Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability Webinar Catch-Up
- AIIHPC Early Career Research Forum Webinar - Leadership in Academia, Health Research, and Health Care: Charting a Personal Journey
- Launch of Post Diagnostic Dementia Support Gudielines for People with an Intellectual Disability
- Psychotropic Use in People with Intellectual Disability: How Evidence from the EQUIP study can Inform and Support Policy and Practice.
- National Palliative Care Week 2022 - End of Life Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Webinar.
- Overcoming Adversity: The Continuing Impact of COVID-19 on People Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland
- IDS-TILDA Commemoration Ceremony
- Digi-ID: Co creating an accessible digital skills education programme with and for people with intellectual disabilities. Sharing our story so far
- Palliative Care Week 2021 - Supporting people with an Intellectual Disability at end of life - Making the care conversation meaningful
- IDS-TILDA Covid Report Launch
- Online Masterclass Series - National Intellectual Disability Memory Service
- Amendments to the Health Research Regulations
- Project ECHO AIIHPC - Intellectual Disability Services
- Dementia in People with ID - Turning hope into service transformation
- PPALS 2020 Sports Day Event
- Get Wise About Your Health Showcase Event
- SOOTHE - Mental Health and Wellbeing