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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Food Smart Dublin

Welcome to the FSD website! We present our IRC COALESCE funded project with the conceptual framework to promote sustainable seafood consumption by building on Ireland's coastal cultural heritage while engaging with innovative chefs and educationalists.

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We argue that a change in human consumption towards eating seafood at lower trophic levels may be encouraged by discovering forgotten cultural practices and tapping into locally-sourced marine resources. By identifying historical recipes of seafood from Dublin Bay that can be innovated and used in appetizing dishes we aim to stimulate sustainable food practices amongst Dublin’s society and respond to the Report on Food from the Oceans (2017). We are working with second-level students and local restaurateurs to identify and create delicious recipes, while contributing to Dublin's growing image as a Smart City.

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This project is proudly funded by the Irish Research Council under the COALESCE call.
All images by partners of Food Smart Dublin were given under their consent and are reproduced for academic purposes. All copyright exists with the photographs' original owner.