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The workplace integration of Indian Migrant Nurses in the Irish Healthcare setting: The quantitative phase of a mixed methods study

Online recruitment throughout the Republic of Ireland

Are you a nurse of Indian origin, who received initial nurse registration education in India and has worked in Ireland as a registered nurse for more than nine months?

If your answer is Yes then would you like to take part in an online anonymous survey devised by Trinity College Dublin? 

The survey will take 15 minutes to complete.

This survey is part of a research study to be carried out by researcher Barry McBrien, PhD candidate, from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. Before you decide whether or not you wish to take part, you should read the information provided on these pages carefully. Take time to read the information and don’t feel rushed or under pressure to make a quick decision to participate or not. You should understand any risks or benefits of taking part in this study so that you can make a decision that is right for you. You may wish to discuss it with your colleagues.

Participant Information Leaflet


Barry McBrien

PhD candidate

This leaflet has five main parts:

  • Part 1 – The Study
  • Part 2 – Data Protection
  • Part 3 – Costs, Funding and Approval
  • Part 4 – Future Research
  • Part 5 – Further Information

The research team are as follows: Mr. Barry McBrien, Dr Gobnait Byrne (TCD), Dr Frances O’ Brien, Dr Shoba Rani-Shetty

View Barry Mc Brien's Research Profile

Why is this study being done?

The aim of the study is to measure the workplace integration of Indian migrant nurses working in the Irish health care setting and to identify the factors that facilitate or impede Indian migrant nurses’ workplace integration.

Why have I been invited to take part?

You are being asked to take part because you are an Indian migrant nurse who has obtained initial nurse education and registration in India and has been working as a nurse in the Irish healthcare setting for more than nine months.

Do I have to take part? What happens if I say no? Can I withdraw?

It is important to note that:

  • Participation is voluntary and you do not have to take part.
  • If you decide not to consent, this decision will have no impact on your work or future in the Irish healthcare setting
  • This is an online survey and once you give consent you can proceed with participation in the survey
  • If you stop the survey after several questions, your responses will not be included in the study
  • You can exit the survey before submitting your responses at the end of the survey and your responses will not be included
  • If you decide to complete the online survey, please be aware that we will not be able to delete your survey feedback, as the survey is anonymous, and it will not be possible to identify your survey from any other participant’s.

    How will the study be carried out?

    The study involves an online survey. A questionnaire has been developed in Qualtrics, an approved company for conducting online surveys used by TCD that is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant and provides a secure, encrypted service for the transfer of data that keeps your data safe. All data transmitted to the Qualtrics platform are encrypted using the industry standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.

    Anonymise Response’ in Survey Options has been enabled so that no location or internet protocol (IP) information is collected.

    As data will be encrypted, your identity cannot be tracked or traced. Thus, confidentiality is guaranteed as data will be returned anonymously. You will be asked to tick your consent to participate in the online survey prior to commencing same.

    You are requested not to provide any information in your responses that might, directly or indirectly, identify any other individual, in order to protect their rights.

    What will happen if I decide to take part?

    If after reading this information leaflet, you are interested in participating, you can proceed to the survey by activating the QR code which leads to the online Consent box.

    If you confirm that you meet the study’s eligibility criteria (i.e. that you are an Indian migrant nurse who has obtained initial nurse education and registration in India and has been working as a nurse in the Irish healthcare setting for more than nine months) and if you actively tick to indicate your consent, you will then proceed to the online survey. If at any stage you decide not to continue with the survey and abandon it, the previously entered data will not be stored.

    Are there any benefits to me or others if I take part in the study?

    There are no direct benefits to you, but the findings from the study will be analysed to understand the workplace integration experience of Indian migrant nurses working in the Irish healthcare setting and from this to identify what facilitates or hinders workplace integration which may lead to methods to improve the workplace integration process.

    Are there any risks to me or others if I take part in the study?

    This is a low-risk study. Data will be processed in a way that is necessary to achieve the objectives of this study and will not be processed in a way that damage or distress will be caused to the participant. If you have any concerns about this study, you are welcome to contact me, Barry McBrien, at In the event you require support the HSE Employee Assistance programme (contactable at 0818 327 327) offers employees access to six free confidential counselling sessions. Other sources of confidential support include: Grow (mental health support and recovery) Freephone - 1890 474 474, Online - HSE (mental health support) Freephone - 1800 111 888, Online - The Samaritans (all Ireland mental and emotional support) Freephone - 116 123, online - Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) Phone - (01) 5470510, Online –

    What are my rights?

    Participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You may exit the survey at any time. However, once the survey is complete and submitted it will not be possible to retract your data as the survey is anonymous.

    Will I be told the outcome of the study?

    The results of this study will be reported in nursing / midwifery /medical / scientific journals and presented at academic conferences.

    What information about me (personal data) will be collected as part of this study?

    No personal data will be collected. This is an anonymous survey and thus it will not be possible to identify individuals from the information collected.

    What will happen to my data, access to data and how will my data be kept safe?

    No personal data is required from you. All data entered into the survey is entered anonymously. The anonymous data will be downloaded from Qualtrics and saved on a password protected computer to a secure project folder on the School of Nursing and Midwifery research server in Trinity College Dublin. Once saved to the TCD server, the data will be deleted from Qualtrics. The only individuals who will have access to the raw anonymous data will be myself, Barry McBrien, Dr Gobnait Byrne, Dr Frances O’ Brien and Dr Shoba Rani-Shetty.

    In line with the School of Nursing and Midwifery Ethics Research Committee (SNMREC) guidelines, data will be kept on the secure, encrypted, TCD server for a maximum of three years after publication of study results after which they will be destroyed. No third parties will have access to the data.

    Because no personal or identifiable information is being collected or processed, there is no risk of your identity being disclosed or a data breach occurring. The principal investigator, Barry McBrien, will follow Trinity College Dublin’s Data Protection Breaches procedures that comply with GDPR. A risk assessment has been carried out and the project has been identified as low risk. The principal investigator, Barry McBrien, has successfully completed training in data protection law and practice.


    Please click here or scan the QR code to access the survey: