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TCEH publications 2012

Publications 2012

MacKinnon I. Brennan, R. (2012) Dùthchas na Mara/Dúchas na Mara/Belonging to the Sea. Exploring the cultural roots of maritime conflict on Gaelic speaking islands in Scotland and Ireland. Photography: Stephen Hurrel.

Smith, G. Brennan, R. (2012) Losing our way with mapping: thinking critically about marine spatial planning in Scotland. Ocean & Coastal Management 69:210-216

Brennan, R. (2012) Valcic, B. Shifting perspectives - how the masks we wear can facilitate and inhibit channels of communication in the social-environmental policy context. Ocean & Coastal Management 62: 1-8

Holm, P. (2012) Coll, M. MacDiarmid, A. Ojaveer, H Poulsen, B. HMAP Response to the Marine Forum, Environmental History

Holm, P. (2012) European Humanities and Global Challenges ─ A View Towards 2060, IHS Newsletter, National University of Taiwan

Holm, P. (2012) Wallenberg Bondesson, M. Husz, O. Myrdal, J. Tydén, M (ed), Människans kunskap och kunskapen om människan: En gränslös historia, Lund, Sekel Bokförlag

Ludlow, F. (2012) Assessing Non-Climatic Influences on Record of Extreme Weather from Irish Annals. At the Anvil: Essays in Honour of William J. Smyth. P. J. Duffy and W. Nolan. Chapter 5 (Geography Publications)

Andrews J.H.Rankin, K.J.(2012) William Petty, Topographer in, At the Anvil: Essays in Honour of William J. Smyth, Dublin, Geography Publications, Chapter 10 pp.241-270.

Smith, G. Brennan, R. (2012) Losing our way with mapping: thinking critically about marine spatial planning in Scotland. Ocean & Coastal Management 69:210-216

Travis, C. (2012) von Lünen, A. History and GIS: Epistemologies, Considerations and Reflections (Springer)