Cordula Scherer
Research fellow, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, School of Histories and Humanities Trinity College Dublin.

Research Interests
I'm an applied marine ecologist by training who joined the Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities (TCEH) in early 2017. The health of the marine environment and our relationship with it are central to my work and close to my heart. In the ERC project 4OCEANS I'm tasked with reviewing data on global primary production across time and investigating how food availability affected the marine food web and human diets. Before I joined the 4OCEANS team, I lead the IRC funded research project Food Smart Dublin. In the project we investigated how the seafood consumption of Irish people can be encouraged through the discovery of historical seafood recipes that were cooked in an innovate way and adjusted to the modern taste. The flagship of the project is our book published in August 2021 "One Year of Irish Seafood - Traditional, historical, sustainable". During my first two years in the unique and inspiring TCEH environment I worked as the marine ecology expert on the ERC advanced grant project NorFish. I developed a great interest and appreciation for marine history and coastal cultural heritage during this time which inspired me to co-develop the idea that Food Smart Dublin was born out of. With my passion for the marine environment, I encourage colleagues, friends and family to connect with our coasts by organising annual surveys, talks and casual seashore outings. In 2017, I became a member of Eco-Unesco, Ireland's environment and youth organisation and since the beginning of 2018 I'm part of the Think Tank An Urgent Enquiry - Artists and Scientists community.