
  • O’Brien C., Dempsey O. and Kennedy M.J. (2014) “Febrile neutropenia risk assessment tool: Improving clinical outcomes for oncology patients”.  European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Vol.18 (2). pp.167-174

Journal Articles (Non-peer reviewed)

  • Fealy G., Casey M. Brady A-M., Hegarty J., O'Reilly P., Kennedy C., Prizeman G. & Rhode D. (2014) ‘An evaluation of the scope of practice framework. Dublin : NMBI

Conferences/Posters presented

  • Ayton A. & Curtis E.A. (2013) A Mixed Methods Study to Explore Nursing Care of the Older Person with Dementia and the Influence of Nurses’ Attitudes and the Environment of Care. Presentation at 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway. 15-16th April 2013
  • Daly, N., Nolan, A., Rowan, E., & Dempsey, O. (2013) Ensuring patient safety by standardising telephone triage in the haematology oncology setting, St James’s Hospital 6th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar, 14th May 2013, Dublin.
  • Daly, N., Nolan, A., Rowan, E., & Dempsey, O. (2013) Ensuring patient safety by standardising telephone triage in the haematology oncology setting, 39th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, London, UK, 7th – 10th April 2013. 
  • Dempsey O, Comiskey, C., McKee, G., Gallagher, P., Codd M., Deegan, C., O’Grady, J., Nestor, G. & Roche, M (2013). Developing and evaluating an innovation to enhance nurse led practice based research, 32nd Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education: Nursing in times of Austerity, RCSI, Dublin, 20th – 21st February 2013. 
  • Dempsey - Poster Presentation - RCN 2013 International Nursing Research Conference, Belfast, March 2013
  • Gallagher, P., Comiskey, C., McKee, G., Dempsey, O., Codd, M., Deegan, C. & O’Grady, J. (2013) An innovation to enhance research capacity and output in clinical practice among senior nursing professionals in a hospital setting, 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference 2013 Health, Wellbeing and  Innovation, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 5th – 7th November 2013.
  • Gallagher, P., Comiskey, C., McKee, G., Dempsey, O., Codd, M., Deegan, C. & O’Grady, J. (2013) An innovation to enhance research capacity and output in clinical practice among senior nursing professionals in a hospital setting, RCN 2013 International nursing conference, Belfast, UK, 20th – 22nd March 2013.
  • Kerins, M., Fitzgerald, G. & Dempsey O. (2013) What do cardiac patients hope to gain from a phase III cardiac rehabilitation programme? Euro Heart Care: Annual Congress of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, Glasgow, Scotland, 22nd – 23rd March 2013.
  • Murphy, S., Dempsey, O., Comiskey, C., Parker, J.G. & Farrell, G. (2013) A quality assurance audit of nurse led clinic in HIV at a GUIDE department, 32nd Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education: Nursing in times of Austerity, RCSI, Dublin, 20th – 21st February 2013.
  • Nolan, A., Daly, N., Rowan, E., & Dempsey, O. (2013) Telephone Triage, Irish Association for Nurses in Oncology: Optimal outcomes for patients with cancer: The role of cancer nursing, Dublin, 20th, April2013.
  • Nolan, A., Daly, N., Rowan, E. & Dempsey, O. (2013) Enhancing patient safety and quality of care by standardising telephone triage in the haematology Oncology setting, ISQua 30th International Conference, Quality and Safety in Population Health and Healthcare, 13-16th October 2013, Edinburgh.
  • O’Brien, C., Dempsey, O., Kennedy, J. & Corrigan, H. (2013) Reducing the risk of infection in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, 32nd Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education: Nursing in times of Austerity, RCSI, Dublin, 20th – 21st February 2013.
  • Shelley, S. Dempsey, O., Kennedy, R., Davis, P., Korn, B., Nyambe, N., Kane, M., McDonald, C., Brady, AM., Fahy, R., O’Donnell, R. (2013) The impact of Omalizumab on health care utilisation and subjective assessment in severe allergic asthmatics, the Irish Thoracic Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013, The Millennium Forum, 15-16th November 2013 Derry.

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

  • Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., O’Mahony, B. & McKee, G. (2012) The development of a patient partnership programme and its impact on quality improvements in a comprehensive haemophilia care service. Haemophilia, 18(6); 875-880.
  • Mc Donald N., Corrigan S., Morrison, R. & Leva C. (2012) Achieving Impact through Human Factors Research, Irish Journal of Psychology, 33 (2-3) pp.122-128
  • Norton, J., Kielty, L., Corrigan, H., Brady, AM., Noonan, C., Mac Donagh, J., Dowds, J., Gilchriest, D., Farrelly, A. & Hanley, S. (2012) Nurses' knowledge and standards of tracheostomy safety. Journal of Medical Safety.
  • O’ Neill, J. Kiely, L. Codd, M. Brady, A-M (2012) Tracheostomy safety programme in Ireland Journal of Medical Safety p39-50.
  • O'Shea, E., McKee, G., Coughlan, M. & Corrigan, H. (2012) Evaluation of a nurse led haemophilia service. British Journal of Nursing, 21(14); 864-866.

Papers (non-peer reviewed)

  • Dempsey, O. & Comiskey, C. (2012) Predicting treatment location: Modelling the geographic spread of drug use. Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy: Proceedings of International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research and Therapy, Las Vegas, USA, 20th-22nd August,3:4, p120.
  • Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., O' Mahony, B., McKee, G. (2012) The Development of a Patient Partnership Programme and its impact on Haemophilia, International Congress of the World Federation of Haemophilia, Paris, 8-12 June 2012, 18, (Supp3), pp8
  • Hough, S., Cronin, P. & Kielty, L. (2012) Advanced role in colorectal screening. World of Irish Nursing, 20(1); 27-28.

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Ayton A. & Curtis E.A. (2012). Nursing Care of Older Persons with Dementia: A Review of the Literature. Poster Presentation at the 12th Annual Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork. 9th November 2012
  • Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., O’ Mahony, B. & McKee, G. (2012) Development of a model of quality evaluation and improvement within a haemophilia service: moving from patient involvement through patient participation to patient partnership. Haematology Association of Ireland Annual Conference (Nurses and AHP’s forum), 19-21st Oct 2012, Cork. (Winner of ‘The Gillian Lamrock Award’ for Best Oral Presentation).
  • Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., O’ Mahony, B. & McKee, G. (2012) Development of a model of quality improvement within a national comprehensive care centre utilising patient participation, 8th International Organisational Behaviour in Healthcare Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 15th -17th May 2012, Dublin.
  • Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., O’ Mahony, B. & McKee, G. (July 2012) Development of a model of quality evaluation and improvement within a haemophilia service: moving from patient involvement through patient participation to patient partnership. World Federation of Haemophilia, World Congress, July 8-12th  2012, Paris.
  • Lynch, M., Curtin, E., Blennerhasset, L., Crean, P. & McMahon, G. (2012) Reperfusion times in patients with AMI in an overcrowded emergency department, Irish Cardiac Society Meeting 2012, October 2012, Kildare.
  • Mc Kee, G., Comiskey, C., Dempsey, O., Gallagher, G., Codd, M., Kielty, L. & Deegan, C. (2012). Evaluating an initiative to develop and enhance the research capacity of nurses in practice. CARN/IPDC Conference 2012: Towards Creative Action: Transformations and Collaborations in Practice, Ashton, Kent. 23-25 November 2012.
  • Nolan, A., Daly, N., Rowan, E., & Dempsey, O. (2012) Development of Haematology Oncology Telephone Triage System Guidelines, St James Hospital Audit Day, 17th May 2012, Dublin.
  • Nolan, A., Daly, N., Rowan, E., & Dempsey, O. (2012) Nurse Leadership: Enhancing patient safety by standardising telephone triage in the Haematology Oncology setting, HAI 2012, 19th 21st October, Cork.
  • Norton, J., Kielty, L., Corrigan, H., Brady, A., Noonan, C., Mac Donagh, J., Dowds, J., Gilchriest, D., Farrelly, A. & Hanley, S. (2012) Nurses' knowledge and standards of tracheostomy safety, RCSI 31st Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2012, 22nd – 23rd February 2012, Dublin.
  • Norton, J., Kielty, L., Corrigan, H., Brady, AM., Noonan, C., Mac Donagh, J., Dowds, J., Gilchriest, D., Farrelly, A. & Hanley, S. (2012) Nurses’ knowledge and standards of tracheostomy care since the introduction of a tracheostomy safety programme. World Congress - Union of Risk Management for Preventive Medicine 2012, September 2012, London.
  • O’Brien C., Corrigan, H., Dempsey, O. & Kennedy, J. (2012) Evaluation of the effectiveness of a nurse-led risk assessment tool to reduce the incidence of febrile neutropenia in adult cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference (AIRC): Optimising Health in the 21st Century, 7-8th November 2012, Dublin.
  • O’Brien C., Corrigan, H., Dempsey, O. & Kennedy, J. (2012) Is it worth the risk? HAI 2012, 19th 21st October, Cork.
  • O’Brien C., Corrigan, H., Dempsey, O. & Kennedy, J. (2012) Is it worth the risk? St James’s Hospital 5th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar, 17th May 2012, Dublin.
  • O’Brien C., Corrigan, H., Dempsey, O. & Kennedy, J. (2012) Is it worth the risk? The Irish Research Nurses Conference, RCSI, 22nd November 2012, Dublin.
  • O’Neill, J. Kielty, L. Codd, M. Brady, A-M, Corrigan, H. , Nurses knowledge and standards of tracheostomy safety, 31st Annual Conference, Nursing and Midwifery Practice in a Global Community: Collaborating and Networking for the Future, RSCI Dublin, 22 & 23 Feb 2012 , 2012, pp109
  • O’ Neill, J., Kielty, L. Codd, M. Brady, A-M , Nurses' Knowledge and Standards of Tracheostomy Care Since the Introduction of a Tracheostomy Safety Programme, Journal of Medical Safety, World Congress of Union of Risk Management for Preventive Medicine 2012, London, University of London, Sept 8-9th 2012
  • Teehan, S., McKee, G. & Dempsey, O. (2012) An evaluation of patient outcomes following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI). 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference (AIRC): Optimising Health in the 21st Century, 7-8th November 2012, Dublin.


  • Grogan, A., Coughlan, M., O’ Mahony, B. & McKee, G. (2011) Development of a model of quality evaluation and improvement within a haemophilia service: moving from patient involvement through patient participation to patient partnership. UK Haemophilia Nurses Association (HNA) Annual Meeting, Manchester.

Conferences/Posters Presented

  • O'Shea, E., McKee, G., Coughlan, M. & Corrigan, H. (2011) Client satisfaction with a nurse led carrier testing clinic and counselling service, St James’s Hospital 4th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar, 19th May 2011, Dublin.

Ashitha Bhaskaran

  • Hospital: St. James's Hospital
  • Current role: Clinical Placement Coordinator
  • Qualifications: Masters in Neuro Nursing, Foundations in Critical Care Nursing, PG Cert in Human Resource Management, BSc Nursing.
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: The Experience of Internship Nursing Students during the COVID-19 pandemic in a large teaching hospital in Ireland: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Val O'Brien (Principal Investigator), Ambily Velayudhan, Archana Dsouza, Ciara Kelly
  • Research Interests: Critical Care Nursing, Neuro Nursing, Nursing Education, Practice Innovation
  • Publications to date:
    • The impact of 'Introduction to Nursing Programme (ITNP)' in influencing career choice and attitude towards Nursing among Transition Year Students: An Interventional pre- post study. Presented in St. James's Hospital Nursing Conference 2021, themed 'Rising Strong'
    • Case Study Based Reflective Sessions: An Evaluation from the student's perspective. Oral presentation in 39th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education Conference, RCSI Dublin, 2020. Research Poster presentation on Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020.


Archana D'Souza

  • Hospital/Service provider: St. James's Hospital
  • Current role: Education and Training Co-ordinator, Mercers Institute of Successful Ageing
  • Qualifications: Masters in Gerontological Nursing, BSc Degree Management, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Certificate Module (Micro-credential)
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: The experience of internship nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic in a large teaching hospital in Ireland: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Val O'Brien (Principal Investigator), Ambily Velayudhan, Ciara Kelly, Ashitha Bhaskaran and Aoife Moran
  • Research Interests: Geriatric Nursing, Restrictive Practices in Care of the Older Adult, Nursing Education, Social isolation and Older Adult.
  • Presentation: A Qualitative Study of Nurses' Views and Experiences on Use of Restraint and Alternative Treatment to Restraint in Dementia (Oral presentation, 2020)


Nicola Farrand

  • Hospital: St. James's Hospital
  • Current role: cANP Emergency Cardiology
  • Qualifications: BSc Nursing (General), PG Dip Emergency Nursing, MSc Specialist Nursing (Emergency), Nurse Prescribing of medicinal products, ACLS Instructor.
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: Clinical presentation of patients with COVID-19 with cardiovascular disease.
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Deirdre McGuone, Geraldine Prizeman, Dr Frances O'Brien.
  • Research Interests: Cardiology, COVID-19 and CVD, Accelerated diagnostic chest pain pathway audit, clinical audit, STEMI audit, Acute Coronary Syndromes, Resuscitation.
  • Presentations to date:
    • Nurses experiences of breaking bad news following sudden death (dissertation)
    • ACLS basics, ECG interpretation (foundation course ED and instructor on ACLS provider and heartcode courses)
    • Acute Coronary Syndromes: Management and recognition in the ED (Foundation course)
    • CT Coronary Angiogram Clinical Audit (prospective data collection)
    • Brugada in the ED (poster presentation to Irish Cardiovascular Nurses Association)


Deirdre McGuone

  • Hospital: St. James's Hospital
  • Current role: Advanced Nurse Practitioner Emergency Cardiology
  • Qualifications: RANP Emergency Cardiology, NP of medicinal products and ionising radiation, MSc in Clinical Practice, PGD Emergency Nursing, BNS, DNS.
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: Clinical presentation of patients with COVID-19 and cardiovascular disease.
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Nicola Farrand, Geraldine Prizeman, Dr Frances O'Brien
  • Research Interests: Emergency Cardiology Nursing, COVID-19 and CVD, Evaluation and development of new accelerated diagnostic cardiac pathways.
  • Publications:
    • Case presentation and winner of the award of Excellence in Cardiovascular Care at the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals, Dubrovnik, Croatia
    • IAEM Poster presentation STEMI Door to balloon times
    • INCA Case presentation Atypical ACS
    • TCD ANP and nurse prescribing Hypertension presentation
    • TCD ANP module cardiovascular presentation on Advanced Physical Assessment


Karen McTague

  • Location: School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD
  • Current role: Clinical Nurse Tutor
  • Qualifications: RCN, RGN, BSc, PG Dip, MSc
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: JBI Systematic Review: Youths with asthma and their experiences of self-management education: a qualitative systematic review.
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Geraldine Prizeman, Stephen Shelley, Dr Edward McCann and Jessica Eustace-Cook.
  • Interests: Child and Adolescent health, care transition and health education.


Julie O'Grady

  • Hospital: St. James's Hospital
  • Current role: Director, Learning and Development (Interim)
  • Qualifications: MSc. (Health Services Management), B.N.S. (Bachelor of Nursing Studies), R.G.N., Dip Health Services Management, PG Dip Healthcare Innovation
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: Nutrition, Nursing Metrics
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Dr Patricia Cronin, Professor Anne-Marie Brady, Ms Miriam Roche
  • Publication to date: The co-design, implementation and evaluation of a serious board game 'Play Decide patient safety' to educate junior doctors about patient safety and the importance of reporting safety concerns.
  • Specific clinical or research interests: Research, Quality, Audit, Quality Improvement and all things nursing!


Beatriz Tejada Rios

  • Hospital: St. James's Hospital
  • Current role: Clinical Nurse Facilitator
  • Qualifications: P. Dip. Intensive Care Nursing, Trinity College Dublin, Masters in Dialysis, University Complutense (Madrid)
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: TCD-SJH-TUH Critical Care Nursing Research Group
  • Clinical or Research Interests: Critical Care Nursing, Intensive Care, Nursing Education, Healthcare Innovation.


Ambily Velayudhan

  • Hospital/Service provider: St. James's Hospital
  • Current role: Clinical Placement Coordinator
  • Qualifications: Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Leadership (RCSI), BSc Degree in Nursing (Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala India)
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: The experiences of internship students during COVID 19 pandemic in a large teaching hospital in Ireland: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Val O'Brien (Principal Investigator), Ashitha Bhaskaran, Archana Dsouza, Ciara Kelly
  • Research interests: Nursing education, Nurse Practice Development, Quality Improvement projects, Practice Innovation
  • Publications/presentations to date: Presentation on Role and Responsibilities of Link Nurses in Delivering Quality Care at Link Nurse Programme in St. James's Hospital.