MSc Global Mental Health 2022-2023

Students and Research Projects

Charles Zemp An Imperative for Action: The Relationship Between Disability and Mental Health in Somalia
Katerina  Drakos Evaluating improvement among psychiatric patients enrolled in Ukraine's Community Mental Health Teams: A quantitative assessment across Kherson and Zhytomyr
Lisanne  van den Bosch  The Influence of Childhood Disaster Experience on Adult Mental Health: A Systematic Literature Review
Marie  Sonnenstuhl Walking the Last Mile for the Implementation of Supportive Supervision for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Emergencies


Macedo The effects of Sabr/Active patience on Mental health and Possible uses in Mental Health interventions
Balint    Nemeth Assessing Pre-Post Changes in PHQ-9 Depression and GAD-7 Anxiety Scores and Their Predictors in Lebanese Community Mental Health Settings