Research degrees

Our Centre serves as a hub for (post)graduate research in biblical studies, with students investigating a diverse array of topics in and relating to biblical studies.

Areas of supervision

Staff associated with the Centre offer research supervision across a wide range of subjects focused mainly on, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Hebrew Scriptures and Ancient Judaism
  • New Testament Literature and Early Christianity
  • Reception History


Entry Requirements

You should have a Masters qualification in a relevant subject area. If your first language is not English you will need to provide evidence of your English language proficiency.

Fees and Funding

Postgraduate Fees 

Faculty Graduate School

You'll become part of the Graduate School in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The Faculty supports a range of training and development opportunities, foster interdisciplinary research and can help you nurture interests in academic writing, public engagement and research skills. 

Visit the 

MLitt or PhD?


Typical duration:
  • Full-time: two years
  • Part-time: four years

Structured Ph.D.

  • 20 ECTS required (= 20 taught credits)
Typical duration:
  • Full-time: four years
  • Part-time: six years

How to Apply

We are happy to help you formulate your research proposal once you’ve written a clear project outline.

Search for a supervisor 

Browse our people and our research to find a potential supervisor, whose research interests are closely matched to your own proposed project. If you know that you wish to study for a PhD with a staff member associated with the Centre as your supervisor please do contact them to begin the conversation, or if you have questions about who would be best suited to supervise, contact the Director.

When you’ve settled on a supervisor, you’ll need to provide us with a reasonably detailed account of your proposed research as part of your official application process through the Graduate Office.

Research Proposal

Applicants must provide an outline research proposal when they apply. This proposal should be about 500-1000 words long and should incorporate the following information:

  • Title of proposed thesis.
  • The main aims of what your research (i.e. why you think it’s worth doing).
  • An identification of links to any previous work or hypothesis.
  • Any resources available and any required.
  • The methods of research proposed, (e.g. survey, case studies, etc.) and a plan and timetable of work.

In addition to this information, you should also explain why you wish to pursue this area of research, and provide supplementary information on any experience, training or skills you may have gained from your previous education or employment.