Professor Martine Smith
Professor In, Clin Speech & Language Studies
The Dean of Graduate Studies, Graduate Studies Office
My background is in speech and language therapy, and most of my clinical and research work focuses on how children and adults with severely reduced intelligibility navigate social interaction and construct language systems. My main research interests are in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), especially in a developmental context, as well as inter-relationships between spoken and written language development and disorders. Much of my research explores how children who are learning language use multimodal communication including communication aids (e.g., iPads or other devices) to solve communication problems. I am also interested in how adults who have used aided communication for many years incorporate it into their overall communication systems. A third area of my research is in the impact of severe speech impairments on the development of phonological and literacy skills. This links to my interest in Digital Literacy for children and adults who use communication devices - how and why they access the Internet and how Social Media supports or could support their development of social networks and social interaction opportunities.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Martine M. Smith, Clinical Cases in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 1st, London, Routledge, 2023, 1 - 200pp
Neuvonen, K., Smith, M., Launonen, K. & von Tetzchner, S., Communication partner strategies in negotiation for meaning in interactions involving aided communication, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 37, (12), 2023, p1104 - 1123
Quigley, D., Smith, M., Hayes, N., What's the magic word? Mapping oral language interventions implemented in prevention and early intervention programmes, Irish Educational Studies, 2022, p1-24
Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Underserved or Unserved Populations in, editor(s)Sandra Levey Pamela Enderby , The Unserved: Addressing the needs of those with communication disorders, Surrey, UK, J & R Press Ltd, 2022, pp1-17 , [Dada, S., Murray, J., & Smith, M.]
Stadskleiv, K., Batorowicz, B., Dahlgren Sandberg, A., Launonen, K., Murray, J., Neuvonon, K., Oxley, J., Renner, G., Smith, M., Soto, G., van Balkom, H., Walter, C., Yang, Chih-Kang, & von Tetzchner, S. , Aided communication, mind understanding and co-construction of meaning, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 25, (8), 2022, p518 - 530
Sotiropoulou Drosopoulou, C., Murray, J., Smith, M., Launonen, K., Neuvonen, K, Lynch, Y, Stadskliev, K and von Tetzchner, S, Appraising Conversation patterns between children and young people who use aided AAC and their conversation partners in two-person and multiperson interactions - clinical implications , Communication Matters International AAC Conference , Leeds UK , 11/09/22, 2022
Lynam, Aideen; Smith, Martine, Sibling involvement in interventions for children with a disability: A systematic review, Disability & Rehabilitation, 2021
Neuvonen, K.; Launonen, K.;Smith, M.; Stadskleiv, K.; von Tetzchner, S., Strategies in conveying information about unshared events using aided communication, Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 2021, p1 - 17
Costello, John; Smith, Martine, The BCH message banking process, voice banking, and double dipping, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 37, (4), 2021, p241 - 250
Sotiropoulou Drosopoulou, C., Murray, J., Smith, M., Launonen, K., Neuvonen, K., Lynch, Y., Stadskleiv, K., & Von Tetzchner, S., Conversation Patterns between Children with Severe Speech Impairment and their Conversation Partners in Dyadic and Multi-person Interactions, Applied Linguistics , 2021
Clinical applications of speech synthesis in, editor(s)Martin J. Ball , Manual of Clinical Phonetics, London, Routledge, 2021, pp516 - 522, [Smith, Martine; Costello John]
Sutton, Ann, Trudeau, Natacha, Morford, Jill, Smith, Martine, Expressive and receptive use of speech and graphic symbols by typically developing children: What skills contribute to performance on structured sentence-level tasks?, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23, (2), 2021, p155-167
Quigley, D. & Smith, M., Achieving effective inter-professional practice between speech and language therapists and teachers: an epistemological perspective, Child Language Teaching and Therapy , 2021
Social contexts: Communication, Leisure and Recreation in, editor(s)Christine Imms Dido Green , Participation: Optimising outcomes in childhood-onset neurodisability, London, UK, Mac Keith Press, 2020, pp67 - 76, [Batorowicz, Beata; Smith, Martine]
Smith, M., Manduchi, B., Burke, E., Carroll, R., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Communication difficulties in adults with Intellectual Disability: Results from a national cross-sectional study, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 97, (103557), 2020, p1-12
Lynch, Y., Murray, J., Moulam, L., Meredith, S., Goldbart, J., Smith, M., Batorowicz, B., Randall, N., Judge, S., Decision-making in communication aid recommendations in the UK: Cultural and contextual influencers, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2019, p13
Neuvonen, K., Jagoe, C., Launonen, K., Smith, M., von Tetzchner, S., Expectations and interpretations of conversations using aided communication: An application of relevance theory, Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 10, (2), 2019, p125 - 152
Tinney, G. & Smith, M., Identifying and managing incidents of minor theft within a service for individuals with intellectual disabilities, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47, 2019, p264 - 269
Smith, M., Innovations for Supporting Communication: Opportunities and challenges for people with complex communication needs, Folia Phoniatrica Logopedia, 71, (1), 2019, p156 - 167
Murray, J., Lynch, Y., Meredith, S., Moulam, L., Goldbart, J., Smith, M., Randall, N. & Judge, S. , Professionals' decision-making in recommending communication aids in the UK: competing considerations, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 35, 2019, p1-13
Smith, Martine, Constructing and navigating cultural borderlands using augmentative and alternative communication, Topics in Language Disorders, 38, (2), 2018, p96 - 107
Lynch, Y., McCleary, M., Smith, MM, Instructional strategies used in direct AAC interventions with children to support graphic symbol learning: A systematic review, Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 2018, p23 - 36
Deliberato, D. Jennische, M., Oxley, J., Nunes, L. Walter, C., Massaro, M., Almeida, M., Stadskleiv, K., Basil, C., Coronas, M., Smith, M., & von Tetzchner, S., Vocabulary comprehension and strategies in name construction among children using aided communication, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 34, (1), 2018, p16 - 29
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 34, 1, (2018), 1 - 91p, Smith, Martine, [eds.], 2015-2018
Smith, M.M., Batorowicz, B., Dahlgren Sandberg, A., Murray, J., Stadskleiv, K., van Balkom, H., Neuvonen, K. & von Tetzchner, S,, Constructing narratives to describe video events using aided communication, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 34, (1), 2018, p40 - 53
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 34, 2, (2018), 93 - 165p, Smith, Martine, [eds.], 2015-2018
Fiona Ryan, Martine Smith, Margaret Leahy, Stories from the other side: Outcomes of narrative therapy for adults who stutter, European Symposium on Fluency Disorders, Antwerp, Belgium, February 16-17, 2018, 2018
Neuvonen, K., Launonen, K. Smith, M, von Tetzchner, S, Extending and narrowing: creative strategies in using graphic symbols, Biennial Conference of the International Society for AAC, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Australia, 2018
Accessing the voices of children who use augmentative and alternative communication: Merits and pitfalls of co-construction in, editor(s)Twomey, Miriam Carroll, Clare , Seen and Heard: Exploring participation, engagement and voice for children with disabilities, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2018, pp171 - 190, [Smith, Martine]
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 34, 1, (2018), 1 - 91p, Smith, Martine, [eds.], 2015-2018
Murray, J., Dahlgren Sandberg, A., Smith, M.M., Deliberato, D., Stadskleiv, K., & von Tetzchner, S., Communicating the unknown: descriptions of pictured scenes and events presented on video by children and adolescents using aided communication and their peers using natural speech, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 34, (1), 2018, p30 - 39
Adolescence and augmentative and alternative communication in, editor(s)Spencer, Sarah , Supporting adolescents with language disorders, London, UK, J&R Press, 2018, pp215 - 236, [Smith, Martine]
Griffiths, C,, Smith, M,, You and me: The structural basis for the interaction of people with severe and profound intellectual disability and others, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 21, (2), 2017, p103 - 117
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 33, 2, (2017), 65 - 120p, Smith, Martine, [Editor], 2015-2018
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 33, 3, (2017), 121 - 188p, Smith, Martine, [Editor], 2015-2018
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 33, 4, (2017), 189 - 259p, Smith, Martine, [Editor], 2015-2018
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 33, 1, (2017), 1 - 64p, Smith, Martine, [Editor-in-Chief], 2015-2018
Smith, Martine, Evidence for Impact, Impact of Evidence, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 32, (4), 2016
Balancing multimodality and relevance in, editor(s)Smith, Martine Murray, Janice , The silent partner? Language learning and language use in aided communication., London, J&R Press, 2016, [Jagoe, C & Smith, M]
Griffiths C.Smith M,M., Attuning: a communication process between people with severe and profound intellectual disability and their interaction partners., Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities., 29, 2016, p124 - 138
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 32, 4, (2016), 227 - 319p, Martine Smith, [eds.], 2015--2017
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 32, 3, (2016), 163 - 226p, Martine Smith, [Editor], 2015-17
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 32, 2, (2016), 80 - 162p, Martine Smith, [Editor], 2015-2017
Smith, Martine Murray, Janice, The Silent Partner? Language, Interaction and Aided Communication, London, J&R Press Ltd, 2016, 1 - 299pp
" this is not going to be like, you know, standard communication?". Naturally speaking adults using aided communication in, editor(s)Smith, Martine Murray, Janice , The Silent Partner? Language, Interaction and Aided Communication, London, J&R Press Ltd, 2016, pp269 - 288, [Smith, Martine; McCague, Ellen, O'Gara, Justyne; Sammon, Seana]
Introduction in, editor(s)Smith, Martine Murray, Janice , The Silent Partner? Language, Interaction and Aided Communication, London, J&R Press Ltd, 2016, pp1 - 16, [Smith, Martine, Murray, Janice]
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 32, 1, (2016), 1 - 79p, Martine Smith, [Editor], 2015-17
Smith, Martine M., Language Development of Individuals Who Require Aided Communication: Reflections on State of the Science and Future Research Directions, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 31, (3), 2015, p215 - 233
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 31, 4, (2015), 261 - 350p, Martine Smith, [Ed], 2015-17
Smith, Martine, Supporting vocabulary development in children who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Journal of the Speech Language Hearing Association Taiwan, 33, 2015, p35 - 59
Tinney, G., Forde, J., Hone, L., Flanagan, L. & Smith, M., Safe and social: What does it mean anyway?, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43, (1), 2014, p55 - 61
Smith, Martine, Wallace, Emma; Smith, Shauna, Sounds and Words: Building phoneme awareness and early literacy, Biennial Conference of the ISAAC, Lisbon Portugal, July 21-24, 2014
Smith, Martine, Adolescence and AAC: Intervention challenges and possible solutions, Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36, (2), 2014, p112 - 118
Smith, Martine, Murray, Janice, The Tellability Factor: Narratives in Aided Communication, Biennial Conference of the ISAAC, Lisbon Portugal, July 21-24, 2014
Literacy challenges and early intervention for children using aided communication: Starting well in, editor(s)Fran Redstone , Effective SLP interventions for children with cerebral palsy, San Diego, CA,, Plural Publishing, 2014, pp305 - 336, [Smith, Martine]
Smith, Martine, Nunn, June & Morrison, Trish., A feasibility study of the use of oral screens in reducing saliva loss in young people with physical and intellectual impairments, Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 14, (4), 2013, p145 - 152
Smith, MM. McCleary, M., Participation, partnership and proficiency in AAC, Shaping the Future: Current trends in research and clinical management of cerebral palsy, Dublin, Ireland, March 1-2, 2012, 2012
Walshe M, Smith M, Pennington L, Interventions for drooling in children with cerebral palsy., Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 2, 2012, pCD008624
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: The voices of adult users in, editor(s)Javier Pereira , Handbook of research on personal autonomy technologies and disability informatics, New York, Medical Information Science Reference, 2011, pp46 - 59, [Smith, Martine, Murray, Janice]
Smith,Martine M. M.M., Murray,Janice J., Parachute without a ripcord: The skydive of communication interaction, AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 27, (4), 2011, p292-303
Smith, Martine; Murray, Janice, Parachute without a ripcord: The skydive of communication interaction, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 27, (4), 2011, p292 - 303
Rahill, F., Smith, MM, Parents' perception of change following a 12-week intervention for children with severe speech sound disorders, Irish Association of Speech Language Therapists, Dublin, Ireland, November 24-25, 2011, 2011
Quigley D., Smith MM, EXPLORING THE OBSERVATIONAL RATING SCALE (ORS) AS A LANGUAGE SCREENING TOOL FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS , Irish Association of Speech Language Therapists, Dublin, Ireland, November 24-25, 2011, 2011
Walshe, M, Smith, M & Pennington L, Approaches to managing drooling in children with cerebral palsy: Systematic review of the evidence , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, November 24th & 25th, 2011
A tale of transitions: The challenges of integrating speech synthesis in aided communication in, editor(s)Mullennix, J Stern, S. , Computer synthesized speech technologies: Tools for aiding impairment., New York, IGI Global, 2010, pp234 - 256, [Smith, Martine, Murray, Janice, von Tetzchner, Stephen, & Langan, P.]
Walshe M, Smith, M & Pennington, L., Interventions for drooling in children with cerebral palsy (Protocol)., Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7), 2010
Leahy,M., McTiernan, K., Smith, MM,, Sloane, P,. Walsh, I,, Walshe, M,, Ni Cholmain, C. , Foundation studies in education for therapy practice: curriculum updating, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopedica: Special Education Issue., 62, (2), 2010, p255 - 259
Dahlgren-Sandberg, A., Smith, M.M., Larsson, M., An analysis of reading and spelling abilities of children using AAC: Understanding a continuum of competence, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 26, (3), 2010, p191 - 202
Larsson, Maria, Dahlgren-Sandberg, Annika, Smith, Martine, Reading and spelling in children with severe speech and physical impairments, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 21, (5), 2009, p369 - 392
Larsson, M, Sandberg, AD, Smith, M, Early reading and spelling abilities in children with severe speech and physical impairment: a cross-linguistic comparison., Research in developmental disabilities, 30, (1), 2009, p77 - 95
Smith, M, Sandberg, AD, Larsson, M, Reading and spelling in children with severe speech and physical impairments: a comparative study., International journal of language & communication disorders / Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists, 44, (6), 2009, p864 - 882
Smith, MM, Connolly, I, Roles of aided communication: perspectives of adults who use AAC., Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 3, (5), 2008
Smith, Martine, Connolly, Isobel, Roles of aided communication: Perspectives of adults who use AAC, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 3, (5), 2008, p260 - 273
Smith, Martine, Looking back to look forward: Perspectives on AAC research, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 24, (3), 2008, p187 - 189
Narratives and aided communication: Challenges and questions in, editor(s)Lage, Dorothea , Communicative competence over the lifespan: Theoretical and methodological issues in research in augmentative and alternative communication, Toronto, Canada, ISAAC, 2008, pp101 - 115, [Smith, Martine]
Smith, Martine, Phonology without speech?, IASLT Biennial Conference, March 7-9, 2007, 2007
The 'triple jump' assessment in problem based learning: An evaluative method used in the appraisal of both knowledge acquisition and problem solving skills in, editor(s)G. O'Neill, S. Huntley-Moore, and P. Race , Case Studies of Good Practice in Assessment of Student earning in Higher Education, Dublin, AISHE, 2007, pp116 - 119, [K. McTiernan, M. Leahy, I.P. Walsh, P. Sloane, M. Smith]
Smith, Martine, Speech, language and aided communication: Connections and questions in a developmental context, Disability and Rehabilitation, 28, (3), 2006, p151 - 157
Smith, Martine, Literacy and Augmentative and Alternative Communication, First, New York, Elsevier, 2005, 1 - 267pp
Smith, Martine, The dual challenges of aided communication and adolescence, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 21, (1), 2005, p67 - 79
Smith, M., Adolescence and augmentative and alternative communication, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, European Academy of Childhood Disability, Oslo, October 2-4, 45, (Supplement 97), Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp15 - 16
Asymmetry in input and output for individuals who use AAC in, editor(s)Light, J Beukelman, D Reichle, J , Communicative competence for individuals who use AAC, Baltimore, MD, Paul H Brookes, 2003, pp163 - 198, [Smith, MM, Grove, N.]
Environmental influences on aided language development: the role of partner adaptation in, editor(s)S. von Tetzchner, N. Grove , Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Developmental issues, London, Whurr, 2003, pp155 - 175, [Smith, M.]
Determining utterance boundaries: Problems and strategies in, editor(s)S von Tetzchner, J Clibbens , Understanding the theoretical and methodological bases of Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Toronto, CA: ISAAC, 2001, pp15 - 41, [Smith, M., Grove, N.]
Smith, M., Simply a speech impairment? Literacy challenges for individuals with severe congenital speech impairments, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 48, (4), 2001, p331 - 353
The bimodal situation of children learning language using manual and graphic signs in, editor(s)F Loncke, J Clibbens, H Arvidson, L Lloyd , Augmentative and Alternative Communication: New Directions in Research and Practice, London, Whurr, 1999, pp8 - 30, [Smith, M., Grove, N.]
Literacy in AAC. in, editor(s)L. Lloyd, D. Fuller and H. Arvidson , Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A Handbook of Principles and Practices, London, Allyn and Bacon, 1997, pp414 - 443, [Smith, M., Blischak, D.]
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Introduction to Clinical Cases in Augmentative and Alternative Communication in, editor(s)Smith, Martine M. , Clinical Cases in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, London, Routledge, 2023, pp1 - 11, [Smith, Martine M.]
Personal perspectives on AAC in, editor(s)Martine M Smith , Clinical cases in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, London, Routledge, 2023, pp118 - 129, [Fitzpatrick Gillian, Fitzpatrick Sean, Lynch Yvonne, Smith Martine M.]
Sotiropoulou Drosopolou, C., Murray, J., Smith, M, Launonen, K., Neuvonen, K., Lynch, Y., Stadskliev, K., and von Tetzchner, S., Appraising Conversation Patterns between children and young people who use aided AAC and their conversation partners in two-person and multiperson interactions - clinical implications , Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 2022
Smith, Martine, Building a solid foundation: Linking language and literacy through aided communication, Trilhando juntos a comunicacao alternativa, Natal, Brasil, August, 2017, edited by Deliberato, D. de Paula Nunes, D, de Jesus Goncalves, M , ABPEE, 2017, pp13 - 30
Smith, Martine, Murray, Janice, Symbolisation towards literacy, CM Study Day, Stirling, Scotland, November 12, 2014, Communication Matters
Smith, Martine, Improving the odds: Evidence-informed instruction to support decoding, recoding and reading, AAC By the Bay, San Jose, USA, February 27-March 1, 2014, Bridge School, San Francisco
Smith, Martine, Murray, Janice, Symbolisation towards Literacy, CM Study Day, London, UK, March 13, 2014, Communication Matters
Smith, M., Tinney, G., Deasy, J., Changing the literacy landscape, Bulletin, (April ), 2010, p16 - 17
Smith, Martine, A tale of transitions: Fragile skills and shaky scaffolds on the path to literacy, AAC By the Bay, San Francisco, September 14-17, 2009, The Bridge School
Smith, Martine, Literacy and AAC: Effective assessment and intervention, La Coruna University, Spain, Oct 15-17, 2009
Smith, Martine, Vocabulary instruction and aided communication, AAC By the Bay, San Francisco, Sept 14-17, 2009, 2009
Pictures to Print: Problems, Puzzles and Principles in, editor(s)Allan Wilson , In AAC 2000: Practical approaches to Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Edinburgh, CALL Centre, University of Edinburgh, 2000, pp10 - 15, [Smith, Martine M.]
Research Expertise
- Title
- Becoming an aided communicator
- Summary
- This is an international cross-linguistic project across 19 sites, coordinated by the University of Oslo, focusing on the language and communication development of children with severe speech and physical impairments who rely on graphic symbols and/or electronic communication devices to communicate. The research seeks to explore the interrelationships between receptive and expressive communication skills across spoken and graphic modalities, in children aged 5-15 years. Children acquiring language using graphic symbols typically are exposed primarily to speech as the primary mode of communication, but rely primarily on graphic symbols for their own expressive communication. The impact of this modality asymmetry is poorly understood. Most of these children have little access to role models who are expert in their own communication systems and many may be more expert in the use of their graphic symbols than the adults who are expected to support their communication development. The international collaboration with this project creates the potential for exploring the solutions to this unusual communication situation that are created by a uniquely large cohort of participants.
- Title
- What does it take to communicate using graphic symbols?
- Summary
- Children communicating using graphic symbols typically produce expressive output that is limited in terms of syntactic complexity and frequently different in terms of structural features relative to an expected spoken utterance. It is not clear whether these features reflect (1) underlying language difficulties that are manifested in both graphic and spoken modalities, with only the graphic modality available for inspection; (2) strategic accommodation to the time demands of aided communication; or (3) modality specific adaptations. One of the more productive avenues for exploring the value of each of these candidate explanations is the involvement of typically developing children, who have the potential to generate output both in graphic symbols and in speech. This research project explores the impact of varying sentence constructions on (1) the interpretation and (2) the generation of descriptions of events across spoken and graphic symbol contexts in typically developing children aged 5-7 years.
- Funding Agency
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- Date From
- 2010
- Date To
- 2013
- Title
- Remembering symbols: Validating a symbol span task.
- Summary
- Assessing the working memory skills of children with severe speech and physical impairments is challenging, because of the contraints in terms of motor response accessible. The most commonly used tool is an adapted version of the digit span task, with number displays presented visually so that participants can select digits from the display. The goal of this project is to develop and validate accessible symbol- and text-based working memory tasks, initially with typically developing children and subsequently with children with severe speech and physical impairments. The research involves collaboration with the University of La Coruna and Manchester Metropolitan University.
Editor, Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Associate Editor, Child Language Teaching and Therapy journal
Associate Editor, Augmentative and Alternative Communication Journal
Member of the Board of the Central Remedial Clinic
Member of the Speech Language Therapists Registration Board, CORU
Member of Expert Advisory Group for youngballymun project
National Designated Expert with the Research SubCommittee of the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies
Member of the Health and Social Care Professionals Research Group
Member of advisory group for Dublin City Children's Services Literacy subgroup
Member of the Scientific Programme Committee, IALP Congress, Greece
Member of the Scientific Programme Committee, ISAAC Conference, Barcelona
Awards and Honours
Visiting Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University
Fellow Trinity College Dublin
AAC Editor's Award for best paper
Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists (IASLT)
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
President of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, (ISAAC)
President-Elect, Executive Committee ISAAC
International Affiliate American Speech-Language Hearing Association
Board Member, International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)
Member International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
European Literacy Network member
Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT)
Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE)
Chair, AAC committee, IALP