FIAGES (Feminist Institutionalist Approach to Gender Equality in STEMM)
TCGEL hosted FIAGES, a two year (September 2018 – September 2020) research project funded from the EU H2020, MSCActions. The research was awarded to Dr. Rita Bencivenga.
Studying and working in organisations having a satisfactory level of gender equality can foster gender-sensitive innovation in STEMM fields in academia and in high tech companies, creating a virtuous circle that reinforces a culture of Gender Equality. FIAGES applied the lens of Feminist Institutionalism to explore academic and workplace organisations, in particular STEMM disciplines and ICT companies, seen as a continuum from training, to employment, and building a career, but also, potentially, sources of a variety of discriminating situations. The research has been focused on Ireland and Italy, and its specific objectives were to:
- Gain a greater understanding of the co-constitutive nature of promotion of GE in two sectors interconnected: academy (STEMM disciplines) and high tech companies;
- Explore the various roles that individuals play within the selected institutions to promote GE and to bring about or resist gender-sensitive change;
- Understand the way these institutions/organisations shape individual behaviours through the construction of rules, norms and policies.
The results provide to gender studies scholars and to those involved in transformative practices related to gender in the academia and in high tech companies a better understanding of how to:
- Promote GE through an in depth knowledge of pros and cons of different strategies;
- Make an analysis of the specific situation in organisation, through “listening” to the narratives of those working in them;
- Identify critical aspects, stereotypes, unexpressed biases creating obstacles to GE.
The research outputs included two journal articles and a book (in press), presenting the research at international conferences, and international seminars and webinars. A bilingual – English and Italian - dissemination and communication plan increased awareness of the research aims and results.
Numerous outreach activities, including the use of social media, allowed the transfer of knowledge in academy and companies, and also to the general public.
ublications linked to FIAGES:
Chapters in peer-reviewed collective works
Bencivenga, R. and Drew, E. (2020). Towards a gender sensitive university. In E. Drew, S. Canavan (dir.), The Gender Sensitive University: A Contradiction in Terms?. Routledge.
Bencivenga, R. (2020). Gender Equality in Academia and ICT Companies: Still Doing or Undoing Gender? In K. Jones, C. Collins, M. Davies, M. Della Giust and G. James. (dir.), ICGR 2020 Conference: 3rd International Conference on Gender Research (p. 66-72). University of Reading, UK. ISBN-978-1-912764-56-3.
Bencivenga, R. (2020, 27-28 January). Towards a European GEP System (EGEPS) a strategy to measure and promote gender equality. In Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment. PLOTINA Final Conference, Conference proceedings. (p. 186 - 188). University of Bologna, Italy. ISBN 9788854970168.
Bencivenga, R. (2019).Gender Equality in Academia: Comparative Perspectives From Feminist Institutionalism. In P. Paoloni, M. Paoloni and S. Arduini (dir.), ICGR 2019 Conference: 2ndInternational Conference on Gender Research (p. 66-72). Università RomaTRE.
Editorial work (peer reviewed journal)
Bencivenga, R., Drew, E., Poggio, B., Ratzer, B., and Sağlamer, G. (2017). Gender in Horizon 2020: The Case of Gender Equality Plans. AG About Gender - International Journal Of Gender Studies, 6(12), 326-355.
FIAGES on Facebook: Fiages_MSCA |
![]() This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 793195 This webpage reflects only the author's view and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.