Prescriber’s View on Anticholinergic Deprescribing Among Older Adults with Intellectual Disability: A qualitative interview Study

We would like to invite prescribers to contribute their views and perspectives on the use of anticholinergic medications among older adults with intellectual disability. The study is conducted by Lamya Al Shuhaimi (PhD student) as a part of her PhD work from the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, Trinity College Dublin and within the research group of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging (IDS-TILDA). Lamya’s project is aiming to enhance medicine use among older adults with intellectual disability.
This qualitative study will be conducted by online or face-to-face interview. The interview might take 40-50 minutes and you could stop at any time. You will be asked questions on your current experiences of prescribing medication for older adults with intellectual disability, of the anticholinergics burden, and the prescribing and deprescribing of anticholinergic medications
Ethical approval was granted from the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Ethics Committee in Trinity College Dublin. Gathered data will be processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Health Research Regulation.
We appreciate your time and support and please do not hesitate to contact Lamya for any queries.
Lamya Al Shuhaimi, Assis. Prof. Maire O’Dwyer, Assoc. Prof. Martin C Henman, Prof. Mary McCarron, Prof Philip McCallion.