Professor Ahuvia Kahane
Regius Chair & AG Leventis Prof of Greek, Classics
Email kahanea@tcd.ie Phone https://www.tcd.ie/classics/people/ahuvia-kahane.phpBiography
Ahuvia Kahane was born in Israel. He was schooled in Jerusalem and in Berkeley, CA. Ahuvia completed a BA in Classics at Tel-Aviv University and a DPhil in Classics at Balliol College, Oxford, studying with Jasper Griffin. He taught part time at Balliol and other Oxford Colleges. He was a Junior Research Fellow at St. Cross College, Oxford and the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (1990-1993) where he has been Senior Associate since 2006. Kahane was Junior Fellow at Harvard University's Centre for Hellenic Studies (1993-94), Assistant Professor of Classics (1994-2000) and Associate Professor of Classics (2000-04) at Northwestern University and Visiting Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford (2002-03). He was Professor of Greek at Royal Holloway, University of London (2004-2019) and appointed as Regius Professor of Greek (1761), A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture in 2019 and named Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 2020.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Theses on the Geometry of the Ruin in, editor(s)S. Marçal , F. Roseta, J. Joseph Lester and J. Westerman , Hard Engineering: Propositions for Future Ruins, London, Trigger Point, 2019, pp181 - 202, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2019, URL
- Ahuvia Kahane, Formal Diction, Intertextuality, Narrative and the Complexity of Greek Epic Diction, Symbolae Osloenses, 93, 2019, p234 - 266Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Cognitive-Functional Grammar and the Complexity of Early Greek Epic Diction in, editor(s)P. Meineck, W. M. Short and J. Devereaux , The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Cognitive Theory,, London, Routledge, 2018, pp21 - 38, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2018
- Damage, Sculpture, History in, editor(s)J. Baseman , Everything is Sculpture: Immaterial Constructions/Material Realities, London, Camberwell Press/Royal College of Art, 2018, pp28 - 38, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2018
- Biography and Virgil's Epitaph in, editor(s)P. Hardie and A. Powell , The Ancient Lives of Virgil: History and Myth, Sources and Reception, Lampeter, Classical Press of Wales, 2017, pp51 - 72, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2017
- Walking Around Trafalgar Square: Temenos and Omphalos in, editor(s)J. Joseph-Lester, S. King, R. Bottazzi and A. Blier-Carruthers , Walking Cities: London 2nd Edition, London, Routledge, 2020, pp235 - 260, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2020
- Hiero's Question: An Introduction in, editor(s)J. Clauss and A. Kahane , The Gods of Greek Hexameter Poetry: From the Archaic Age to Late Antiquity and Beyond, Stuttgart:, F. Steiner Verlag, 2016, pp1 - 20, [J. Clauss, M. Cuypers and A. Kahane]Book Chapter, 2016
- The Twilight of the Epic Gods: Reading Derek Walcott and Alice Oswald in, editor(s)J. Clauss and A. Kahane , The Gods of Greek Hexameter Poetry: From the Archaic Age to Late Antiquity and Beyond, Stuttgart, F. Steiner Verlag, 2016, pp385 - 406, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2016
- Ahuvia Kahane, Fan Fiction, Early Greece, and the Historicity of Canon, Transformative Works and Cultures, 21, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Ahuvia Kahane, Epic, Novel and the Progress of Antiquity, London, Bloomsbury, 2023Book, 2023
- Ahuvia Kahane, Oral Theory, Complexity and Homeric Epic, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2024Book, 2024
- Disagreement, Complexity and the Politics of Homer's Verbal Form in, editor(s)Phiroze Vasunia , The Politics of Form in Greek Literature, London, Bloomsbury, 2021, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2021
- The Complexity of Epic Diction in, editor(s)Christos Tsagalis Jonathan Ready , Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic, 2, Leiden, Brill, 2018, pp78 - 117, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2018
- Narratology and the Temporality of Emotions in Homer in, editor(s)de Bakker, M.P. Klooster, J. J. H. van den Berg, B. , Narratological approaches to emotions in ancient Greek narrative and beyond. Studies in honor of Irene de Jong on the occasion of her 65th birthday, Leiden, Brill, 2022, pp27 - 47, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2022
- Demos, Democracy and Method: Political Trust and the Science of Suspicion in, editor(s)Aaron Turner , Reconciling Ancient and Modern Philosophies of History,, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, pp231 - 262, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2020
- Private Lives and Public Responsibility: Democracy, Youth and the Demos in, editor(s)Shiran Greenberg , Essays in Honour of Diana Silverman, Tel-Aviv, Israel, TBD, 2021, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2021
- Apuleius and Martianus Capella: Canon, Reception and Pedagogy in, editor(s)R. Mouren C. Boidin F. Bistagne , The Afterlife of Apuleius, eds. R. Mouren, C. Boidin and F. Bistagne, special issue of Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, London, Institute of Classical Studies, 2021, pp109 - 124, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2021
- Ahuvia Kahane, Donatus' Life, Biography and the Structure of Time, Proceedings of the Virgil Society, 2017, p161 - 185Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Ahuvia Kahane, Homer: A Guide for the Perplexed , London, Continuum / Bloomsbury, 2012Book, 2012
- J. Clauss M. Cuypers A. Kahane , The Gods in Greek Hexameter Poetry and Beyond, Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2016Book, 2016
- Ahuvia Kahane, Diachronic Dialogues: Continuity and Authority in Homer and the Homeric Tradition,, Lanham, MD, Rowman and Littlefield, 2005Book, 2005
- Ahuvia Kahane, The Interpretation of Order: A Study in the Poetics of Homeric Repetition, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994Book, 1994
- Ahuvia Kahane Tamar Rappoport, Social Order and Informal Codes, Tel Aviv, Israel, Resling, 2012Book, 2012
- Andrew Laird Ahuvia Kahane, A Companion to the Prologue to Apuleius' Metamorphoses,, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001Book, 2001
- Written Voices, Spoken Signs: Tradition, Performance and the Epic Text, Egbert J. Bakker Ahuvia Kahane, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1997Book, 1997
- N. S. Doniach A. Kahane, The Oxford English Hebrew Dictionary, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996Book, 1996
- European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 18, 5-6, (2012), Ahuvia Kahane, [eds.]Journal, 2012
- Ahuvia Kahane, 'Homer: Odyssey', Jerusalem, Keter, 1996, -Translation, 1996
- A. Kahane, M. Mueller, B. Parod, C. Berry, 'The Chicago Homer / https://homer.library.northwestern.edu/', Evanston, IL, Northwestern University, 2000, -Digital research resource production, 2000
- The Twilight of the Epic Gods: Reading Derek Walcott and Alice Oswald in, editor(s)J. J. Clauss M. Cuypers A. Kahane , The Gods of Greek Hexameter Poetry: From the Archaic Age to Late Antiquity and Beyond, Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 2016, pp385 - 406, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2016
- Methodological Approaches to Greek Tragedy in, editor(s)H. M. Roisman , The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy, Blackwell-Wiley, 2013, pp839 - 849, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2013
- Image, Word, and the Antiquity of Ruins in, editor(s)A. Kahane , Antiquity and the Ruin, London, Francis and Taylor, 2012, pp829 - 850, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2012
- Postscript: Slavery, Abolition, Modernity, and the Past in, editor(s)E. Hall J. McConnell , Ancient Slavery and Abolition: From Hobbs to Hollywood, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp409 - 423, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2011
- Homer and Contemporary Philosophy in, The Homer Encyclopedia, Malden, MA, Wile-Blackwell, 2011, pp656 - 658, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2011
- Ahuvia Kahane, Homer and the Jews in Antiquity, Textus, 2010, p75 - 103Journal Article, 2010
- Antigone, Antigone: Lacan and the Structure of the Law in, Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and Criticism, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp147 - 167, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2010
- Ahuvia Kahane, Homer and Ancient Narrative Time, Classical Antiquity, 40, (2), 2021, p1 - 50, p1-54Journal Article, 2021
- The Future of the Past and the Futures of Antiquity in, editor(s)Mario Telo Sean Gurd , Before and After in a Time of Crisis, Goleta, CA, Punctum Books, 2023, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2023
- Ahuvia Kahane, Method, Ethics and Orality: Ethnocentrism and Early Greek Epic, 32, 2022, p1 - 15Journal Article, 2022
- Images of Ancient Time: Homer and the Nature of Temporality in, editor(s)Xinyue, Bobby , Texts, Temporalities, Ideologies: Ancient and Early Modern Perspectives, London, Bloomsbury, 2023, pp1-30 , [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2023
- Simple Machines, Braitenberg Vehicles, Tripods and Emergent Selves. in, editor(s)Silvio B:ar Andriana Doumouzi , Ancient Epic and Artificial Intelligence, London, Bloomsbury, 2023, [Ahuvia Kahane]Book Chapter, 2023
- Ahuvia KahaneJaspar Joseph LesterIan Kiaer, Panoramico: Architecture, Ethics and Politics, TBD, TBD, 2025Book, 2025
- Ahuvia Kahane, Jaspar Joseph-Lester, Simon King, Esther Leslie, Walking Cities: Layer, Trace, Zone Vector Editors:, London, Routledge, 2023Book, 2023
- Political Geometries in, editor(s)Ahuvia Kahane Jaspar Joseph-Lester Simon King Esther Leslie , Walking Cities: Lockdown, London, Routledge, 2023, [Ahuvia Kahane, Fiachra Mac Gorain]Book Chapter, 2023
Research Expertise
I have published books and articles on ancient Greek and Latin literature, their diction, poetics, philosophy and politics, on the relations between form, content, change and continuity. I write and lecture about antiquity as well as on many aspects of the reception of antiquity in contemporary literature and philosophy. I have longstanding research and publication interests in Hebrew and Jewish culture and literature, in anthropology, visual arts, including modern art, in sociology, especially the sociology of education, in continental thought and its relation to antiquity, in post-human studies, new materialisms and more.
Languages and literature, Other Humanities, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, History, Heritage and Archaeology,
- MA (Oxon) 2002
- MA (Jure Officii) 2020
- Fellow, Trinity College Dublin 2020
- Freeman of the City of Durham (Barbers' Guild) 2006
- Renaissance Society of America
- Classical Association
- Oxford Philological Society
- The Virgilian Society
- American Comparative Literature Association
- Hellenic Society
- Modern Languages Association
- Society for Classical Studies
- Professorial Promotions Referee/Promotions Committee Member, Princeton University, Hebrew University, University of Haifa, University of Ibadan, Royal Holloway, University of London, Northwestern University, Royal Holloway University of London, the Open University, Kings College London, University of Huston, etc.
- Member, Programme Committee, AHRC Major Grants Stream, "Beyond Text." 2005
- Panellist (reviews), National Endowment for the Humanities 2008-9
- External Examiner, Comparative Literature Programme, Kings College, London 2007-11
- Reviewer for Arethusa; Classical Philology; Classical Quarterly; Classical World; Contemporary Political Theory; Digressus; Journal of Hellenic Studies; Ordia Prima; Transactions of the American Philological Association, Philologus, Classical Antiquity, Hermathena. Cornell University Press; Cambridge University Press; Oxford University Press; University of Chicago Press; University of Michigan Press; Wiley-Blackwell; Bucknell University Press; Bloomsbury Academic.
- External Examiner, Department of Classics, Durham University. 2011-15
- Member, Peer Review College, Arts and Humanities Research Council 2005-12
- External Examiner, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, University of Birmingham. 2004-8
- External Examiner, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, University of Birmingham. 2004-8
- Reviewer for Arethusa; Classical Philology; Classical Quarterly; Classical World; Contemporary Political Theory; Digressus; Journal of Hellenic Studies; Ordia Prima; Transactions of the American Philological Association, Philologus, Classical Antiquity, Hermathena. Cornell University Press; Cambridge University Press; Oxford University Press; University of Chicago Press; University of Michigan Press; Wiley-Blackwell; Bucknell University Press; Bloomsbury Academic.
- Panellist (reviews), National Endowment for the Humanities 2008-9
- External Examiner, Department of Classics, Durham University. 2011-15
- Member, Peer Review College, Arts and Humanities Research Council 2005-12
- Professorial Promotions Referee/Promotions Committee Member, Princeton University, Hebrew University, University of Haifa, University of Ibadan, Royal Holloway, University of London, Northwestern University, Royal Holloway University of London, the Open University, Kings College London, University of Huston, etc.
- External Examiner, Comparative Literature Programme, Kings College, London 2007-11
- Member, Programme Committee, AHRC Major Grants Stream, "Beyond Text." 2005