Mark Sweetnam read English Literature and Mathematical Science at Trinity College Dublin, before completing a Higher Diploma in Education, and a Ph.D, which focused on the issue of religious authority in the thought of John Donne. He is currently the Director of the M. Phil. in Digital Humanities and Culture.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Mark S. Sweetnam, John Donne and Religious Authority in the Reformed English Church, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2014, 220ppBook, 2014
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Todd Mangum, The Scofield Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church , Downers Grove, IL, Inter-varsity Press, 2009, 245ppBook, 2009
- Mark S. Sweetnam, The Minutes of the Antrim Ministers' Meetings 1654-1658, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2012, 189ppBook, 2012
- Mark S. Sweetnam Helen M. Cooney, Revelation and Enigma in Renaissance Literature: Essays Presented to Professor Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2012, 246ppBook, 2012
- Mark S. Sweetnam, The Caroline Sermon: Texts, Contexts and Challenges' , Yearbook of English Studies, 44, 2014, p215 - 231Journal Article, 2014
- Mark S. Sweetnam, "Sheep Amongst Wolves"? The Protestant Ministry in 1641', Journal of Scottish and Irish Studies, 6, (2), 2013, p71-92Journal Article, 2013
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Micheál Ó Siochrú, The 1641 Rebellion in Armagh', Seanchas Ard Mhacha: journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society, 24, (1), 2012, p72-103Journal Article, 2012
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Hal Lindsey and the Great Dispensational Mutation, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 23, (2), 2011, p217-235Journal Article, 2011
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Defining Dispensationalism: A Cultural Studies Perspective, Journal of Religious History, 34, 2010, p191-212Journal Article, 2010
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Reading Paradise Lost in a post-modern world, SEARCH, 31, (3), 2008, p204-212Journal Article, 2008
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Dan Crawford, Thinking Black, and the challenge of a missionary canon, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 58, (4), 2007, p704-725Journal Article, 2007
- Calvinism and Literature in, editor(s)Crawford Gribben Graeme Murdock , Cultures of Calvinism in early modern Europe, New York, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp94 - 116, [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2019
- Religion and Literature in the Scottish Reformation in, editor(s)Ian P. Hazlett , The Brill Companion to the Scottish Reformation, Leiden, Brill, 2022, [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2022
- Evangelicals and the End of the World in, editor(s)Andrew Atherstone David Ceri Jones , The Routledge Research Companion to the History of Evangelicalism, London and New York, Routledge, 2019, pp178 - 197, [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2019
- Ignorance is Iniquity: The arcana imperii in the sermons of John Donne' in, editor(s)Helen M. Cooney Mark S. Sweetnam , Revelation and Enigma in Renaissance Literature: Essays Presented to Professor Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2012, pp167-182 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2012
- Canonicity and Radical Evangelicalism: The Case of Thomas Kelly' in, editor(s)John Kirk Andrew Noble Michael Brown , United Islands? The Languages of Resistance, London, Pickering & Chatto, 2012, pp77-94 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2012
- Evangelical Millennialism in the Lyrics of Johnny Cash in, editor(s)Christopher Partridge , Anthems of Apocalypse: Popular Music and Apocalyptic Thought , Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix, 2012, pp13-26 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2012
- Introduction: Left Behind and the Challenge of the Unfamiliar' in, editor(s)Crawford Gribben Mark S. Sweetnam , Left Behind and the Evangelical Imagination, Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix, 2011, pp1-14 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2011
- Foundational Faults: Heresy and Religious Toleration in the Later Thought of John Donne in, editor(s)Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin John Flood , Heresy in Early English Literature, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2010, pp113-126 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2010
- Calvinism, Counter-Reformation and Conversion: Doctrinal Palimpsest in Alexander Montgomerie's Religious Lyrics in, editor(s)Crawford Gribben David George Mullan , Literature and the Scottish Reformations, London, Ashgate, 2009, pp143-160 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2009
- Fundamentalism and Literature, Dale C. Allison, Jr. Christine Helmer Volker Leppin Choon-Leong Seow Hermann Spieckermann Barry Dov Walfish Eric J. Ziolkowski, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception vol. 9, Boston, De Gruyter, 2014, pp828 - 830, [Mark S. Sweetnam]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Mark Sweetnam, Micheál Ó Siochrú, Maristella Agosti, Marta Manfioletti, Nicola Orio, Chiara Ponchia, Stereotype or Spectrum: Designing for a User Continuum, First Workshop on Exploration, Navigation and Retrieval of Information in Cultural Heritage, SIGIR 2013, Dublin, edited by S. Lawless, M. Agosti, P. Clough, O. Conlan , Association for Computing Machinery, 2013, pp23-30Conference Paper, 2013
- Mark S. Sweetnam, The CULTURA Evaluation Model: An Approach Responding to Evaluation Needs in an Innovative Research Environment, First Workshop on Exploration, Navigation and Retrieval of Information in Cultural Heritage, SIGIR 2013, Dublin, edited by S. Lawless, M. Agosti, P. Clough, O. Conlan , Association for Computing Machinery, 2013, pp43-46Conference Paper, 2013
- Raptured, Rewarding, and Reigning: The Hope of the Believer in The Gospel Hymn Book in, editor(s)Neil Dickson T. J. Marinello , The Brethren Movement: Studies in Society and Spirituality, Troon, BAHN, 2014, pp237-258 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2014
- Knox, John in, editor(s)Garrett A. Sullivan Jr. Alan Stewart , The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, ppII, 569-57 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2012
- Leslie, John in, editor(s)Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr. Alan Stewart , The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, ppII, 590-591 , [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2012
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Natural language processing and early-modern dirty data: applying IBM Languageware to the 1641 depositions, Literary and Linguistic Computing, 2011Journal Article, 2011, URL
- Mark Sweetnam, 'Biblical Literature', Oxford Bibliography of British and Irish Literature, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, -Bibliography, filmography, etc., 2018
- Protestant Views of the Afterlife in, editor(s)Christopher M. Moreman , The Routledge Companion to Death and Dying, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, pp14 - 24, [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2017
- Sweetnam Mark S., The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne Volume XII: Sermons Preached at St. Paulâ s Cathedral, 1626. Mary Ann Lund. ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. lx + 362 pp. $190. , Renaissance Quarterly , 71 , (3 ), 2018, p1219-1220 -Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Sweetnam Mark S., The growth of the Brethren movement. National and international experiences. Essays in honour of Harold H. Rowdon. Edited by Neil T. R. Dickson and Tim Grass. (Studies in Evangelical History and Thought.) Pp. xiv+281 incl. colour frontispiece. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2006. £19.99 (paper). 978 1 84227 427 9 , The Journal of Ecclesiastical History , 60 , (1 ), 2009, p194-196 -Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- Georgia Angelaki, Karolina Badzmierowska, David Brown, Vera Chiquet, Joris Colla, Judith Finlay-McAlester, Klaudia Grabowska, Vanessa Hannesschläger, Natalie Harrower, Freja Howat-Maxted, Maria Ilvanidou, Wojciech Kordyzon, Magdalena Król, Antonio Gabriel Losada Gómez, Maciej Maryl, Sanita Reinsone, Natalia Suslova, Mark Sweetnam, Kamil Śliwowski, Marcin Werla , 'How to Facilitate Cooperation between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions. Guidelines', Warsaw, Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2019, -Protocol or guideline, 2019, DOI
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'IBM LanguageWare and the 1641 Depositions' , Supporting the Digital Humanities, CLARIN/DARIAH Conference, Technical University Vienna, 19-21 October 2010, 2010Poster, 2010
- Crawford Gribben Mark S. Sweetnam, Left Behind and the Evangelical Imagination, Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2011Book, 2011
- Aidan Clarke, Mark Sweetnam, Seamus Lawless, Placename Indices for the IMC-edition of the 1641 Depositions, Irish Manuscripts Commission, 2014Dataset, 2014, URL
- Mark Sweetnam, Walter Boyd, Shepherding the Sheep: Tracing the Theme of Shepherds and Shepherding Through Scripture, Lisburn, Scripture Teaching Library, 2020Book, 2020
- Mark Sweetnam, Paul's Last Letter: A Commentary on the Second Epistle to Timothy, Eugene, OR, Wipe & Stock, 2024, 213ppBook, 2024
- Mark Sweetnam, Understanding Dispensationalism, 2020, 255ppBook, 2020
- The Rapture in Contemporary Brethren Thought in, editor(s)Tim Grass Tom Marinello , The Brethren and Last Things, Troon, BAHN, 2024, [Mark Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2024
- Tensions in Dispensational Eschatology' in, editor(s)Crawford Gribben, Kenneth Newport , Expecting the End: Millennialism in Social and Historical Context , Baylor, TX, Baylor University Press, 2006, pp173 - 192, [Mark S. Sweetnam]Book Chapter, 2006
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Hamlet and the Reformation of the Eucharist, Literature and Theology, 21, (1), 2007, p11 - 28Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- Crawford Gribben, Mark Sweetnam, J. N. Darby and the Irish origins of dispensationalism, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society , 52, (3), 2009, p569-577Journal Article, 2009
- Eleanor O'Neill, Mark Sweetnam, Owen Conlan, Séamus Lawless, Alexander O'Connor, Micheál Ó'Siochrú, Jane Ohlmeyer and Vincent Wade, Towards Multi-Dimensional Adaptation of Digitised Historical Content, Supporting Digital Humanities, Copenhagen, 17-18 November 2011, 2011Conference Paper, 2011, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Mark Sweetnam, Maristella Agosti, Nicola Orio, Chiara Ponchia, Christina Steiner, Eva Hillemann, Micheál Ó Siochrú, Séamus Lawless, User Needs for Enhanced Engagement with Cultural Heritage Collections, The 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2012, Paphos, Cyprus, 23rd-27th September, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- E. Bailey, M. Sweetnam, M. O'Siochru, O. Conlan, CULTURA: Supporting Professional Humanities Researchers, Digital Humanities 2013, Lincoln, Nebraska, July 2013, University of Nebraska, 2013, pp99 - 101Conference Paper, 2013
- Steiner, Christina; Agosti, Maristella; Sweetnam, Mark; Hillemann, Eva-C.; Orio, Nicola; Ponchia, Chiara; Hampson, Cormac; Munnelly, Gary; Nussbaumer, Alexander; Albert, Dietrich; Conlan, Owen, Evaluating a digital humanities research environment: the CULTURA approach, International Journal on Digital Libraries, 15, (1), 2014, p53 - 70Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Mark S. Sweetnam, The growth of the Brethren movement. National and international experiences. Essays in honour of Harold H. Rowdon. , Review of The growth of the Brethren movement. National and international experiences. Essays in honour of Harold H. Rowdon. , by Neil T. R. Dickson and Tim Grass , Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 60, (1), 2009, p194-196Review, DOI
- Shane Mawe, Dr Graeme Murdock, Dr Mark Sweetnam, 'Power and Belief: The Reformation at 500', Online , Google Arts & Culture, 2017, -Exhibition, URL
- Mark Sweetnam, John Knox. Jane Dawson., Review of John Knox, by Jane Dawson , Renaissance Quarterly, 70, (4), 2018Review
- Mark S. Sweetnam, The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne Volume XII: Sermons Preached at St. Paul's Cathedral, 1626. Mary Ann Lund. ed., Review of The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne Volume XII: Sermons Preached at St. Paul's Cathedral, 1626, by Mary Ann Lund , Renaissance Quarterly, 71, (3), 2017, p1219-1220Review, DOI
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage at Trinity College Dublin. Keynote Address. , Open and Engaged: Open Access Week at the British Library, British Library, 2019Invited Talk
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Theorising conversion in Early-Modern Imagined Commonwealths, Trans-Atlantic Renaissance Seminar, Web-seminar involving Syracuse University, Cornell University, Trinity College Dublin and University of Manchester, 9 December 2011, 2011Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, A Collaborative Linguistic Research Interface for the 1641 Deposition, Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, 17-22 July 2011, 2011Poster
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Ministry and the Minister in Stuart Ireland, Social Order and Social Ordering in Stuart Ireland and Scotland, Research Institute for Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen, 2011Invited Talk
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Analysing Early Modern English Language in the 1641 Depositions, Centre for Early-Modern Studies Seminar, University of Aberdeen, 2 March 2011, 2011Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, A Linguistic Analysis of the 1641 Corpus, Collaborative Research on the 1641 Depositions: Process and Impact', University of Aberdeen, University of Aberdeen, 18-19 February 2011, 2011Invited Talk
- Mark S. Sweetnam, Natural Language Processing and Early Modern Dirty Data - Applying IBM LanguageWare to the 1641 Depositions Corpus, Chicago Colloquium on the Digital Humanities, North Western University, Evanston, IL, 21-22 November 2010, 2010Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'Things to Come: Eschatology and Spirituality', invited keynote address, Brethren Archivists and Historians Network Conference 2007: Brethren Spirituality, Edinburgh, July 2009, 2009Invited Talk
- Mark S. Sweetnam, '"Hello, I'm a Dispensationalist": Evangelical Millennialism in the lyrics of Johnny Cash', Millennialism in The Modern World, Second Liverpool Hope International Conference on Millennialism, Centre for Millennialism Studies, Liverpool Hope University, 7-9 July 2008, 2008Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'Dan Crawford: the missionary and central-African culture' Keynote address, Brethren Archivists and Historians Network Conference 2007: Brethren, Culture and Society, Liverpool Hope University, 5-7 July 2007, 2007Invited Talk
- Mark S. Sweetnam, '"A change of heart": The Critical Paradigm of C.S. Lewis' Preface to Paradise Lost', C. S. Lewis: Critic, Christian and creative writer: An Ulster-Manchester Colloquium in Literature and Belief, University of Manchester, 13 April 2007, 2007Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'Raptured, Rewarded, and Reigning: The Hope of the Believer in The Gospel Hymn Book', Hope-Manchester Colloquium on Millennialism: Texts and Reception, Ripon College Cuddeston, Oxford, 13-15 September 2005, 2005Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, '"Six by nine. Forty two." or How to Ask the Ultimate Question', Memory in a Digital Age: Collecting, Accessing and Forgetting, Trinity Week Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, 14 April 2016, 2016Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'John Donne and the Knowledge of God', Religion and Literature: A Symposium in honour of Professor Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Trinity College Dublin, 31 May 2012, 2012Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'Mapping the Language of Early Modern Cultural Contact', Irish Renaissance Seminar, University College Dublin, 4 November 2011, 2011Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'Do you know where your towel is? Digital Humanities and the Discipline of English', School of English Staff/Postgraduate Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, 3 March 2011, 2011Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'Digital Darby: Exploiting the Digital Greek New Testament', New Directions in Millennial Studies, Trinity College Dublin, September 2010, 2010Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, 'Transgressing the arcana imperii: John Donne and the Unsearchable Councils of God', Staging Transgression in the Early Modern Period, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 August 2010, 2010Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, ' "Zion's King Shall Reign Victorious": The Millennial Orientation of Thomas Kelly's Hymns', United Islands 2: Multi-Lingual Radical Poetry and Song in Britain and Ireland, 1770-1820, Queen's University Belfast, 26-29 August 2009, 2009Oral Presentation
- Mark S. Sweetnam, . '"Thou hast not Done": John Donne and the seductive perils of biographical criticism', International Conference on Biography, University of Ulster at Coleraine, 20-22 June 2007, 2007Oral Presentation
- Mark Sweetnam, Allí Estoy Yo: "Qué es una iglesia según la Biblia?, Guadalajara, México, Editorial Dia, 2020, 114ppBook
- Mark Sweetnam, Thomas P. Power, ed. A Flight of Parsons: The Divinity Diaspora of Trinity College Dublin. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2018. Pp. x + 329. Paper, US$39.00. ISBN 978-1-5326-0909-1., Review of A Flight of Parsons, by Thomas P. Power , Toronto Journal of Theology, 39, (1), 2023, p81-82Review
- Mark S. Sweetnam, STEVE NEWMAN and DAVID MCGUINNESS (eds). The Gentle Shepherd, Review of The Gentle Shepherd. By Allan Ramsay. (The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works of Allan Ramsay), by Steve Newman and David McGuinness (eds) , The Review of English Studies, 74, (317), 2023, p897"898Review
Research Expertise
Languages and literature, History, Heritage and Archaeology, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion,
- Fellow of the Royal Historical Society 2018
- Maddock Research Fellowship, Edward Worth Library 2024
- Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2024
- Trinity Centre for Biblical Studies
- Renaissance Society of America
- Participated in ERC (SSH) Consolidator grants mock review panel organised by the Irish Universities Association 14 December 2021
- Participated in ERC (SSH) Consolidator grants mock review panel organised by the Irish Universities Association 14 December 2021