Ros McAdden

Ros McAdden is a Laidlaw Scholar and undergraduate student of Ancient & Medieval History & Culture (AMHC). Ros was resident in TCEH in May and June of 2024, through his research project supported by the Laidlaw Scholarship Programme.
This project focussed on the potential of GIS (Geographic Information System) as a predictive tool in assessing the archaeological potential of vast areas of land where field-surveying would not be feasible. Ros intends to apply this research in such a region next summer with the ambition of discovering previously unrecorded archaeological sites.
Outside of his studies at Trinity College Dublin, Ros’ work has been published in Teathbha 2023 (O’Farrell Power in a Norman Land 1172-1315) and will have two further essays published in the journals Teathbha and Iarmhí in 2024.