Dr Eva Jobbová
Research fellow, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, School of Histories and Humanities Trinity College Dublin.

Research Interests
I am an archaeologist and epigrapher and my research has been mainly focused on ancient (and modern) Maya society. Due to my interest in interdisciplinary research, my work involves a broad range of topics including the development and growth of Neotropical urbanism, growth of social complexity and societal collapse, and the choices humans make in response to spatial and temporal variation in climate and environmental stress. I have participated in archaeological and ethnographic projects, undertaking fieldwork in Belize, Guatemala, Morocco and the UK, working in a variety of cultural and environmental contexts. Since obtaining my PhD from the Institute of Archaeology, UCL in 2018, I worked as a GIS analyst on projects with University College London and University of Kent, as a Senior Research Fellow on a collaborative project between the British Museum and Google Arts and Culture, and most recently as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in School of Geography, University College Dublin, on the project focused on Irish Droughts.
I will work primarliy on the 4-Oceans ERC Synergy project.
Email: jobbove@tcd.ie