Yvonne Scott

Associate Professor, History of Art Department, School of Histories and Humanities, TCD
Biography: Dr Yvonne Scott is a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin, Associate Professor in the History of Art Department in Trinity College Dublin, and founding Director of Triarc (Trinity Irish Art Research Centre) established in 2003. Her teaching and research is primarily devoted to modern and contemporary art, explored in the context of changing ideas and environments over time and within a global perspective. She has taught a range of courses on various aspect of the history of art, initiated the MPhil (taught masters) in Irish Art History in 2003, and has supervised the best part of a hundred taught Masters dissertations, around a dozen PhD theses, as well as post-doctoral research fellows. She has represented Ireland as Membre Titulaire of the Comité Internationale de l'Histoire d'Art (CIHA), and served on Boards of cultural institutions, including the RHA, and Chaired an Advisory Board for the RIA’s Art and Artists of Ireland project. She has adjudicated on selected art matters for various government and semi-state bodies and served on several university boards and committees. She is currently Chair of the Provost’s advisory committee for art acquisitions (PACAC), and is a board member of the Douglas Hyde Gallery.
Yvonne’s current research is focused mainly on analysing the visual interpretation of landscape and environment. She has received prestigious research awards to explore inter alia, the west of Ireland landscape artists, and of Barrie Cooke in New Zealand. Convened research events include several addressing themes of environmental threat, such as RuinNation: the ruin in Irish art and visual culture (1916–2016), and In This Brief Time; Art, Environment and Ecology, and she has presented papers in Europe, UK, US, Australia and NZ. She has published extensively on art and ecocriticism, and is currently writing a book on agendas in landscape and environment in Irish modern and contemporary art.
Email: scotty@tcd.ie