The Hebrew Scriptures (Tanak) are an endlessly fascinating collection of literature in their own right and foundational for our understanding of Ancient and Rabbinic Judaism and the development of Christianity. In addition to various recent and current projects in this area, research on the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism is being undertaken by the following staff and associates of the Centre.

Dr Katie Heffelfinger

My research interests focus on the interpretation of biblical Hebrew poetry and my book, I Am Large, I Contain Multitudes: Lyric Cohesion and Conflict in Second Isaiah (E.J. Brill) explores the tension between divine compassion and wrath in Isaiah 40–55 employing models drawn from the study of modern lyric poetry.  My ongoing research interests include the potential for biblical poetry and particularly metaphor to enliven theological imagination, and the role of memory in the development of exilic period theology. 

Dr Neil Morrison

My research interests include Chronicles; The Oracles Against the Nations; Old Testament ethics; Biblical hermeneutics and contemporary applications of Scripture. PhD research examined the theme of divine retribution in Chronicles and argued that the Chronicler’s interest in retribution was constrained by other ideological and practical concerns. Recent researching topic is the morality and provenance of the Oracles Against the Nations in the book of Jeremiah. E-mail:

Dr Daniele Pevarello

As part of my wider interest in sapiential traditions in Antiquity, I am currently writing a commentary on the ancient Jewish writing known as The Wisdom of Solomon in collaboration with Professor William Horbury.  For more information or to get in touch, visit my staff page.

Dr David Shepherd

My current and recent research interests/projects are focused on royal blood-guilt in the Former Prophets/Deuteronomistic History (in progress), a theologically-oriented commentary on Ezra-Nehemiah (forthcoming from Eerdmans) and the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in the Second Temple Period in Aramaic (esp. 11QarJob) at Qumran, and Migration in the Hebrew Bible.  Proposals for doctoral supervision in any of these general areas or related subjects are welcome.   For more information see or to get in touch, visit my staff page.

Dr Benjamin Wold

My key interests are in the interaction between religious traditions in ancient Jewish thought and practice from the second century BCE to the second century CE and how they contribute to our understanding of the cultural contexts that exerted influence on emerging Christianity.  Approaches to this topic are particularly focused on languages, literature, material culture, and archaeology from the period.  My publications have focused on Dead Sea Scrolls (esp. 4QInstruction, 4QPseudo-Ezekiel, 4Q521, 4QTestimonia, 4QFlorilegium), conceptualizations of “evil” (Dualism, Demonology), and the phenomenon of ancient “apocalypticism”.  Proposals for doctoral supervision in these and related areas are welcome. For more information or to get in touch visit my staff page.

Dr Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer

My research interests include Hebrew Bible, with focus on the prophetic literature and 1-2 Samuel; Reception history; the Bible and Literature; and the Bible and Modern Culture (esp. music and film). Email: