Exploring the Unmet Needs of Irish Cancer Patients from Underserved Communities - EuCan
Phase 3: Individual Interview Recruitment

One of the key objectives of the EuCan study is to explore the experiences of underserved communities who are living with or beyond cancer. To do this, we are recruiting individuals over the age of 65, individuals with a physical disability and individuals with an intellectual disability to take part in a one-to-one interview, which will help us to understand and gain insignt into their experiences of accessing cancer services in Ireland.
Who can participate?
We are seeking participation from:
• Individuals over the age of 65 years, who currently have a cancer diagnosis or have had cancer in the past.
• Individuals with an intellectual disability, who currently have a cancer diagnosis or have had cancer in the past.
• Individuals with a physical disability, who currently have a cancer diagnosis or have had cancer in the past.
How to Participate?
If you are interested in taking part in this important project and meet the eligibility criteria, you can reach out and contact the EuCan Research Assistant, Shauna Walsh, at WALSHS89@TCD.IE or 086 196 6824
To find out more information on the project and participation, please click on the following links:
Phase 2: Healthcare Professional Recruitment

One of the aims of the EuCan study is to explore cancer service provision amongst individuals from underserved communities. To do so, we are recruiting healthcare professionals who have experience in providing these cancer services to take part in a focus group, which allow for insight into their experiences.
Who can participate?
Healthcare professionals who are, or have been, involved in the provision of care for underserved communities. They must play a role in the detection, treatment, or management of cancer in individuals who are over 65, have a physical disability or an intellectual disability. Medical, nursing, and allied health professionals are all welcome to take part.
Aim of the Focus Group
The focus group will allow professionals to share insight into their experiences of providing cancer services to those who are members of potentially socially excluded groups. The focus group will investigate barriers and enablers of timely diagnostic access, what does and does not work well in terms of service provision, the impact on healthcare professionals, and how barriers can be overcome, and how enablers sustained and replicated.
How to Join?
If you are interested in taking part, you can reach out and contact the EuCan Research Assistant, Shauna Walsh, at WALSHS89@TCD.IE or 086 196 6824 or you can complete the following consent form: https://forms.office.com/e/M4AsdjW15Z
For more information click on the following link:
Phase 1: Steering Group Recruitment

The EuCan study is funded by the Irish Cancer Society and aims to explore the unmet needs of Irish cancer patients from underserved communities. The study will explore the enablers of timely access to cancer diagnosis, treatment, and care, along the barriers that people from underserved communities face when seeking timely cancer diagnosis, treatment, and care. The project is currently in its first phase of recruitment, and is seeking people who have, or have previously had, a cancer diagnosis from underserved communities to join our steering group.
Who can participate?
We are seeking participation from:
• Individuals over the age of 65
• Individuals with a physical disability
• Individuals with an intellectual disability.
Role of the Steering Group
The Steering Group will play an important role in shaping the the EuCan study. They will participate in the development of accessible literature; help ensure the outputs of the study are accessible and respectful and reflect and communicate the interests of people from underserved communities.
How to Join?
If you are interested in this important work and meet the eligibility criteria, you can reach out and contact the EuCan Research Assistant, Shauna Walsh, at WALSHS89@TCD.IE or 086 196 6824 or click on the following links: