Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ruth Brennan, Making space for plural ontologies in fisheries governance: Ireland's disobedient offshore islands, Maritime Studies, 2022
Ruth Brennan, 'FISHING FOR SURVIVAL IN THE 'BLUE ECONOMY'- FOUND POEMS FROM THE IRISH ISLANDS', ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies., 2022, -
Chambers JM, Wyborn C, Ryan ME, Reid RS, Riechers M, Serban A, Bennett NJ, Cvitanovic C, Fernandez-Gimenez ME, Galvin KA, Goldstein BE, Klenk NL, Tengö M, Brennan R, et al. , Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations., Global Environmental Change , 72, 2022, p102422
Chambers JM, Wyborn C, Ryan ME, Reid RS, Riechers M, Serban A, Bennett NJ, Cvitanovic C, Fernandez-Gimenez ME, Galvin KA, Goldstein BE, Klenk NL, Tengö M, Brennan R, et al., Six modes of co-production for sustainability. , Nature Sustainability, 4, 2021, p983 - 996
Marine Protected Area Advisory Group, Expanding Ireland's Marine Protected Area Network: A report by the Marine Protected Area Advisory Group, 2021
Reflections on methodological tensions in doing qualitative research at the science-policy-community interface in, editor(s)Gustavsson M, White C, Phillipson J and Ounanian K , Researching People and the Sea: methodologies and traditions, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, [Ruth Brennan]
From protest to participation: Learning from experience in Irish inshore fisheries management in, editor(s)Pascual-Fernández J., Pita C., Bavinck M. , Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and Governance, Cham, Springer, 2020, [Mike Fitzpatrick, Ruth Brennan, Emmet Jackson ]
Brennan R, Re-storying marine conservation: Integrating art and science to explore and articulate ideas, visions and expressions of marine space, Ocean & Coastal Management, 162, 2018, p110 - 126
Brennan RE, The conservation 'myths' we live by: reimagining human-nature relationships within the Scottish marine policy context, AREA , 50, (2), 2018, p159 - 168
Shaping Blue Growth: Social Sciences at the Nexus Between Marine Renewables and Energy Policy. in, editor(s)Foulds C and Robison R , Advancing Energy Policy: Lessons on the integration of Social Sciences and Humanities, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp31 - 46, [Kerr S, Watts L, Brennan RE, Howell R, Graziano M, O'Hagan AM, van der Horst D, Weir S, Wright G and Wynne B.]
Holm P and Brennan RE, Humanities for the Environment 2018 Report-Ways to Here, Ways Forward, Humanities, 7, (1), 2018, p1-10
Brennan RE and Portman ME, Situating Arab-Israeli artisanal fishermen's perceptions of marine litter in a socio-institutional and socio-cultural context. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, 115, 2017, p240 - 251
Katsanevakis S, Mackelworth P, Coll M, Fraschetti S, Mačić V, Giakoumi S, Jones P, Levin N, Albano PG, Badalamenti F, Brennan R, Claudet J, Culibrk D, D'Anna G, Deidun A, Evagelopoulos A, García-Charton J, Goldsborough D, Holcer D, Jimenez C, Kark S, Sørensen T, Lazar B, Martin G, Mazaris A, Micheli F, Milner-Gulland E, Pipitone C, Portman M, Pranovi F, Rilov G, Smith R, Stelzenmüller V, Vogiatzakis I, Winters G, Advancing marine conservation in European and contiguous seas with the MarCons Action., Research Ideas and Outcomes , 3, 2017, pe11884-
Marine and coastal ecosystem stewardship in, editor(s)Bieling C. and Plieninger T. , The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017, [Alexander K., Brennan R. and Kenter J]
Billing S, Tett, P Brennan R and Miller R, Societal, policy and academic 'visions' for the future of the marine environment and its management, exemplified in the Northern and Western Islands of Scotland, Humanities , 6, (4), 2017, p81-
Portman ME and Brennan RE, Marine litter from beach-based sources: case study of an Eastern Mediterranean coastal town, Waste Management, 69, 2017, p535 - 544
Potts T., O'Higgins T., Brennan R., Cinnirella S., Steiner Brandt U., Suárez de Vivero J.L., van Beusekom, J., Troost T., Paltriguera L., Gunduz Hosgor, A. , Detecting critical choke points for achieving Good Environmental Status, Ecology and Society, 20, (1), 2015, p29-
Cinnirella S., Sardà R., Suárez de Vivero J. L., Brennan R., Barausse A., Icely J., Luisetti T., March D., Murciano C., Newton A., O'Higgins T., Palmeri L., Palmieri M. G., Raux P., Rees S., Albaigés J., Pirrone N. & K. Turner, Steps towards a shared governance response for achieving Good Environmental Status in the Mediterranean Sea. , Ecology and Society , 19, (4), 2014, p47-
Smith G and Brennan RE. 2012, Losing our way with mapping: thinking critically about marine spatial planning in Scotland. , Ocean & Coastal Management , 69, 2012, p210 - 216
Brennan RE and Valcic B, : Shifting perspectives - how the masks we wear can facilitate and inhibit channels of communication in the social-environmental policy context., Ocean & Coastal Management, 62, 2012, p1 - 8
Brennan RE and Rodwell LD, Sustainable Management of wild Irish Atlantic salmon: Keys found through the looking-glass. , Marine Policy, 32, 2008, p1072 - 1079
Brennan R, . The North Norfolk Coastline: A Complex Legacy, Coastal Management , 35, 2007, p587 - 599
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ruth Brennan, Thinking about Ireland's National Marine Planning Framework through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020, -
Ruth Brennan, Women in Fisheries Fly their Flags in Brussels, 2020, -
Ruth Brennan, Managing for diversity: keeping everyone afloat in Irish fisheries., 2020
Ruth Brennan, National Marine Planning Framework Consultation Draft Submission of the Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, 2020
Ruth Brennan and Michael Rozanov, 'Managing for Diversity: keeping everyone afloat in Irish fisheries', 2020, -
Ruth Brennan, Women in small-scale fisheries will play a key role in implementing the new EU fisheries control system - why is nobody asking them what they think?, 2020, -
Ruth Brennan, Marine Planning Policy Statement Submission of the Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, 2019
Ruth Brennan, Critical reflections on 21 November 2019 Dáil Éireann debate on the Island Fisheries (Heritage Licence) Bill , 2019, -
Ruth Brennan, National Marine Planning Framework Baseline Report Submission of the Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities , 2018
Brennan R. and Hurrel S, 'Producing Seascapes: a documentary', Glasgow, Hurrel Visual Arts and Scottish Association for Marine Science, 2016, -
Challenge: Sustainable mariculture at high latitudes in, editor(s)Baztan J., Chouinard O., Jorgensen B., Tett P., Vanderlinden J.P. and Vasseur L. , Coastal Zones: Solutions for the 21st century, Amsterdam., Elsevier, 2015, [Tett P., Black K., Brennan R., Cook E., Davidson K. ]
Hurrel S. and Brennan R. , 'Clyde Reflections: a film and audio-visual installation', Glasgow, Hurrel Visual Arts and Scottish Association for Marine Science, 2014, -
Clyde Reflections in, editor(s)Griffith D. , Imagining Natural Scotland, Edinburgh and Glasgow, Creative Scotland, 2014, [Hurrel S. and Brennan R. ]
Hurrel S. and Brennan R, 'Sea Stories online cultural map of the sea', Glasgow, Hurrel Visual Arts and Scottish Association for Marine Science, 2013, -
MacKinnon I. and Brennan R, '. Dùthchas na Mara/Dúchas na Mara/Belonging to the Sea. Exploring the cultural roots of maritime conflict on Gaelic speaking islands in Scotland and Ireland. ', Oban, Scottish Association for Marine Science, 2012, - 48
Potts T., Brennan R., Pita C. and Lowrie G, Sustainable Seafood and Eco-labelling: The Marine Stewardship Council, UK Consumers, and the UK Fishing Industry, SAMS Report: 270-211 Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban, UK. , 2011
Bell E, Brennan R., Nickell T, Potts T, Valcic B, and Wilson H. 2011, Report to LINK: Making the case for the sound management of Marine Protected Areas.,, Oban, 2011
Brennan R., Potts T. and Mee L, Report on Social and Economic Objectives for a Scottish Marine Plan. , Edinburgh, Scottish Government Publications, 2010