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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Kieran Rankin
Research Fellow, TR&I Administration
Research Fellow, Trinity Long Room Hub

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Travis, Charles; Ludlow, Francis; Matthews, Al; Lougheed, Kevin; Rankin, Kieran; Allaire, Bernard; Legg, Robert; Hayes, Patrick; Nicholls, John; Towns, Lydia; Holm, Poul, Inventing the Grand Banks: A Deep Chart. Humanities GIS, Cartesian, and Literary Perceptions of the North-West Atlantic Fishery ca 1500-1800, Geo: Geography and Environment, 7, (1), 2020, pe00085 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

K. J. Rankin; Poul Holm, Cartographical Perspectives on the Evolution of Fisheries in Newfoundland's Grand Banks Area and Adjacent North Atlantic Waters in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries , Terrae Incognitae, 51, (3), 2019, p190-218 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Poul Holm; Francis Ludlow Cordula Scherer Charles Travis Bernard Allaire Cristina Brito Patrick W. Hayes Al Matthews Kieran J. Rankin Richard J. Breen Robert Legg Kevin Lougheed John Nicholls, The North Atlantic Fish Revolution, c. AD 1500, Quaternary Research, 2019, p1-15 Journal Article, 2019 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

K.J. Rankin, Towards a Retrospective Political Geography of Border Studies: Partition and Division in Ireland, Political Geography, 51, 2016, p100 - 103 Review Article, 2016 DOI

K.J. Rankin, . 'The role of the Irish Boundary Commission in the entrenchment of the Irish border: From tactical panacea to political liability', Journal of Historical Geography, Volume 34, (Issue 3), 2008, p422 - 447 Journal Article, 2008

K.J. Rankin, . 'Deducing rationales and political tactics in the partitioning of Ireland, 1912-1925', Political Geography , Volume 27, (Issue 8), 2007, p909 - 933 Journal Article, 2007

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

K.J. Rankin, When English Eyes are Satirising: Maps of Ireland in Caricature, History Ireland, 29, (1), 2021, p20 - 24 Journal Article, 2021

A Geopolitical Perspective of Boundary Change and Buffer Function in Jordan, 1920-1994 in, editor(s)Richard Schofield , Geographic Realities in the Middle East and North Africa: State, Oil and Agriculture, London, Routledge, 2020, pp45 - 67, [K.J. Rankin] Book Chapter, 2020

'Sinn Féinism' and Nationalist Politics in County Monaghan, 1914-1918 in, editor(s)Patrick J. Duffy and Éamonn Ó Ciardha , Monaghan: History and Society - Interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish County, Dublin, Geography Publications, 2017, pp659 - 685, [Gerard Toal and K.J. Rankin] Book Chapter, 2017

Ireland - United Kingdom: Lough Foyle and Carlingford Lough, E. Brunet-Jailly (editor), Border Disputes: A Global Encyclopedia, 2, Santa Barbara, ABC-Clio, 2015, pp650 - 660, [K.J. Rankin] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2015

Kieran Rankin, Paul Sweeney, Bill Keating, 'Biographical Portraits of the Past Presidents of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland', Last updated April 2014, Dublin, 2014, - Digital research resource production, 2014

'John Dillon versus Eamon de Valera at the 1918 General Election: The eclipse of the Irish Parliamentary Party by Sinn Féin in East Mayo' in, Mayo: History and Society, Dublin, Geography Publications, 2014, pp589 - 614, [K.J. Rankin] Book Chapter, 2014

'William Petty, Topographer' in, At the Anvil: Essays in Honour of William J. Smyth, Dublin, Geography Publications, 2012, pp241 - 270, [J.H. Andrews and K.J.Rankin] Book Chapter, 2012

The Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland in, editor(s)James H, Murphy , The Oxford History of the Irish Book, Volume IV, The Irish Book in English, 1800-1891, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp563 - 574, [K.J. Rankin] Book Chapter, 2011

K.J. Rankin, . 'The search for "statutory Ulster"', History Ireland, Volume 17, (Issue 3), 2009, p28 - 32 Journal Article, 2009

K.J. Rankin, . 'The Provenance and Dissolution of the Irish Boundary Commission', 2007 Working Paper, 2007

K.J. Rankin, . 'Theoretical Concepts of Partition and the Partitioning of Ireland' , 2006 Working Paper, 2006

K.J. Rankin, . 'The Creation and Consolidation of the Irish Border' , 2005 Working Paper, 2005

K.J. Rankin. (with R.N. Schofield), . 'The Troubled Historiography of Classical Boundary Terminology', 2004 Working Paper, 2004

'Partition', Brian Lalor (editor) , Encyclopaedia of Ireland, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2003, pp859 - [K.J. Rankin] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2003

'County Armagh and the Boundary Commission' in, Armagh: History and Society, Dublin, Geography Publications, 2001, pp947 - 990, [K.J. Rankin] Book Chapter, 2001

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