Christopher John Morris

PhD Candidate, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities
Chris has a background in research consultancy working on access related deprivation, fuel poverty and excess winter mortality. He also obtained a MPhil in Reconciliation Studies (Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin 2010) and a MA in Space, Society and Culture (Queen’s University Belfast, 2016)
One of his ongoing interests has been history, and his MA dissertation was effectively a pilot study, applying quantitative methods to assess the factors that influence the strategic choices and outcomes of pre-modern nomad polities and, as a comparator, holy wars. The analysis showed that robust results were possible. Chris is now doing an Environmental History PhD at Trinity College Dublin, increasing the size of the sample and the range of variables included. Environmental factors, such as el Niño events and temperature fluctuations, together with estimates of economic inequality have been examined for a wide range of polity interactions from the Yellow Sea to West Africa, from 1250BCE to 1850, and found to have a significant effect.
Selected Publications
Morris C (2007) ‘Fuel Poverty, Climate and Mortality in Northern Ireland’ NISRA Occasional Paper 25 Belfast NISRA
Liddell C and Morris C (2010) ‘Fuel Poverty and Human Health: a review of recent evidence’ Energy Policy Vol 38,6 2987-2997
Liddell C, Morris C and Lagdon S (2011) Kirklees Warm Zone: the Project and its health impacts Belfast DSDNI
Liddell C, Morris C, McKenzie P and Rae G (2011) Defining Fuel Poverty in Northern Ireland: a preliminary review Belfast DSDNI
Morris C and Liddell C (2011) ‘Seasonality of Mortality’ in Northern Ireland Registrar General’s Annual Report 2010 Belfast NISRA
Liddell C, Morris C, McKenzie SJP and Rae G (2012) ‘Measuring and Monitoring fuel poverty in the UK: National and Regional Perspectives’ Energy Policy Vol 49, 27-32
Walker R, McKenzie P, Liddell C and Morris C (2012) ‘Area-based targeting of Fuel Poverty in Northern Ireland: an evidence based approach’ Applied GeographyVol 34, 639-649
Liddell, C, Morris C, Thomson H, Guiney C (2015) Excess winter deaths in 30 European countries 1980–2013: a critical review of methods
J Public Health (2015)doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdv184First published online: December 28, 2015