Bernard Allaire

Research Fellow, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, TCD
Bernard Allaire is a socio-economic historian of European and North American maritime and urban civilizations. He is involved in many historical, archaeological and sociological research projects in connection with European and North American specialists. He particularly enjoys historical topics which complete the expertise of other historians or archaeologists.
Author of Pelleteries, manchons et chapeaux de castor: les fourrures nord-américaines à Paris 1500-1632 (Pelts, Muff and Beaver hats: the North American furs in Paris 1500-1632), Québec/Paris, Septentrion & PUPS, 1999 (Falardeau Award); Crépuscules ultramontains: marchands italiens et grand commerce à Bordeaux au XVIe siècle (Ultramontane Twilight: Italian merchants and commerce in 16th century Bordeaux), Bordeaux PUB, 2008 (Desgraves Award); La Rumeur Dorée: Roberval et l'Amérique, Montréal, La Presse, 2013 and, more recently, a collective work with Maria Fusaro, Richard Blakemore and Tijl Vanneste Law, Labour and Empire: Comparative Perspectives on Seafarers (1500-1800), London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 . He also writes in reviews, collective publications, appears in video documentary and gives conferences. His essential works, however, are made up of unpublished research reports.
In the NorFish Project, Bernard's focus is on French fishing activities in Europe and North America to gauge among others, the level of the Newfoundland cod fisheries as well as the complexity of this activity from the 16th to the 18th century. He also focuses on price data of fish and commodities to push further the comprehension of the Fish Revolution concept. He produced up to now about eighteen reports and published several articles in cooperation with the Norfish research team.