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TCEH Blogs

On this page you will find regular blog entries written by staff and students of the TCEH relating to our research. Topics broadly cover our work here at the TCEH, as well as how we actively incorporate multi-disciplinary methodologies to ask new questions about old answers.


The views expressed in the posts and comments on this blog do not reflect Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities or any other third party mentioned or referred to on the blog. They should be understood as the personal opinions of the author only.

The fish trap traditions of Thailand’s Andaman Sea coast islands

by Paul Montgomery...READ MORE

4-Oceans workshop Trondheim Norway, October 2023

by Sophia Chapple and Bernard Allaire...READ MORE

4-Oceans project Wales workshop

by Emily Schwalbe...READ MORE

People of the Stones: coastal communities and stone tidal fish weirs

by Paul Montgomery...READ MORE

At the ebb of the tide: Exploring the Cultural Heritage of Stone Tidal Weirs

by Paul Montgomery...READ MORE

In the depths of the bog

by Caroline Kreysel...READ MORE

Kurnugia NOW!

by Rhonda McGovern...READ MORE

Fish Consumption and Human Culture in the Anthropocene: A Case Study of the Jewish Community in Ireland

by Hannah Feldman...READ MORE

Is Trinity College Dublin a Good Place for Chinese Students?

by Sian Zhao...READ MORE

Saved by the Sea? The Survival, Adaptation, and Development of Coastal Communities and the Fisheries During the 1740-1743 Famine Years in Norway

by Wanda Marcussen...READ MORE

History Research Topic

by Wanda Marcussen...READ MORE

Lux Alma - To The Sea - Marine Social Sciences Network

by Ruth Brennan...READ MORE

Anthropocene Podcast

by Isabel Bailey...READ MORE

Art and Astronomical Diaries

by Rhonda McGovern and Celina Muldoon...READ MORE

Blue Tears

by Kunyan Zheng...READ MORE

Young Irish and sustainable seafood: insights from the Food Smart Dublin workshops

by Agnese Cretella and Cordula Scherer...READ MORE

Irish Forestry and Climate Change

by Dr Margaret Duff Garvey...READ MORE

Bodies of Evidence

Gender and Viking Graves by Tenaya Jorgensen...READ MORE

Climate and War: the Importance of Babylonia and Assyria

An insight into The Climates of Conflict in Ancient Babylonia research project, funded by the Irish Research Council, this project has been looking at a very rich dataset with a view to providing a clear answer as to the relationship between climate and war by Conor Kostick and Rhonda McGovern...READ MORE

An Afterlife for the Anthropocene: Environmental Entanglements in The Good Place

An environmental interpretation of The Good Place by M.Phil Environmental History student Gabriel Coleman...READ MORE

Poul Holm - Thinking through dystopias and pandemics - the future is bright!

We imagine our futures based on what happens to us now. ...READ MORE

Prof. Holm’s Recent Field Trip to the Billion Oyster Project in New York

Prof. Poul Holm recently visited the Billion Oyster Project in NYC to see how oysters are being reintroduced to the Hudson River Estuary...READ MORE

The Humanities and Climate Change. Historical human adaption to environmental change in the North Atlantic: an exemplar of humanities contributions to the climate change debate

TCEH PhD candidate Jonathan Mehaffey discusses the humanities' role in the climate change debate, exploring historical examples...READ MORE

Innovation paradigms and technological change in the Galicia agriculture (1890-2000)

Visiting TCEH research fellow Bruno Esperante Paramos of University of Santiago de Compostela outlines his PhD research on his project entitled 'Innovation paradigms and technological change in the Galicia agriculture (1890-2000)'....READ MORE

Experiences, impressions and thoughts on the EH summit 2018 in Munich, Schloss Hohenkammer organised by the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society (Christof Mauch)

I was invited to the Environmental Humanities summit as a board member of the Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities (TCEH), to step in for the Centre’s director....READ MORE

25th July 2018: Using R on the NorFish Project

The early July 'Skill Share' gathering provided an opportunity to explore the “R” programming language, especially in terms of visualising data in literal and practical terms....READ MORE

15th June 2018: NETCDF Files and our Research

On Friday (8 June) we held our first 'Skill Share' session – a new research club we have established in the TCEH for everyone to learn from and with colleagues and to share our knowledge with each other. This series of sessions is particularly focused on sharing digital methodologies so that our multi-disciplinary team can better understand each other's work and unique approaches. Many attended and one colleague even called in via Skype...READ MORE

NorFish - August 2017: The ‘Oosterscher Zee’ Map by Jan Van Hoirne (Antwerp, 1526)

Associate Research Fellow on the NorFish project Dr Kieran Ranking writes on some of the cartographic data in the NorFish Chart. Click to read the blog.