I am a Research Fellow with the Department of History, working on the Climates of Conflict in Ancient Babylonia (CLICAB) project.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kostick, C., Hill, A., McGovern, R., Medenieks, S., Yang, Z., Ludlow, F., Vulkaanuitbarstingen in de Oudheid: Reacties op Plotselinge Klimaatschommelingen in de Eerste Acht Eeuwen voor Christus [Volcanic Eruptions in Antiquity: Responses to Sudden Climatic Variability in the First Eight Centuries BCE], Phoenix, 69, (1), 2023, p6 - 27
Climate, Violence and Ethnic Conflict in the Ancient World in, editor(s)Ben Kiernan, Tracy Maria Lemos, Tristan Taylor , The Cambridge World History of Genocide, Volume 1: Genocide in the Ancient, Medieval and Premodern Worlds, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp150 - 182, [Ludlow, F., Kostick, C., Morris, C.]
The Irish Annals and Climate, Fifth to Seventeenth Centuries CE in, editor(s)Malcom Sen , Cambridge History of Irish Literature and the Environment , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp52 - 78, [Conor Kostick & Francis Ludlow]
Cowboys, Cod, Climate and Conflict: Navigations in the Digital Environmental Humanities in, editor(s)Charles Travis, Deborah Dixon, Luke Bergmann, Robert Legg, Arlene Crampsie , Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities, , London, Routledge, 2022, pp30 , [Charles Travis, Poul Holm, Francis Ludlow, Conor Kostick, Rhonda McGovern, John Nicholls]
Mackay, H., Plunkett, G., Jensen, B., Aubry, T., Corona, C., Mi Kim, W., Toohey, M., Sigl, M., Stoffel, M., Anchukaitis, K., Raible, C., Bolton, M., Manning, J., Newfield, T., di Cosmo, N., Ludlow, F., Kostick, C., Yang, Z., Coyle McClung, L., Amesbury, M., Monteath, A., Hughes, P., Langdon, P., Charman, D., Booth, R., Davies, K., Blundell, A., Swindles, G., The 852/3 CE Mount Churchill Eruption: Examining the Potential Climatic and Societal Impacts and the Timing of the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the North Atlantic Region, Climate of the Past, 18, 2022, p1475 - 1508
Drought and Plague in Adso of Montier-en-Der's Miracles of St Mansuy in, editor(s)Christine Meek Thomas McCarthy , CHURCH FAITH AND CULTURE IN THE MEDIEVAL WEST, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2020, pp19 , [Conor Kostick]
Chris Jones, Conor Kostick & Klaus Oschema, Making the Medieval Relevant, 1, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2019, 1-270pp
Why Should we Care about the Middle Ages? Putting the Case for the Relevance of Studying Medieval Europe in, editor(s)Chris Jones, Conor Kostick & Klaus Oschema , Making the Medieval Relevant, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2019, pp1 - 30, [Chris Jones, Conor Kostick & Klaus Oschema]
Medieval History, Explosive Volcanism,and the Geoengineering Debate in, editor(s)Chris Jones, Conor Kostick & Klaus Oschema , Making the Medieval Relevant: How Medieval Studies Contribute to Improving Our Understanding of the Present, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2019, pp45 - 97, [Conor Kostick & Francis Ludlow]
Neither Rome nor Baghdad: the Crusades - a view from Ireland in, editor(s)Felix Hinz & Johannes Meyer-Hamme , Controversial Histories - Current Views on the Crusades, London, Routledge, 2019, pp67 - 70, [Conor Kostick]
Tony Farmar Conor Kostick, Irish Book Publishing from 2001, 1, Dublin, The History Press (Ireland), 2018
Gao, C., Ludlow, F., Amir, O. and Kostick, C., Reconciling Multiple Ice-Core Volcanic Histories: The Potential of Tree-Ring and Documentary Evidence, 670-730 CE, Quaternary International, 394, 2016, p180 - 193
Sigl, M., Winstrup, M., McConnell, J.R., Welten, K.C., Plunkett, G., Ludlow, F., Büntgen, U., Caffee, M., Chellman, N., Dahl-Jensen, D., Fischer, H., Kipfstuhl, S., Kostick, C., Maselli, O.J., Mekhaldi, F., Mulvaney, R., Muscheler, R., Pasteri, D.R., Pilcher, J.R., Salzer, M., Schüpbach, S., Steffensen, J.P., Vinther, B., Woodruff, T.E. , Timing and Climate Forcing of Volcanic Eruptions during the Past 2,500 Years, Nature, 523, 2015, p543 - 549
Frank Ludlow Conor Kostick, The dating of volcanic events and their impact upon European society, 400-800 CE, European Journal of Postclassical Archaeologies, 5, 2015, p7 - 30
Conor Kostick, Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century, Journal of Historical Geography, 51, 2015, p112--113
Conor Kostick, Warfare and the Miraculous in the Chronicles of the First Crusade. Elizabeth Lapina. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015. x $\mathplus$ 212 pp. {\textdollar, Renaissance Quarterly, 69, (3), 2015, p1104--1106
Conor Kostick, Courage and Cowardice on the First Crusade, War in History, 20, (1), 2013, p32 - 49
Conor Kostick, Book Review: Deep History, Review of Radical Political Economics, 44, (1), 2012, p112 - 115
Conor Kostick, Robert Irwin: Mamluks and Crusaders, Review of Mamluks and Crusaders, by Robert Irwin , Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 73, (4), 2011, p2
Kostick, C, Social Unrest and the Failure of Conrad III's March Through Anatolia, 1147, GERMAN HISTORY, 28, 2010
Conor Kostick, God's Bounty: Providing for Crusaders 1096 - 1148, Studies in Church History, 46, 2010, p66 - 77
Eleanor of Aquitaine and the women of the Second Crusade in, editor(s)Conor Kostick , Medieval Italy, Medieval and Early Modern Women: Essays in Honour of Christine Meek, Dublin, Four Courts, 2010, pp20 , [Conor Kostick]
Conor Kostick, Medieval Italy, Medieval and Early Modern Women: Essays in Honour of Christine Meek, First, Dublin, Four Courts, 2010, 1 - 280pp
Conor Kostick, The Crusades and the Near East: Cultural Histories, First, London, Routledge, 2010, 1 - 275pp
Conor Kostick, Jean-François Nieus, 'Le Vassal, Le Fief et L'Écrit', Review of Le Vassal, Le Fief et L'Écrit, by Jean-François Nieus , Speculum, 84, (4), 2009, p2
Conor Kostick, The Siege of Jerusalem: Crusade and Conquest in 1099, First, London, Continuum, 2009, 1 - 212pp
Conor Kostick, Charles Townshend, 'Easter 1916: The Irish Rebellion', Review of Easter 1916: The Irish Rebellion, by Charles Townshend , Science and Society, 73, (2), 2009, p3
Conor Kostick, A further discussion on the authorship of the Gesta Francorum., Reading Medieval Studies, 35, (1), 2009, p1 - 11
Kostick, C, Iuvenes and the First Crusade (1096-99): Knights in Search of Glory?, JOURNAL OF MILITARY HISTORY, 73, 2009
Conor Kostick, Revolution in Ireland, Second, Cork, Cork University Press, 2009, 1 - 258pp
Conor Kostick, The Afterlife of Bishop Adhemar of Le Puy, Studies in Church History, 45, 2009, p15
Conor Kostick, Jonathan Riley-Smith, 'Crusaders and Settlers in the Latin East', Review of Crusaders and Settlers in the Latin East, by Jonathan Riley-Smith , Journal of Military History, 73, (4), 2009, p2
Conor Kostick, Deep History: Deeper Waters, Imprints, 10, (2), 2008, p14
Conor Kostick, The Social Structure of the First Crusade, Leiden, Brill, 2008, 314pp
Conor Kostick, The terms 'milites', 'equites' and 'equestres' in the early crusading histories, Nottingham Medieval Studies, 50, 2006, p1 - 21
Women and the First Crusade in, editor(s)C. Meek and C. Lawless , Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women, 4: Victims or Viragos?, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2005, pp57 - 68, [Conor Kostick]
Workers in the War of Independence in, editor(s)F. Lane and D. O'Driscoll , Politics and the Irish Working Class , London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp187 - 206, [Conor Kostick]
Kostick, C, William of Tyre, Livy, and the vocabulary of class, JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS, 65, 2004
Michael Gilsenan, V. Amit, Biographical Dictionary of Anthropology, Lonodn, Routledge, 2004, pp194 - 195, [A. Finlay]
Conor Kostick, Brian Manning, Saothar, 29, 2004, p14 - 15
The Crusades, J. A. Bradford, International Encyclopedia of Military History, First, 1, New York, Routledge, 2004, pp2 , [Conor Kostick]
Conor Kostick, William of Tyre, Livy and the Vocabulary of Class, The Journal of History of Ideas, 65, (3), 2004, p353 - 368
Conor Kostick, Songs of Irish Labour, Cultural Logic, 2, (2), 1999, p4
Conor Kostick, Marxism in Ireland, Rethinking Marxism, 9, (3), 1996, p15
Conor Kostick, Revolution in Ireland, First, London, Pluto, 1996, 1 - 236pp
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Conor Kostick, The Dragon's Revenge, 1, London, Level Up, 2019, 1 - 462pp
Conor Kostick, Edda, First, Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2011, 1 - 393pp
Conor Kostick, Move, First, Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2008, 220pp
Michael Rosen(ed.), Children's Literature Some Marxist Perspectives, Children's Literature Annual, University of Hertfordshire, 1, (1), April 2006, University of Hertfordshire Press, 2007, 106 - 7 p
Conor Kostick, The Book of Curses, First, Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2007, 1 - 80pp
Conor Kostick, Samara, Journal of Music in Ireland, 6, (1), 2006, p38 - 38
Conor Kostick, Saga, First, Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2006, 308pp
Conor Kostick, Bed of Soft, Journal of Music in Ireland, 5, (4), 2005, p8 - 8
Conor Kostick, Laudabiliter, History Ireland, 13, (3), 2005, p7 - 8
Conor Kostick, The O'Rahilly, History Ireland, 13, (4), 2005, p11 - 12
Conor Kostick and Lorcan Collins, Tragedy in the Connolly Family, History Ireland, 12, (3), 2004, p7 - 8
Conor Kostick, Epic, Second, Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2004, 315pp
Conor Kostick and Lorcan Collins, The Easter Rising: A Guide to Dublin in 1916, Fourth, Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2004, 142pp
Conor Kostick, Ireland and the First Crusade, History Ireland, 11, (1), 2003, p4
Conor Kostick, Mentioning the War: The Bureau of Military History, History Ireland, 11, (2), 2003, p3
Conor Kostick and Katherine Moore, Irish Writers Against War, First, Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2003, 142pp
Conor Kostick, John Buckley, Journal of Music in Ireland, 2, (3), 2002, p1
Conor Kostick, The Criticism of Contemporary Music, Journal of Music in Ireland, 3, (1), 2002, p3
Conor Kostick, Adorno's Philosophy of Music, Journal of Music in Ireland, 2, (3), 2002, p3
Conor Kostick, Gig!, Journal of Music in Ireland, 2, (2), 2002, p1
Conor Kostick, Piano Concerto by Ronan Guilfoyle, Journal of Music in Ireland, 2, (6), 2002, p1
Conor Kostick, The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant, Journal of Music in Ireland, 3, (1), 2002, p1
Conor Kostick, Tonal Landscapes, Journal of Music in Ireland, 2, (1), 2001, p1
Conor Kostick and John Molyneux, Anarquismo: "una promesa incumplida?, 1999, - 60
Conor Kostick, The Problem With Music, Project Arts Journal, 3, 1995, p6
Conor Kostick, Why the Irish Labour Party Fails, 1993, - 30
Research Expertise
This project hypothesises that climatic changes, including periods of drought, flooding and other extreme weather, are linked to patterns of violence and conflict in the Ancient Near East. We also hypothise that any "climate-conflict linkages" vary meaningfully through time according evolving socioeconomic, political and cultural background in which climatic changes and extreme weather occurred. This research aims to investigate climatic changes in Babylonia during the final eight centuries BCE and assess for linkages to patterns of violence and conflict, through the application of historical climatology to the wealth of data available.Projects
- Title
- Climates of Conflict in Ancient Babylonia (CLICAB)
- Funding Agency
- Title
- The Second Crusade (1146 - 8): A social analysis
- Summary
- This project proposes a close examination of the Latin sources for the Second Crusade with a view to creating a comprehensive understanding of the social content of these texts. Its goal is to enrich our understanding of the social complexity of the movement and the era more generally.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Date From
- October 2007
Member of the Board of the National Library of Ireland
Member of the Board of the Irish Copyright Licensing Agency
Executive Member of the Irish Writers Union
TCD Students' Union Executive member
TCD Graduate Students' Union Executive Member
Irish Writers' Union Executive
Irish Writers' Union Chairperson
Irish Writers' Union Chairperson
Awards and Honours
British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award
Marie Curie Career Integration Grant
Gold Medal
Lyster Prize (History)
Cluff Prize (History)
Brown Prize (History)
Dublinia Medieval Essay Prize
IBBY Honour List Member (for Epic)
Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarship
Irish Research Council For the Humanities and Social Sciences Post Doctoral Fellowship
White Ravens Collection, Special Mention (Epic)
Soaring Eagle Book Award Master List (Epic)
Reading Association of Ireland Shortlist (Saga)
Booklist Top Ten Fantasy Books for Youth list for 2007 (Epic)
Reading Association of Ireland Shortlist (Epic)
Arts Council Literature Travel Award
A New York Public Library 'book for the teen age' (Epic)
Beehive Award Shortlist (Epic)
Grace Lawless Lee Fund
International Reading Association, Young Adult Reader's Choice, for Epic
Ecclesiastical History Society
The Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East (SSCLE)
Seigneurie: Group for the Study of Nobility, Lordship, and Chivalry.