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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Psychotropic Use in People with Intellectual Disabilities: How Evidence from the EQUIP Study can Inform and Support Policy and Practice

As part of the EQUIP Project, a webinar titled "Psychotropic Use in People with Intellectual Disabilities: How Evidence from the EQUIP Study can Inform and Support Policy and Practice" was held to disseminate the project's key findings. The event explored the implications of these findings and discussed how they can inform and shape future policy and practice to enhance health outcomes and improve the quality of life for older adults with intellectual disabilities.

Psychotropic Use in People with Intellectual Disabilities: How Evidence from the EQUIP Study can Inform and Support Policy and Practice

Watch the full webinar here.

Panel Disscussion:

For more information on the EQUIP project click here :

EQUIP: Examining Quality, Use and Impact of Psychotropic use in older adults with intellectual disabilities