PhD Global Health

A map of the world
Course Title PhD Global Health
Qualification PhD Public Health and Primary Care/PhD Psychology
Next Intake PhD applications are being considered per the procedures outlined under Admissions    

"The PhD in Global Health brings early-stage researchers from a range of disciplines and nationalities together to discuss, debate, and collaborate on pressing issues in global health. While working towards their independent research projects, our PhD students have the opportunity to work, socialise, and learn alongside other doctoral candidates in the Centre."  

Dr Frédérique Vallieres
Course Director
P: +353 1 896 2130

Dr Felicity Daly - PhD Public Health and Primary Care
Global Health|
P: +353 1 896 4177

Dr Kristin Hadfield - PhD Psychology
Global Mental Health | Child & Adolescent Mental Health & Wellbeing
P: +353 1 896 4178

Dr Frédérique Vallieres - PhD Psychology
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Settings | Psychological Trauma | Health Systems Strengthening | Human Resources for Global Mental Health
P: +353 1 896 2130

Dr Meg Ryan - PhD Public Health and Primary Care or PhD Psychology
Global Mental Health | Reproductive Justice | Gender-Based Violence |Psychotraumatology |Counselling Psychology & Psychotherapy
P: +353 1 896 2764

The PhD in Global Health (formerly INDIGO) programme aims to provide promising early career researchers with a world-class experience and scholarship. A four-year, full-time programme with a flexible structure, the PhD Global Health aims to produce leaders in global health research, policy, and practice. Typical for our doctoral candidates is to spend a considerable portion of their doctoral degree conducting research as part of ongoing global health and global mental health projects, in collaboration with one of our many national and international partners. Students who successfully complete their PhD will receive either a PhD Psychology or PhD Public Health and Primary Care, dependent on their supervisor.

The following outlines the major milestones of the PhD process, the timing of which may vary depending on the individual candidate and their respective research requirements:

Key Activities and Milestone











PhD Research Seminar          
Finalise Research Protocol          
Ethical Approval Obtained          
Continuation Viva          
Data Collection          
Data Analysis          
Thesis Write-up          
Thesis Submission          
Viva Voce          

In addition to their own research obligations, doctoral researchers are expected to attend and participate in the TCGH's weekly research seminars, held every Tuesday during lunch time.

By the end of their doctoral training, students gain first-hand knowledge and experience of conducting practical research in one or more of the following principal research areas: (1) Global Mental Health; (2) Health Systems Strengthening; (3) Human Resources for Health, and (4) Equitable Access to Inclusive Health.

By working closely with their supervisors, mentor panels, TCGH partners, and fellow doctoral researchers, our PhD students emerge from the programme confident in their ability to independently design and conduct global health research. Students also have the opportunity to avail of career development opportunities by getting involved with the following TCGH activities:

    • Research grant writing and submission to funding bodies
    • Academic writing and publication
    • Critical thinking and conceptual framing of international development work
    • Conducting research in resource-constrained settings and/or with vulnerable populations
    • Post-graduate teaching and co-supervision through engagement with BA or MSc programmes

We are currently reviewing applications for doctoral theses that are related to the following research topics:

  • Global Health (Supervisor: Dr Felicity Daly) - Supervisor for PhD Public Health and Primary Care
  • Child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing; resilience; randomised controlled trials; parent-child relations; refugee youth and families; climate change (Supervisor: Dr Kristin Hadfield) - Supervisor for PhD Psychology
  • Global mental health; social determinants of mental health; sexual reproductive health and rights, LGBTQIA+ health and mental health, gender-based violence, (Supervisor Dr Meg Ryan) - Supervisor for PhDs in Psychology or Public Health and Primary Care
  • Global mental health; global health and international development; psychological responses to trauma; human resources for health and task-sharing models of health service delivery; health system strengthening, (Supervisor: Dr Frédérique Vallières) - Supervisor for PhD Psychology

Please note that, unless otherwise indicated, there is currently no funding available for PhD posts, so candidates must be self-funded or have secured their own bursaries. That said, the opportunity to apply for a Trinity Postgraduate Research Award is available to those who have secured a place on the programme. When reaching out to potential supervisors, please provide information on whether you have secured funding for your tuition fees and stipend and, if not, what funding you would intend to apply for in order to support yourself while conducting the PhD. Note also that proposed PhD projects should be consistent with the funding available; if you have not already secured funding to support conducting the research itself, your research proposal should be for a research project which could be conducted at no or relatively low cost.

Admission to the PhD Global Health programme at Trinity College Dublin is highly competitive. Applicants must possess a strong academic record, international research experience, and a keen interest in global health research. Admission to the programme takes place in three stages. 

Stage 1: To be considered for a position on the course, candidates must submit ALL of the following documents to relevant supervisor via email at least 3 months before September 1st or March 1st registration deadlines:

  • Personal statement
  • Updated curriculum vitae
  • Research concept cote outlining the candidate’s proposed research
  • Copy of the candidate’s academic record(s)

Stage 2: If the above documents are in order, and where there is capacity to provide supervision to the applicant, the candidate may be asked to take part in an informal interview.

Stage 3:  Should the candidate succeed beyond this first two phases of the selection process, they will then be asked to put through a formal application through the TCD online application system. As this point, Academic Registry will vet the candidate's application to ensure that the programme requirements are met.

The PhD in the Trinity Centre for Global Health is intended for individuals with a keen interest in global health research. This includes more academic, theory-based research as well as operational, systems, and services-orientated research with organisations involved in ongoing global health activities. Given the cross-disciplinary nature of the programme, applications are invited from individuals from a wide range of backgrounds who wish to advance their research skills and to answer questions that further our understanding of how to best address important challenges for global health.

Trinity College Dublin has high academic entry requirements for post-graduate courses. Applicants must* have:

  • A relevant master’s degree from an Irish University or an equivalent degree from a university in another country
  • A fluent command of the English language (see below for English language requirements)
  • A strong understanding of research principles and methodologies (as assessed by the applicant’s research concept note)
  • Previous experience conducting research in resource-constrained settings is preferable, but not mandatory.

*In exceptional cases, individuals who demonstrate that they have exceeded the above standards through other professional and academic routes may also be considered for the PhD Global Health programme.

English Language Requirements:

All applicants whose first language is not English, must provide supporting documentary evidence of their competence in English. The following test results are recognised by Trinity College Dublin:

  • IELTS: Grade 6.5 with no individual band below 6
  • TOEFL: 88 – internet based, 230 computer-based, 570 paper-based
  • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English: Grade C
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: Grade C

Additional information for international students is available from the Graduate Studies Office.


Fees are payable on an annual basis and vary depending on which School the PhD student is registered to.

Up-to-date information about course fees can be found at the Academic Registry.



We understand that pursuing doctoral studies implies a significant financial commitment and we strongly encourage students to seek out bursaries and scholarships that might be available to them. Listed below are current opportunities for funding as well as some of the scholarships past PhD Students have avail of:

  • Health Research Board Fellowship Grants (
  • Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme (
  • Trinity Postgradate Research Funding (Trinity College Dublin): Funds students on a full-time basis wtih a stipend for four years and covers applicable university fees in addition to a stipend of EUR 6,500.00 per annum. Candidates can apply during the formal online application process. Please tick the appropriate box when asked whether you would like to be considered for this scholarship.  (Graduate Studies)
  • Tempere Tuberculosis Foundation, Finland
  • Robert S. McNamara Fellowship: Every year, the RSM programme provides grants of up to $25,000 to PhD candidates from developing countries to conduct innovative, development-related, PhD research under the supervision of a research advisor at a host institution abroad. The online application form is available on the World Bank website For further application details please consult the Application Guidelines:

TCGH doctoral researchers are considered integral members of the TCGH team and are often part of one of more of the various ongoing research projects in the Centre.

Country of Study
Title of Research With thanks to: Supervisor(s)
Nicole Maiorano

Ireland, Malawi, Lebanon

Toolkit for Informing Cross-Cultural Trauma Aware Care (TICC TAC) Trinity College Dublin Research Doctorate Award

Dr Meg Ryan

Pengpeng Cai China Evaluating the feasibility and efficacy of Problem Management Plus (PM+) in China  

Dr Kristin Hadfield

Tooba Nadeem Akhtar Pakistan A mental health, development and psychosocial support intervention for children in natural disaster-affected areas, with a focus on Pakistan’s flood-affected areas. Trinity College Dublin Postgraduate Research Studentship

Dr Kristin Hadfield


Qusai Khraisha Jordan The impacts of war and displacement on refugee mother-child relationships Trinity College Dublin Provost’s PhD Project Award Dr Kristin Hadfield
Chapal Khasnabis Global GATE: Improving access to assistive health products  

Prof Mac MacLachlan (Maynooth)

Dr David Hevey

Azza Warraitch Global Exploring the involvement of young people in health research, followed by adaptation and feasibility evaluation of WHO life skills program for adolescents Trinity College Dublin Ussher Fellowship

Dr Kristin Hadfield

Jennifer Trainor Malawi Meaning of preterm birth for childbearing women in Malawi Trinity College Dublin's 1252 Scholarship and the School of Nursing and Midwifery

Dr Fintan Sheerin

Dr Vivienne Brady

Dr Mohannad Ramadan Global What guidelines should be followed to best practice trauma-informed art therapy for refugee adolescents? Hashemite University Jordan

Dr Meg Ryan

Dr Kristin Hadfield

Salam Jabbour Lebanon Developing a Community Mental Health Program for Youth in Lebanon Using Participatory Approaches Trinity College Dublin Ussher Fellowship

Dr Tania Bosqui


Recent publications arising from the PhD Global Health:

  • Warraitch, A., Lee, M., Bruce, D., Curran, P., Khraisha, Q., Wacker, C., & Hadfield, K. (2024). An umbrella review of reviews on challenges to meaningful adolescent involvement in health research. Health Expectations, 27(1), e13980.
  • Warraitch, A., Bruce, D., Lee, M., Curran, P., Khraisha, Q., & Hadfield, K. (2023). Involving adolescents in the design, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of health research: an umbrella review protocol. BMJ open, 13(6), e069695.
  • Warraitch, A.(2022). Challenges to meaningful involvement of youth in health research. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1(9), 493-493.
  • Khraisha, Q., Sawalha, L., Hadfield, K., Al-Soleiti, M., Dajani, R., & Panter-Brick, C. (2024). Coparenting, mental health, and the pursuit of dignity: A systems-level analysis of refugee father-mother narratives. Social Science & Medicine, 340, 116452.
  • Maiorano, N. , Travers, Á., & Vallières, F., (2023). The relationship between rape myths, revictimization by law enforcement, and well-being for victims of sexual assault. Violence against women, 29(14), 2873-2890.
  • Perera, Camila, Aldamman, Kinan, Hansen, Maj, Haahr-Pedersen, Ida, Caballero-Bernal, Joyce, Caldas-Castañeda, Olga N., Chaparro-Plata, Yosbelly, Dinesen, Cecilie, Wiedemann, Nana, Vallières, Frédérique, A brief psychological intervention for improving the mental health of Venezuelan migrants and refugees: A mixed-methods study, SSM - Mental Health, 2, 2022, p100109 , Journal Article.
  • Haahr-Pedersen I, , Hyland P, Hansen M, Perera C, Spitz P, Bramsen RH, Vallières F., Patterns of childhood adversity and their associations with internalizing and externalizing problems among at-risk boys and girls., Child abuse & neglect, 121, 2021, p105272 , Journal Article.
  • Hearns, A., Hyland, H., Benninger-Budel, C. and Vallières, F., (accepted). ICD-11 PTSD and CPTSD: Implications for the rehabilitation of survivors of torture seeking international protection. Torture.
  • Perera C, McBride KA, Travers Á, Tingsted Blum P, Wiedemann N, Dinesen C, Bitanihirwe B, Vallières F., Towards an integrated model for supervision for mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian emergencies: A qualitative study., PloS one, 16, (10), 2021, pe0256077 , Journal Article
  • Murphy, D., Vallières, F., Murphy, J., McElroy, E. and Hyland, P. (2020). Risk factors associated with general and specific dimensions of psychosis in a nationally representative sample of adults from the United States. Psychosis: Psychological, Social, and Integrative Approaches.
  • Perera, C., Salamanca-Sanabria, A., Caballero-Bernal, J., Feldman, L., Hansen, M., Bird, M., Hansen, P., Dinesen, C., Wiedemann, N. and Vallières, F. (2020). No implementation without cultural adaptation: A process for culturally adapting low-intensity psychological interventions in humanitarian settings. Conflict and Health, 14, 46.
  • Haahr-Pedersen, I., Ershadi, A., Hyland, P., Hansen, M., Perera, C., Sheaf, G., Holm Bramsen, R., Spitz, P. and Vallières, F. (2020). Polyvictimization and psychopathology among children and adolescents: A systematic review of studies using the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire. Child Abuse and Neglect, 107.
  • Haahr-Pedersen, I., Perera, C., Hyland, P., Vallières, F., Murphy, D., Hansen, M., Spitz, P., Hansen, P., & Cloitre, M. (2020). Females have more complex patterns of childhood adversity: Implications for mental, social, and emotional outcomes in adulthood. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11:1.
  • Aldamman, K., Tamrakar, T., Dinesen, C., Wiedemann, N., Murphy, J., Hansen, M., Badr, E.E., Reid, T., & Vallières, F. (2019). Caring for the mental health of humanitarian volunteers in traumatic contexts: the importance of organisational support. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10:1.
  • Sherwood, L., Hegarty, S., Vallières, F., Hyland, P., Murphy, J., Fitzgerld, G., & Reid, T. (2019). Identifying the Key Risk Factors for Adverse Psychological Outcomes Among Police Populations: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32, 688-700.

Do I get to select my supervisor, or will I be assigned one?
Potential students are encouraged to apply todo a PhD in the Trinity Centre for Global Health having identified a member of staff within Trinity College Dublin that has agreed to supervise their work. Supervisors should have expertise in the area of research of interest to the candidate, as well as the availability to take on additional PhD students. You will not be assigned a supervisor.

Do I have to teach or supervise other students while enrolled in the PhD Global Health?
There are a number of opportunities for doctoral researchers to both teach and co-supervise students enrolled in the BA Psychology, MSc Global Health, or MSc Glbal Mental Health programmes. This allows researchers to gain valuable teaching and supervision skills as part of their doctoral training. Supervision of master's theses is generally shared with a full-time academic staff member.

How many courses must I take for credit in order to fulfil the requirements of a PhD?
The number of compulsory modules varies across Schools. Therefore, the number of ECTS credits required to fulfil the requirements of a PhD is entirely dependent on the School in which you are enrolled. Should you be invited to submit a formal application, you would enrol in the School where your primary supervisor is based. Attending and presenting at the weekly TCGH Seminars each term is mandatory for all PhD candidates in the Trinity Centre for Global Health.

What are the deadlines for submitting an application to the PhD in the Trinity Centre for Global Health?
Trinity has two enrolment periods: September and March intakes. If candidates wish to be considered for the March intake, it is strongly advised that they submit their application by December 1st. For a September start, it is strongly advised that candidates submit their application by June 1st.

Am I permitted to have a co-supervisor from another institution?
A second, or even third, co-supervisor may be beneficial. Typically, co-supervisors are located within organisations in the country where the student’s research is taking place. In 2014, TCD introduced an internal PhD advisory system whereby all PhD students are assigned two advisors in addition to their appointed supervisor. These mentors will be chosen by you and your supervisor and approved by the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning. You will be expected to arrange a meeting with your supervisor and your two mentors at least once a year to review your progress and the annual report on your work, which you will be expected to write ahead of this meeting. Students are responsible for preparing an annual report based on the research they have been undertaking.

Will I have the opportunity to study or work in other institutions outside of Trinity College Dublin during the course of my PhD?
Many of our PhD students spend time with one of our numerous international collaborating partners. This includes, but is not limited to, spending time in partner academic institutions in both low and middle-income countries, UN agencies, the private sector, and non-governmental organisations. As many of our students’ research takes places in resource-poor contexts, it follows that many of our students spend a considerable amount of their time outside of the Trinity Centre for Global Health.

What funding options are available to PhD students?
Unfortunately, there is very little funding available for PhD students. For current openings for funded PhD positions as well as relevant PhD funding bodies please see Fees and Bursaries.

What if I do not have a background in Global Health, can I still apply?
As an interdisciplinary Centre, applications are welcome from individuals with diverse educational and academic backgrounds as long as the research conducted as part of their PhD is clearly related to the area of Global Health. Preference is given to applicants whose research falls under one of the Centre’s principal research themes. Individuals should also clearly demonstrate a deep understanding of the principles and theories of Global Health research.

For further information about past graduates and their research projects please click on the link below.