Dr Andrew Hill
Visiting Research Fellow, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, School of Histories and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin.
Research interests
Andrew Hill is a classically trained historian with a research specialisation in Hellenistic North Africa and Mediterranean environmental history. He obtained his PhD in Classics in 2023 funded by scholarships from Trinity College Dublin and an Irish Research Council Postgraduate Fellowship, with his thesis The Libyan Wars: Crisis, Climate, and Conflict in Carthaginian North Africa (TARA: http://hdl.handle.net/2262/102982), which he is currently revising for publication. He received his BA from University College Cork in 2015 and his MPhil from TCD in 2016.
(Forthcoming) Hill, Andrew M., ‘The adoption of Demeter and Kore by the Carthaginians in 396: A climatological perspective’, in Giouli Korobili and Teun Tieleman (eds) Meteorology Beyond Borders. Ancient and Modern Reflections. Brill, Euhormos series (in press)
2023 Kostick, Conor, Andrew Hill, Rhonda McGovern, Selga Medenieks, Zhen Yang en Francis Ludlow, ‘Vulkaanuitbarstingen in de oudheid: Reacties op plotselinge klimaatschommelingen in de eerste acht eeuwen voor Christus’, Phoenix 69
2020 Hill, Andrew M., ‘Hamilcar of Barce? Discerning Barcid proto-history and Polybius’ mixellēnes’, The Journal of Hellenic Studies 140, 69-105