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4-Oceans 2023 publications

4-OCEANS – publications

Allaire, B (2022), Holm, P The Price of Fish in French Supply Contracts (1538-1751): A Quantitative Approach to the Early Modern French Fish Market

Atmore, Lane M. et al. (2022) Population dynamics of Baltic herring since the Viking Age revealed by ancient DNA and genomics. PNAS 2022 Vol. 119 No. 45 e2208703119

Barrett, J.H. (2022) et al. Walruses on the Dnieper: New evidence for the intercontinental trade of Greenlandic ivory in the Middle Ages

Brito, C (2022) Vieira, N. Garcia, C. Carvalho, P. Lacerda, T. Baco, J O oceano histórico e ecológico: Narrativas e contextos da época moderna

Brito, C (2022) Uma Agenda de Investigação nas Humanidades Azuis: Exploração dos Ambientes Aquáticos e os 4 Oceanos em Épocas Pré-Industrialização

Brito, C. (2022) et al. Uma construção cultural de ser baleia: A história ambiental de dois arrojamentos na Lisboa ribeirinha e das pessoas que os observaram e descreveram.

Carvahlo, I. (2022) et al. Cetaceans of Sao Tome and Principe. In Luis M. P Ceríaco, Ricardo F. Lima, Martim Melo, Rayna Bell (eds.), Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands: Science and Conservation

Holm, P (2022), Hayes, P.W. Nicholls, J. Comment on “Five centuries of cod catches in eastern Canada,” by Schijns et al

Holm, P et al,(2022) Accelerated extractions of North Atlantic cod and herring, 1520-1790. Fish and Fisheries 2022 23:1, 54-72

Holm, P.(2022) et al. New challenges for the Human Oceans Past agenda

Lacerda, T. (2022) et al. Fontes documentais para uma história natural das baleias em Portugal.

Ljungqvist, F (2022), et al Regional Patterns of Late Medieval and Early Modern European Building Activity Revealed by Felling Dates

Mackay, H (2022), et al The 852/3 CE Mount Churchill Eruption: Examining the Potential Climatic and Societal Impacts and the Timing of the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the North Atlantic Region

Martínez-García L et al. (2022) Ancient DNA evidence for the ecological globalization of cod fishing in medieval and post-medieval Europe. Proc. R. Soc. B 289:20221107.

Travis, C. (2022), Legg, R. Bergmann, L. Crampsie, A. Dixon, A Dixon D. Cowboys, Cod, Climate and Conflict: Navigations in the Digital Environmental Humanities”

  • This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Grant agreement No. 951649