John Nicholls
Data manager, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, School of Histories and Humanities Trinity College Dublin.

Research Interests
John is a Researcher and Data Manager on the 4OCEANS ERC project. His research interests include marine environmental and maritime history, and data management and systems analysis. He is a long-term Steering Group member of OBIS (UNESCO Ocean Biodiversity Information System) and chairs their Historical Data Project Team and Communications and Outreach Task Team. He also serves as Data Manager for the Oceans Past Initiative (OPI).
Email: john.nicholls@tcd.ieRecent publications
Poul Holm, John Nicholls, Patrick W. Hayes, Historical marine footprint for Atlantic Europe, 1500"2019, Ambio, 2024 Journal Article, 2024
Poul Holm, Patrick W. Hayes, John Nicholls, Comment on "Five centuries of cod catches in Eastern Canada", by Schijns et al., ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2022, p1-3 Journal Article, 2022
Cowboys, Cod, Climate and Conflict: Navigations in the Digital Environmental Humanities in, editor(s)Charles Travis, Deborah Dixon, Luke Bergmann, Robert Legg, Arlene Crampsie , Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities, , London, Routledge, 2022, pp30 , [Charles Travis, Poul Holm, Francis Ludlow, Conor Kostick, Rhonda McGovern, John Nicholls] Book Chapter, 2022 TARA - Full Text URL DOI
Poul Holm, John Nicholls, Patrick W. Hayes, Josh Ivinson, Bernard Allaire, Accelerated Extractions of North Atlantic Cod and Herring, 1520-1790, Fish and Fisheries, 23, (1), 2022, p54-72 Journal Article, 2022 DOI
Poul Holm, John Nicholls, Fishing at the Edge of Existence: Shetland, Faroes, Iceland, c. 1540-1790, Northern Studies, 52, 2021, p1-21 Journal Article, 2021
John Nicholls, Bernard Allaire, Poul Holm, The Capacity Trend Method: A new approach for enumerating the Newfoundland cod fisheries (1675-1790), Historical Methods, 54, (2), 2021, p80 - 93 Journal Article, 2021 DOI
Travis, Charles; Ludlow, Francis; Matthews, Al; Lougheed, Kevin; Rankin, Kieran; Allaire, Bernard; Legg, Robert; Hayes, Patrick; Nicholls, John; Towns, Lydia; Holm, Poul, Inventing the Grand Banks: A Deep Chart. Humanities GIS, Cartesian, and Literary Perceptions of the North-West Atlantic Fishery ca 1500-1800, Geo: Geography and Environment, 7, (1), 2020, pe00085 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text
Poul Holm; Francis Ludlow Cordula Scherer Charles Travis Bernard Allaire Cristina Brito Patrick W. Hayes Al Matthews Kieran J. Rankin Richard J. Breen Robert Legg Kevin Lougheed John Nicholls, The North Atlantic Fish Revolution, c. AD 1500, Quaternary Research, 2019, p1-15 Journal Article, 2019 URL DOI TARA - Full Text