Women’s Health After Motherhood
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
Funded by EIT Health (https://www.eithealth.eu/campus)
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The MAMMI study team are delighted to announce our partnership with the University of Barcelona in developing the Women’s Health After Motherhood (WHAM) Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), funded by EIT (European Institute for Innovation and Technology) Health (https://www.eithealth.eu/campus).
What’s it about?
The course, due to be launched in October 2019, will contain four, one-hour long modules, that will be delivered over four weeks. It will provide information on common health problems that may arise following birth in areas such as mental health, anxiety and depression, physical health and pain, urinary and anal incontinence, pelvic floor muscle exercises, and sexual health. It will result in the development of a suite of resources and services available to women to manage and seek help for their own health.
The purpose of this course is to enable women to recognise what is, or is not, normal in these areas, and help them to identify when additional professional help may be needed. Our goal is to enable women to apply strategies to improve their own healthcare by addressing self-management health strategies and lifestyle interventions.
Why develop a Massive Open Online Course on maternal health?
From the data collected with the MAMMI study (http://www.mammi.ie/), we know that many first-time mothers experience a range of preventable and treatable health issues that negatively affect their physical and mental health when left untreated.
We also know that women feel alone with what they perceive as embarrassing or even ‘normal’ health problems. Women tell us that they are not asked by, and do not ask, health care professionals about these health issues, and they struggle to find reliable resources and information about maternal health post-partum.
What’s the purpose of the WHAM-MOOC?
Our goal is to bridge the gaps in women’s knowledge about maternal health, to break the silence which surrounds these issues and isolates women in their experiences, to enable women to self-assess their health and needs, and to empower them to take action and seek professional assistance where needed.
To ensure that this WHAM MOOC is as woman and mother friendly as possible, all content will be co-designed and co-created in collaboration with members of our Public Participation in research Initiative (PPI) and MAMMI participants as a whole.
Our intention is to have the content of the WHAM MOOC driven by women's lived experiences of motherhood and maternal health services.