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Intellectual Disability Services collaboration with TCPHI

History of when collaboration began

In August 2018, a partnership research capacity building program was established between Muiríosa Foundation, Peamount Healthcare, Stewarts Care Ltd. and the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery. A steering committee has been established and will meet regularly to oversee the collaboration.  Members include in all three sites, the Director of Nursing (DON), a representative from Nursing Practice Development (NPD), along with the TCPHI researcher (Dr Julia Louw) and Principal Investigator (Dr Carmel Doyle).

Steering Committee members by name are: Stewarts Care Ltd. – Ms Maria Kavanagh (Interim/ Acting DON); Peamount Healthcare – Ms Joan Guinan-Menton (DON) and Ms Jo Curran (Nurse Practice Development Coordinator - ADON/ NPDC); Muiriosa Foundation – Ms Shiela O’Neill (DON) and Ms Dorothy Hanly (NPDC).


Currently, this partnership is being funded by the Nursing Midwifery Planning and Development Unit (NMPDU).

Healthcare researcher

The project aims to enhance and develop the research skills and output of nurses in each of the three sites and in so doing improve service user care, outcomes and the implementation of evidence informed practice across the service. The primary aim of the role of the researcher is to support and advance collaborative research with Muiríosa Foundation, Peamount Healthcare and Stewarts Care Ltd. with the purpose of developing high-quality nurse-led research that improves practice and individual care. (Dr Julia Louw - BA Honours Psychology, MA Research Psychology, PhD Rehabilitation Counsellor Education).

Examples of projects

Starter projects have been identified in the area of service user experience of palliative care and the impact of this service on nursing staff, the role of the registered nurse intellectual disability (RNID) in healthcare working with individuals with intellectual disabilities and outcomes of family connectedness for older individuals in the intellectual disability service. A range of starter projects have been discussed in the area of quality of life of service users and the development of end of life care plans that include a person-centred approach. Additionally, a cross collaborative project has been identified focussing on 'Accessibility of multi-disciplinary services of individuals with intellectual disabilities'.

Title: Exploring experiences of the nursing team working in a residential care facility for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Description: A qualitative study to understand the views and experiences of nursing staff working in residential care settings during the pandemic.
Collaborators: Mary Doyle (Peamount Healthcare), Margarita Corry (TCD), Julia Louw (TCD)

Title: Exploring staff views on End-of-Life care services for adults with Intellectual Disabilities.
Collaborators: Joan Guinan-Menton, Jency John, Rita Leamy (Peamount Healthcare), Mary Doyle, Sandra Fleming (TCD), Carmel Doyle (TCD), Julia Louw (TCD)

Title: Administration of Blended food via PEG in Stewarts School Policy
Collaborators: Maria Kavanagh, Amanda Shovelin, Laura Lowd (Stewarts Care Ltd), Carmel Doyle (TCD), Julia Louw (TCD)

Title: Exploring/ Investigating access/ accessibility to specific healthcare services for individuals with intellectual disabilities: Specific healthcare services in relation to - access to - GPs; Psychiatry/ Mental Health; Dental services and Public Health Nurses (PHNs)
Collaborators: Fintan Sheerin (TCD), Joan Guinan-Menton (Peamount Healthcare), Sheila O'Neill (Muiríosa Foundation), Maria Kavanagh (Stewarts Care Ltd), Carmel Doyle (TCD), Julia Louw (TCD)

Title: Parents and health professionals' experiences and perceptions of blended feeding in tube fed children: JBI Systematic Review
Collaborators: Carmel Doyle (TCD), Julia Louw (TCD), Amanda Shovelin (Stewarts Care Ltd), Jessica Eustace-Cook (TCD)

Title: Unique contributions of a nursing team in older person's rehabilitation
Collaborators: Mary Doyle, Ruby Varghhebe, Aoife Jordan (Peamount Healthcare), Margarita Corry (TCD), Carmel Doyle (TCD), Julia Louw (TCD)

Title: Assessment of barriers to the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine through a peer-to-peer vaccination program within an Intellectual Disability setting
Collaborators: Eva Whelan, Maria Kavanagh, Julia Louw, Carmel Doyle


Peer Reviewed Jornal Articles

  • Doyle, C., Louw, J., Shovlin, A., Dowd, L., & Kavanagh, M. (2024). Blended feeding in gastrostomy‐fed children—A scoping review. Child: Care, Health and Development50(1), e13222. DOI


Peer Review Conference/Poster Presented

  • Whelan, E., Doyle, C., Louw J. (2023) Assessment of barriers to the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine through a peer-to-peer (P2P) vaccination program within an Intellectual Disability setting. IPC Conference, Croke Park, Dublin. May 19th 2023  
  •   Doyle C., Dowd L., Shovelin A., Kavanagh M., Louw J. , Adopting blended feeding with gastrostomy fed children- a scoping review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023, Dublin, 8th March, 2023Notes: [ (recordings available)] 

Peer Review Journal Articles

  • Doyle, M., Louw, J.S., Corry, M. (2022) Exploring experiences of the nursing team working in a residential care facility for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. (Manuscript in preparation for submission end of July 2022)
  • Doyle, C., Shovlin, A., Dowd, L., Kavanagh, M., Louw, J.S. (2022) Blended feeding in gastrostomy fed children - a scoping review. Submitted to Journal of Child Care, health and development.

Peer Review Conference/Poster Presented

  • Doyle, M., Louw, J.S., Corry, M. (2022) Lessons learned following COVID-19: Planning for future infectious outbreaks in a residential care setting. IGS 69th Annual & Scientific meeting, Irish Gerontology Society, 3-4 November 2022, Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan - (Submitted Oral presentation)

Peer Review Journal Article

  • Doyle, C., Louw, J.S., Shovlin, A., Flynn, M., Eustace-Cook, J. & Quirke, M. Parents and health professionals' experiences and perceptions of blended feeding in tube fed children - A qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18 (0), 2021, p 1-8. DOI

Peer Review Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Whelan, E., Kavanagh, M., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C. (2021) Assessment of barriers to the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine through a peer-to-peer vaccination program within an Intellectual Disability setting. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference - THEconf2021: 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world' 9-11 March 2021, TCD, Dublin - (Oral presentation)
  • Doyle, M. (2021) Reablement Programme - adapting a service to provide direct access to short-stay inpatient rehabilitation for community dwelling older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference - THEconf2021: 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world' 9-11 March 2021, TCD, Dublin - (Oral presentation)
  • Shovlin, A., Flynn, M., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C. (2021) Bespoke Nurse Led policy development - Blended diet for enteral feeding for children with complex health needs. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference - THEconf2021: 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world' 9-11 March 2021, TCD, Dublin - (Poster presentation)

Peer Review Journal Articles

  • Shovlin, A., Flynn, M., Louw, J. & Doyle, C. (2020) Implementing blended feeding for children with intellectual disabilities in a school environment, Learning Disability Practice. DOI
  • Boyle, S.J. & Doyle, C. (2020) Challenges experienced by paid carers providing palliative care to adults with intellectual disabilities, Learning Disability Practice. DOI

Peer Review Conferences/Posters Presented

  • Boyle, S.J. & Doyle, C. (2020) Exploring the Challenges experienced by paid carers when providing palliative care to adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated Healthcare: Devloping person-centred health systems'. 3-5 March 2020, TCD, Dublin [Poster presentation]
  • Doyle, M., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C. (2020) A person-centred service approach: Lessons learnt from Case Studies in Older Adult with Intellectual Disability End of Life Care. Inaugural Celebration of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Dublin South, Kildare & Wicklow on 30th January 2020, in the Education Centre, Peamount Hospital (Oral presentation)
  • Colgan, A., Forde, F., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C. (2020) A Case Study: Reducing Restrictive Practice through assessment and environmental changes. Inaugural Celebration of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Dublin South, Kildare & Wicklow on 30th January 2020, in the Education Centre, Peamount Hospital [Poster presentation]
  • Leigh, M (2020) Supporting Individuals who have an Intellectual Disability to live in their Community throughout their Life,s Journey Living with Dementia. Inaugural Celebration of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Dublin South, Kildare & Wicklow on 30th January 2020, in the Education Centre, Peamount Hospital (Oral presentation)
  • Leigh, M., Doyle, C., Louw, J.S. (2020) Lessons learnt from a case study supporting end-of-life care of individuals with intellectual disability living with dementia. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated Healthcare: Devloping person-centred health systems'. 3-5 March 2020, TCD, Dublin - Peer Review poster presentation - Muiríosa Foundation
  • Shovlin, A., Flynn, M., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C. (2020) Blended food administered to children via gastrostomy button within the school setting. 10th Annual CHI Nursing Research Conference, Tuesday, 31st March 2020. Tallaght Hospital
  • White, P., Donohue, G., Louw, J.S., Prizeman, G. & Quirke, M. (2020) Building bridges between clinical practice research: Experiences of 'boundary spanners'. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated Healthcare: Devloping person-centred health systems'. 3-5 March 2020, TCD, Dublin [Oral presentation]

Peer Review Journal Article

  • Sheerin, F., Wuytack, F., Eustace-Cook, J. & Doyle, C. (2019) Medication management in intellectual disability settings: A systematic review. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. DOI

Peer Review Conferences/Posters Presented
  • Byrne, K., Doyle, C., Louw, J.S. & George, S. (2019) Examining health assessments in relation to cardiovascular health conditions for people with intellectual disabilities. Nursing and Midwifery Conference, 12th September, 2019, Clayton Hotel Dublin, Liffey Valley, Dublin 22
  • Byrne, K., Doyle, C., Louw, J.S. & George, S. (2019) Examining health assessments in relation to cardiovascular health conditions for people with intellectual disabilities. Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing Symposium: Developing Nursing Capacity, Capability & Nursing Leadership - Advancing the Role, 16th October, Ashling Hotel, Dublin
  • Colgan, A., Louw, J.S. & Doyle, C. (2019) Effectiveness of video prompting in the acquisition of functional skills of adults with developmental disability. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, 6th and 7th March, 2019, Trinity College Dublin. (Poster presentation)
  • Colgan, A., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C. & Ging, D. (2019) Effectiveness of video prompting in the acquisition of functional skills of adults with developmental disability. Nursing and Midwifery Conference, 12th September 2019, Clayton Hotel Dublin, Liffey Valley, Dublin 22
  • Fenlon, A., Doyle, C. & Louw, J.S. (2019) Developing appropriate guidelines for a person-centred service for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disability (ID). Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing Symposium: Developing Nursing Capacity Capability & Nursing Leadership - Advancing the Role, 16th October, Ashling Hotel, Dublin
  • Flannery, F. (2019) Registered Nurses in Intellectual Disabilities (RNID) experiences and perceptions of their role in supporting people with intellectual disabilities to transition from congregated settings to homes in their community. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, 6th and 7th March, 2019, Trinity College Dublin. (Poster presentation)
  • Flannery, F. & Doyle, C. (2019) Experiences and perceptions of Registered Nurses in Intellectual Disabilities (RNID) with regards to their role in supporting people with intellectual disabilities to transition from congregated settings to homes in their community. Nursing and Midwifery Conference, 12th September, 2019, Clayton Hotel Dublin, Liffey Valley, Dublin 22
  • Flynn, M., Shovlin, A., Doyle, C. & Louw, J. (2019) Developing a Policy Document for Liquidised Feeding in Children with a Gastrostomy Tube. Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing Symposium: Developing Nursing Capacity Capability & Nursing Leadership - Advancing the Role, 16th October, Ashling Hotel, Dublin. Poster awarded First prize!
  • Keane, S., Louw, J.S. & Doyle, C. (2019) Setting-up an Outreach Clinic to manage Epilepsy in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing Symposium: Developing Nursing Capacity Capability & Nursing Leadership - Advancing the Role, 16th October, Ashling Hotel, Dublin
  • Leigh, M. (2019) Designing a framework for an ideal community environment for individuals with intellectual disabilities with dementia. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, 6th and 7th March, 2019, Trinity College Dublin. (Poster presentation)
  • Leigh, M. (2019) Developing a framework for individualised care for individuals with intellectual disabilities with dementia. The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) Annual Delegates Conference (ADC), 8th, 9th and 10th May 2019, Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim, County Meath

Mary Doyle

  • Hospital/Service provider: Peamount Healthcare
  • Current role: Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
  • Qualifications: Higher Diploma in Gerontology, Post-graduate Diploma in Advanced Practice, MSc. Dementia.
  • Name of TCPHI Research Projects:
  • Title: Exploring experiences of the nursing team working in a residential care facility for older adults during COVID-19
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Dr Margarita Corry (Assistant Professor), Dr Julia Louw (Research Fellow)
  • Title: Unique contribution of the nursing team in older person rehabilitation: A systematic review.
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Selecty Varaghase (CNS), Aoife Jordan (CNMII), Ruby Varaghase (CNMII), Dr Margarita Corry (Assistant Professor), Dr Julia Louw (Research Fellow)
  • Presentations to date:
    • Doyle, M. (2021) Reablement Programme - adapting a service to provide direct access to short-stay inpatient rehabilitation for community dwelling older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world' 9-11 March 2021, TCD, Dublin (Accepted oral presentation)
    • Doyle, M., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C. (2020) A person-centred service approach: Lessons learnt from Case Studies in Older Adult with Intellectual Disability End of Life Care. Inaugural Celebration of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Dublin South, Kildare & Wicklow on 30th January 2020, in the Education centre, Peamount Hospital (Peer review oral presentation)


Martina Leigh

  • Hospital/Service provider: Muiríosa Foundation
  • Current role: Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
  • Qualifications: Certificate in Intellectual Disability (ID) Nursing, Diploma in Gerontological Nursing, MSc in Nursing ID Ageing Related Care, Post-graduate Diploma in Dementia Care, cANP in Dementia Assessment and ID, Post-graduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing Practice.
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Dr Julia Louw (Research Fellow), Dr Carmel Doyle (Assistant Professor)
  • Presentations to date:
    • Leigh, M., Doyle, C., Louw, J.S. (2020) Lessons learnt from a case study supporting end-of-life care of individuals with intellectual disability living with dementia. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems', 3-5 March 2020, TCD, Dublin (Peer reviewed poster presentation)
    • Leigh, M. (2020) Supporting individuals who have an intellectual disability to live in their community throughout their life's journey living with dementia. Inaugural celebration of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Dublin South, Kildare & Wicklow on 30th January 2020, in the Education centre, Peamount Hospital (Peer review oral presentation)
    • Leigh, M. (2019) Developing a framework for individualised care for individuals with intellectual disabilities with dementia. The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) Annual Delegates Conference (ADC), 8th, 9th & 10th May 2019, Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim, County Meath (Peer review poster presentation)
    • Leigh, M. (2019) Designing a framework for an ideal community environment for individuals with intellectual disabilities with dementia. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, 6th & 7th March 2019, Trinity College Dublin (Peer review poster presentation)


Eva Whelan

  • Hospital/Service provider: Stewarts Care Ltd
  • Current role: (Acting NPDU/Clinical Nurse Specialist in Infection Prevention and Control (CNS IPC)
  • Qualifications: RNID, RGN, HDip Children's Nursing, PG Diploma in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), MSc IPC (2020 - 2021)
  • Name of TCPHI Research Project: Assessment of barriers to the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine through a peer-to-peer vaccination program within an intellectual disability setting.
  • Other members of the collaboration team: Ms Maria Kavanagh (DON), Dr Julia Louw (Research Fellow), Dr Carmel Doyle (Assistant Professor)
  • Publications/presentations to date: Whelan, E., Kavanagh, M., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C. (2021) Assessment of barriers to the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine through a peer-to-peer vaccination program within an Intellectual Disability setting. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world' 9-11 March 2021, TCD, Dublin - (Accepted oral presentation)