With Food Smart Dublin we hope to enhance the value of tangible and intangible coastal cultural heritage for future sustainability by brining back the historical knowledge and taste of local sustainable seafood to the Dublin people. We aim to raise awareness amongst Irish people of being an island nation with a wealth of food and other resources from the ocean around us.
During the course of the Food Smart Dublin project we gave seminars, held workshops, took part in conferences and discussion rounds and appeared in newspaper articles to present and promote our project. We even wrote our own BOOK!
Here you can find key outputs.
Cordula Scherer & Agnese Cretella 2021. One Year of Irish Seafood. Traditional, historical, sustainable. Published by Global Academic Press. The e-version was kindly funded by the Marine Institute Ireland.
A hard copy of the book can be purchased on Amazon. There are a few amazon sites one can purchase our book from. We give you the German site here as we experienced them to be quick and efficient, especially for European deliveries. Our book on Amazon.
Event Recording
Here you can listen and watch back to our end of project event in June 2021. We presented key results from Food Smart Dublin and had no other than Darina Allen endorse our book. Our amazing official partners Niall Sabongi and Elaine Nevin from ECO-UNESCO joined our discussion and Barney Whelan brilliantly performed as our MC.
Publications and Reports
Agnese Cretella and Cordula Scherer 2021. Food Smart Dublin report on sustainable Irish seafood Workshop series Workshop report, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, Trinity College Dublin.
Cordula Scherer 2020. “The Remarkable Ray of Dublin’s Ringsend.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia (Autumn 2020) no. 41. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
Cordula Scherer & Poul Holm 2020. FoodSmart City Dublin: A framework for sustainable seafood Food Ethics 5(7), p1-13
Newspaper Articles
Dublin InQuirer 2021. A Plan to bring back Dublin's once plentiful oyster beds
Irish Times 2020. Learning from Food History to create a new Sustainable Future
Dublin InQuirer 2019. What happens when a Chef and a Marine Ecologist Work Together on Dishes
Additional Funding

We successfully applied for additional funding from the Marine Institute under their recurring Networking & Travel Award scheme as well as their open access publication scheme. This funding contributed to our interactive, blend - in approach workshop series on sustainable seafood in close collaboratio with Eco-Unesco, specifically, our cooking workshop (workshop 5) with Niall Sabongi. The open access grant enabled our book "One Year of Irish Seafood" be freely available online. Food Smart Dublin appreciates the small grant support from the Marine Institute.
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