Professor Mary Mc Carron
Professor of Ageing & Intellectual Disab, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Professor Mary McCarron, PhD RNID RGN BNS FTCD is Professor of Ageing and Intellectual Disability, Director of the Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability (TCAID) and Executive Director of the National Intellectual Disability Memory Service. She has held many senior leadership roles in Trinity College including Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
Professor McCarron is the founder and Principal Investigator for IDS-TILDA, the longitudinal comparative study on ageing in persons with intellectual disability including persons with Down syndrome, a global first. IDS-TILDA increases understanding about how lives and chronic conditions change over time for this population, drives changes on healthcare practice and national health policy. Professor McCarron has also led a longitudinal cohort study of dementia in people with Down syndrome spanning over 25 years, which has led to the development of Ireland's first dedicated National Memory Service for people with an intellectual disability, where she serves as Executive Director.
A champion of patient and public involvement in research (PPI) McCarron is Principal Investigator of PPI Ignite Programme at Trinity College Dublin, part of the national network among universities in Ireland funded by the HRB. She received the inaugural HRB Impact Award. She is co-applicant on the HRB's Clinical Research Network Awards for Dementia Trials Ireland (DTI), a world-class clinical trials' infrastructure to support and grow dementia intervention studies. In addition, she is the Irish Lead on the H21 Consortium working on Clinical and trial outcome measures for dementia in individuals with Down Syndrome,
Professor McCarron has been a key advisor on ageing and policy issues to various governmental and other groups at a national and international level and an active member of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Corrigan, S., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., The Impact of Menopause on the Mental Health of Women With an Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2025
Eilish King, Dr Katie Cremin, Prof Philip McCallion, Prof Mary McCarron, Prof Éilish Burke, Sensory Processing and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Scoping Review, THEConf2025 Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland, March 4-6th 2025, 2025
Eilish King, Dr Katie Cremin, Prof Philip McCallion, Prof Mary McCarron, Prof Éilish Burke, Sensory Profiles of Adults Ageing with Intellectual Disabilities, THEConf2025 Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland, March 4-6th 2025, 2025
Timmins, F., McCausland, D., Brennan, D., Sheerin, F., Luus, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., A national cohort study of spiritual and religious practices of older people with intellectual disability, A national cohort study of spiritual and religious practices of older people with intellectual disability, 28, (2), 2024, p533 - 548
Corrigan, S., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. and Burke, EA., The impact of menopause on the mental health of women with an intellectual disability: a scoping review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, 2024
Vaughan, R.M. and O'Dwyer, M. and Tyrrell, J. and Kennelly, S.P. and McCarron, M., Drug burden index of people ageing with intellectual disability and cognitive complaints attending a specialist memory service, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68, (12), 2024, p1386 - 1395
Wark, S., Hussain, R., McCausland, D., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, E. & McMahon, M., Social support across borders: a comparative analysis of intellectual disability in Ireland and Australia, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
McMahon M, Wormald A, Eustace-Cook J, McCarron M, McCallion P and Smith V, Prevalence and incidence of cancer amongst adults with intellectual disability " a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol, HRB Open, 2024
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. and Burke, E. A., A longitudinal exploration of self-reported TV behaviours as a surrogate for sedentary behaviour in older adults with an intellectual disability from the intellectual disability supplement to the Irish longitudinal study on aging (IDS-TILDA) study, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2024
O"Connell, J., Gorman, A., Burke, É., Deb, S., Henman, M. C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Mullally, T., Mulryan, N., O'Dwyer, M. & Ryan, C., OPTIMA-ID: development and validation of a medicine optimization tool for older adults with intellectual disability., Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 17, (9), 2024, p837 - 851
Synnott, I.F., McCausland, D., McCarron, M. & McCallion, P., Building circles of support for people with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Reilly, E., Leigh, M., Kennelly, S., Dunne, P. McCarron, M., Accelerated ageing and the complexity of dementia diagnosis in adults with down syndrome: an innovative approach to care provision, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
McFeely, A., McCarron, M., Romero-Ortuno, R., Connolly, E., McCallion, P., Fitzpatrick, D. & Kennelly, S., Longitudinal Frailty Transitions in Adults Aging with Intellectual Disability, Age and Ageing, 53, (4), 2024
Judy Ryan, Overweight and ovesity in older adults with an intellectual disability, Trinity College Dublin, 2024
McCausland, D.,Haigh, M., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., IRB challenges in multisite studies: A case report and commentary from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA)., HRB Open Research., 7, (3), 2024
O"Dwyer, M., Gorman, A., Keating, K., Yap, M.L., O"Farrell-Molloy, S., Dartnell, D., Doran, D., Lynch, C., Roche, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O"Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R. & Leslie, K., Meaningful and informative involvement of PPI in a longitudinal study on psychotropic medicines, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17thWorld Congress 2024,, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Sheerin, F., Fleming, S., May, P., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Naseer, A., Lalor, G. & D'Eath, M., Challenges in Care and Service Provision for Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Complex Age-Related Conditions in Ireland, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, (2), 2024, p248 - 259
Dunne, P., Hynes, M., Galligan, L., Lavelle, L., O"Reilly, L., O"Loughlin, C. & McCarron, M., Applying the model of care for dementia in Ireland: principles across the continuum of dementia in an intellectual disability specialist level 2 memory assessment and support service, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Fallon, M.,McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & McGlinchey, E., An Exploration of Biopsychosocial Risk Factors for People Ageing with Down syndrome in Ireland, 5th International Conference of the Trisomy 21 Research Society, Rome, 5th - 8th June, 2024
O'Dwyer, M., Gorman, A., Odalovic, M., Paul, A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Ryan, C., Shankar, R., Walsh, M. & Ryan, C., Change in psychotropic use in two cohorts of adults aged 40"49 years in a decade, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Al Shuhaimi, L., Henman, M., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & O'Dwyer, M., Adverse effects associated with long-term use of anticholinergics among older adults with intellectual disability: a longitudinal cohort study, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., To Identify and Compare ActivPAL Objectively Measured Activity Levels With Self-Reported Activity From the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in Older Adults With Intellectual Disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 38, (1), 2024
Ryan, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke, E., Overweight, obesity and chronic health conditions in women with intellectual disability at menopause in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Power, A., McCarron M., McCallion, P., and Burke, EA., Bone Health Screening in People with Intellectual Disability, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024):, Trinity College Dublin, 5-7th March, 2024
McCarron, M., Burke, E., McCallion, P. Timmins, F., A Qualitative Exploration of Healthcare Workers' Experiences of End of Life Care for People With an Intellectual Disability, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2024
McCausland, D., Corrigan, S., Ryan, C., Paul, A., Pavithra, P., McCallion, P. McCarron, M., How do older adults with an intellectual disability access and rate their communities?, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Kibsgaard Larsen, F., Asaad Baksh, R.,McGlinchey, E., Melbye Langballe, E., Benejam, B., Beresford-Webb, J., McCarron, M., Coppus, A., Falquero, S., Fortea, J., Levin, J., V.Loosli, V., Mark, R., Rebillat, A-S., Zaman, S. & Strydom, A., Age of Alzheimer's disease diagnosis in people with Down syndrome and associated factors: Results from the Horizon 21 European Down syndrome consortium, The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 20, (5), 2024, p3270 - 3280
Burke, E. A., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Walsh, J. B., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Ageing, osteoporosis, and intellectual disability; risks differ, and diagnosis can be missed, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, (3), 2024
Flannery, F., Sheerin, F., Mulryan, N., McCarron, M. & McCallion, P., Mental health and wellbeing of older adults with an intellectual disability during the covid-19 pandemic, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
McMahon, M., Corrigan, S., Wormald, A., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Participation in national cancer screening programmes in Ireland: wave 4 and 5 findings of IDS-TILDA, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
McCarron, M., Daly, L., Allen, A., Dennehy, H., Buttery, N., Corr, C., McCallion, P., Kennelly, S., Dunne, P. & McGlinchey, E., Achieving equity in dementia care for people with intellectual disabilities: Standards, guidelines, memory services and innovative models of care, Engaging Dementia International Conference 2024, Mullingar, 8 - 9 May, 2024
Wormald, A., Lane, J., McCallion, P., McMahon, M., McCarron, M. & Ryan, K., The underlying cause of death in people with an intellectual disability: The special case of people with Down syndrome, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Lynch, L. and McCarron, M. and McCallion, P. and Burke, E., An exploration into self-reported inactivity behaviours of adults with an intellectual disability using physical activity questionnaires, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68, (12), 2024, p1396 - 1407
Van Maurik, M., McCarron, M., Burke, E., Bohmer,M., Romero-Ortuno, R., Kennelly, S., McFeely, A., McCallion, P., Oppewal, A. & Maes-Festen, D., Effective screening and follow-up of frailty among adults with intellectual disability: determining the next step, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., Objectively measured sedentary behaviour and its physical health effects among older adults with an intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
O'Connell, J., Gorman, A., Burke, E., Seb, S., Henman, M., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Mullally, T., Mulryan, N., O'Dwyer, M. & Ryan, C., Development of optima-id: a tool to optimise prescribing in older adults with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Fidelma Flannery, The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and wellbeing of older adults with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Trinity College Dubliin, 2024
McCarron, M., Burke, E., Lynch, L. McCallion, P., Health disparities in the lives of women ageing with an intellectual disability, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Ryan, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke, E., An examination of dietary intake patterns in overweight/obese adults with intellectual disability in Ireland based on national recommendations, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Odalovic, M., Gorman, A., Paul, A., McCallion, P., Burke, E.A., MacLachlan, M., McCarron, M., Henman C, M., Moran, M., O"Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R., Ryan, C. & O"Dwyer, M., Psychotropic medicines' prevalence, patterns and effects on cognitive and physical function in older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland: longitudinal cohort study, 2009-2020, BJPsych Open, 10, (2), 2024
Fitzpatrick, D.J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke, E., Constipation severity in older people with an intellectual disability is progressive and reversible, and associated with health status and interventions: a longitudinal perspective, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Byrne K., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Daly, B. & MacGiolla Phadraig, C., The modified oral status survey tool: validity, feasibility and reliability of a disability-focused oral health assessment tool, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
King, E., Cremin, K., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke,E., Exploring patterns of sensory processing amongst adults ageing with intellectual disabilities, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
A. Gorman, M. Odalovi",, P. McCallion, A. Paul, É. Burke, M. MacLachlan, M. McCarron, M. C. Henman, M. Moran, J. O"Connell, R. Shankar, C. Ryan & M. O"Dwyer, Comparing self-report medication data from a longitudinal study on intellectual disability and national dispensing records, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 69, (1), 2024, p103 - 111
Haigh M., McCarron M., McCallion P., Pavithra P., McMahon M., Good quality end-of life care for people with an intellectual disability: A critical interpretive synthesis protocol, PLoS ONE, 19, (11), 2024
Burke, E., McMahon, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Hussain, R., & Wark, S., Wellness matters: bridging the gap in physical health for individuals with intellectual disabilities, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Odalovic, M., Gorman, A., McCallion, P., Burke, E., Mac Lachlan, M., McCarron, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R. & O'Dwyer, M., Psychotropic drug use among adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: trend analysis for 10-year period, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare", Dublin, Ireland, 8 - 9 March, 2024
Byrne, K., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Daly, B. & MacGiolla Phadraig, K., The oral health status of older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Mulryan, N., Sheerin, F., Flannery, F., McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Mental health disorders in an older, Irish population with intellectual disability - results from wave-5 IDS-TILDA, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
McMahon, M., Wormald, A., Mahar, A., Eustace-Cook, J., McCarron M., McCallion, P. Smith, V., A systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the prevalence and incidence of cancer in adults with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
McFeely, A., McCarron, M., Romero-Ortuno, R., McCallion, P., Connolly, E., Fitzpatrick, D. & Kennelly, S., Development and Validation of the IDS-TILDA FI; A Novel Frailty Instrument for People with Intellectual Disability, Age and Ageing, 53, (4), 2024
Fitzpatrick, DJ., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., and Burke, EA., Constipation severity and its progression in older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland: A longitudinal study., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024):, Trinity College Dublin, March 6th - 7th, 2024
Gorman, A., Paul, A., Leslie, K., Ryan, C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Odalovic, M., Walsh, M., Shankar, R., Ryan, C. & O'Dwyer, M., Influence of change in place of residence on psychotropic use patterns in older adults, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
King, E., Cremin, K., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke, E., Exploring the utility of the Adult/Adolescent Sensory Profile for use with adults ageing with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD World Congress 2024, Chicago, USA, August 4th-8th 2024, 68, (7), Wiley, 2024, pp670 - 670
McCarron, M., Ageing and Dementia in people with an Intellectual Disability: Opportunities to promote Health and Well-being, Avista Digital Life Story Showcase, Limerick, 14 February, 2024
Fitzpatrick, D.J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke, E., Constipation in older people with an intellectual disability is both common and associated with health and lifestyle factors: a cross-sectional perspective, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Burke, E., Pavithra, P., Fitzpatrick, D., O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Longitudinal trajectories of the physical health of adults with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Ryan, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke, E., An examination of dietary intake patterns in overweight/obese adults with intellectual disability in Ireland based on national recommendations, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Dunne, P., O'Loughlin, C., Picarra, S., Lavelle, L., Doody, O., O'Philibin, L., Kett, G. & McCarron, M., Developing digital life stories to support caregiving within an intellectual disability service in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., Ryan, C., Paul, A., Burke, É., Echiverri, S., & McCarron, M., Does Arterial Stiffness Predict Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults With an Intellectual Disability?., Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 39, (6), 2024, pE179 - E189
King, E., Cremin, K., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. and Burke, EA., Supporting adults ageing with intellectual disabilities to complete measures of sensory processing, THEConf2024 Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, Dublin, ireland, 5-7 March 2024, 2024
Hillerstrom, H.,Fisher, R.,P. Janicki,M.,Chicoine, B., T. Christian, B., Esbensen, A., Esralew, L., Fortea, J., Hartley, S., Hassenstab, J., M. Keller, S., Krinsky-McHale, S., Lai, F.,Levin, J.,McCarron, M., McDade, E., Sophie Rebillat, A., Diana Rosas, H., Silverman, W., Strydom, A., H. Zaman, S. & Zetterberg, H., Adapting prescribing criteria for amyloid-targeted antibodies for adults with Down syndrome, The Journal of Alzheimer's Association, 20, (5), 2024, p3649 - 3656
McCausland, D., Corrigan, S., Ryan, C., Paul, A., Pavithra, P., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Use of technology by older adults with an intellectual disability to support social inclusion, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. and Burke, EA., To identify and compare objectively measured and self-reported activity levels among older adults with an intellectual disability., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024):, Trinity College Dublin, 5-7th March 2024, 2024
Synnott Faria, I., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, EA and McCausland, D., Building circles of support: a project demonstrating case studies of good practice for people with intellectual disabilities, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2024), Trinity College Dublin, 5-7th March 2024, 2024
McCarron, M., Burke, E., Haigh, M., McCausland, D., McMahon, M., Lynch, L. McCallion, P., Measuring intergenerational change in the lives of people with an intellectual disability aged 40-49 years: Findings from IDS-TILDA, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Hussain, R., Wark, S., Mulryan, N., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & McMahon, M., Navigating minds: mental health perspectives in people with intellectual disability-a cross-cultural study, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, edited by Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 2024
O'Dwyer, M., Gorman, A., Odalovic, M., Paul, A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., Moran, M., Henman, M., O'Connell, J., Shankar, R., Walsh, M. & Ryan, C., Patterns of psychotropics use among older adults with intellectual disability over a decade, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
O'Reilly, L., McCarron, M., Lavelle, L., Broughal, E., Hynes, M., Galligan, L. & Dunne, P., Living a full life: introducing a menu of life-enhancing activities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Fitzpatrick, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., and Burke, EA., Epidemiology of constipation and its associated factors in an ageing population of people with an intellectual disability in Ireland: A cross-sectional study., Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 49, (3), 2024, p322 - 330
McMahon, M., McCausland, D., Burke, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Wark, S. & Hussain, R., Balancing lives: personal wellbeing in focus"a comparative study of intellectual disability in Ireland and Australia, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
Odalovic, M., Gorman, A., McCallion, P., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., McCarron, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R. & O'Dwyer, M., Prevalence and pattern of psychotropic use among older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: What"s changed between two time points, 2010 and 2020?., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March, 2023
From Adulthood to Older Age - Ageing and Intellectual Disability. in, editor(s)Sheerin, F. & Doyle, C. , Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social Care Across the Lifespan., Switzerland., Springer Cham., 2023, pp147 - 158, [McCallion, P. & McCarron, M.]
McDermott, S., McCarron, M., Burke, EA., McCallion, P. and O'Donovan, MA., Enabling older adults with intellectual disability to become physical activity leaders in their community: Pilot study, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2023
Darker CD, Mullin M, Doyle L, Tanner M, McGrath D, Doherty L, Dreyer-Gibney K, Barrett EM, Flynn D, Murphy P, Ivers JH, Burke E, Ryan M, McCarron M, Murphy P, Sheils O, Hevey D, Leen A, Keogh L, Walls B, Bennett AE, Petersen F, Nolan A, Barry JM., Developing a health promoting university in Trinity College Dublin-overview and outline process evaluation, Health Promotion International, 38, (4), 2023, p1 - 14, p1-14
Abdullah, Z., Paul, P., Pavithra, P., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke, E., The prevalence of epilepsy and osteoporosis in those with intellectual disability., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March, 2023
Allen, A-P., McGlinchey, E., Fallon, M., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Cognitive reserve and dementia risk management in people with an intellectual disability., International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2023
Wormald A, McGlinchey E, D'Eath M, Leroi I, Lawlor B, McCallion P, McCarron M, O'Sullivan R. & Chen Y., Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Caregivers of People with an Intellectual Disability, in Comparison to Carers of Those with Other Disabilities and with Mental Health Issues: A Multicountry Study., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. , 20, (4), 2023
Brennan, D., D'eath, M., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Health and well-being of sibling carers of adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland: Four waves of data., British Journal of Learning Disabilities., 2023
Fitzpatrick, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Burke, E., Epidemiology of constipation and its associated risk factors in an ageing population of people with intellectual disability in Ireland: A cross-sectional study., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March., 2023
Al Shuhaimi, L., O'Dwyer, M., Henman, M., McCarron, M. & McCallion, P., Long-term exposure to anticholinergics among people with intellectual disabilities: a longitudinal cohort study., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March, 2023
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Carroll, R. & McCarron, M., Barriers to Community Participation for Adults Aging With an Intellectual Disability in Ireland: A Longitudinal Study, Inclusion, 11, (3), 2023, 204, p217
McGlinchey, E., Daly, L., Allen, A., Dennehy, H., Buttery, N., Corr, C., McCallion, P., Kennelly, S., Dunne, P., McCarron, M., Developing Best Practice Guidelines for Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support for People with an Intellectual Disability, 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference, Helsinki, 16-18 October 2023, 2023
McMahon, M., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., An invisible population: Late-stage cancer diagnosis for people with intellectual or developmental disability, Cancer, 130, (5), 2023, p668 - 670
Odalovic, M., Gorman, A., McCallion, P., Burke, E., MacLachlan, M., McCarron, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R. & O'Dwyer, M., Psychotropic drug use among adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: trend analysis for 10-year period., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March, 2023
McMahon, M., Wormald, A., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Cancer deaths in older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March, 2023
Wormald, A.D, McCarron, M. & McCallion, P., Loneliness, isolation and social asymmetry in older people with an intellectual disability., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March., 2023
McCarron, M., PPI and Intellectual Disability. A Case Study from the IDS-TILDA Study, R2D2-MH, the Horizon Europe: Public and Patient Involvement: What it is and how to do it, Online, 7th February, 2023, R2D2-MH
Gnann, U., Ryan, C., Paul, A., McCarron, M., McCallion, P.. & Burke, E., A cross-sectional exploration of the prevalence and impact of urinary incontinence among ageing adults with intellectual disability in Ireland., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 2023
Kelly, K., Haigh, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, E-A. & Wormald, A-D., Moral distress in carers for people with an intellectual disabilitywho died during the COVID-19 pandemic, a template analysisextending the Barlem and Ramos model of moral distress., Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2023, p1 - 9
Brennan, D. and Dâ eath, M. and Dunne, N. and Oâ Donovan, M.-A. and McCallion, P. and McCarron, M., Irish social policy to family carers of adults with an intellectual disability: A critical analysis, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 27, (4), 2023, p1013-1031
McCausland, D., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Use of technology by older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland to support health, well-being and social inclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March, 2023
Lynch, L., McCarron, P., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., A longitudinal exploration of self-reported TV behaviours as a surrogate for sedentary behaviour in older adults with an intellectual disability., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare"., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March, 2023
Living and Dying Well with Dementia in, editor(s)Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. , End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability - Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, pp179 - 209, [McCarron, M., Allen, A.P., Mulryan, N., Leigh, M., O'Reilly, L., McCarthy, C., Dunne, P., Reilly, E. & McCallion, P.]
Dennehy H., Allen A.P., McGlinchey E., Buttery N., Garcia-Dominguez L., Chansler R., Corr C., Dunne P., Kennelly S., Daly L. McCallion P. and McCarron M., A scoping review of post-diagnostic dementia supports for people with intellectual disability, Aging and Mental Health, 2022
O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E-A. & McCarron, M., Hypertension in Older Adults. The prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in older adults with an Intellectual Disability: a cross sectional study., JBI Evidence Synthesis , 20, (7), 2022
Chen Y, Allen A P, Fallon M, Mulryan N, McCallion P, McCarron M and Sheerin F, The challenges of mental health of staff working with people with intellectual disabilities during COVID-19 - A systematic review, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2022
Use of Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders in, editor(s)Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. , End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability - Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, pp407 - 434, [McCallion, P., Ferretti, L.A. & McCarron, M.]
Sheerin, F., Allen, A.P., Fallon, M., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Mulryan, N., Chen, Y., Staff Mental Health while Providing Care to People with Intellectual Disability during the Covid-19 Pandemic, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2022
Supporting People with Intellectual Disability at End of Life: Moral Distress among Staff Caregivers During COVID-19 in, editor(s)Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. , End of life and people with intellectual and developmental disability: Contemporary issues, challenges, experiences and practice, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, pp235 - 264, [McCarron, M., Kelly, K., McCallion, P., Burke, E., Haigh, M. and Wormald A.]
Burke, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. and Foran, S., Falls and fear of falls among older adults with intellectual disability, Resilience, rehabilitation and reablement, Trinity health and education international research conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 8-10 March 2022, 2022
Accessible Funerals and People with Intellectual Disability in, editor(s)Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. , End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability - Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, pp265 - 296, [Forrester-Jones, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Stancliffe, R.J. & Wiese, M.Y.]
McCausland, D., McCarron, M. & McCallion, P., Use of technology by older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland to support health, well-being and social inclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic, British Journal of Learning Disabilities., 2022, p1 - 16
Gorman, A., Odalovi", M., McCallion, P., Burke, EA., MacLachlan, M., McCarron, M., Henman, M., Moran, M., O'Connell, J., Walsh, M., Shankar, R. & O'Dwyer, M, Examining Quality, Use and Impact of Psychotropic (Use) in older adults with intellectual disabilities: study protocol, HRB Open Research, 5, (71), 2022
Positioning the Issues: An Agenda for Future End-of-Life Research, Policy and Practice in, End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability - Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, pp435 - 463, [Wiese, M.Y., Stancliffe, R., McCallion, P. & McCarron M.]
Louise Lynch, Mary McCarron, Jessica Eustace-Cook, Philip McCallion, Eilish Burke, Physical health effects of sedentary behaviour on adults with an intellectual disability: A scoping review, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2022
Wormald, A., McCallion, P., Lynch, L., Kelly, K. & McCarron, M., Quality care at end-of-life: comparing reported delivery to European consensus norms for palliative care of people with an intellectual disability., IASSIDD: Virtual 2022 International Conference Series, VIrtual, 6th November 2022, 2022
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., Eustace-Cook, J., McCallion, P. & Burke, E. , Physical health effects of sedentary behaviour on adults with an intellectual disability: A scoping review, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2022, p1 - 27
Experience of End-of-Life Issues by People with Intellectual Disability in, editor(s)Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. , End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability - Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, pp29 - 57, [Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M.]
Brennan, D., D'eath, M., Dunne, N., O'Donovan, M-A., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., ). Irish Social Policy to Family Carers of Adults with an Intellectual Disability: A critical analysis, Journal of Intellectual Disability, 2022
Ganley, B., McCausland, D., McCallion, P, McCarron, M. and Burke, E., Choice and people with an intellectual disability as they age., Resilience, rehabilitation and reablement, Trinity health and education international research conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 8-10 March 2022, 2022
Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability. Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice., 1, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, XXXIV - 519pp
Chen, S., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. and Burke, E., A descriptive quantitative exploration of the factors associated with mobility limitations in adults with intellectual disability in Ireland, Resilience, rehabilitation and reablement, Trinity health and education international research conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 2022
Building Shared End-of-Life Supports and Cross-Training for Hospice/Palliative and Intellectual Disability Services Providers in, editor(s)Stancliffe, R.J., Wiese, M.Y., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. , End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability - Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022, pp211 - 233, [Ferretti, L.A., McCarron, M. & McCallion, P.]
McCarron, M., Wark, S. & Maes-Fenton, D., People with Intellectual disabilities aging successfully across the globe'., IASSIDD: Virtual 2022 International Conference Series, Virtual, Friday, 20th May, 2022
Byrne, K., MacGiolla Phadraig, C., Daly, B., McCarron, M. & McCallion, P., The Oral Health Status of Older People with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland. Initial Findings., International association of disability and oral health (IADH) , Paris, France, 24th - 26th August, 2022
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., McGlinchey, E., Bowman, S., Foley, M., Haigh, M., Burke, E. & McCallion, P., Recruitment and retention in longitudinal studies of people with intellectual disability: A case study of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), Research in Developmental Disabilities, 124, 2022
Kirwan, R., Sheerin, F., McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Functional loss in older adults with intellectual disabilities and dementia, Learning Disability Practice, 2022
Reilly, E., Carroll, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Burke, E., The impact of ageing for people with down syndrome over the age of 40-years living in Ireland. A 10-year longitudinal follow-up, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
Fallon, M., McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Developing a biopsychosocial model of cognitive decline in people ageing with intellectual disability, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March , 2021
Lynch L, McCarron M, McCallion P and Burke E., Sedentary behaviour levels in adults with an intellectual disability: a systematic review and meta-analysis, HRB Open Res, 4, (69), 2021
McCallion, P., Shi, J., Ferretti, L., & McCarron, M. , Utilizing the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) to Understand the Aging of People Living in the Community with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Health, 13, (1), 2021, p47 - 59
Al Shuhaimi L, Henman M, McCallion P, McCarron M, O'Dwyer M, The impact of long-term exposure to anticholinergics among people with intellectual disabilities: a scoping review protocol. , HRB Open Research, 4, (62), 2021
Chen, S., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. and Burke, E., The use of Timed up and Go: Identifying mobility issues amongadults with intellectual disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5th - 8th July 2021, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1181 - 1371
Todd, S., Bernal, J., Worth, R., Shearn, J., Brearley, S., McCarron, M., & Hunt, K., Hidden lives and deaths: the last months of life of people with intellectual disabilities living in long-term, generic care settings in the UK, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2021, p1 - 10
Donohoe, N., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. and Burke, E., A novel approach to engaging people with intellectual disability as contributors in research, IASSIDD 6th European Congress, Value Diversity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5th - 8th July 2021, 2021, IASSIDD
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., Luus, R., Allen, A., Sheerin, F., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Flannery, F. & McCallion, P., The impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on older adults with an intellectual disability during the first wave of the pandemic in Ireland, HRB Open Research, 4, (93), 2021
Dee, B., Burke, E., Romero-Ortuno, R., McCallion, P and McCarron M., Factors associated with the progression of deficit accumulation frailty among adults with an intellectual disability: a systematic review revealing research gaps, HRB Open Research, 2021
McCausland, D., Luus, R., McCallion, P., Murphy, E., & McCarron, M., The impact of COVID-19 on the social inclusion of older adults with an intellectual disability during the first wave of the pandemic in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2021
Health and wellness among persons ageing with intellectual disability in, editor(s)M. Putnam, C. Bigby , Handbook on Aging with Disability, Routledge, 2021, [McCausland, D.; McCallion, P.; McCarron, M.]
Wormald, A., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., A life without loneliness: What results from the IDS-TILDA tell us is the best way to avoid loneliness in the lives of older people with an intellectual disability, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
Dee, B., Burke, E., Romero-Ortuno, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Exploring a Social Conceptualisation of Frailty among Older Adults with an Intellectual Disability, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
Tuffrey-Wijne, I., Dhollander, N., Forrester-Jones, R., Westergård, B-E., Karbasi, C., Oliver, D., Abu-Saad Huijer, H., Uitdehaag, M., Echteld, M., Groot, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Schäper, S., Todd, S., Wark, S., Roemer, A. & Previous, K., Palliative and End-of-life Care, People with IDD & Covid-19 (PEPIC-19): an international survey, Journal if Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress Value Diversity, Virtual, 6th July - 8th July, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1468 - 1371
Molloy, R., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. and Burke, E., A longitudinal exploration of the foot health status of older adults with intellectual disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5th - 8th July 2021, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1181 - 1371
Lynch, L., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. and Burke, E., Examining the sedentary behaviour levels among older adults withintellectual disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5th - 8th July 2021, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1181 - 1371
Burke. E., Carroll, R., Ding, AW., Yaman, M., Walsh, JB., McCallion P and McCarron M., Men's Bones Matter Too, a Cross Sectional Study Examining Bone Health among Men with Intellectual Disability in Ireland., OBM Geriatrics , 5, (4), 2021
Molloy, R., Burke, E., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., A descriptive quantitative exploration of the foot health status of older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland over 10 years., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
Monaghan R, O'Dwyer M, Luus R, Mulryan N, McCallion P, McCarron M, Henman MC, The relationship between antiepileptic drug load and challenging behaviors in older adults with intellectual disability and epilepsy, Epilepsy & Behavior, 122, 2021
Ryan, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Luus, R., Burke, E.A., Overweight/obesity and chronic health conditions in older people with intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2021
Bracken-Scally M. Keogh B., Daly l., Pittalis C., Kennelly B.,Hynes G., Gibb M., Cole N., McMahon G., Lawlor B., MCCarron M. & Brady AM, Assessing the Impact of Dementia Inclusive Environmental Adjustment in the Emergency Department, Dementia, 20, (1), 2021, p28 - 46
Monaghan, R., O'Dwyer, M., Luus, R., Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Henman, M., Anti-epileptic drugs, seizures and effect of co-administration of potential seizure threshold lowering psychotropic drugs in adults with epilepsy & intellectual disability., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 2021
Marianne Fallon, Eimear McGlinchey, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron, Developing A Biopsychosocial Model of Cognitive Decline in People Ageing with Intellectual Disability, IASSIDD Virtual 2021, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 6-8th July 2021, 2021
Maguire, E., Mulryan, N., Sheerin, F., McCallion, P. & McCarron, Autism Spectrum Disorder in Older Adults with Intellectual Disability - A Scoping Review, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , 2021, p1 - 14
Responding to Changing Workforce Realities: One Profession's Experience in, editor(s)Putnam, & C. Bigby (Eds.), , Handbook on Ageing with Disability, London, Taylor & Francis, 2021, pp323 - 336, [Sheerin, F., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. ]
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Patterns of onset of dementia and epilepsy in adults with Down syndrome: Findings from IDS-TILDA., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
King, E., Brangan, J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., O'Donovan, MA., Bavussantakath, F.R., Predictors of Productivity and Leisure for People aging with Intellectual Disability. , Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2021
Burke E, Dennehy H, Bakker A, Bowman S, Murphy E, Maes-Festen D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, and Oppewal A., The Methodological Approach to the Co-Creation of Online Health Education with and for Individuals with Intellectual Disability, Global Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 7, (5), 2021
O'Dwyer M, Watkins L, Henman M, McCallion P, McCarron M, Shankar R., Optimising Medicines Use in Older Adults with Intellectual Disability who have epilepsy: Challenges and Perspectives, Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 12, 2021, p1 - 5
Flannery, F., Sheerin, F., McCallion, P., Eustace-Cook, J., The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and well-being of adults with an intellectual disability, THEconf2021: Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working, Trinity College Dublin, 10th and 11th March , 2021
Marianne Fallon, Eimear McGlinchey, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron, Using Health Psychology Theory to inform research into Cognitive Decline in People with Intellectual Disability, Psychology, Health and Medicine , University College Cork, 12th-14th May 2021, 2021
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E.,, Sedentary behaviour levels in adults with an intellectual disability: a systematic review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', 9th - 11th March, 2021
Exploring the intellectual disability data landscape for policy and service directions: An Irish perspective in, editor(s) i ka, J. & Beadle-Brown, J. , The Development, Conceptualisation and Implementation of Quality in Disability Support Services, Prague, Karolinum Press, 2021, [O'Donnovan, M-A., Craig, S., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Byrne, E.]
O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E. and McCarron M., The prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland: a cross sectional study, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20, (4), 2021, p315 - 323
The emergence of aging with long-term disability populations in, editor(s)M. Putnam, & C. Bigby (Eds.) , Handbook on Ageing with Disability, London, Taylor & Francis, 2021, pp219 - 228, [McCallion, P., Ferretti, L.A., & McCarron, M. ]
Marianne Fallon, Eimear McGlinchey, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron, Developing A Biopsychosocial Model of Cognitive Decline in People Ageing with Intellectual Disability, IASSIDD Virtual 2021, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 6-8th July 2021, 2021
Darker CD., Mullin M., Doyle L., Tanner M., McGrath D., Doherty L., Dreyer-Gibney K., Barret EM., Flynn D., Ivers J, Burke E, Ryan M., McCarron M., Murphy P., et alia, Developing a healthy university campus in Trinity College Dublin - overview and an outline process evaluation , Health Promotion International, 2021
Monaghan, R., O'Dwyer, M., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Henman, M., The relationship between anti-epileptic drug load and behaviours that challenge in older adults with intellectual disability and epilepsy., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E., and McCarron, M., Reflections about hypertension in older adults with an intellectual disability: the importance of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring (HBPM)-Authors' reply,, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20, (4), 2021, p391
Monaghan R, O'Dwyer M, Mulryan, Luus R, McCarron M, McCallion P, Henman M, Antiepileptic drugs, occurrence of seizures and effect of co-administration of potential seizure threshold lowering psychotropic drugs in adults with intellectual disability who have epilepsy , Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34, (3), 2021, p816 - 829
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Murphy, E., Luus, R., & McCarron, M., The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the social inclusion and well-being of older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
Burke, E., Carroll, R., Walsh, J., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., An exploration of the association between bone health and hand grip strength among older men with intellectual disability, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
McCarron, M., Allen, A., McCausland, D., Haigh, M., Luus, R., Bavussantakath, F.R., Sheerin, F., Mulryan, N., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Flannery, F. & McCallion, P., The impact of COVID-19 on people ageing with an intellectual disability in Ireland: Protocol for a follow-up survey., HRB Open Research, 4, (95), 2021
McDermott, S., O'Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Lynch, L., & Burke, E., Training Older Adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) as Physical Activity leaders 2020 (PPALS2), Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, E., & Timmins, F., End of Life Care for People with an Intellectual Disability a Qualitative Exploration of Staff Carers' Experiences, BMC Palliative Care, 2021
Health and wellness among persons ageing with intellectual disability in, editor(s)M. Putnam, & C. Bigby (Eds.) , Handbook on Ageing with Disability, London, Taylor & Francis, 2021, pp229 - 239, [McCausland, D., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. ]
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., Allen, A., Luus, R., & McCallion, P., The impact of the COVID-19 crisis for older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
Murphy, E., McCausland, D., Korfage, I., Flygare Wallen, E., Koster, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Digi-ID: Digital Skills education to support better health and well being and social inclusion outcomes for adults with intellectual disabilities (ID), Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', Dublin, 9th - 11th March, 2021
Dee, B., Burke, E., Romero-Ortuno, R., McCallion, P., and McCarron, M., Social frailty among older adults with an intellectual disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5th - 8th July 2021, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1181 - 1371
Aging with Intellectual Disability: Dementia and Cognitive Decline in, editor(s)Matson, E , Handbook of Dual Diagnosis, Switzerland, Springer Nature, 2020, pp331 - 330, [Sheerin, F., McCallion, P., McGlinchey, E., O'Dwyer, M., Reilly, E., & McCarron, M. ]
Burke, EA., Bowman, S., Murphy, E., Oppewal, A., McCallion, P., and McCarron M., Get Wise About Your Health, Supporting people with intellectual disability to be health savvy: Sharing preliminary findings from public engagement and involvement in research , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Trinity College Dublin, 2020
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Carroll, R., & McCarron, The nature and quality of friendship for older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2020
Wormald, A., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., A complete model of loneliness in the ageing intellectual disability population, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
O'Connell, J., O'Dwyer, M., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Henman, M,, Frailty and its association with medication use in older adults with intellectual disability: an observational cross-sectional study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
O'Dwyer M, McCallion P, McCarron M, O'Connell J, Henman M., Measuring drug burden in older adults with intellectual disabilities: Critical issues for consideration in finding the optimal measure to improve safety of medicines use. , Expert opinion on drug safety, 19, (6), 2020, p649 - 652
McCausland, D., Carroll, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , Friendship for older people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland., TTrinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
McCausland, D., Stancliffe, R.J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Longitudinal use and factors associated with public transport and other travel options for older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 33, (3), 2020, p442 - 456
Burke, EA., Walsh, JB., McCalion, P. and McCarron, M., A descriptive examination of the link between men with intellectual disabilities, bone health and grip strength., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Trinity College Dublin, March 2020, 2020
Burke, EA., Bowman, S., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. and Gallagher, S., The use of massive open online courses to improve the healthcare service for adults with intellectual disability, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Trinity College Dublin, 2020
Murphy, E., McCausland, D., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , Technology use and social inclusion for older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
Choice as people age with intellectual disability - an Irish perspective in, editor(s)Roger J. Stancliffe, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Karrie A. Shogren, Brian H. Abery, , Choice, preference and disability: Promotiing self-determination across the lifespan, Springer Books, 2020, [O'Donovan, M-A., McCausland, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M]
Keogh B., Ting To, W., Daly L., Hynes G., Kennelly S., Lawlor B., Timmons S., O'Reilly S., Bracken-Scally M., Ciblis A., Cole N., Drury A., Pitalis C., Kennelly B., McCarron M. and Brady A.M., Acute hospital staff's attitudes towards dementia and perceived dementia knowledge: a cross-sectional survey in Ireland, BMC Geriatrics, 20, (376), 2020
Smith, M., Manduchi, B., Burke, E., Carroll, R., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Communication difficulties in adults with Intellectual Disability: Results from a national cross-sectional study, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 97, (103557), 2020, p1-12
Brennan, D., McCausland, D., O'Donnovan, M-A., Eustace-Cook, J., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Approaches to and outcomes of future planning for family carers of adults with an intellectual disability: A systematic review, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 33, (6), 2020, p1221 - 1233
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Down syndrome and Dementia: Advances in the field, Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 33, (3), 2020, p278 - 283
Sheerin, F., Mulryan, N,, McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Is depressive symptomology affected by physical activity and vitality in a cohort of older Irish adults with intellectual disability? Results from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Brennan, D., McCarron, M., In pursuit of meaningful occupation: Employment and occupational outcomes for older Irish adults with an intellectual disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 33, (3), 2020, p386 - 397
Bond L, Carroll R, Mulryan N, O'Dwyer M, O'Connell J, Monaghan R, Sheerin F, McCallion P, McCarron M., Biopsychosocial factors associated with depression and anxiety in older adults with intellectual disability: results of the wave 3 Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing., Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR, 64, (5), 2020, p368-380
O' 'Connell, J., Burke, E., McMahon N, McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Henman, M., O'Dwyer M, Medication Burden and Frailty in Older Adults with Intellectual Disability: An Observational Cross-Sectional Study, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 29, (4), 2020, p482 - 492
Monaghan, R., O'Dwyer, M., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Henman, M., Patterns of anti-epileptic drug use, seizures and co-administration of proconvulsive psychotropic drugs in older adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
Dee, B., Burke, E., Romero-Ortuno, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Factors associated with frailty among older adults with an intellectual disability: a systematic review of the literature, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
McDermott, S., O'Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Lynch, L., & Burke, E., Older adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) as physical activity leaders in Ireland and Spain, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Engaging the Down syndrome community in dementia prevention research, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
O'Donohoe, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M and Burke E., Engaging people with intellectual disability in research, a novel approach., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Trinity College Dublin, 2020
McCarthy, C., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Providing optimum end of life care to people with an intellectual disability living in residential care., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference: Integrated Health Care Developing Integrated Person-Centered Health Systems, TheConfo2020, Dublin, 3rd - 5th March, 2020
Manduchi B, Walshe M, Burke E, Carroll R, McCallion P, McCarron M , Prevalence and risk factors for choking in adults with intellectual disability: Results from a national cross sectional study. , Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability , 46, (2), 2020, p126 - 137
Burke, EA., Walsh, BJ., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Making Reasonable Adjustment to Enable and Support People With Intellectual Disability Engage in Objective Health Measures in a Research Study-The Health Fair in the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Inclusion, 8, (2), 2020, p124 - 137
Burke, EA., Carroll, R., Walsh, JB., McCallion, P. and McCarron, M., Bone health, grip strength and older men with intellectual disability , THE WORLD CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF INTELLECTUAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, Glasgow , August 2019, 2019
F Sheerin, P McCallion, N Mulryan, E McCann, M McCarron, Is depressive symptomatology affected by physical activity and vitality in a cohort of older Irish adults with intellectual disabilitity?, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6-9 August, 2019, 63, (7), Wiley, 2019, pp646 - 646
McCarron M, Lombard-Vance R, Murphy E, May P, Webb N, Sheaf G, McCallion P, Stancliffe R, Normand C, Smith V, O'Donovan MA, Effect of deinstitutionalisation on quality of life for adults with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review, BMJ Open, 2019
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Inclusion of people with Down syndrome in dementia research: Awareness, engagement and attitudes., Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 63, (7), 2019
Epidemiological Issues in Intellectual Disability and Aging Research. in, editor(s)V.P. Prasher, & M.P. Janicki. , Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Switzerland., 2019, pp9 - 26, [McCallion, P., Ferretti, L-A., Beange, H & McCarron, M.]
Ryan, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E., Obesity and health burden in adults with an intellectual disability, a comparative study. , Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 2019
O'Dwyer M, Finnerty S, Henman M, Carroll R, McCallion P, McCarron M. , Prevalence and treatment of dementia in older adults with Intellectual Disability (ID) in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD World Congress, Glasgow, August 2019, 63, (7), 2019
Bond L, Carroll R, Mulryan N, O'Dwyer M, O'Connell J, Monaghan R, Sheerin F, McCallion P, McCarron M. , The association of life events and mental ill health in older adults with intellectual disability: results of the wave 3 intellectual disability supplement to the Irish longitudinal study on ageing (IDS ]TILDA), IASSIDD World Congress, Glasgow, August 2019, 63, (7), 2019
McCarron, M., Carroll, R., McCallion, P., Ageing of People with intellectual disabilities: Building the samples and research questions for IDS-TILDA's next decade. , Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 63, (7), 2019
McCausland, D. Murphy, E. McCallion, P. McCarron, M., Assessing the impact of person-centred planning on the community integration of adults with an intellectual disability, Dublin, National Disability Authority, 2019
Epidemiological issues. in, editor(s)V.P. Prasher, & M.P. Janicki , Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, London: Wiley, 2019, pp9 - 26, [McCallion, P., Ferretti, L., Beange, H., & McCarron, M.]
Burke, EA., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Walsh, JB., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., A quantitative examination of the bone health status of older adults with intellectual and developmental disability in Ireland: a cross sectional nationwide study., British Medical Journal, 2019
Accessing general health services. in, editor(s)Barr, O & Gates, B. , Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, [Barr, O., Bell, T., Bromley, J., Chaplin, E., Francis, R., Marsh, L., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., O'Neill, E., Read, S., Russ, L., Scott, J., & Sowney, M.]
O'Donovan, M-A, McCallion, P., Byrne, E., & McCarron, M. , Housing mobility for older people with an intellectual disability, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 2019
Murphy, E, McCausland, D, Carroll, R., McCallion, P. McCarron, M., Technology use and social inclusion for older adults with an intellectual disability:Lessons learnt from the IDS-TILDA study, DOCTRID V: "Transitions across the Lifespan for People Living with Autism and/or Intellectual Disability", Galway, September 21, 2019
Andrew Wormald, The antecedents of loneliness on older people with an intellectual disability, The antecedents of loneliness on older people with an intellectual disability, 85, 2019, p116 - 130
Sheerin, F., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Finding hope and comfort: Religion and spirituality in the lives of older Irish adults with intellectual disability. , The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 2019
McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M., Holland, A., & Mccallion, P., Examining the Effects of Computerised Cognitive Training on Levels of Executive Function in Adults with Down syndrome., Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. , 63, (9), 2019, p1137 - 1150
Burke, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Bowman, S. & Gallagher, S.E. , .The use of massive open online courses to improve the healthcare service for adults with intellectual disability. , The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 2019
Claire O'Dwyer; Martin Henman; Mary Mc Carron; Eva O'Leary; Philip McCallion; Eilish Burke; Juliette O'Connell; Maire O'Dwyer, Prevalence and patterns of antipsychotic use and their associations with mental health and problem behaviours among older adults with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities , 32, (4), 2019, p981 - 993
Changes across the lifespan, in, editor(s)Barr, O & Gates, B , Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, [Bradley, A., Crickmore, D., Dearing, M., Marsh, L., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Read, S.]
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P,, McDermott, S., Foley, M., Burke, E.A., O'Donovan, M-A., McCausland, D., Gibney, S., McCarron, M. , Positive Ageing Indicators for People with an Intellectual Dsiability 2018, Dublin: Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability, 2019
Al Mutairi HK, O'Dwyer M, McCarron M, McCallion P, Burke E, Henman MC., Laxative use among older adults with intellectual disability: A cross-sectional observational study, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 42, 2019, p88 - 99
McCausland, D., Brennan, D., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Balancing personal wishes and caring capacity in future planning for adults with an intellectual disability living with family carers , Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23, (3), 2019, p414 - 431
McCarron, M., Lombard-Vance, R., Murphy, E., O'Donovan, M-A., Webb, N., Sheaf, G., McCallion, P., Stancliffe, R., Normand, C., Smith, V., May, P., Effect of deinstitutionalisation on quality of life for adults with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review, BMJ Open, 2019
McCausland, D., Carroll, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. , The nature and quality of friendships of older people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 63, (7), 2019
Bond, L., Carroll, R., Mulryan, N., O'Dwyer, M., O'Connell, J., Monaghan, R., Sheerin, F., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., The association of life events and mental ill health in older adults with intellectual disability: results of the wave 3 Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63, (5), 2019, p454 - 465
Mental health and emotional wellbeing. in, editor(s)Barr, O & Gates, B , Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, [Chaplin, E., Francis, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Read, S., Taggart, L., & Ward, G.]
Reilly, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Carroll, R., & Burke, E, The Impact of Ageing for People with Down syndrome over the Age of 40-years Living in Ireland. A 10-Year Longitudinal Follow-up., Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 63, (7), 2019
Bracken-Scally M., Brady A-M., Daly L. , Hynes G. , Keogh B. , Kennelly B. and Mc Carron M. , Methodological lessons learned from a parallel dementia process evaluation, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 March , 2019
O'Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M., Lynch, L., & McCallion, M., Pathways to health for older people with intellectual disability - Conceptualising a framework to understand access, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 2019
Hunt, K., Bernal, J., Worth, R., Shearn, J., Jarvis, P., Jones, E., Lowe, K., Padden, P., Barr, O., Forrester-Jones, R., Kroll, T., McCarron, M., Read, S., & Todd, S., End-of-life care in intellectual disability: a retrospective crosssectional study, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2019, p469 - 477
McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Burke, E. , Irish findings on quality in life and death for people with ID. , Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 63, (7), 2019
Dementia and Intellectual Disability: Prevalence, Assessment and Post-Diagnostic Support in, editor(s)Johnny Matson , Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities, Springer , 2019, pp965 - 986, [Eimear McGlinchey, Evelyn Reilly, Philip McCallion, Pamela Dunne, Niamh Mulryan, Mary McCarron]
Mac Giolla, Phadraig C., McCallion, P., McGlinchey, E., Nunn, J., McCarron, M, Non-restrictive support strategies for adults with intellectual disabilities: A focus group study exploring dentists decision making and communication., 2019
Mac Giolla, Phadraig C., McCallion, P., McGlinchey, E., Nunn, J., McCarron, M, Communication-based behavior support for adults with intellectual disabilities receiving dental care: A focus group study exploring dentists' decision-making and communication., Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 23, (4), 2019, p526 - 540
O'Connell J, Henman MC, Burke É, Donegan C, McCallion P, McCarron M, O'Dwyer M, Association of Drug Burden Index with grip strength, timed up and go and Barthel index activities of daily living in older adults with intellectual disabilities: an observational cross-sectional study, BMC Geriatrics, 19, (1), 2019, p173-
Ouellette, Kuntz, H., Martin, L, Burke, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., McGlinchey, E., Sandberg, M., Shooshtari, S., & Temple, B. , Development of a consensus statement on how best to support individuals with IDD as they become frail., The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 2019
Dunne P., Reilly E., Judge R., Lowe F., McCarron M., Giving Meaning to Life - the role of digital life stories in supporting people with intellectual disability and dementia, The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th - 9th August, 2019
Physical Health of Older Adults with Intellectual Disability in, editor(s)V.P Prasher and Matt Janicki , Physical Health of People with Intellectual Disability, Springer International, Springer International , 2019, [Burke E.A., O'Dwyer M, McGlinchey E, Foran S, MacGiolla Phadraig C, Carroll R, McCallion P and McCarron M]
Wormald, A., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., The Antecedents of Loneliness in Older People with an Intellectual Disability., Research in Developmental Disabilities., 85, 2019, p116 - 130
Important Physical Health Issues in, editor(s)V.P. Prasher, & M.P. Janicki , Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, London: Wiley, 2019, pp27 - 52, [Burke, E., O'Dwyer, M., McGlinchey, E., Foran, S., MacGiolla Phadraig, C., Carroll, R., McCallion, P & McCarron M.]
O'Dwyer, M., O'Connell., J., O'Dwyer C.,Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. and Henman, M.C.,, Patterns and indications for antipsychotic utilisation in older adults with intellectual disability: a cross sectional study, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference, Newcastle, April 2018, 26(1), 2018, pp7 - 8
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Brennan, D., and McCarron, M., The exercise of human rights and citizenship by older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62, (10), 2018, p875 - 887
MacGiolla Phadraig, C., Nunn, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Prevalence of edentulism among adults with Intellectual Disabilities: a narrative review informed by systematic review principles" in its current form for publication in Special Care in Dentistry, Special Care in Dentistry , 38, (4), 2018, p191 - 200
O'Dwyer, C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. , Medication Use and Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A neglected area of research. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety., Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 9, (9), 2018, p535 - 557
Keogh B, Daly L, Brady AM, Bracken-Scally M, Hynes G, Kennelly B, Ciblis A, Pittalis C, & Mc Carron M. , Key Stakeholders Perceptions of Assistive Technology to Support People with Dementia living at home., 28th Alzheimer Europe Conference: "Making dementia a European priority"., Barcelona , 29 to 31 Oct, 2018
O'Dwyer M, Peklar J, Mulryan N, McCallion P, McCarron M, Henman MC, Prevalence and patterns of anti-epileptic medicationprescribing in the treatment of epilepsy in older adults with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62, (3), 2018, p245 - 261
Galvin, M., Doyle, J., Murphy, E., Hannigan, C., Brady, A.M., McCarron, M., Bowman, S., Smith, S. and Dinsmore, J., The role of design thinking in the application of PPI within the ProACT project, SPHeRE Network 4th Annual Conference 2018, Dublin, Ireland, 2018
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Coppus, A., Fortea, J., Stemp, S., Janicki, M., & Watchman, K. , Defining advanced dementia in people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities: consensus statement of the International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia, Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2018
O'Dwyer M, Burke E, Foran S, McCarron M, McCallion P. , Associations of medicine use with falls and bone health in older adults with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, IASSIDD European Congress, Athens, 31, (4), 2018, pp544-
Bracken-Scally, M., Brady, A-M., Daly, L., Keogh, B., Kennelly, B., Hynes, G. & McCarron, M., Use of a consortium approach in integrating dementia care services in acute hospitals, National Forum on Integrated Care in Ireland, University College Dublin, 5 December 2018, 2018
O'Dwyer, C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Prevalence and Associated Factors of Challenging Behaviours among Older Adults with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 80, 2018, p192 - 204
Bowman, S., McCarron, M, Developing a Strategic Public Engagament Plan, Sphere Conference, RCSI Dublin, 11th January, 2018
Almutari, H., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & Henman, M. , Laxatives Use and Constipation among Intellectually Disabled Older People, Prevalence, Pattern and Association: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study., Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Journal , 2018
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Watchman, K., Janicki, M.P., Coppus, A., Service, K., Fortea, J., Hogan, M., Reilly, E., Stemp, S. , Quality Care for People with Intellectual Disability and Advanced Dementia: Guidance on Service Provision, Journal of Palliative Medicine, 21, (9), 2018, p9 - 10
Bracken-Scally, M., Brady, A., Daly, L., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Kennelly, B., McCarron, M, Flexibility and reablement in home care in dementia, International Journal of Integrated Care, 18th International Conference for Integrated Care 2018, Netherlands, 23rd - 25th May, 18, (S2), 2018, pp314-
O'Donovan, M.A., Mannan, H., McVeigh, J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Byrne, E., Core human rights concepts of in Irish health and housing policy documents: in search of equity for people with ID , Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 15, (4), 2018, p307 - 313
Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Martin, L., Burke, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., McGlinchey, E., Sandberg, M., Schoufour, J., Shooshtari, S., Temple, B, How best to support individuals with IDD as they become frail: Development of a Consensus Statement, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities , 32, (1), 2018, p35 - 42
Almutari, H., O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & Henman, M. , The Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors Among Older Adults with Intellectual Disability: A Cross Sectional Observational Study., Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 26, (7), 2018, p1012 - 1021
O'Dwyer, C., McCallion, P., Burke, E., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M., Prevalence and associated factors of problem behaviours among older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 80, 2018, p192 - 204
O'Connell, J. Burke, E., Henman, M., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., O'Dwyer, M., A comparison of drug burden measures on physical function scores in a cohort of older adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, Fifth International IASSIDD Europe Congress , Athens, Greece, 17-20 July, 2018 , 31, (4), 2018, pp553 - 553
Daly L.,Brady A.M., Keogh B., Bracken-Scally M., Ciblis A., Kennelly B., Hynes G., Pittalis C., Drury A. and McCarron M., Achieving inclusiveness: Suggestions to overcome challenges to accessing the perspective of people living with dementia , 19th International Nursing Ethics Conference and 4th International Ethics in Care Conference , Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, 1-2 September , 2018, pp16 - 17
O'Dwyer M, Galvin N, McCallion P, McCarron M, Henman M, O'Connell J. , Use of High Risk Medicines in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A cross-sectional study , Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, IASSIDD European Congress, Athens , 31, (4), 2018, pp544 - 544
Mac Giolla, Phadraig, C., McCallion, P., Nunn, J., McCarron, M., Total tooth loss without denture wear is a risk indicator for difficulty eating among older adults with intellectual disabilities., Journal of Oral Health, 46, (2), 2018, p170 - 178
Mac Giolla Phadraig C, Griffiths C, McCallion P, McCarron M. Donnelly-Swift E and Nunn J, Pharmacological behaviour support for adults with intellectual disabilities: Frequency and predictors in a national cross-sectional survey., Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 2018, p1-7
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Coppus, A., Fortea, J., Stemp, S., Janicki, M., Watchman, K, Supporting Advanced Dementia in people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities: Consensus Statement of the International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62, (7), 2018, p617 - 624
O'Dwyer, M., Galvin, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Henman, M., O'Connell, J. , Patterns of antipsychotic utilization and associations with behaviours, with challenges in older adults with intellectual disability: a cross sectional study, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, Fifth International IASSIDD Europe Congress , Athens, Greece, 17-20 July, 2018 , 31, (4), 2018, pp544 - 544
Burke, E, A., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Bowman, S, Building Inclusive Communities: Learning from the world, Involving Older Adults in Research - Lessons from 10 Years of IDS-TILDA, USA, November 2018, 2018
O Connell J., Burke E., Donegan C., McCallion P., McCarron M., Henman M., O'Dwyer M., , Effect of Drug Burden Index on Physical Function Measures in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: An Observational Cross-sectional Study, BMC, 2018
Burke, E., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Walsh, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., sing chi-square automatic interaction detection modelling to identify predictors of osteoporosis among adults with Intellectual Disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, Fifth International IASSIDD Europe Congress , Athens, Greece, 17-20 July, 2018 , 31, (4), 2018, pp554 - 554
O'Dwyer, M., Henman, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, E., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M O'Connell, J., , Prevalence and Patterns of antiepileptic medication use in the treatment of epilepsy in older adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 62, 2018, p245 - 261
Brady, A-M. Bracken, M. Keogh, BJ, Daly, L, Hynes, G. Kennelly , B, Mc Carron M, Learning from a Parallel Process Evaluation of Dementia Care Services , 25th Research & Education Conference, School of Nursing, University of Maribor, Slovenia , 7th June, 2018
O'Dwyer M, Hughes J, McCallion P, McCarron M, Henman M., Psychotropic drug use in older adults with intellectual disabilities who have dementia in Ireland , Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, IASSIDD European Congress, Athens, 31, (4), 2018, pp544-
O'Dwyer, M. McCarron, P. McCallion & M. Henman , Medication Use and Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A neglected area of research, Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety , 2018
O'Connell, J., Burke, E., Mulryan, N., O'Dwyer, C., Donegan, C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Henman, M., O'Dwyer, M, Drug Burden Index to Define the Burden of Medicines in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: An Observational Cross-Sectional Study , British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 84, 2018, p553 - 567
Belton, A., O'Dwyer, M.,Peklar, J., Mccallion, P., Mccarron, M., & Henman, M., Medication use and health screening in an ageing adult population with Down Syndrome in Ireland: A descriptive study" for publication in the Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 15, (2), 2018, p145 - 154
McCarron M, Lombard-Vance R, Murphy E, O'Donovan MA, Webb N, Sheaf G, McCallion P, Stancliffe R, Normand C, Smith V, May P, Quality of life outcomes and costs associated with moving from congregated settings to community living arrangements for people with intellectual disability: An evidence review, Dublin, Health Research Board, September, 2018, 94
Almutari, H., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Henman, M, 1. Laxatives Use and Constipation among Intellectually Disabled Older People, Prevalence, Patterns and Association: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study, Drugs and Aging, 2018
McCausland, D., Carroll, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M.3 , Engagement in Community by Older People with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland , 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Clayton Whites Hotel, Wexford, 29th and 30th Septem, 2017
O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M, Anticholinergic medicines in Older Adults with intellectual Disabilities, Faculty of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Annual Conference RCPI, Dublin, 6th October, 2017
Wormald, A., McCarron, M., McCallion, P.,, The influence of loneliness on age related decline in older people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) , IASSIDD Health Sirg, Belfast, 19th - 21st June, 2017
McCausland, D., McCarron, M, Social and community participation of older people with intellectual disabilities , 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, TBSI Dublin, 20th September, 2017
O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E., Oppewal, A., Foran, S, McCarron, M.,, Medication use in older adults with intellectual disabilities, Falls, Fraility, Bone Health Conference, Dublin, November, 2017
O'Dwyer, C., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, E., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M O'Connell, J., , Prevalence and Associated Factors of Behaviours which Challenge Among Older Adults with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Research in Developmental Disabilities , 61, (10), 2017, p969-983
Pittalis C., Kennelly B., Brady A.M., Daly L., Hynes G., Bracken-Scally M., Ciblis A., Keogh B. and McCarron M, Analysing the Burden of Care of Informal Carers of People with Moderate or Severe Dementia, Changing Perspectives in Gerontology - the Next 65 Years, Clayton Whites Hotel, Wexford, 29th and 30th Septem, 2017
McCarron, M., Burke, E., White, P., O'Dwyer, C., Ryan, K., O'Farrel, J., McCallion, P, He'd mind you, you mind him" Experiences of end of life care for people with an intellectual disability as perceived by staff carers., 2017, p1 - 63
O'Dwyer, M., O'Connell, J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Henman, M, Medication use in older adults with intellectual disabilities, IASSIDD Health Sirg, Belfast, June, 2017
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Reilly, E., Dunne, P., Carroll, R., Mulryan, N., A prospective 20‐year longitudinal follow‐up of dementia in persons with Down syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 61, (9), 2017, p843 - 852
Burke, E; McCallion, P., Walsh, J.B., McCarron, M., An exploration of the bone health of older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 16, (2), 2017, p99 - 114
Burke, E, A., Foran, S., Oppewal, A., O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M, The impact and relationship between musculoskeletal health, falls, medication and physical activity on older adults with intellectual disabilities from a Dutch and Irish perspective, European Congress on Falls Frailty and Bone Health, Dublin, 9th November, 2017
O'Donovan, M-A., Byrne, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Measuring choice for adults with an intellectual disability - a factor analysis of the adapted daily choice inventory scale, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65, (5), 2017, p471 - 487
McCarron, M, Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland, 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, TBSI Dublin, 20/09/17, 2017
O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M, Medication use and polypharmacy in older adults with intellectual disabilities, 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, 6 Kildare Street, Dublin, 20th September, 2017
Burke, E., McCarron, M.,, An exploration of the bone health of older adults with an intellectual disability, 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, 6 Kildare Street, Dublin, 20th September, 2017
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, "What's going to happen when we're gone?" Family caregiving capacity for older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31, (2), 2017, p226 - 235
O'Connell, J., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E., Henman, M., Donegan, C., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Mulryan, N., Association of Drug Burden Index with Physical Function in Irish Older Adults with Intellectual Disability, Age & Ageing, 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society: Changing Perspectives in Gerontology- The Next 65 Years. , Wexford, Ireland, 29-30 Sept 2017, 46, 2017, pp1
McCallion, P., Hogan, M., Santos, F H., McCarron, M., Service, K., Stemp, S., Keller, S., Fortea, J., Bishop, K., Watchman, K., Janicki, M.P., , Consensus Statement of the International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia Related to End-of-life Care in Advanced Dementia, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 55, (5), 2017, p338 - 346
De Moraes A., O'Donovan, M., Gormley, J., McCallion, P., Burke, E., McCarron, M, Physical activity in an older population of persons with an intellectual disability: Results from Wave 2 of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish longitudinal study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2017
Peklar, J., Kos, M., O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Kenny, R., Henman, M, Medication and supplement use in older, PLOS , (1), 2017, p1 - 15
O'Connell, J., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E., Henman, M. C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Factors associated with Drug Burden Index in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: An Observational Cross-Sectional Study, 39th All Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Conference, University College, Cork, April, 2017
O'Connell J., O'Dwyer, M., Henman, M., McCarron, M., , Addressing the complexity of medication use in people with Intellectual Disability, Irish Gerontological Society, Postgraduate Study Day in Ageing Research, Dublin, April, 2017
O'Dwyer, C., Wormald A., McCarron, M, Mental Health, challenging behaviour and loneliness in older adults with intellectual disabilities, Ageing and Older Adults with Learning Disabilities Conference, Edinburgh, 9th June, 2017
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Watchman, K., Janicki, M., Coppus, A., Fortea, J., Hogan, M., Reilly, E., Stemp, S, Quality Care for people with Intellectual Disability and Advanced Dementia: Guidance on Service Provision, British Medical Journal, 2017, p1 - 22
O'Donovan, M-A., McGlinchey, E., Haigh, M., McCarron, M.,, Ageing with an intellectual disability in Ireland, The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Dublin, 13th October, 2017
O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M, Medication and Polypharmacy in older adults with intellectual disabilities, Ageing and Older Adults with Learning Disabilities Conference, Edinburgh, 9th June, 2017
Brennan, D., McCarron, M, Family Care Giving, 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, TBSI Dublin, 20th September, 2017
Mac Giolla Phadraig C, Griffiths C, McCallion P, McCarron M, Nunn J., Communication based behaviour support for adults with intellectual disabilities receiving dental care: a focus group study exploring dentists' decision making and communication., Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, Online First, 2017
O'Connell J., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E; Henman, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P;, Drug Burden Index and Physical Function Measures in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, ESCP International Symposium , Germany, 9th - 11th October, 2017
Pittalis C., Kennelly B., Brady A.M., Daly L., Hynes G., Bracken-Scally M., Ciblis A., Keogh B. and McCarron M., Analysing the Burden of Care of Informal Carers of People with Moderate or Severe Dementia, Age and Ageing, 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, Ireland, 29-30 September 2017, 46, (Supp 3), 2017, ppiii13 - iii59
Burke, E, A., Carroll, R., McCallion, P., Walsh, J B., McCarron, M, An exploration of the bone health of older adults with an intellectual disability, European Congress on Falls Frailty and Bone Health, Dublin, 9th November, 2017
Mot, H., McCarron, M, Laxative use by older people with intellectual disability, All-Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Conference, Cork, April, 2017
McCarron, M., Haigh, M., & McCallion, P. (Eds.), Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion: Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland. Wave 3 IDS-TILDA., Dublin: School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2017
O'Dwyer M., O'Connell J., Donegan C., Burke E., McCarron M., McCallion P., Henman M., Drug burden index to define functional and cognitive effects in older adults with intellectual disabilities: an observational cross sectional study. , International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, European Society of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Symposium, Oslo, October 2016, 39(1), 2017, pp312 - 312
McCarron, M., Cleary, E., McCallion, P, Health and Health-Care Utilization of the Older Population of Ireland: Comparing the Intellectual Disability Population and the General Population, Research on Aging, 39, (6), 2017, p693 - 718
O'Dwyer, M., O'Connell, J., O'Dwyer, C., Mulryan, N., Burke, E., Donegan, C., Mccallion, P., Mccarron, M., & Henman, M., Drug Burden Index and Physical and Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Cross-Sectional Study, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Annual Meeting International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology, Montreal, Canada, 26, (2), 2017, pp478 - 478
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M, Future Care Planning Amongst Parent and Sibling Carers with Ageing Family Member with an Intellectual Disability, Irish Gerontological Society - 65th Annual & Scientific Meeting, Wexford, 28th-30th September, 2017
Burke, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, "Men's Bones Matter Too; Fracture risk and associated osteoporosis among older men with intellectual disability, Health SIRG 2017 , Belfast, 19th June, 2017
O'Donovan, M., O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M., McCallion P, An exploration of medication use patterns for adults with intellectual disability who transition to new living arrangements, Health SIRG 2017 , Belfast, 19th June, 2017
Wormald, A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Loneliness in older people with an Intellectual Disability, 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, TBSI Dublin, 20th September, 2017
McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M, Cognitive Training with Adults with Down syndrome, 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, TBSI Dublin, 20th September, 2017
Martin Henman , Hadiah Almutiari , Maire O ' Dwyer , Mary McCarron , Philip McCallion, Characteristics of the use of proton pump inhibitors among older people with intellectual disability, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, PCNE Working Conference, Bled, Slovenia, March 2017, 10.1007/s11096-017-0, 2017, pp8-
Burke, E., McCarron, M.,, Physical health and older adults with intellectual disabilities, Ageing and Older Adults with Learning Disabilities Conference, Edinburgh, 9th June, 2017
Brady, A-M., Bracken-Scally, M., Daly, L., Ciblis, A., McCarron, M., Kennelly, B., Keogh, B., & Hynes, G., Learning from the development of Integrated Care Projects in Dementia, International Journal of Integrated Care, ICIC17 - 17th International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 May 2017, 17, (5), 2017, ppA89-
Foran, S., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, The prevalence and predictors of falls and fear of falling among participants in the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing., European Congress on Falls Frailty and Bone Health, Dublin, November, 2017
McCarron, M., Haigh, M., McCallion, P., Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion: Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland Evidence from the First Ten Years of The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), School of Nursing and Midwifery,Trinity College Dublin, December, 2017, p1 - 136
King E., O'Donovan M., Brangan, A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, An Occupational Therapy Perspective on the Environment and Supporting Engagement for People Ageing with Intellectual Disabilities, IASSIDD Health Sirg, Belfast, 19th - 21st June, 2017
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Henman, M. C., Prevalence, patterns and factors associated with psychotropic use in older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61, (10), 2017, p969 - 983
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M, Family Strategies for Care Giving for Older People with Intellectual Disability (ID), within 'post-institutional' Ireland, 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece, 29 Aug - 1 Sept, 2017
O'Donovan, M., McCarron, M, Transitions and choice for older people with ID , 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, 6 Kildare Street, Dublin, 20th September, 2017
Peklar, J., Kos, M., O'Dwyer, M.,McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Kenny, R.A., Henman, M.C., Medication and supplement use in older people with and without intellectual disability: An observational, cross-sectional study, PloS one, 1, 2017, p1 - 15
Kennelly B., Brady A.M., Hynes G., Bracken-Scally M., Daly L., Keogh B., Ciblis A. and McCarron M., Better off at home or in long term care? A balance-of-care analysis of people with advanced dementia, Age and Ageing, 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, Ireland, 29-30 September 2017, 46, (Supp 3), 2017, ppiii1 - iii12
Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Daly, L., Bracken-Scally, M., Ciblis, A., McCarron, M., Kennelly, B., & Keogh, B., Responsive community care for people with dementia & their families: Evaluating a person centred and integrated care model, International Journal of Integrated Care, ICIC17 - 17th International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 May 2017, 17, (5), 2017, ppA92-
Burke, E.A., Carroll, R., Walsh, J.B., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. , Using Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) Modelling To Identify the Risk Factors of Osteoporosis among Older Adults with Intellectual Disability, Osteoporosis International , WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2017 World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases, Florence, Italy, 23-26 March, 2017, 28, 2017, ppS620 - S620
McCarron, M., Burke, E., White, P., O'Dwyer, C., Ryan, K., O'Farrell, J., McCallion, P., "He'd mind you, you mind him": Experiences of end of life care for people with an intellectual disability as perceived by staff carers., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2017
McCausland D., McCallion, P., Brennan, D., McCarron, M, Interpersonal relationships of older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31, (1), 2017, p140 - 153
Sexton, E., O'Donovan, M.A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, A comparison of measures of self-determination and emotional wellbeing in research with older adults with and without intellectual disabilties, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 41, (4), 2016, p324 - 337
Supporting families who have ageing members with disabilities.P.N Walsh, A., Carr, G. O'Reilly, & J. McEvoy (Eds.) Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice. 2nd Edition. in, Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice, 2016, [McCarron, M., & McCallion, P.]
O'Donovan, M-A., Mannian, H., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Byrne, E, Health for all (except if you have ID?) Examining extent to which national health policy is equitable, IASSIDD Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 15th - 19th August, 2016
McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Findings in relation to change in EF scores, IASSID Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 15th - 19th August, 2016
Murphy, R., Brennan, D., McCarron, M, Love labour and caring for older people with an Intellectual Disability within the family home environment, IASSIDD Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2016
Brennan D. Murphy R. McCallion P & McCarron M, Understanding Family Strategies the Enable long term and sustainable home environments for older people with intellectual disability, Trinity College, 2016
Sexton, E; O'Donovan, M-A; McCallion, P; McCarron M, Whose quality of life? Measures of emotional wellbeing and self-determination in research with older adults with and without intellectual disabilities,Special Issue of the Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability on Quality of Life, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 13, (4), 2016, p261 - 268
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Caregiving capacity and future care planning for older people with an intellectual disability, Age and Ageing, 45, 2016
Caoimhin MacGiolla, Phadraig., McCarron, M, The relationship between diet, nutrition and dentate status among older adults with disabilities, 23rd iADH Congress in Conjuction with the SCDA 28th Annual Meeting, Chicago, 17th April, 2016
Daly L., Bracken-Scally M., Hynes G., Ciblis A., Keogh B., Kennelly B., McCarron M. and Brady Anne-Marie, Using Inter-level Dynamics As An Interpretive Lens When Employing The RE-AIM Framework To Evaluate The Development Of Integrated Dementia Care, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society 64th Annual and Scientific Meeting. Developing Cultures of Excellence in Ageing and Exploring the Needs of Marginalised Groups, The Malton Hotel, Killarney, 29.09.16-01.10.16, 45, (Supp 2), Oxford University Press, 2016, ppii4-
Mulryan, N., McCarron, M, Mental Health Factors Associated with Subjective Sleep reports in an older Irish population with intellectual Disability - Results from IDS-TILDA, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 2016
Tuffrey-Wijne I., Wicki M., Heslop P., McCarron M., Todd S., Oliver D., de Veer A., Ahlström G., Schäper S., Hynes G., O'Farrell J., Adler J., Riese F., Curfs L, Developing research priorities for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe: a consultation process using nominal group technique, BioMed Central Palliative Care, 15, (36), 2016, p1 - 11
Murphy, R., Brennan, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Questioning the feasibility of the implementation of contemporary policy in Ireland: The narratives of family caregivers supporting older people with an Intellectual Disability, IASSIDD Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 15-19 August, 2016
O'Dwyer, M; Maidment, I; Bennett K; Peklar, J; Mulryan, N; McCallion, P; McCarron, M; Henman, C;, Association of anticholinergic burden with adverse effects in older people with intellectual disabilities: An observational cross-sectional study, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 209, (6), 2016, p504 - 510
Mulryan, N., McCarron, M, Sleep problems and associated health variables in Older Irish population with Down Syndrome: Results from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal study on Ageing, IASSIDD Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2016
Daly, L., Hynes, G., Braken-Scally, M., Ciblis A., Kennelly, B., Keogh, B., McCarron, M., Brady, A-M., Evaluation as process: Evaluating the Genio Dementia Programme - overview and progress to date, Sonas apc ltd. 8th National Dementia Conference: New developments, Innovative practice, City West Hotel, Dublin, 16th - 17th May, 2016
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Cleary, E., MCCarron, M, Social Connections for Older People with Intellectual Disability in Ireland: Results from Wave 1 of IDS-TILDA, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 29, (1), 2016, p71 - 82
Burke, EA., McCarron, M.,Walsh, JB., Carroll, R and McCallion, P, Prevalence and predictors of osteoporosis risk among older adults with intellectual disability n Ireland, IASSIDD Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 15th - 19th August, 2016
Caoimhin MacGiolla, Phadraig., McCarron, M, Why do older adults with intellectual disabilities not wear dentures, 23rd iADH Congress in conjunction with SCDA 28th Annual Meeting, Chicago, 16th April, 2016
O'Connell, J., O'Dwyer, M., Donegan, C., Henman, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Development of the Drug Burden Index tool for use in an Irish population of older people with intellectual disability, 45th ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) Symposium, Oslo, Norway, October 2016, 2016
People with Disabilities Entering the Third Age in, editor(s)Edurne, G., McConkey, R., Gilligan, R , Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives, Palgrave, 2016, pp217 - 228, [McCallion, P., McCarron]
King, E., Okodogbe, T., Burke, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., O'Donovan, MA, Activities of daily living and transition to community living for adults with intellectual disabilities, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 24, (5), 2016, p357 - 365
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., Griffiths, M & McCarron, M, Understanding Family Strategies that enable Long Term and Sustainable Home Environments for Older People with Intellectual Disability. Final Report - September 2016, Dublin, 2016, 1-72
Supporting families with ageing members who have intellectual disability in, editor(s)Carr, A., Linehan, C., O'Reilly, G., Walsh, P. N., McEvoy, J , The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Pshchology Practice, UK, Routledge, 2016, pp760 - 787, [McCarron, M., McCallion]
O'Dwyer, M., Maidment, I., Bennett, K., Peklar, J., Mulryan, N., McCallion P., McCarron, M., Henman, M, Association of Anticholinergic burden with adverse effects in older people with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland: An observational cross-sectional study, British Journal of Psychiatry, 209, 2016, p504 - 510
McCausland, D., Brennan, D., McCarron, M, Using the WHO's ICF as a theoretical framework for the study of social participation for older people with intellectual disability, IASSID Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 15th - 19th August, 2016
O'Dwyer, M., Pekler, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Henman, M, Factors associated with polypharmacy and excessive polypharmacy in older people with Intellectual Disability differ from the general population; a cross-sectional observational nationwide study, British Medical Journal Open, 6, (4), 2016
O'Dwyer, C., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Prevalence and Associated Factors of Challenging Behaviour in older adultes with an intellectual disability in Ireland, PSI Early Graduate Group Conference, Trinity College, 29th February, 2016
O'Donovan, M., McCarron, M, Core human rights concepts in Irish health and housing policy documents: in search of equity for people with Intellectual Disability, Divisions of Population Health Sciences, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, 15th June, 2016
Ramsay, H., Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Geographical barriers to mental health service care among individuals with intellectual disability in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 13, (4), 2016, p261 - 268
McCarron M, Will Older People with Intellectual Disability unlock the Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease' Preliminary findings from IDS TILDA, Cardiovascular Nurses Scientific Conference, Killarney, 8 September, 2015
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Maidment, I, Bennett, K., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Factors associated with high anticholinergic burden in ageing adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A cross-sectiontal study, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Boston, 24th - 26th August, (25), 2015, pp377 - 378
Ramsay, H., Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Geographical barriers to mental health service care among individuals with an intellectual disability in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 37, (4), 2015, p566 - 578
Shivers, C., McCarron, M, Healthy eating similarities and differences among individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and the general Irish population, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 26th April, 2015
O'Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M, Moving in later life: What is the impact on older people with Intellectual Disability, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 23rd April, 2015
Burke, E., McCallion, P., Walsh, JB., McCarron, M, The Bone Status of Adults with Intellectual Disability: Results from the Second Wave of IDs-TILDA, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 23rd April, 2015
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Cognitive reserve: Implications for research in dementia for people with down syndrome, Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College, Dublin, 16th September, 2015
Burke, E., McCarron, M., Walsh, JB., McCallion, P, The feasibility of utilising quantitative ultrasound as a method of objectiviely measuring bone status among older adults with Intellectual Disability, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 23rd April, 2015
McCarron, M, Understanding the usefulness of Frailty Indices for People with Intellectual Disabiliaty as they age, IAAG-ER 2015 Conference, Dublin, 24-25 April, 2015
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Henman, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Patterns of psychotropic drug use and psychotropic polypharmacy in an ageing population with intellectual disability, 4th Year Student Colloquium, November, 2015
McCarron, M, A Data Driven Approach to Understanding Ageing-focused Support and Services for People with Disabilities , Department of Health, Hawkins house, Dublin 2, 5 March, 2015
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Cleary,E., McCarron, M, Social Connections for Older People with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland: Results from Wave 1 of IDS-TILDA, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 29, (1), 2015, p71 - 82
McCarron, M, Implications for Hospice, Palliative Care and Intellectual Disability Services, Kaleidoscope Conference Invitation, Dublin Castle , 13 May, 2015
McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M., Carroll, R., O'Donovan, M-A., McCallion, P, Changes in the level of personal choice in older adults in Ireland in Intellectual Disability: Results from the IDS-TILDA, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 24th April, 2015
Burke, S., McCarron, M, Predicting onset of Osteoporosis and anxiety in adults with Intellectual Disability, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 23rd April, 2015
McDermott, A., Burke, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, A descriptive quantitative study into the prevalence of constipation in people with Intellectual Disability, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 25th April, 2015
Burke, EA., McCarron, M, The IDS-TILDA Study - An overview with focus on speech and language, Masterclass for speech and language master students, School of Speech and Language, Trinity College, 9th October, 2015
Foran, S., McCarron M, Associations between use of equipment in the performance of activities of daily living and falls in older adults with intellectual disability:, 16th Healthcare Interdisplinary Research Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 5th November, 2015
McCarron, M, The Irish Context, , International Exploratory Workshop Palliative Care for People with Intellectual Disability in Europe, Zürich, 23-25 February, 2015
Burke, EA., Walsh, J B., McCallion, P., McCarron, M.,, An examination of the bone status of adults with Intellectual Disability, results from the second wave of IDS-TILDA, Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College, 16th September, 2015
O'Dwyer, M., J. Peklar, N. Mulryan, P. McCallion, M. McCarron, and M. Henman, Patterns of Antiepileptic drug use in the ageing population with epilepsy and Intellectual Disability, ESCP Annual Symposium, Lisbon, 23 - 28 October, 38(2), Internatational Journal of Clinical Pharmacy , 2015, pp589 - 589
McCallion, P., Carroll, R., McCarron, M, Type II disbetes in people with intellectual disability as they age, Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College, 16th September, 2015
Burke, S., Carroll, R., Burke, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Predicting onset of Osteoporosis and anxiety in adults with Intellectual Disability, Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College, 16th September, 2015
McDermott, A., Burke, E., Carroll, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Examining the prevalence of constipation in older adults with an intellectual disability, Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College, 16th September, 2015
McCarron M, Carroll R, Kelly C, McCallion P, Mortality Rates in the General Irish Population Compared to those with an Intellectual Disability from 2003 to 2012., Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities, 28, (5), 2015, p406 - 413
O'Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M, Participants who had moved residence since wave 1 and the process involved in moving: A profile of the population and the types of challenges and supports relevant to them., Health Research Board ( Housing Committee), Dublin, 2015
Burke, EA., Carroll, R., Walsh, JB., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Examining the risk factors for bone fragility among of older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, WCO-IOF -ESCEO, Milan, 23rd - 29th May, 2015
Caoimhin MacGiolla, Phadraig., McCallion, P., Nunn, J., McCarron, M.,, Dentate status of older people in Ireland with and without Intellectual Disability, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 25th April, 2015
McCarron, M., Caroll, R., Burke, E., O'Dwyer, M, Frailty indices for people with Intellectual Disability as they age, Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College, Dublin, 16th September, 2015
Burke, EA., McCarron, M, Results form the IDS-TILDA study wave 2: Determinants of health among adults with an intellectual disability, Speech and Language Department Seminar, Trinity College, Dublin, 24th November, 2015
Ling J, Payne S, Connaire K & McCarron M, Parental decision-making on utilisation of out-of-home respite in children's palliative care: findings of qualitative case study research - a proposed new model, Child: Care Health and Development, 42, (1), 2015, p51 - 59
People with disabilities entering the Third Age. In E.G. Iriarte, R. McConkey, & R Gilligan, & (Eds.) Disability and Human rights: Global perspectives. in, Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives, London, Palgrave McMillan, 2015, pp217 - 230, [McCallion, P., McCarron, M]
O'Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M, Transitions in living arrangement; Insights into the process of moving for older people with an intellectual disability, Department of Health: Value for Money, Dublin , 2015
McCarron, M, Palliative Care for People with Intellectual Disability in Europe: The Irish Context, International Exploratory Workshop, Zurich, 24th February, 2015
Burke, EA., McCallion, P., Walsh, JB., McCarron, M, An investigation into the bone health and bone quality among older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland., Annual Medical Conference, Irish Osteoporosis Society , Trinity College, 31st October, edited by Dublin , 2015
O'Dwyer, M., Belton, A, Burke, E., Mulryan, N., Pekar, J., McCallion, P, McCarron, M., Henman, M, Antipsychotics in older people with ID: Prevalence and associated risks, IAGG-ER 8th Conference, Dublin, 25th April, 2015
McCarron, M, Meeting the needs of people with intellectual disability and dementia , Dementia: Putting strategies and research into practic, Ljubljana, Slovenia , 2-4 September, 2015
O'Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M, Moving in later life: What is the impact on older people with intellectual disability?, Sphere Network Conference, Dublin, 2015
McCarron, M, Dementia & Ageing Services Manageables, National Federadion Voluntary Bodies, 2nd June, 2015
Mac Giolla, Phadraig C., Burke, E., McCallion, P., McGlinchey, E., Nunn, J., McCarron, M, Dental attendance among older adults with intellectual disabilities in ireland, Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College, 16th September, 2015
MacGiolla Phadraig C., McCarron M. , Burke E., Cleary E., McGlinchey E., McCallion P., Nunn., J., Total tooth loss and complete denture use in older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, , 75, (2), 2015, p101 - 108
McCausland, D., Brennan, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Challenging Community Policy for people with intellectual disabilities, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, 25-28 August, 2015
Cronin, P., Hynes, G., Breen, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & O'Sullivan, L. , Between worlds: the experiences and needs of former family carers, Health & Social Care in the Community, 23, (1), 2015, p88 - 96
O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Henman, M, Prevalence and factors associated with high anticholinergic burden in ageing people with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland, Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College, Dublin, 16th September, 2015
Burke, EA., McCallion, P., Walsh, JB., McCarron, M, Examining the bone health of older adults with intellectual disability, Irish Gerontological Society PhD Conference, Education Centre, Our Lady's Hopice, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6, 2015
Successful implementation of a strategic planning process to address services system wide Dementia needs for people with an Intellectual Disability and their Caregivers in, Intellectual Disability & Dementia, Kingsley London, K Watchman, 2014, [McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Reilly, E., & Mulryan, N]
McCarron, M, Burke, E, McCallion, P, Swinburne J, Carroll, M, What people with an intellectual disability say about growing older and retirement in Ireland, Dortmund, March, 2014
McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Understanding the potential of re-diabetes screening to predict future type 2 diabetes among people with intellectual diabilities, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
Burke. EA., McCarron, M., McCallion, M, I'm not ready yet, what people with an intellectual disability say about growing older and retirement in Ireland, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, June, 2014
McCausland, D., Carroll, R., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Social participation for older people with intellectual disabilities living in different residential settings in Ireland: Results from wave 2 of the IDs-TILDa study on ageing, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
May, P., Hynes, G., McCallion, P., Payne, S., Larkin, P., McCarron, M, Policy analysis: Palliative care in Ireland, Health Policy, 115, (1), 2014, p68 - 74
Burke, E., McCallion P., & McCarron, M., Advancing Years, Different Challenges: Wave 2 IDSTILDA Findings on the ageing of people with an intellectual disability, Trinity College, September, 2014, p1 - 178
McCallion, P., Hastings, P., McCarron, M, Understanding increasing longevity for people with intellectual disability: Findings from New York state administrative data, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
McCausland, D., McCarron, M, A study of social participation for older people with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Tung Wah Group Visit, Trinity College, Dublin, May , 2014
O'Dwyer, M., McCarron, M, Medication and policy implication, HSE & DOH, June, 2014
O'Farrell, J., McCarron, M, Palliative care for adults with intellectual disabilities in Europe, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
Dunne, P., McCarron, M, When ageing in place is no longer viable - Transitions to a higher support home for persons with an intellectual disability and dementia, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
Burke, E., McCarron, M., Carroll, R., Cleary, E., McCallion, P, Health concerns for adults with intellectual disability as they grow older, 4th Year Student Colloquium, November, 2014
Burke, EA., McCarron, M, The intellectual disability supplement to the Irtish Longitudinal study on ageing; Research among older adults with intellectual disability., 4th Year RNID Student Nurses, Trinity College, Dublin, 2014
Mac Giolla, Phadraig C., El-Helaali, R., Nunn, J H., Burke, E., McCallion, P., McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M , National levels of reported difficulty in tooth and denture cleaning among an ageing population with intellectual disabilities., 15, (3), 2014, p48 - 53
Burke, E., McCarron, M., Walsh, JB., McCallion, P, Structured feedback from older adults with an intellectual disability on the experience of attending for a heatlh assessment: Results form a pilot study, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
Wormwald, A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, An examination of loneliness and its health effects as experienced by older people with an intellectual disability, Irish Gerontological Society, Harolds Cross, Dublin, 2014
Griffiths, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Doherty, S., Cleary, E, Exploring the differences in carer strain in sibling and parent carers of older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
O'Farrell, J., McCallion, P., Ryan, K., Connaire, K., McCarron, M, Understanding equality and inclusion in palliative care: Identifying and addressing the needs of people with intellectual disability., 8th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, 2014
Serving an Elderly Population. In M. Agran, F. Brown, C. Hughes, C. Quirk, & D. Ryndak. Equality & Full Participation for Individuals with Severe Disabilities in, A Vision for the future, Baltimore, Paul H Brookes, 2014, pp319 - 348, [Bigby, C., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M]
The challenges of palliative care policy implementation in acute care in, Giving Voice in a Multi-Voiced environment , London, MacMillian Publishers Ltd, 2014, pp133 - 134, [Hynes, G., Coghlan, D. McCarron, M]
McCarron, M., Carroll, C., Kelly, C., McCallion, P, Variations in age of mortality by gender and level in intellectual disability: A population level study of mortality among people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, IASSID, Vienna, July , 2014
Cleary, E., McCallion, P, McCarron, M, Dual sensory impairment among older people in Ireland: Comparison between a cohort of people with intellectual disabilities and a cohort of people aged 50 years and older, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Cognitive reserve: Implications for research in dementia for people with down syndrome, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Henman, M, Prevalence and patterns of medicine use in ageing people with intellectual disability., Irish Gerontology Society, Harold's Cross, 23rd May, 2014
McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Examining the usefulness of measures of executive function in individuals with down syndrome: A comparative review, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
McCarron, M, Carroll, R., Kelly, C., McCallion, P, To understand differing patterns of age of death by gender and level of intellectual disability for people with intellectual disability in Ireland, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
Mac Giolla, P., McCarron, M, Effective skills for the maintenance of oral health in people with intellectual disability, 4th Year Student Colloquium, November, 2014
Heladi, R., MacGiolla, P., McCallion, P., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Nunn, J., McCarron, M, DIs-TILDA: Older adults with intellectual disabilities reported difficulty regarding oral hygiene, TCD Research Education Day, Trinity College Dublin, October, 2014
McCarron, M., Carroll, R., McGlinchey, E., Cleary, E., McCallion, P, Contributing toward policy inplications and emerging health and social issues, NDA, Dublin, November, 2014
Burke, E., McCallion, P., Swinburne, J., Carroll, R., McCarron, M, Similarities and differences in older life stages of people with intellectual disability compared to other citizens, Dortmund, March, 2014
Burke, E., McCarron, M., Swinburne, J., McGlinchey, E., Carroll, R., McCallion, P, What it's like to grow older: The ageing perceptions of people with intellectual disability in Ireland. , Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 52, (3), 2014, p205 - 219
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Maidment, I., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Henman, M , Prevalence and factors associated with high anticholinergic burden among an Ageing Population with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities., 4th IASSID (International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) European Congress, Vienna, July, 2014, edited by Oulette-Kuntz H, Murphy G. , 27, (4), Wiley Blackwell, 2014, pp325 - 335
McCarron, M., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., & McCallion P, Epidemiology of Epilepsy in older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland: Associations and Service Implications, American Journal on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 119, (3), 2014, p253 - 260
McCarron, M, Buuilding longitudinal prevalence - overview, IASSID, Vienna, July , 2014
Shivers, C., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Acceptability of a multimedia life stories platform in a residential home for individuals and dementia and intellectual disability, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
O'Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M, Sovial Issues - Living transitions, NDA, Dublin, November, 2014
O,Donovan, M-A., McCarron, M, Social Issues - Living transitions, HSE &DOH, Dublin, June, 2014
Burke, E., McCarron, M., Walsh, JB., McCallion, P, Debeloping a baseline picture of the bone health status of older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
O'Farrell, J., McCarron, M, Exploring carers' experience of end of life for people with intellectual disabilities as they age, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
O'Farrell, J., McCallion, P., Ryan, K., Connaire, K., McCarron M.,, Exploring end of life experiences of older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Irish Gerontological Society, Harolds Cross, Dublin, 2014
Burke, EA., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., , Bone health and people with intellectual disability. A comprehensive approach to health and health care for people with intellectual disabilities as they age, IASSIDD Academy on Education, Teaching and Research, Vienna, July, 2014
McCausland, D., McCarron, M., McCallion, M., Brennan, D, Social relationships for older people with an intellectual disability , 'Somebody to love' Seminar MSc in Disability Studies, Trinity College, 25th April, 2014
Shivers, C., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Literacy and numeracy in an ageing population of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
McCausland, D., McCarron, M, Social engagement, NDA, Dublin, November, 2014
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Henman, M, The anticholinergic burden of medicines use in an ageing population with intellectual disability in Ireland, All Ireland School of Pharmacy Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 2014
Caoimhe MacGiolla, P., McCallion, P., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Nunn, J., McCarron, M, Dental attendance among older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, IASSID, Vienna, July , 2014
McCarron, M, Unlocking the determinants of successful ageing: The intellectual disability supplement to the Irish Longitudinal study on Ageing, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Developing an understanding of executive functioning in adults with down syndrome: What is its impact on the ageing brain, 15th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloquim, November, 2014
Begley, C., McCarron, M., Huntley-Moore, S., Condell, S., Higgins, A, Successful research capacity building in academic nursing and midwifery in Ireland: an exemplar. , Nurse Education Today , 34, (5), 2014, p754 - 760
Burke, E., McCallion, P., Walsh, JB., McCarron, , Bone health and the older adult with Intellectual Disability in Ireland - preliminary results from IDS-TILDA, HSE & DOH, June , 2014
Griffiths, C., Keenan, P., McCausland, D., Hynes, G., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Engineering change in the culture and practices of a service for people with intellectual disability., Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, Pathways to Inclusion 4th International IASSIDD Europe Regional Congress, Vienna, 14th-17th July 2014, 27, (4), 2014, pp359 - 359
McCarron, M, Perspectives on Ageing with Intellectual Disability, International Conference , Dortmund, 21-22 march, 2014
McCarron, M., Carroll, R., McGlinchey, E., Cleary, E., McCallion, P, Utility of a frailty index in older adults with an intellectual disability: Preliminary findings for the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Reilly, E., Mulryan, N, A prospective 14-year longitudinal follow-up of dementia in persons with Down Syndrome., Journal of intellectual disability research , 58, (1), 2014, p61 - 70
O'Dwyer, M, Belton, A., Peklar, J., Maidment, I., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Henman, M, Anticholinergic burden in older adults with intellectual disability: Relations ships with multimorbidity and adverse effects, IGS 62nd Annual and Scientific Meeting, Radisson Blu Hotel, Galway, 9 - 11 October, 2014
Burke, E., McCarron, M, A Changing health profile, NDA, Dublin, November, 2014
O'Farrell, J., Ryan, K., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Equality and inclusion in palliative care: Pathways at end of life for older people in an intellectual disability, 15th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloquium, November, 2014
Mulryan, N., Cleary, E., Carroll, R., Lawlor, B., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, IDS-TILDA Wave II: First report of mental health variables, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Belton, A., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Henman, M, Prevalence and Predictors of Multiple Medicines Use among an Ageing Population with Intellectual Disability in Ireland., Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities., 4th IASSID (International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) European Congress, Vienna, July, 2014, edited by Oulette-Kuntz H, Murphy G. , 27, (4), 2014, pp297-
Burke, E., McCarron, M, A Preliminary examination of the bone healt of older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland - IDS-TILDA Wave 1, Tung Wah Group Visit, Trinity College, Dublin, May, 2014
McCausland, D., McCarron, M, Social engagement, HSE & DOH, June, 2014
Mac Giolla Phadraig, C., Burke, E., McCallion, P., McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M., Nunn, J, Dental attendance among older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland., Special Care in Dentistry, 34, (6), 2014, p265 - 272
Burke, E., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Bone health and people with an intellectual disabilty, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
Mulryan, N., Cleary, E., Carroll, R., Lawlor, B., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Comparison of sleep parameters and associated factors in a matched nationally representative population sample in persons with and without intellectual disabilities, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
Burke, E., McCallion, P., Walsh, JB., McCarron, M, Supporting older adults with intellectual disabilities to engage in Health Screening: Lessons learned from the intellectual disability supplement to the Irish longitudinal study on ageing, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Burke, E, A comprehensive approach to health and health care for people with intellectual disability as they age, IASSID, Vienna, July, 2014
Mac Giolla, P., McCallion, P., McGlinchey, E., Nunn, J., Burke, E., McCarron, M, Older adults in Ireland have poorer oral heatlh outcomes if they have intellectual disabilities, GERR, November, 2014
Responding to the Challenges of Service Development to address Dementia needs for People with an Intellectual Disability in, Intellectual disability and dementia: Research into practice', London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers , 2014, pp241 - 269, [McCarron M, McCallion, P., Reilly E., Mulryan, N.,]
Burke, EA., McCallion, P., Walsh, JB., McCarron, M, Developing a baseline picture of the bone health status of older adults with an Intellectual disability in Ireland, WCO_IOF ESCEO Seville, March, 2014
Burke, EA., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Osteoporosis and people with Down syndrome: A preliminary descriptive examination of the IDS-TILDA Wave 1 results (Winning entry), Annual Roundtable - Special Interest Group on Aging with an Intellectual Disability, Internation Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Boston, September, 2013
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., Burke, E., Carroll, R., McCarron, M, Examining the area of employment in older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Joyrnal of Applies Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 26, (4), 2013, p335 - 343
McCallion, P., Burke, E., Swinburne, J., McGlinchey, E., Carroll, R., McCarron, M, The influence of environment, predisposing, enabling and need variables on personal health choices of adults with intellectual disability., The Health Well, 4, 2013, p749 - 756
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Henman, M, Prevalence and Patterns of Psychotropic Drug Use and Psychotropic, Polypharmacy in an Ageing Population with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 61st Annual & Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Croke Park, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (6), 2013
McCausland, D., Burke, E., McGlinchy, E., Swinburne, J., Cleary, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P , Use of Transport for Older People with Intellectual Disability: Results from Wave 1 of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), Irish Journal of Medical Science, 61st Annual&Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Croke Park, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (6), 2013
McCarron, M., Swinburne, J., McGlinchey, E., Burke, E., McCallion, P, Patterns of multimorbidity in an ageing population of people with an intellectual disability: Results from the intellectual disability supplement of the Irish Longitidinal study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), 61st Annual and Scientific meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, 2013
Daly, L., McCarron, M., Higgins, A., McCallion, P, 'Sustaining Place' - a grounded theory of how informal carers of people with dementia manage alterations to relationships within their social worlds., Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, (3-4), 2013, p501 - 512
Burke, EA,. McCarron, McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P, Exploring a picture of ageing for people with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Research and practice seminar, St Michael's House, Dublin, November, 2013
McCarron, M, A Picture of Oral Health in Older Adults with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland: Policy & Educational Implications, 3rd Research Week - International Symposium of College of Oral Medicine, Taiwan, May, 2013
May P, Hynes G, McCallion P, Payne S, Higgins A, Larkin P, McCarron, M, Challenges in increasing regional equity in palliative care service provision in Ireland , European Journal of Palliative Care, 20, (3), 2013, p130 - 133
Understanding the similarities and differences in aging with an intellectual disability: Linking Irish general population and intellectual disability datasets in, editor(s)R. Urbano , Using Secondary Datasets to Understand Persons with Developmental Disabilities and their Families , New York, Academic Press, 2013, pp206 - 233, [McCallion, P., Swinburne, J., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M.]
Burke, E., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Osteoporosis and people with Down syndrome; a preliminary descriptive examination of the IDS-TILDA Wave 1 results, . Annual Roundtable - Special Interest Group on Aging with an Intellectual Disability, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Boston,MA, September, 2013
Mac Giolla Caoimhin, P; McCallion, P., Nunn, J., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Cleary, E., McCarron, M, Total tooth loss and complete denture use in older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, Gerondontology, 75, (2), 2013, p101 - 108
McCarron, M., Swinburne, J., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Carroll, R., McCallion, P, Patterns of multimorbidity in an older population of persons with an intellectual disability: results from the intellectual disability supplement to the Irish longitudinal study on aging (IDS-TILDA)., Research in developmental disabilities, 34, (1), 2013, p521 - 527
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., Keenan, P., Griffiths, C., Hynes, G., McCallion, P, A Collaborative Initiative to Implement Person Centred Practice, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2013
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., Developing an Understanding of 'Community' for Older People with Intellectual Disability (ID): What can we learn from the Sociological and Equality Literature? , 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloqium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2013
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Henman, M., McCallion, P, McCarron, M., Patterns, Prevalence and Indications for Medicine Use among an Ageing Population with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloqium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2013
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Commentary: Deaths of people with intellectual disabilities in the UK, The Lancet, 383, 2013, p853 - 855
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., Burke, E., McCarron, M., Examining the area of Employment for Adults with an Intellectual Disability, 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloqium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2013
Griffiths C, Keenan P, McCausland D, Hynes G, McCarron M and McCallion P, My Needs, My Wants, My Aspirations. The findings of a collaborative initiative to implement person-centred care in a service for people with intellectual disability: A case study. , 13th Annual Research Conference, The Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork. Ireland. , University College Cork. Ireland, 8th November 2013, 2013
McCarron, M, Embedding the needs of people with intellectual disability within national dementia policies, Annual Roundtable - Special Interest Group on Aging with an Intellectual Disability, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Boston,MA, 2013
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Henman, M., McCallion P., McCarron, M, Patterns and Prevalence of Medicines Use in an Ageing Population with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, All-Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Conference, Belfast, 2013
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Henman, M., McCallion, M., McCarron, M., Patterns and Prevalence of Polypharmacy in an Ageing Population with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Doctoral Colloquium of the Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2013
McCausland, D., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Brennan, D, An exploration of the experiences of community for older people with intellectual disability in Ireland, 14th Helathcare interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloqium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College, November, 2013
O'Dwyer ,M., Peklar, J., Henman, M., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Patterns and Prevalence of Polypharmacy in an Ageing Population with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, 4th Annual International College of Mental Health Pharmacy Conference, Hinckley, United Kingdom, October, 2013
Lambert, V., Glacken, M., McCarron, M, Using a range of methods to access children's voices. , Journal of Research in Nursing, 18, (7), 2013, p601 - 616
May, P., Hynes, G., McCallion, P., Payne, S., Larkin, P., Higgins, A., & McCarron, M., Implementation challenges in increasing equity in palliative care in Ireland, European Journal of Palliative Care, 20, (3), 2013, p130 - 133
O'Donovan, M. A., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , Residence and health service utilization of older people with an intellectual disability, Special Interest Group on Aging with an Intellectual Disability, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Boston,MA, 2013
McCallion P, Burke E, Swinburne J, McGlinchey E, Carroll R & McCarron M, Influence of environment, predisposing, enabling and need variables on personal health choices of adults with intellectual disability., Health, 5, (4), 2013, p749 - 756
Lambert, V., Glacken, M., McCarron, M, Meeting the information needs of children in hospital, Journal of child health care, 17, (4), 2013, p338-353
Burke, E., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. , The Silent Thief of Bone: Developing a baseline picture of the bone health of adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloqium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2013
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Henman, M, Prevalence, patterns and indications for medicine use among an ageing population with intellectual disability in Ireland, 14th HJIRC, School of Nursing, Trinity College, Dublin, November, 2013
McCausland, D., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Brennan, D, An exploration of the experiences of community for older people with intellectual disability in Ireland, 14th Helathcare interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloqium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College, November, 2013
Foran, S., McCarron, M., & McCallion, P, Expanding assessment of fear of falling among older adults with an intellectual disability, International Scholarly Research Notices , 2013, 2013, p9
McCarron, M., Swinburne, J., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P, Patterns of multimorbidity in an ageing population of people with an intellectual disability: Results from the intellectual disability supplement to the Irish longitudinal study on ageing (IDS-TILDA), Irish Journal of Medical Science , 61st Annual & Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Croke Park, 2013, 182, (6), 2013, pp179-296
McCarron, M., McGlinchey,E., Burke, E., O'Dwyer, M., McCallion, P., Epidemology of epilepsy in Older Adults with an Intellectual Disability, Irish Journal of Medical Science Volume 182 Supplement 6 DOI 10.1007/s11845-013-0985-z, 61st Annual & Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Croke Park, 20-21 September, 2013
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., Burke, E., Carroll, R., McCarron, M, Exploring the Issue of Employment for Adults with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities, 26, (4), 2013, p335 - 343
Burke, E., McCallion, P., McGlinchey, E., McCarron, M., , The Ageing Perceptions of Older Adults with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland, 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloqium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November 2013, 2013
Amado, A.N., Stancliffe, R.J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P, Social Inclusion and Community Participation of Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 51, (5), 2013, p360 - 375
McCarron, M., Reilly, E. & Dunne, P,, Achieving Quality Environments for Person Centred Dementia Care, No, Trinity College Dublin , 2013
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., Keenan, P., Griffiths, C., Hynes, G., McCallion, P. , A Collaborative Initiative to Implement Person Centred Practice. Report., 2013
O'Dwyer, M., Peklar, J., Henman, M., McCallion, P, McCarron, M, Patterns ,Prevalence and Appropriateness of Medicine Use in an Ageing Population with Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Working Conference, , Berlin, February, 2013
Griffiths, M., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Sibling Caregivers of Adults Aging with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities, Special Interest Group on Aging with an Intellectual Disability, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Boston,MA, September, 2013
McCarron, M., McGlinchey, E., Burke, E., O'Dwyer, M., McCallion, P, Prevalence of Epilepsy in Older Adults with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland: Associations and Service Implications, 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloqium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2013
McCarron., M, Swinburne, J., McCallion, P., , IASSID World Congress Key Note Speaker: Building Longitundinal prevalence figures: Findings from IDS-TILDA, IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July , 2012
McCarron, M., Reilly, E., Mulryan, N. & McCallion, P., A Prospective Fourteen-year Longitudinal follow-up of Dementia in persons with Down Syndrome., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July, 2012
McCarron, M. & McCallion, P, Understanding roles in the Community: Findings from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitundinal Study on Ageing., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July, 2012
Foran. S, McCallion. P, McCarron, M., Fear of falling in older people with an Intellectual Disability., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July, 2012
Mulryan, N., Lawlor, B., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Depressive Symptomatology and Sleep Patterns in an Older Irish Population with Intellectual Disability., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July 2012, 2012
Hynes G, Coghlan D & McCarron M, Participation as a multi-voiced process: Action research in the acute hospital environment. , Action Research , 10, 2012, p293 - 312
Glackin, M., Higgins, A., Sharek, D., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Breen, M., and McCarron, M, 'You should live for yourself': Older LGBT people's pathways to coping and support'. All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association 4th Annual conference , Active Ageing for Mental Health: Promoting Positive Attitudes." , Silver Springs Hotel, Cork, Ireland, 7 June, 2012
Meeting the End of Life Needs of Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in, editor(s)E. Chang & A. Johnson , Contemporary and Innovative Practice in Palliative Care. , Rijeka, Croatia: Intech, 2012, pp255 - 270, [McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Fahey-McCarthy, E., & Connaire, K.]
Hynes G, Coghlan D, McCarron M, Developing Practice in Healthcare: The contribution of Building to Negotiating the Tensions among practical, Professional and Organisational Knowing., International Journal of Action Research, 8, (2), 2012, p159 - 184
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., Swinburne,J., Carroll, R., McCarron, M., Behavioural health of older adults with an Intellectual Disability: Findings from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitundinal Study on Ageing., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July, 2012
Mulryan, N., Lawlor, B., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Older Adults with an Intellectual Disability., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July 2012, 2012
McGlinchey, E., McCallion, P., Swinburne, J., Carroll, R., McCarron, M., Life Long Learning and Employment in Older Irish Adults with an Intellectual Disability., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July, 2012
Hynes G, Stokes A, McCarron M, Informal care-giving in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: lay knowledge and experience., Journal of clinical nursing, 21, (7-8), 2012, p1068-77
Glacken, M., Higgins, A., Sharek, D., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Breen, M. & McCarron, M. , Older LGBT People's Pathways to Coping and Support. , All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association 4th Annual Conference, Silver Springs Hotel, Cork, 7th June, 2012
Burke, E., McCallion, P., Swinburne, J., Carroll, R., McCarron, M., I'm Not Ready Yet: What people with an Intellectual Disability say about growing older and retirement in Ireland., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July, 2012
McCarron, M., Swinburne. J., Burke. E., McGlinchey, E., & McCallion, P, Physical health and multiple morbidity in Irish people with an intellectual disabiltiy as they age., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July , 2012
McCallion, P., Swinburne, J., Burke, E., McGlinchey,E., Carroll, R., McCarron, M., Health Care Utilisation by Adults with an Intellectual Disability Ageing in Ireland., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July, 2012
Hynes G, Stokes A, McCarron M. , Informal care-giving in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:, Informal care-giving in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Lay knowledge and experience, 21, (7-8), 2012, p1068 - 1077
McCallion, P., Burke, E., McCarron, M., Hopes for the Future: The impact of caring for a family member with an Intellectual Disability who is ageing., IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada, July 2012, 2012
Cecily Begley, Mary McCarron, Sylvia Huntley-Moore, Developing Research Capacity in Academic Faculty, INMED Conference, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles,, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011
Lambert V, Glacken M, McCarron M, Employing an ethnographic approach: key characteristics, Nurse Researcher, 19, (1), 2011, p17 - 24
McCarron M. Breen, M., Cronin, P. , Hynes, G., McCallion, P., Between Worlds: The Experiences and Needs of Former Family Carers. School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2011
Burke, EA., McCarron, M., Swinburne, J., McGlinchey, E., Mulryan, N., Andrews, V., Foran, S., McCallion, P, Solcial connectedness and social participation of older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland 2011: First results from IDS-TILDA, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation Education Day,, Dublin, November, 2011
Lambert V, Glacken M, McCarron M, Communication between children and health professionals in a child hospital setting: a Child Transitional Communication Model., Journal of advanced nursing, 67, (3), 2011, p569-82
McCarron M. & McCallion, P. , The first wave findings of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA). , , 2nd International Conference. Building a Picture of Ageing in Persons with Intellectual Disability: Future Directions for Ageing Well. , Trinity College Dublin, September, 2011
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Fahey-McCarthy, E., & Connaire, K. , Staff Perceptions of Essential Pre-requisits Underpinning End-of-Life Care for Persons with Intellectual Disabilitiy and Advanced Dementia, Journal of Policy & Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 7, (2), 2010, p143 - 152
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Fahey-McCarthy, E., Connaire, K., Dunn-Lane, J., Supporting persons with down syndrome and advanced dementia: Challenges and care concerns, Dementia, 9, (2), 2010, p285-298
Hynes, G., McCarron, M., Coghlan, D, ddressing Heteroglot in Action Research. Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference. Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI, RCSI Dublin, February 2010, 2010
McCarron M, McCallion P, Fahey-McCarthy E, Connaire K, The Role and Timing of Palliative Care in Supporting Persons with Intellectual Disability and Advanced Dementia., Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 24, (3), 2010, p189 - 198
Hynes, G., Coghlan, D., McCarron, M., The Heteroglot of Practice in an Action Research Project. 26th European Group of Organizational Studies Colloquium, Lisbon, July 2010, 2010
Older people with intellectual disabilities in, Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing, Oxford University Press, 2009, [Barr, O & Gates, B (Ed)]
Dementia (in people with intellectual disability) in, Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing, Oxford University Press, 2009, [Barr, O & Gates, B (Ed)]
Fealy, G., McCarron, M., O'Neill, D., McCallion, P., Clarke, M., Small, V., O'Driscoll, A., & Cullen, A. , Effectiveness of gerontologically informed nursing assessment and referral interventions for older persons attending the emergency department: systematic review, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65, 2009, p934-945.
Begley C, McCarron M, Huntley-Moore S., Research capacity building in academic nursing and midwifery, 10th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2009, pp14 - 14
Dementia nurse specialists in, Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing, Oxford University Press, 2009, [Barr, O & Gates, B ]
The Test for Severe Impairment. in, editor(s)NY: Springer. , Neuropsychological Assessments of Dementia in Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities. , 2009, [Mulryan, N., Tyrrell, J., Cosgrave, M., Reilly, E. McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. ]
Fahey-McCarthy, E., McCarron, M., Connaire, K., McCallion, P., , Developing an Education Intervention for Staff Supporting Persons With an Intellectual Disability and Advanced Dementia, 6, (4), 2009, p267-
Hynes, G., Stokes, A., McCarron, M, Informal Care-giving in Advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Current Experiences in the Irish Context, Irish Thoracic Society Meeting Limerick. 2009: November, 2009
Lambert, V., Glacken, M., McCarron, M., A protection-participation dichotomy: communicating with children in healthcare. 1st International Children's Conference. Children and Young People in a Changing World., Queens University Belfast., 23rd-24th April 2009, 2009
Neenan, K .,McCarron, M, Connaire, K., Cox, K, Day in Day out. Echoes of Hospice Day Care. 7th Annual Kaleidoscope Conference Pearls and Promises: The changing face of Palliative Care Practice. , Dublin Castle, 11TH -12TH June 2008, 2008
McCarron, M, Fahey-McCarthy, E., Connaire, K., McCallion, P , Role and Timing of Palliative Care in Supporting persons with Intellectual Disability and Advanced Dementia. , Embracing the Challenge: Citizenship and Dementia. , The Dementia Services Development Centre Northern Ireland. Stormont Hotel. , 6th -8th May 2008, 2008
Lambert, V., Glacken, M. and McCarron, M., , Getting to grips with Ethnography., 3rd Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences, University of Liverpool. , 03-SEP, 2008
Lambert,V., Glacken, M. & McCarron, M, , Visible-ness": The degree to which children are included or excluded in the communication process. Participatory Methods Seminar, Researching Children's Worlds: Sharing Knowledge to Improve Action. Training Event,, Galway , 08-FEB-08 -08-FEB-08, 2008
Lambert, V., Glacken, M., McCarron, M, Communicating with Children in Health Care: Children as Human Becoming and/or Human Beings, 2nd International Conference. Re-presenting Childhood and Youth,, University of Sheffield , 08-JUL, 2008
Nurse Roles in Supporting Aging Persons with Mental Health Problems in, , Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities, and the Aging Process, 2008, pp223-237 , [Mccarron, M., Griffiths, C.]
Lambert, V., Glacken, M., McCarron, M., , The challenge of communicating with children in a technological age, 10th International Paediatric and Child Health Nursing Conference, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia , 30-APR-08 -02-MAY-08, 2008
Hynes, G. & McCarron, M., Identifying Palliative Care Needs of Patients with COPD. , Irish Journal of Medical Science, , 177, 2008
Neenan K Mc Carron M Connaire K Cox K , Challenges encountered while researching end of life care in a specialist Palliative Care Hospice Day Service in the Republic of Ireland. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland., Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 20th-21st Feb, 2008
Begley C, McCarron M, Huntley-Moore S , Developing research capacity in academic nursing and midwifery National Association for the Integration of Teaching and Learning , Bologna and staff development conference, Trinity College Dublin, 2008, 9-10
Hynes, G., Stokes, A., McCarron, M, Informal Care-giving in Advanced COPD: Lay knowledge and experience, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 2008
Lambert, V., Glacken, M., McCarron, M, Visible-ness?: The nature of communication for children admitted to a specialist paediatric hospital in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17, 2008, p3092 - 3102.
Lambert, V, Glacken, M, McCarron, M, 'Visible-ness': the nature of communication for children admitted to a specialist children's hospital in the Republic of Ireland., Journal of clinical nursing, 17, (23), 2008, p3092-3102
McCarron, M, Fahey-McCarthy, E., Connaire, K., McCallion, P , Palliative Care and Persons with Intellectual Disability and Dementia: Recent Innovations and Developments. , 7th Annual Kaleidoscope Conference Pearls and Promises: The changing face of Palliative Care Practice, Dublin Castle , 11TH -12TH June 2008, 2008
Lambert, V., Glacken, M. and McCarron, M., Communicating with Children in Health Care: A Sociological Perspective. 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference.Transforming Healthcare through Research Education and Technology, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies. Trinity College Dublin. , 05-NOV, 2008
Supporting Families who have Aging Members with Disabilities. in, Walsh, P.N., Carr, A.,O'Reilly, G. ,& McEvoy, J. , The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice, London: Routledge., 2007, pp867 - 899, [McCarron, M., & McCallion, P. ]
Neenan K Mc Carron M Connaire K Cox K , Precious Moments in Hospice Day Care , The 8th International Conference, The Social Context of Death, Dying and, Bath UK., 12-15 September 2007, 2007
McCallion P., & McCarron M, Perspective on Quality of Life in Dementia Care. , Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 45, (1), 2007, p56 - 59
Neenan K Mc Carron M Connaire K Cox K , Precious Moments in Hospice Day Mortality , Supplement vol 12 , 2007
Lambert, V. Glacken, M. & McCarron, M, Being at or brought to the forefront: one dimension of the nature of communication for children admitted to a specialist paediatric hospital in the Republic of Ireland., 3rd International Congress on Pediatric Nursing. Children and Young Peoples Nursing: Looking Forward, Athens, Greece. , 24-AUG-07 -25-AUG-07, 2007
McCarron, M. & McCallion, P. , ) End of Life Care Challenges for Persons with Intellectual Disability and Dementia: Making Decisions About Tube Feeding, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 45(2) , 2007, p128-131.
Lambert, V., Glacken, M. & McCarron, M, Being overshadowed: one aspect of the process of communication between children and health care professionals in a paediatric hospital setting, RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Dundee, Scotland. , 01-MAY-07 -04-MAY-07, 2007
Neenan K Mc Carron M Connaire K Cox K , Day by Day Patients' experiences of Hospice Day Care., School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology , 7th - 9th Nov 2007, 2007
McCarron, M, McCallion, P, End-of-life care challenges for persons with intellectual disability and dementia: making decisions about tube feeding., Intellectual and developmental disabilities, 45, (2), 2007, p128-131
McCarron M, Nolan, L., McCallion, P. and Murphy-Lawless, J, Loss of Place-Understanding Dementia Related Stigma from and Irish Perspective, 17th Alzheimer's Europe Conference -Estoril Spain , Estoril Spain , 9th -12th May 2007, 2007
Nolan, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & Murphy-Lawless, J., Perceptions of Stigma in Dementia: An exploratory study, Dublin, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, September, 2006, p1 - 116
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Reilly, E., & McLaughlin, M. , Encouraging earlier assessment of dementia, IASSID Europe Conference, Maastricht, Holland., 2006
Nolan, L. McCarron, M., McCallion, P. and Muprhy-Lawless, J., , 'Stigma in dementia' - reality or myth, supportive or non-supportive? , Irish Journal of Medical Science - Conference Proceedings of 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society,, 176, (S6), , 2006, pppS256 - S257.
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , ). Dementia and Carer Burnout: Usefulness of the MBI. IASSID , Europe Conference, Maastricht, Holland, 2006
Nolan, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. and Murphy-Lawless, J. , Presentation of the findings of Stigma in dementia: an exploratory study', The Right to be Heard, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Annual National Conference 2006, Sligo Park Hotel, 18th November , 2006
McCallion, P., Maniccia, D., Bashant, J., & McCarron, M. , Systematic Literature Review and a Meta-Analysis of Intervention Effectiveness Findings Addressing Quality of life for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia., Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, Florida., 2005
McCallion, P., Maniccia, D., Bashant, J., & McCarron, M. , Systematic literature review and a meta-analysis of intervention effectiveness findings. , 15th Alzheimer's Europe Conference, Killarney, Ireland., 2005
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & McLaughlin, M, Findings from a Memory Clinic for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia., Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, Fl., 2005, 2005
McCallion, P., Nickle, T., & McCarron, M., A comparison of reports of caregiver burden between foster family care providers and staff caregivers of persons in other settings, Dementia, 4, (3), 2005, p401 - 412
McCarron, M, & McCallion, P, A Revised Stress and Coping Framework , Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 2, 2005, p139 - 148
McCarron, M., & McCallion, P, Pain scale for persons with intellectual disabilities and dementia., 15th Alzheimer's Europe Conference, Killarney, Ireland, 2005
McCarron M, Gill M, McCallion P, Begley C. , Health co-morbidities in ageing persons with Down Syndrome and Alzheimber's dementia., Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49, (7), 2005, p560 - 566
McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Force, L.T. , A Measure of Subjective Burden for Dementia Care: The Caregiving Difficulty Scale-Intellectual Disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49, (5), 2005, p365 - 371
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & McLaughlin, M, A Memory Clinic for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia, 15th Alzheimer's Europe Conference, Killarney, Ireland., 2005, 2005
McCarron, M., Assessment of Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability: Challenges and Opportunities, The Frontline of Learning Disability, 64, (Winter), 2005, p24 - 27
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., O'Brien, J. & Lane J. , Risk factors and impact on survival of tube feeding in persons with Down syndrome and dementia. , 15th Alzheimer's Europe Conference, Killarney, Ireland. , 2005
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Fleming, S., Bourke, E., An Investigation of Dependency Levels of Ageing Persons with Intellectual Disability (ID) and the Implications from a Care and Resource Perspective, Dublin, December , 2004, pvi - 102
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & Fleming, S , Dependency levels among aging persons with Intellectual Disability (ID) and their care and resource implications, Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC, 2004
McCarron, M., & McCallion, P, Staff caregivers of persons with intellectual disabilities (ID) and dementia. A revised stress and coping framework, World Congress International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Montpellier, France., 2004
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Best practice in end of life care for persons with intellectual disability (ID) and dementia., World Congress International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Montpellier, France., 2004
Intellectual disabilities and dementia in, editor(s)K. Doka , Living with Grief: Alzheimer's disease, Washington, DC, Hospice Foundation of America, 2004, pp67 - 84, [McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. ]
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Aging and Intellectual disabilities: A review of recent literature., Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 17, (5), 2004, p349 - 352
Fleming, S., McCarron, M., Bourke, E., & McCallion, P. , Dependency levels among aging persons with Intellectual Disability (ID) and their care and resource implications. Conference Proceedings, 5th Annual International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 2004
McCarron, M. , Alzheimer's Dementia in persons with Down syndrome. , Centennial Conference of the Irish Association of Directors of Nursing and Midwifery, Tullamore. , 2004
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M, Assessment of Dementia in Persons with Developmental Disabilities, National Alzheimer's Disease Education Conference, Philadelphia, PA., 2004
McCarron, M., & McCallion, P, Longitudinal follow-up of persons with Down syndrome (DS) and Dementia: Risk factors and impact on survival of tube feeding, World Congress International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Montpellier, France., 2004
Kirley A, Lowe N. Mullins C, McCarron M, Daly G, Waldman I, Fitzgerald M, Gill M, Hawi Z, Phenotype studies of the DRD4 gene polymorphisms in ADHD: Assocaition with opportional defiant disorder and positive family history., American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 131B, (1), 2004, p38 - 42
McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Fleming, S, The Pain Symptom Checklist for Persons With Intellectual Disabilities and Advanced Dementia., Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC., 2004
McCarron, M., Fleming, S., Bourke, E., & McCallion, P, ). Pain in Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Advanced Dementia: Development and validation of a pain assessment instrument. Conference Proceedings,, , 5th Annual International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 2004
Kirley A, Lowe N, Hawi Z, Mullins C, Daly G, Waldman I, McCarron M, O'Donnell D, Fitzgerald M, Gill M, Association of the 480 bp DAT1 allele with methylphenidate response in a sample of Irish children with ADHD., American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 121B, (1), 2003, p50-4
Nurses Roles in Supporting Aging Persons with Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Problems: Challenges and Opportunities for Care in, editor(s)P. Davidson, V. Prasher, & M.P. Janicki , Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities and the Aging Process., London, Blackwell, 2003, [McCarron M. & Griffiths, C]
McCallion, P., & McCarron, , Subjective burden among staff caregivers of persons with ID and dementia., Annual International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 2003
McCarron, M., & McCallion, P., Dementia and Persons with Developmental/ Learning Disabilities: Caring and Being Cared For. , Special Olympics Scientific Symposium, Belfast, N. Ireland., 2003
McCarron M, Lawlor BA, Responding to the challenges of ageing and dementia in intellectual disability in Ireland., Aging & mental health, 7, (6), 2003, p413-7
McCarron, M., & McCallion, P. , Programming Models in Dementia Care: Lessons from the Intellectual Disabilities Care Field, Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA., 2003
McCarron, M., Gill, M., McCallion, P. Lawlor, B., & Begley, C, Alzheimer's dementia in persons with Down syndrome, Annual International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 2003
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , Objective and subjective burden: Empowering staff to address dementia challenges, National Alzheimer's Disease Education Conference, Chicago, Il., 2003
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M, Quality of Life as a Guide to Program Development in Dementia Care: Issues in Definition and Measurement, Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA., 2003
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M, Burden experiences among staff caregivers of persons with ID and dementia., International Roundtable on Aging and Developmental Disabilities, Volos, Greece., 2003
Lawlor, B, McCarron, M, Cosgrave, M, Tyrrell, J, Gill, M, , Responding to dementia care needs in persons with Intellectual Disability., IASSID Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland., 2002
A. Kirley, Z. Hawi, G. Daly, M. McCarron, C. Mullins, N. Millar, I. Waldman, M. Fitzgerald and M. Gill, Dopaminergic system genes in ADHD: toward a biological hypothesis, Neuropsychopharmacology, 27, (4), 2002, p607-619
Building Supports for Women with Intellectual Disabilities Across the Lifespan: A Nursing Perspective with Practical Considerations in, editor(s)P.N. Walsh, & T. Heller , Health of Women with Intellectual Disabilities, London, Blackwell, 2002, pp190 - 203, [McCarron M. and Service K. P. ]
McCarron M, Gill M, Lawlor B, Begley C. , Time spent caregiving for persons with the dual disability of Down syndrome and Alzheimer's dementia: Preliminary findings. , Journal of Learning Disabilities, 6, (3), 2002, p263 - 279
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , Subjective burdens/difficulties working with persons with intellectual disabilities and dementia, IASSID Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland., 2002
McCarron, M, Cosgrave, M, Tyrrell, J, Gill, M, Lawlor, B, Association between Age at Onset of Dementia and Age of Menopause in Women with Down's Syndrome. , IASSID Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland., 2002
M. McCarron, M. Gill, B. Lawlor and C. Begly, A pilot study of the reliability and validity of the Caregiver Activity Survey - Intellectual Disability (CAS-ID), Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46, (8), 2002, p605-612
McCarron, M, Gill, M, Lawlor, B, Tyrrell, J, Cosgrave, M, Begley, C. , The Influence of Alzheimer's dementia on Time Spent Caregiving in persons with Down syndrome., IASSID Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland., 2002
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Objective and Subjective Burdens/ Difficulties Working with Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease International Conference, Barcelona, Spain., 2002
McCarron, M, Gill, M, Tyrrell J, Cosgrave M, Lawlor B, ApoE e4 is a risk factor for dementia and premature death: Findings from a longitudinal study on persons with Down's syndrome:, World Genetics Conference. Brussels. , 2002
Tyrrell J, McCarron M, Cosgrave M, Gill M, Lawlor B. , A longitudinal study of 289 people with Down's syndrome: results at year three., IASSID Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland., 2002
Z. Hawi, D. Foley, A. Kirley, M. McCarron, M. Fitzgerald and M. Gill, Dopa decarboxylase gene polymorphisms and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): no evidence for association in the Irish population, Molecular Psychiatry, 6, (4), 2001, p420 - 424
McCarron, M, Gill, M, Lawlor, B, Begley, C. , A pilot study of Reliability and Validity of the Caregiving Activity Survey-Intellectual Disability (CAS-ID), 11TH IASSID International Roundtable on Aging and Intellectual Disabilities. Luxembourg. , 2001
McCarron, M , The impact of caring for persons with a dual disability of Down syndrome and Alzheimer's dementia, 4th Annual Irish Conference Dementia Care- Journal of Dementia Care and DSIDC, Dublin, Ireland., 2001
Lawlor BA, McCarron M, Wilson G, McLoughlin M, Temporal lobe-oriented CT scanning and dementia in Down's syndrome., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 16, (4), 2001, p427-9
Kirley, A., Hawi, Z.Dr., McCarron, M., (...), Fitzgerald, M., Gill, M., A review of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dopamine system candidate, American Journal of Medical Genetics - Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 105, (7), 2001, p634
J. Tyrrell, M. Cosgrave, M. McCarron, J. McPherson, J. Calvert, A. Kelly, M. McLaughlin, M. Gill and B. A. Lawlor, Dementia in people with Down's syndrome, International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 16, (12), 2001, p1168-1174
McCarron, M, Gill, M, Lawlor, B, Begley, C. , The social and economic impact of caring for persons with the dual disability of Alzheimer's dementia and Down syndrome, Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education &Technology Research Conference. Trinity College, Dublin. Ireland. , 2001
Low JN, Storey EJ, McCarron M, Wardell JL, Ferguson G, Glidewell C, , Conformational preferences in 2-nitrophenylthiolates: interplay between intra- and intermolecular forces; structures of (E)-1-(4-methyl-2-nitrobenzenethiolato)-2-phenylethene, S-(2-nitrophenyl)-benzenecarbothiolate and 1-(2-nitrophenylthio)-2,5-pyrrolidinedione, Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science, 56, (1), 2000, p58 - 67
Z. Hawi, M. McCarron, A. Kirley, G. Daly, M. Fitzgerald and M. Gill, No association of the dopamine DRD4 receptor (DRD4) gene polymorphism with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the Irish population, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 96, (3), 2000, p268 - 272
Cosgrove, M., Tyrrell, J., McCarron, M., Gill, M., Lawlor, B., A Five Year Follow up Study of Dementia in Persons with Down's Syndrome: Early Symptoms and Patterns of Deterioration., Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 17(1) 5-11., 17, (1), 2000, p5 - 11
McCarron, M , Alzheimer's dementia and Down syndrome: Emerging Challenges for Professional Caregivers', An Bord Altranais Annual Mental Handicap Seminar - Dublin, Ireland. , 2000
McCarron, M , Adults' Dementia Care Challenges and needs: are we meeting them?, 'Annual Conference of Social Workers in Intellectual Disability- Dundalk. Ireland., 2000
McCarron M, Tyrell J, Cosgrave M,et al , Influence of APO-E alleles on risk for dementia in Down's syndrome, World Genetics Conference. Paris., 2000
Hawi Z, McCarron M, Kirley A, et al., No association of the dopamine DRD4 receptor (DRD4) gene polymorphism with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the Irish population., World Genetics Conference. Paris., 2000
McCarron, M., Tyrell, J., Cosgrave, M., Lawlor, B., Gill, M.J., Influence of APO-E alleles on risk for dementia in Down's syndrome., American Journal Medical Genetics, 96, (4), 2000, p178-
McCarron, M , Alzheimer's Dementia in persons with Down syndrome: Implications for carers and service delivery, Annual Nurse Managers Association (Intellectual Disability) -Limerick. Ireland. , 2000
McCarron, M. , Some Issues in Caring for persons with the dual diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia and Down's syndrome, Journal of Learning Disability for Nursing Health and Social Care, 3, (3), 1999, p123 - 129
McCarron, M, Issues in Caring for Persons with the dual diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia and Down syndrome. , Alzheimer's Down syndrome Conference. Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland., 1999
Cosgrove, M., Tyrrell, J., McCarron, M. , Gill, M., Lawlor, B, Age at onset of dementia and age of menopause in women with Down's syndrome., . Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 43, (6), 1999, p461 - 465
Cosgrave M, Tyrrell J, McCarron M, Gill M, Lawlor, BA, Determinants of aggression, and adaptive and maladaptive behaviour in older people with Down's syndrome with and without dementia., Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 43, (5), 1999, p393 - 399
McCarron, M. , Down's syndrome and dementia, 2nd Annual Irish Conference Dementia Care- Journal of Dementia Care and DSIDC, Dublin, Ireland. , 1999
McCarron, M , Alzheimer's Dementia and Down's Syndrome, All Hallows Conference Centre, Drumcondra, Dublin. Ireland. , 1998
Cosgrave MP, McCarron M, Anderson M, Tyrrell J, Gill M, Lawlor BA, Cognitive decline in Down syndrome: a validity/reliability study of the test for severe impairment., American journal of mental retardation : AJMR, 103, (2), 1998, p193-7
McCarron M, Reflections of a Life in Residential Care., Frontline, Summer, 1990
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
McCarron, M., Allen, A.P., Buttery, N., Dennehy, H., Kennelly, S., Corr, C., Dunne, P., Daly, L., McCallion P., McGlinchey, E., Voices of Experience: Building Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability. Brief Report, 5, Trinity College Dublin, January, 2024
Corrigan, S., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., The impact of menopause on the mental health of women with an intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
McCarron, M., A Five-Year Strategic Plan for Dementia 2024 - 2029 - Avista Memory Assessment and Post-Diagnostic Support Service, Avista, March, 2024
McCarron, M., Data Driven Implications for Dementia Practice and Policy, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, 17th October, 2024, Trinity College Dublin
McCarron, M., Leadership in Academica, Health Research and Health Care: My Journey, Laura Lynn International Nurses Day, Leopardstown, Dublin, 15 May, 2024
McCarron, M., Achieving equity in dementia care for people with intellectual disabilities: Standards, guidelines, memory services, and innovative models of care, Longitudinal Dynamics in the Ageing of People with an Intellectual Disability: How Evidence form IDS TILDA can inform and support strategic planning and service delivery, Charleville Park Hotel, Cork, 30 May, 2024
McCarron, M., Leadership in Academica, Health Research and Health Care: Charting a Personal Journey, Prof. Mary McCarron Inaugural Professorial Lecture, Queen's University, Belfast, 21 May, 2024
Lynch, L., McCarron, M., McCallion, P. & Burke, E., Tv viewing as a proxy for sedentary behaviour among older adults with an intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, IASSIDD 17th World Congress 2024, Chicago, 5 - 8 August, 2024
McCarron, M., Daly, L., McCallion, P., Allen, A.P., Buttery, N., Dennehy, H., Kennelly, S., Corr, C., Dunne, P., McGlinchey, E., Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability, 17, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2024
McCarron, M., Daly, L.,Allen, A., Dennehy, H., Buttery, N., Corr, C., McCallion, P., Kennelly, S.,Dunne, P.,and McGlinchey, E., 'Post-diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability', Launch of the Post Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability, Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2024, -
McCarron, M., Haigh, M., Dann, G., & McCallion, P. (Eds.), Longitudinal Dynamics in the Ageing of People with an Intellectual Disability: Evidence from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) Wave 5, 2023
McCarron, M., Mc Causland D., Wormald, A., McGlinchey, E., MacGiolla Phadraig, C., Brennan, D., and Burke, EA, Longitudinal Dynamics in the Ageing of People with an Intellectual Disability: Evidence from IDS-TILDA, Data and Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Dec 8th 2023, 2023, IDS-TILDA and Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Sheerin, F., Fleming, S., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., May, P., Lalor, G. & D'eath, M. Fleming, S., The Care of Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Complex Age-Related Conditions, National Disability Authority, January, 2023
McCarron, M., IDS TILDA 10 years on, Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland Conference 2023 and Beyond"A Partnership Approach., Killashee House Hotel Naas, Co. Kildare., Wednesday 24th May., 2023, HSE Office of Nursing and Midwifery Services Director.
McCarron, M., Data from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), National Statistics Board Meeting: Statistics, data and information on disability and related areas, Department of the Taoiseach, Dublin, 29th March, 2023, Central Statistics Office
Fallon, M., McGlinchey, E. & McCarron, M., Modifiable lifestyle factors associated with age of dementia diagnosis., Horizon 21 Consortium F2F Meeting., Munich, Germany., 15th - 16th June, 2023
McGlinchey, E., Bray, F., Fortea, J., Yap, M-L., Kennelly, S. & McCarron, M., Complex Joy: A Celebration of Brain Health in People with Down Syndrome, Creative Brain Week 2023, Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, 9th March, 2023
McCarron, M., Data Driving policy, Practice and healthcare change: The Intellectual disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing., Clinician's Day at St. Michael's House., St. Michael's House, HQ, Ballymun., 3rd October 2023., 2023, St. Michael's House.
McCarron, M., Developing Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability., Dementia Research-Bridging the gap between research, policy and practice., Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin., 22/02/2023, 2023, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland.
McCarron, M, Burke, E-A. & Wormald, A., Building a Better Future for People Ageing with an Intellectual Disability - The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing., Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability/Brother's of Charity Services Ireland Synposium., The Clarion Hotel, Steamboat Quay, Dock Rd, Limerick City., 29th September 2023, 2023
McCarron, M., Data Driving policy, Practice and healthcare change: The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, FHM&S Postgraduate Research Symposium, Online, 1st June, 2023, University of Chester, UK
Byrne, K., MacGiolla Phadraig, C., Daly, B., McCarron, M. & McCallion, P., The Oral Health Status of Older People with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland. Initial Findings., Irish Society for Disability and Oral Health (ISDH) , The Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny, 23rd June, 2022
McCarron, M., Addressing Inequity in Healthcare for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Improving the Patient Journey., Academic Primary Care Centre (APCC) Lecture , Russell Centre, Cookstown Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Thursday, 26th May, 2022, Faculty of Health Sciences
McCarron, M., Leadership in Health Research and Health Care - My Journey , Local Network Orientation for Atlantic Fellows, GBHI, Lloyd Institute, 7th September, 2022, GBHI
Darren McCausland, Andrew P. Allen, Margaret Haigh, Fintan Sheerin, Eilish Burke, Eimear McGlinchey, Fidelma Flannery, Niamh Mulryan, Philip McCallion and Mary McCarron, Overcoming Adversity: The Continuing Impact of COVID-19 on People Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland. Findings from the Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) COVID-19 Sub-Study, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2021
McCarron, M., Physical Health issues for older adults with an Intellectual Disability: Evidence form the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing(IDS TILDA) , Physical health in people with intellectual disability: Current perspectives and future directions, Virtual, 25th May, 2021, The Royal Society of Medicine
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., Allen, A.P., Luus, R., Sheerin, F., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Flannery, F., & McCallion, P., THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 on People Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland 2020 - Evidence from Wave 4 of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), Dublin, December, 2020
McCarron, M., The Irish Longitudinal Comparative Study on Ageing in Persons with an Intellectual Disability (IDS TILDA): Major Findings and Implications for Care, Camphill Community, Kilcullen, 29th February, 2020
McCarron, M., Building a Successful Career in the Academy: Navigating Multiple Priorities , Duke University School of Nursing, 6th February, 2020
McCarron, M., Down syndrome and Dementia - Inclusion and Equity, Dementia Care Conference, Online, 29th September, 2020
McCarron, M., Longitudinal Studies: Dealing with Missing Data , Duke University School of Nursing, 4th February, 2020
McCarron, M., Women in Science - Building an enabled world to foster equality, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Kildare Street, 9th March, 2020
McCarron, M., Understanding key issues in ageing for people with an intellectual disability:Ten years of data from IDS-TILDA, COPE Foundation Services, Cork, 25th February, 2020
McCarron, M., Ageing and Intellectual Disability: What it may mean for some people in retirement, Retirement Planning Council of Ireland, Online, 14th October, 2020
McCarron, M., COVID-19 and Older Adults with an Intellectual Disability: A TCAID Perspective, SJOG: Online Research Study Day, Online, 18th November, 2020, SJOG
McCarron, M., The Irish Longitudinal Comparative Study on Ageing in Persons with an Intellectual Disability (IDS-TILDA), Duke University School of Nursing, 5th February, 2020
McCarron, M., The Irish Longitudinal Comparative Study on Ageing in Persons with an Intellectual Disability (IDS TILDA): Major Findings and Implications for Care , Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery, 18th February, 2020
McCarron, M., Understanding key issues in ageing for people with an intellectual disability: Ten years of data from IDS-TILDA, St. Michaels House, Ballymun, 21st January, 2020
McCarron, M., Recruitment and Retention in Longitudinal Studies: Building the samples and research questions for IDS-TILDA's next decade, Duke University School of Nursing, 4th February, 2020
McCarron, M., Responding to Early onset Dementia in Persons with Down Syndrome: Award-winning Approaches to Assessment and Care, CLE Wednesdays; Clinical and Lived Experiences (GBHI), Online, 28th October, 2020, GBHI
McCarron, Mary; McCausland, Darren; Allen, Andrew; Luus, Retha; Sheerin, Fintan; Burke, Eilish; McGlinchey, Eimear; Flannery, Fidelma; McCallion, Philip, The impact of COVID-19 on people ageing with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Dublin, December, 2020
McCarron, M., Positive Ageing Indicators for People with an Intellectual Disability, Brothers of Charity, Roscommon, 26th September, 2019
McCarron, M., Understanding the Determinants of Health and Well-being for People Ageing with an Intellectual Disability: Key insights from Longitudinal Studies, DOCTRID IV Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway, 19th -20th September, 2019
McCarron, M., Understanding the Determinants of Health and Well-being for People Ageing with an Intellectual Disability: Key insight from Longitudinal Studies., London-wide Down syndrome seminar series., Kings College London, 6th November, 2019
McCarron, M., Health and Well-being for Women Ageing with an Intellectual Disability: Insights from IDS-TILDA., Women's Health Taskforce, Department of Health, Dublin 2, 13th November, 2019, Department of Health
McCarron, M., Intellectual Disabilities: The Opportunities for Global Brain Health, GBHI Network Symposium, Dublin, 8th May, 2019, GBHI
McCarron, M., Living with Dementia in Rural Ireland, 4TH Annual Conference - Disability and Human Rights with Dementia, Kings House, Boyle, Co.Roscommon, 27th May, 2019
McCarron, M., Understanding key issues in ageing for people with an intellectual disability: Ten years of data from IDS-TILDA, Peamount Hospital, 20th August, 2019
McCarron, M., Positive Ageing Indicators for People with an Intellectual Disability, Advancing the Role of the Registered Nurse in Intellectual Disability., Ashling Hotel, Dublin 7, 16th October, 2019, HSE
McCarron, M., 10 Years of IDS-TILDA: Key Findings & Emerging Opportunities., 29th Annual Research Conference., Stillorgan, Dublin, 12th November, 2019, St. John of God Hospitaller Services
McCarron, M., Destination Unknown: How IDS-TILDA had to make its own roadmap, Irish Research Nurses Network (IRNN) 12th Annual Conference , River Lee Hotel, Cork, 14th November, 2019, IRNN
McCarron, M., Positive Ageing Indicators for People with an Intellectual Disability., Launch of the Healthy and Positive Ageing Initiative (HaPAI) Positive Ageing Indicators Report 2019, Department of Health, Dublin 2, 29th May, 2019, Department of Health
McCarron, M., Ageing and Dementia in people with ID: Challenges and Opportunities in Care , Inaugural meeting of the MLM CHO Dementia Strategy Steering Group, Mullingar Park Hotel, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, 24th September, 2019
K Kiely, Prevalence and patterns of anti-epileptic medication, 2018
Bowman, S., McCarron, M, Advancing Public & Patient Involvement in Health Research, HRB-IRC PPI Ignite Programme, TBSI, 12th January, 2018
Brady A.M., Daly L., Keogh B., Kennelly B., Ciblis A., Drury A., Hynes G., Bracken-Scally M., Pittalis C. and McCarron M., Evaluation of the Cork Integrated Dementia Care Across Settings (Cork-IDEAS) Project, Dublin, Ireland, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2018, p1 - 109
Bowman, S., McCarron, M, HRB-IRC, HRB-IRC PPI Ignite Programme, TBSI, 12th January, 2018
McCarron, M., A Woman's Place is in the Academy: My life as a woman in science, Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute 60th Anniversary Celebration, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 4th Oct, 2018, Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute
McCarron, M., Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion: Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland, Department of Health, Dublin 2, 23rd May, 2018
McCarron, M., , Ten years of data: The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, IASSIDDS's 5th European Congress, Athens Greece, 18 - 20 July, 2018
McCarron, M, Discovering the Future of Holistic Care for Older People with Intellectual Disabilities: What 10 Years of Ageing Research in Ireland is Teaching Us , 8th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum cum 2018 ICOWHI Congress, Hong Kong, 17th - 18th December, 2018
McCarron, M, Supporting people with Intellectual Disability and Advanced Dementia: Complexities in End of Life Care, All Ireland Seminar on Palliative Care and disabilities: Impact of legislation to improve quality of life and realise human rights, Ashling Hotel, Dublin, Tuesday 12th June , 2018, ALLPHC
McCarron, M, CEOL Midlands Network meeting , Mullingar Park Hotel, Thursday 14th June, 2018
Brady, A-M., Bracken-Scally, M., Keogh, B., Kennelly, B., Daly, L., Hynes, G., Pittalis, C., Drury, A., Ciblis, A. & McCarron, M., Evaluation of the St. James's Hospital DemPath Integrated Care Pathway Project, Dublin, Ireland, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2018
McCarron, M, Dementia and Down syndrome: Awareness, hope and service transformation , Dementia: transforming the journey - prevention, treatment and quality of life., Castle Upton Suite Hilton Templepatrick Golf & Country Club, Co Antrim, Thursday 17 May , 2018
Bracken-Scally, M., Brady, A-M., Keogh, B., Hynes, G.,Kennelly, B., Drury, A., Daly, L., & McCarron, M., Evaluation of the Connolly Hospital Dementia Pathways Project: Preliminary findings, Connolly Hospital Dementia Pathways Partnerships in Care Seminar, Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin, 20 September 2018, 2018
McCarron, M, the National Indicators for people with an intellectual disability, The National Indicators for people with an intellectual disability, Portlaoise, 22nd September , 2018, Down Syndrome Ireland
McCarron, M, Round Table 1: What can mortality data tell us about health inequalities at end of life? "Older adults who have died across the first 10 years of IDS-TILDA", 5th IASSIDD Europe Congress 2018, Athens Greece, 18 - 20 July, 2018
McCarron, M, Dementia: transforming the journey - prevention, treatment and quality of life., Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick, Co. Antrim, 17th May, 2018
McCarron, M, Pushing the Boundaries in Research and Service Transformation, Clinical Leadership Programme for staff from ID services forum day , Dublin, 31st May, 2017, Leadership and Innovation Centre for Nursing and Midwifery
Brady, A-M., Ciblis, A., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Bracken-Scally, M., & McCarron, M., Evaluation of the Memory Matters Carlow/Kilkenny Community Dementia Project, Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 2017
McCarron, M, Older Persons: The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing , Comparative Joint Seminar: Matched presentations across the life-cycle from Ireland and US/Canada, Ashling Hotel, Dublin, 16th October, 2017, The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD); National Federation of Voluntary Bodies; St. Michael's House and KARE
McCarron, M, Health conditions associated with ageing in people with Down syndrome, New Horizons in Down's Syndrome, Kildare Street, Dublin, 1st February, 2017, Royal College Physicians of Ireland
McCarron, M, Dementia, End of Life and People with Intellectual Disabilities, Last days of life conference, Cardiff, 1st March, 2017
McCarron, Mary; Haigh, Margaret; Burke, Eilish; McGlinchey, Eimear; McCausland, Darren; Carroll, Rachael; O'Donovan, Mary-Ann; Sheerin, Fintan; O'Dwyer, Maire; Foran, Sinead; MacGiolla Phadraig, Caomhin; Mulryan, Niamh; O'Connell, Juliette; Ryan, Judy; McCallion, Philip, 'IDS-TILDA Wave 3: Main Interview Questionnaire', The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, -
McCarron, M., Burke, E, To ensure 'nothing about us without us', Engaged Research: Society& Higher Education Working Together to Address Grand Societal Challenges, Mansion House, Dublin, 13th January, 2017, Irish Research Council & Campus Engage
Brennan D., McCarron, M., McCallion, P.,, Caring Capacity in the Domestic Space: Current and Future Challenge, , Irish Association of Social Workers and Social Care Ireland - National Conference, Our Lady's Hospice, Dublin, September 22nd, 2017
Mary McCarron, Philip McCallion, Rachael Carroll, Eilish Burke, Eimear McGlinchey, Mary-Ann O'Donovan, Darren McCausland, Fintan Sheerin, Maire O'Dwyer, Sinead Foran, Caoimhin MacGiolla Phadraig, Niamh Mulryan, Juliette O'Connell and Judy Ryan., Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion: Ageing with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland Evidence from the First Ten Years of The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) Wave 3 IDS-TILDA, Trinity College Dublin, 2017
McCarron, Mary; Haigh, Margaret; Burke, Eilish; McGlinchey, Eimear; McCausland, Darren; Carroll, Rachael; O'Donovan, Mary-Ann; Mulryan, Niamh; Sheerin, Fintan; O'Dwyer, Maire; Foran, Sinead; MacGiolla Phadraig, Caomhin; O'Connell, Juliette; Ryan, Judy; McCallion, Philip, 'IDS-TILDA Wave 3: Pre-Interview Questionnaire', The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, -
McCarron, M, Down Syndrome & Dementia. Findings from a longitudinal research study, Ageing and Older Adults with Learning Disabilities Conference, Edinburgh, 9th June, 2017
McCarron, M;, Ageing and Intellectual Disabilty: Lessons learned from IDS TILDA, Faculty of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Annual Conference , Dublin, 6th October, 2017, Royal College of Psychiatrists
McCarron, M, Alzheimer's Dementia and Down syndrome: Awareness, Hope and Service Transformation, Session 9 GBHI Conference, Barcelona, 2017
McCarron, M, The needs of people living with Down's Syndrome and dementia, Meeting of The All-Party Oireachtas Group on Dementia, Leinster House , 15th June, 2017, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
McCarron, M, Dementia in People with Down syndrome, All-Party Oireachtas Group on Dementia, Kildare Street, 15th June , 2017, Dementia Committee
McCarron, M;, IDS-TILDA Ageing in Intellectual Disability, Faculty of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Annual Conference , Dublin, 6th October, 2017, Royal College of Psychiatrists
McCarron, M.,, Dementa and Down syndrome, 8th March, NI Conference on Dementia, Belfast, 2017
McCarron, M; Burke, E;, Engaged Research Report, Mansion House Dublin, 13th January, 2017, Campus Engage
Brady, A-M., Bracken-Scally, M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Ciblis, A., Pittalis, C., & McCarron, M., Evaluation of the Community Outreach Dementia Project Leitrim, Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 2017
McCarron, M, NI Conference on Dementia, Belfast, 8th March, 2017, Alzheimers Society
Burke, E., McCarron, M, Ageing and the changing needs of people with an intellectual disability, International Occupational Therapy Group from Singapore, St James Hospital, February, 2017
Burke, E., McCarron, M, IDS-TILDA, An overview from the beginning, Research Study Day, Dublin, January, 2017, St John of God
McCarron, M, Overview of IDS-TILDA, Ageing and Older Adults with Learning Disabilities Conference, Edinburgh, 9th June, 2017
McCarron, M.,, Empowering the RNID - Future Proofing the Undergraduate Programme for Changing Models of Service Delivery , INMO - Registered Nurse Intellectual Disability Section, Dublin, 22nd November, 2016
Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Ciblis, A., Bracken-Scally, M., McCarron, M, Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 'Memory Matters' Initiative Implemented by the Carlow/Kilkenny Service Provider Forum: Early Findings. , School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2016
McCarron, M, Understanding Dementia in Persons with Down Syndrome: Implications for Hospics, Palliatve Care and Intellectual Disability Services, Intellectual Disabilities and Palliative Care Working together, Milford Care Centre, Limerick, 5th May, 2016
McCarron, M, Empowerment and inclusion of people with intellectual disability as research partners - practical strategies and not just words., Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in Research conference, Working as partners, making a difference, 27th April , 2016, Health Research Board
Burke, E., McCarron, M, Bone health and older adults with intellectual disability., Research Study Day, Dublin, November, 2016, Daughters of Charity
Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Ciblis, A., Bracken-Scally, M., McCarron, M, ). Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 Cork Integrated Dementia Care Across Settings (Cork-IDEAS) Initiative: Early Findings., School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2015
McCarron, M, Understanding Person Centred Dementia Care , Federation Catholic Voluntary Nursing Homes , Hallows College , 28 May, 2015
McCarron, M, IDS-TILDA Results in Wave 1 and Wave 2, Ability West, Galway, 15th June, 2015
Burke, EA., McCarron, M, The lives and needs of older people with learning disabilities in Ireland, The BILD 2015 International Ageing Well Research and Practice Conference, Aston University, Bermingham, 4th December, 2015
McCarron, M, Understanding dementia in persons with an intellectual disability: Service models and Good Practice, CARDI, 15 Interventions to support people with dementia, Trinity College Dublin, 23 September, 2015
Burke, EA., McCarron, M, Unlocking the determinants of ageing and bone health among adults with an intellectual disability, Disability Research Seminar, Dublin, 3rd November, 2015
Burke, EA.,, Health, well-being and community participation: IDS-TILDA, Camphill Community National Conference, Kilkenny, July, 2015
Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Bracken-Scally, M., Ciblis, A., McCarron, M. , Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 Community Outreach Dementia Project Leitrim: Early Findings, School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2015
McCarron, Mary; Burke, Eilish; McGlinchey, Eimear; McCausland, Darren; Carroll, Rachael; Mulryan, Niamh; Cleary, Eimear; O'Donovan, Mary-Ann; Shivers, Carolyn; McCallion, Philip, 'IDS-TILDA Wave 2: Main Interview Questionnaire', The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2014, -
McCarron., M, Disabilities: Unlocking the Determinants of Successful Ageing: The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, European Conference of International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities , Vienna, 14-17 July, 2014
McCallion P, McCarron M,, Deaths of people with intellectual disabilities in the UK, 383, (9920), 2014, p853 - 855
McCarron, M, Responding to Early onset Dementia in Persons with Down Syndrome, DSIDC 2014 Annual Conference - Young Onset Dementia, Dublin Castle , 20th November, 2014
Mary McCarron, Philip McCallion, Rachael Carroll, Eilish Burke, Eimear Cleary, Darren McCausland, Eimear McGlinchy, Mary Ann O'Donovan, Niamh Mulryan, and Carolyn Shivers, Advancing Years, Different Challenges: Wave 2 IDS-TILDA. Findings on the ageing of people with an intellectual disability., Dublin, 2014
McCarron, Mary; Burke, Eilish; McGlinchey, Eimear; McCausland, Darren; Carroll, Rachael; Mulryan, Niamh; Cleary, Eimear; O'Donovan, Mary-Ann; Shivers, Carolyn; McCallion, Philip, 'IDS-TILDA Wave 2: Pre-Interview Questionnaire', The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2014, -
McCarron, M, Keynote Speaker, DSQIID-CV Seminar Working Group, Hong Kong,China, July, 2013
McCarron, M, Ageing&Intellectual Disability, NTU Department of Social Work, Cheng-Chung University,Chia-Yi,Taiwan, July, 2013
McCarron. M., Swinburne. J., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Mulryan, N., Andrews, V., Foran, S., & McCallion. P., Growing Older with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland 2011; First Results from the The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing., 2011
McCarron , M. , Toward a 21st Century Model of Supports for Persons with Disabilities. , International Conference Active Citizenship & Disability, Centre for Disability Law and Policy National University of Ireland Galway, October, 2011
Higgins, A., Sharek, D., McCann, E., Sheerin, F., Glacken, M., Breen, M., and McCarron, M., Visible Lives: Identifying the experiences and needs of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in Ireland, Dublin, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, 2011, 1, 212
McCarron M. , Working with generalist health care and palliative care services to support people with ID as they age. . , The 20th Roundtable of the IASSID Special Interest Research Group on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, Trinity College Dublin, September, 2011, IASSID Special Interest Research Group on Ageing
Higgins A, Sharek D, McCann E, Glacken M, Breen M, McCarron M, Sheerin F, Visible Lives Identifying the experiences and needs of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in Ireland, Dublin, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN), 2011, p1 - 191
McCarron, Mary; Swinburne, Janet; Burke, Eilish; McGlinchey, Eimear; Mulryan, Niamh; Andrews, Vicky; Foran, Sinead; McCallion, Philip, 'IDS-TILDA Wave 1: Main Interview Questionnaire', The Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, 2011, -
McCarron , M. , Understanding Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability: Opportunities and Challenges in Communication , IASLT Adult Intellectual Disability , St. John of Gods Service Stillorgan Dublin, October, 2011, St. John of Gods Service Stillorgan Dublin
Timmins, F. Glacken, M., Grogan, A. McCarron, M. Keilthy, P. and McDaid, O., National Consultation With Service Users And Healthcare Providers Regarding Home Care Nursing Services For People With State-Acquired HCV. , Dublin, 2010
Mc Carron M Neenan K Connaire K Mc Conville U, Stepping Stones: The role of hospice day care in the care of patients with terminal illness., Dublin, 2010
McCarron, M , Supporting Persons with advanced and terminal dementia. 1st North Mayo Dementia 28th February 2009 , 28th February 2009 , 2009
McCarron M. & McCallion, P. , Plenary Paper - The first wave findings of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), 2009
McCarron, M , Caring for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities; From student Nurse to International Research and Leadership. 5th Positive Choices Conference University College Cork April 24th 2009 , April 24th 2009 , 2009
McCarron, M., Fahey-McCarthy, E., Connaire, K, McCallion, P , Supporting Persons with Intellectual Disability and Dementia. Fusing the Horizons of Intellectual Disability, Palliative and Person Centred Dementia Care, 2008
McCarron, M , Developing a Strategic Plan to Address the Needs of person with Intellectual Disability and Dementia. Brothers of Charity Service, Bawnmore Limerick. (May 20th) Workshop. , May 20th 2008, 2008
McCarron, M , An Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. The Irish College of Psychiatrists Spring Meeting. Grand Hotel Malahide. , April 4th 2008, 2008
McCarron, M , Ageing and Dementia: Opportunities and Challenges in Care. Transforming Learning Disability Nursing Practice to Address Health Inequalities. 5th Annual National Network for Learning Disability Nurses. Trinity College Dublin. Plenary Paper. , 2008
Fahey-McCarthy, E., McCarron, M. Connaire, K, McCallion, P , Supporting Persons with Intellectual Disability and Dementia. Fusing the Horizons of Intellectual Disability, Palliative and Person Centred Dementia Care. An Introductory Education and Training Programme., (Including Trainers Manual, CD ROMS, Student Reflective work book. , 2008
McCarron, M , Dementia Assessment and Care Approaches in Persons with an Intellectual Disability. The Irish Psychological Society (1 Day Workshop) Ardilaun Hotel Galway , 27th March 2008, 2008
McCarron, M , Supporting persons with Advanced Dementia: Palliation and End of Life Care. Older People With Learning Disability and Dementia Conference. Dementia Services Development Centre Northern Ireland. Armagh City Hotel. April 9th. (Paper), April 9th 2008, 2008
McCarron, M , Challenges and Opportunities -Developing Services for the Future. Learning Disability & Dementia Forum. Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. , 10th October 2007, 2007
McCarron, M , Ageing and Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability: Opportunities and Challenges in Care and Service Provision. International Conference The Way Forward: Choice and Challenges. COPE Foundation. Sliver Springs Hotel Cork. (May 2007)., May 2007, 2007
McCarron, M , Ageing and Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability: Opportunities and Challenges in Care and Service Provision. International Conference The Way Forward: Choice and Challenges. COPE Foundation. Sliver Springs Hotel Cork. (May 2007)., May 2007, 2007
McCarron, M , Ageing and Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability. A Workshop. Irish Nurses Organisation Dublin. (March 2007). , March 2007, 2007
McCarron, M , Enhancing Quality of Life for Older people with a Disability in Ireland. National Conference. Session Chair -Connectedness, Companionship, Recreational Activities. Croke Park Conference Centre (May 2007), May 2007, 2007
McCarron, M , How can we promote health and well-being in persons with Down syndrome who are deeply forgetful and living with Dementia? New Ideas-New approaches Supporting Innovation in Services and Supports to people with Intellectual Disability. National Federation of Voluntary Bodies., Silver Springs Hotel. Kilkenny, 23rd and 24th of Oct, 2007
McCarron, M , Ageing and Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability: Understanding Person Centred Dementia Care. (A Workshop) Brothers of Charity Galway. Days Hotel (June 2007). , June 2007, 2007
McCarron, M , Caring for Persons with Advanced Dementia: Developing Commissioning Strategies. Facing End of Life Conference. NHS North East. Middlesbrough. UK. (February). , NHS North East. Middlesbrough. UK., February 2007, 2007
McCarron, M , How can we promote health and well-being in persons with Down syndrome who are deeply forgetful and living with Dementia? New Ideas-New approaches Supporting Innovation in Services and Supports to people with Intellectual Disability. National Federation of Voluntary Bodies. (, Silver Springs Hotel. Kilkenny, 23rd and 24th of Oct, 2007
McCarron, M , Palliative Care: Important Care Considerations when supporting people with Advanced Dementia. Developing Supports for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia. St. John of God Hospitaller Services. Stillorgan. (4th October 2007), 4th October, 2007
McCarron, M , Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability; Understanding Critical End of Life Care. Palliative Care in Persons with Intellectual Disability Conference. Peamount Intellectual Disability Service. Newcastle. Dublin. (March 2007), Newcastle. Dublin., March 2007, 2007
Lambert V, Using a range of methods to access children's voices, Health4Life, Dublin City University, May, 2006
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Some resources on intellectual disability and dementia., The Frontline of Learning Disability, 64, (Winter), 2005, p29 - 29
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & McLaughlin, M., Overview of dementia issues in intellectual disability , The Frontline of Learning Disability, 64, (Winter), 2005, p14 - 15
McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , Environmental modification and dementia: key recommendations., The Frontline of Learning Disability, 64, (Winter), 2005, p28 - 29
McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Fleming, S., & Bourke, E., An Investigation of Dependency Levels of Ageing Persons with Intellectual Disability (ID) and the Implications from a Care and Resource Perspective, Dublin, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2005
McCarron M, Alzheimer's Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability: Common Questions and Concerns - Information Booklet, 2003, -
McCarron M, McCallion, P & Service, K, Day to day care activities for persons with ID and dementia. A two cd-rom training package produced in conjunction with the NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council. , 2002, -
McCarron M, Assisting people with a Mental Handicap Cope with the loss of Family and Friends. , Frontline, 1996
McCarron, M & O'Reilly, O, Reflections and Visons. Report on European Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations, Conference Proceedings, 1993
Research Expertise
An international expert in the field of ageing and intellectual disability, Professor Mary McCarron is the founder and Principal Investigator of the first longitudinal study on ageing in people with an intellectual disability (IDS-TILDA) to be conducted within the EU and the only study, to date, with the potential to compare the ageing process in people with intellectual disability with the general population (TILDA). The recipient of the inaugural Health Research Board 2019 Impact Award, Prof McCarron's research excellence and translational activities have been recognised as exemplary. Her sustained efforts in including people with intellectual disabilities in all aspects of research was instrumental in securing an institutional Public, Patient Involvement award from the Health Research Board and Irish Research Council for Trinity College. Leading a research team focused upon ageing, intellectual disability, dementia, end of life and palliative care, Professor McCarron's work is at the forefront of addressing health and care inequities. Funded by the Health Research Board, Irish Hospice Foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, Department of Health, Irish Research Council, National Disability Authority, EIT Health and others, Professor McCarron's areas of focus are: Longitudinal epidemiological studies tracking the key determinants of health and wellbeing of adults with an intellectual Disability as they age. . Develop interventions models targeted at preventing secondary disability and improving quality of life and longevity for people with ID. . Longitudinal studies tracking over 20+ years the incidence, prevalence and risk factors associated with dementia in people with Down syndrome. . Working with relevant agencies to establish the first National Memory Clinic for people with ID with satellite services throughout the country with a focus on building capacity for assessment of symptoms of dementia and the standardization of assessment and diagnostic protocols. . Using a concerted and collaborative approach develop the infrastructure and networks required to establish and run large scale primary and secondary clinical trials. Work with international collaborators and the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) to develop and validate clinical trials outcome measures, and to develop pre dementia disease models by accumulating clinical and biomarker data with a focus on disease prevention and treatment in people with Down syndrome. . Work with people with ID and relevant agencies and policy makers to develop post diagnostic supports for people with ID and dementia and their caregivers and assess cost and quality of life issues in dementia care and end of life care. . Extending palliative care to persons with advanced and terminal dementia and other non-malignancies . Award-winning approaches to environmental design for those ageing with dementia;Projects
- Title
- Exploring the unmet needs of Irish cancer patients from underserved communities
- Funding Agency
- Irish Cancer Society
- Date From
- 1st March 2024
- Date To
- 1st May 2025
- Title
- Breaking Barriers: Enhancing Cancer Care for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 1st September 2024
- Date To
- 31st August 2025
- Title
- The CANDID 2 study: An exploration of CANcer and cancer care in older adults with intellectual disabilities in Ireland
- Funding Agency
- Sphere
- Title
- Building Circles of Support for people with intellectual disabilities
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 01-Dec-22
- Date To
- 13-Feb-24
- Title
- Loneliness as experienced by people with an intellectual disability (LEID); Theoretical framework development to support future intervention studies.
- Funding Agency
- Faculty of Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin
- Date From
- 1st January 2023
- Date To
- 31st December 2023
- Title
- ADM Impact on Real Life: Expectations for People with Intellectual Disabilities (ADMIRE)
- Funding Agency
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Title
- Developing an intervention on the menopause for women with an intellectual disability
- Funding Agency
- Stewarts Care
- Date From
- 1st March 2024
- Date To
- 31st March 2026
- Title
- EQUIP: Examining Quality, Use and Impact of Psychotropic (Use) in older adults with intellectual disabilities
- Summary
- The project will use longitudinal medicines data from ten years of the IDS-TILDA and from the HSE national prescribing database to examine quality and changes in psychotropic medicines use among older adults with intellectual disabilities. The project will use longitudinal data analysis to examine the long-term side effects of these medicines and if a move to the community meant a reduction in medicines. The findings will be used by the HSE and College of Psychiatrists of Ireland to develop guidelines to improve medicines use.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 6th December 2021
- Date To
- 5th May 2024
- Title
- National ID Dementia Diagnostic Service
- Funding Agency
- Tallaght University Hospital
- Date From
- 1st January 2024
- Date To
- 31st January 2024
- Title
- Intergrating Evidence into Action for Supports and Servcies (IDEAS 2024) for Older People with an Intellectual Disability: Translating IDS-TILDA Knowledge into Policy and Action.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Title
- Translating the HS E's National Health Promotion Strategic Framework into an accessible format to support individuals with communication challenges, to support and empower all Individuals with communication challenges with their own health and wellbeing in a person centred manner
- Funding Agency
- Avista
- Date From
- 1st March 2024
- Date To
- 28th February 2025
- Title
- The impact of the menopause on the mental health of women with intellectual disability
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Title
- Engaging the Brain through Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
- Funding Agency
- Avista
- Date From
- 1st March 2024
- Date To
- 28th February 2025
- Title
- CANcer incidence, prevalence, Diagnosis, treatment, risk factors and outcomes in older adults with Intellectual Disabilities
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Title
- The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) Wave 5
- Summary
- The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) researches ageing among people with an intellectual disability (ID) aged 40+ years in the Republic of Ireland. The first of its kind in Europe, IDS-TILDA through alignment with The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), remains the only study able to directly compare ageing among people with ID with ageing among the general population.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 1st November 2022
- Date To
- 31st December 2024
- Title
- Development of OPTIMA-ID: Optimising Pharmaco-Therapy and Improving Medication for Ageing with Intellectual Disability.
- Funding Agency
- Faculty of Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin
- Date From
- January 2022
- Date To
- December 2022
- Title
- National PPI Network 2021
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2025
- Title
- Follow-up on the experience of Covid-19 among People with Intellectual Disabilities, An At-risk and Vulnerable group
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board/Department of Health
- Date From
- January 2021
- Date To
- September 2021
- Title
- Dementia Trials Ireland
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2025
- Title
- Care of Older Adults with Intellectual Disability and Complex Age-Related Conditions
- Funding Agency
- National Disability Authority
- Date From
- April 2020
- Date To
- November 2021
- Title
- Including best practices and the voices of experience in developing post-diagnostic dementia support guidelines for people with an intellectual disability
- Funding Agency
- Alzheimer's Society of Ireland and Health Research Board
- Date From
- November 2020
- Date To
- December 2023
- Title
- Digi-ID (Digital skills education to support health and social inclusion for adults with intellectual disabilities)
- Funding Agency
- EIT Health
- Date From
- January 2021
- Date To
- December 2021
- Title
- Prevent Dementia DS
- Funding Agency
- GBHI/Alzheimer's Org/Alzheimer's Society Deans Research Initiative Wellcome Trust ISSF Assistant P
- Date From
- September 2020
- Date To
- March 2023
- Title
- Funding Agency
- EIT Health
- Date From
- 1st September 2017
- Date To
- 31st December 2017
- Title
- Get Wise About Your Health
- Funding Agency
- EIT Health
- Date From
- 1st January 2020
- Date To
- 31st December 2020
- Title
- Funding Agency
- EIT Health
- Title
- Funding Agency
- EIT Health
- Date From
- January 2020
- Date To
- December 2020
- Title
- People with disabilities experiencing homelessness
- Funding Agency
- National Disability Authority
- Date From
- 02 December 2019
- Date To
- 31 July 2020
- Title
- Dean's Award Proposal 'Questions of Inclusion'
- Funding Agency
- Faculty of Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin
- Date From
- February 2020
- Date To
- February 2021
- Title
- Way2Be - Stewarts Care
- Funding Agency
- Dormant Accounts
- Date From
- December 2019
- Date To
- December 2020
- Title
- Qualitative research study on the lived experiences of service users in Community Health Organisation Area 1
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive
- Date From
- February 2020
- Date To
- February 2021
- Title
- Assessing the impact of person centred planning (PCP) on community integration for adults with intellectual disabilities.
- Funding Agency
- National Disability Authority Research Promotion Scheme
- Date From
- March 2018
- Date To
- February 2019
- Title
- Visiting Professors Fund
- Funding Agency
- Faculty of Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin
- Date From
- January 2020
- Date To
- December 2020
- Title
- Registrar's Civic Engagement Award
- Funding Agency
- Trinity College Dublin
- Date From
- June 2019
- Title
- HRB Impact Award
- Summary
- This award recognised Prof Mary McCarron, who has made, or is making, an outstanding contribution to research that has had a significant impact on people's health or on health policy or practice. Research impact has been defined as 'an identifiable benefit or positive influence on society, public policy, quality of life and/or the economy'. This award will help increase recognition of the value of integrating health research into practice and policy to create a lasting impact on people's health. It should also provide an opportunity to showcase Ireland's position as a leader in health research internationally.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date To
- February 2019
- Title
- National Intellectual Disability Dementia Diagnostic Centre
- Funding Agency
- National Dementia office/Department of Health
- Date From
- February 2019
- Date To
- February 2021
- Title
- Better Bones, Better Health: Developing a risk assessment tool for the prediction of osteoporosis and osteopenia among adults with an intellectual disability
- Summary
- This study used predictive models to calculate the probability of osteoporosis in order to develop a prototype clinical evaluation tool for the assessment of the risk of a person with ID having osteoporosis/osteopenia.
- Funding Agency
- Dean's Award
- Date From
- September 2018
- Date To
- March 2019
- Title
- Wave IV An Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal McCarron M (PI), McCallion, P
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board & Department of Health
- Date From
- Nov 2018
- Title
- Working with the Research Community: Training & Toolkit for Patients and Members of the Public
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- December 2018
- Date To
- December 2020
- Title
- PPALs: People with Intellectual Disabilities with Physical Activities Leaders in the Community
- Summary
- P-PALs is a project to encourage people with ID to take a leadership role in promoting physical activity among their peers. Working with Age & Opportunity's Go for Life programme, it encourages adults with ID to learn how to lead a group in physical activities and games and to encourage that group to become more physically active.
- Funding Agency
- EIT Health
- Date From
- January 2018
- Date To
- December 2018
- Title
- Residents of St Joseph's Moving to Community Settings: Understanding the changes in their lives
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive
- Date From
- August 2017
- Date To
- August 2021
- Title
- A Participatory action research pilot study to enhance long term care planning for older people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) in Ireland and their families
- Summary
- This is a 'bolt-on' project to IDS-TILDA, which builds on the NDA funded project "Understanding Family Strategies that Enable Long Term and Sustainable Home Environments for Older People with an Intellectual Disability".
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 01/03/2017
- Date To
- 01/03/2018
- Title
- Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014 - 2016
- Summary
- An Evaluation for the Genio Dementia Programme
- Funding Agency
- Genio
- Date From
- July 2014
- Date To
- December 2019
- Title
- PPI Ignite
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- August 2017
- Date To
- September 2020
- Title
- Quality of life outcomes and cost changes associated with providing support to people with intellectual disability who move form congregared settings to community living arrangements
- Summary
- Researchers McCarron, M., May, P., O'Donovan, M., McCallion, P., Smith, V., Cunniffe, A, Stancliffe, R., Normand, C
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- August 2017
- Date To
- February 2018
- Title
- National Key Indicators of Positive Ageing for People with ID
- Summary
- A bolt on study to IDS TILDA to develop National Key Indicators of Positive Ageing for People with ID
- Funding Agency
- Department of Health
- Date From
- March 2017
- Date To
- December 2018
- Title
- Forgotten Lives and hidden Deaths; people with Ld living in non LD care settings
- Funding Agency
- Dunhill Medical Trust
- Date From
- October 2016
- Date To
- September 2018
- Title
- Family Strategies that Enable Long Term and Sustainable Home Environments for Older People with ID
- Funding Agency
- National Disability Authority
- Date From
- May 2016
- Date To
- May 2017
- Title
- ProACT (Intergrated Technology Ecosystems for ProACTive Patient Centred Care)
- Summary
- PI: Dr. John Dinsmore. TCD Team: Prof. Mary McCarron, Dr. Anne-Marie Brady, Dr. Joan Cahill. Development of proactive integrated care technology ecosystems to support multimorbidity disease management (including detection of early onset cognitive decline/dementia) in an ageing population. Involves 12 partners across 6 EU member states. Trial sites in Ireland, Belgium and Italy. Award secured August 2015.
- Funding Agency
- European Commission - Horizon 2020 under Call SC1-PHC25-2015
- Date From
- 01/01/2016
- Date To
- 01/07/2019
- Title
- ProACT (Integrated Technology Systems for ProACTive Patient Centred Care)
- Funding Agency
- TCD-Faculty of Health Sciences - Dean's Research Initiative Fund
- Date From
- September 2016
- Date To
- June 2018
- Title
- St Ita's moving to community Settings
- Summary
- This project is independently evaluating change in the lives of 29 residents in St Joseph's Intellectual Disability Services, St Ita's Hospital, Portrane, Co Dublin, following a transition from current residence, using the IDS-TILDA framework. The first phase acted as a baseline and with data from the second phase, collected post-move, used to evaluate change.
- Date From
- Aug 2017
- Date To
- March 2018
- Title
- Wave III An Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitundinal Study on Ageing TILDA. Wave III
- Summary
- An Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal McCarron M (PI), McCallion, P
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board & Department of Health
- Date From
- Nov 2015
- Date To
- Dec 2018
- Title
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 01/01/18
- Date To
- 01/01/19
- Title
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- December 2015
- Date To
- December 2016
- Title
- Community inclusion for people with and intellectual disability
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- March 2015
- Date To
- December 2015
- Title
- Brain Training in persons with Down syndrome
- Funding Agency
- Down syndrome Ireland
- Date From
- March 2015
- Date To
- March 2017
- Title
- Understanding family strategies that enable long term and sustainable home environments for older people with an Intellectual Disability
- Summary
- The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) is the first and most extensive such study to be conducted in Ireland or in the EU, and it is recognised internationally as pioneering in this field. This study provides the definitive and most nationally representative sample of older people with an ID. Within this study the now completed "Carer's Self-Completion Questionnaire" has a sample of 62 carers of older people with an ID living within family settings. The key methodology employed in this study entailed qualitative focus groups and interviews with these families. All focus group discussions were transcribed and data inputted into NVIVO with data analysed and mined to extract key themes and concepts. Objectives: . Describe the decision making process within families caring for an older person with an ID 1. Describe strategies for long term care planning within families 2. Describe patterns of transfer of care (parent to sibling, sibling to sibling etc) 3. Describe key family, economic, environmental, and social factors influencing strategies for long term family care . Illuminate barriers and enablers for families with an older person with ID 1. Identify pressure points for these families 2. Identify strategies, supports and enablers which sustain older people with ID within the family and community setting including the role of caregiving networks and supportive neighbours and communities . Identify best practice for supporting families with an older person with ID 1. Identify gaps between family experiences and the aspirations of contemporary ID social policy 2. Articulate the perceptions of families with regard to future policy 3. Propose models of support that facilitate family engagement and capacity in sustaining older people with an ID within the community
- Funding Agency
- National Disability Authority
- Date From
- March 2015
- Date To
- March 2016
- Title
- Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland.
- Funding Agency
- Health Services Executive Ireland/Trinity College Dublin.
- Date From
- November 2013
- Date To
- April 2015
- Title
- Wave II An Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitundinal Study on Ageing TILDA. Wave II.
- Summary
- An Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal McCarron M (PI), McCallion, P
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board & Department of Health
- Date From
- November 2012
- Date To
- October 2015
- Title
- Effective family support models during the transition of adults with intellectual disabilities into old age
- Summary
- Co. P.I McCallion, P., McCarron, M
- Funding Agency
- Research and Development Office, Belfast
- Date From
- Nov 2012
- Title
- Measuring and evaluating outcomes at the end of life for people with learning disabilities
- Funding Agency
- Baily Thomas Trust
- Date From
- August 2012
- Date To
- February 2015
- Title
- Getting the Message to the people that Matter; Innovation in Research Dissemination.
- Funding Agency
- IRCHSS Award
- Date From
- December 2011
- Date To
- May 2012
- Title
- A collaborative initiative to implement person-centred practice in residential care settings for children and adults with intellectual disability.
- Summary
- McCarron M(PI), McCallion, P., Keenan, P., Griffiths, C., Rolfe G.
- Funding Agency
- Stewarts Hospital
- Date From
- October 2011
- Date To
- February 2013
- Title
- What are the respite needs and experiences of family's caring for a child with a life-limiting condition requiring palliative care?
- Summary
- Ling, J-Doctoral Student and HRB Clinical Research Fellow McCarron, M (Principal Supervisor)
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- October 2010
- Date To
- September 2013
- Title
- An Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing TILDA - Wave 1
- Summary
- Background & Aim: In Ireland and elsewhere there is for the first time a sizeable and growing population of older persons with intellectual disabilities (ID). This is an incredible success but also a tremendous challenge; we know little about their ageing and there is much concern that mortality is higher, health problems are greater, access to services and health promotion is poorer and quality of life is often compromised. A comprehensive longitudinal study of ageing (TILDA) is about to begin in Ireland. Use of the electoral register as a sampling frame will unintentionally exclude many people with ID. Use of the National Intellectual Disability Database will offer an historic and critical opportunity to create a supplemental longitudinal follow-up of ageing in persons with ID. Approach: Sample: There will be two samples; (1) a stratified convenience pilot sample of 50 persons with ID aged 40-70 years, (2) approximately 800 persons over age 40 randomly selected from the HRB ID database with an over-sample of those over 55 and those 40-49 living at home or independently. Measures: Measures will address health, cognitive status, activities of daily living, living situations, social life and overall quality of life. Measures will be comparable to these being used in the larger TILDA study and yet will address unique issues. Analysis: For the pilot sample analysis will focus upon usability of instruments and instrument reliability and validity issues. When the finalized protocol is then administered to the first wave sample of the longitudinal study, a descriptive statistical picture of the life experiences of adult persons of ID will be developed as well as comparisons between important subgroups and with the general population findings of TILDA. Implications: The study will provide the first comprehensive picture of ageing in persons with ID and prepare for longitudinal investigation of that ageing.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board & Department of Health
- Date From
- October 2008
- Date To
- September 2012
- Title
- Evaluation of the Programme to support Palliative and Hospice Care in the Republic of Ireland
- Funding Agency
- Atlantic Philanthropies
- Date From
- March 2010
- Date To
- March 2011
- Title
- The Post-Caring Experience: An Assessment of the Needs of former Family Carers.
- Funding Agency
- IRCHSS and Care Alliance
- Date From
- Dec 2009
- Date To
- Dec 2010
- Title
- Identifying the experiences and needs of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in Ireland and recommending positive ageing strategies and actions to promote their full participation and inclusion in Irish society.
- Summary
- Identifying the experiences and needs of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in Ireland and recommending positive ageing strategies and actions to promote their full participation and inclusion in Irish society
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- Nov 2009
- Date To
- Dec 2010
- Title
- National Consultation with Service Users and Healthcare Providers regarding Home Nursing Services for People with State Acquired Hepatitic C Virus (HCV)
- Summary
- Timmins, F, (PI) Glacken, M, Grogan, A. Frazer, K., McCarron, M
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- May 2008
- Date To
- November 2008
- Title
- Developing respiratory practice to address palliative care needs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): exploring the lay carer expert knowledge and experience.
- Summary
- Hynes, G -Doctoral Student McCarron, M (PI) Cox, K
- Funding Agency
- Irish Hospice Foundation
- Date From
- August 2007
- Date To
- October 2008
- Title
- An investigation of the Role of Hospice Day Care in the Care of Patients with Life Limiting Illness
- Summary
- McCarron, M, (PI), Neenan, K, (Doctoral Student), Ryan, F, McCann, M, Connaire, K, Cox, K,
- Funding Agency
- Irish Cancer Society
- Date From
- September 2006
- Date To
- September 2008
- Title
- Expanding Palliative Care to Meet the Needs of Persons with COPD
- Summary
- Hynes, G, -Doctoral Student McCarron, M (PI) Cox, K.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- June 2006
- Date To
- September 2009
- Title
- Stigma and Alzheimer's disease
- Summary
- A qualitative study of the expereince of stigma by persons with dementia and their families
- Funding Agency
- Alzheimer's Society of Ireland
- Date From
- March 2006
- Date To
- September 2006
- Title
- Cost effectiveness and Quality of Life in Service Delivery for Persons with the dual disability of Down syndrome (DS) Alzheimer's Dementia (AD).
- Summary
- Responding to dementia needs is a new challenge for intellectual disability service providers and particularly pressing when consumers present with Down syndrome. New models of service are called for and are being attempted. This study will assess the relative cost and impacts on quality of life of four different care options: community and campus based group homes, aging settings and dementia specific settings.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Sept 2004
- Date To
- Sept 2007
- Title
- A palliative care model for supporting persons with intellectual disabilities (ID) and dementia (AD)
- Summary
- Development of and effectiveness testing for an evidence-based training module to foster earlier application of palliative care principles in care of persons with intelelctual disabilities and dementia.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- June 2005
- Date To
- May 2007
- Title
- An investigation of dependency levels of ageing persons with Intellectual Disability (ID)
- Summary
- McCarron, M (PI), McCallion, P, Fleming, S.
- Funding Agency
- HSE Peamount Intellectual Disabilities Service
- Date From
- January 2004
- Date To
- July 2006
- Title
- Clinical Nursing Research Fellow, Investigating the 'influence of Alzhjeimer's Dementia on Time Spent Caregiving for persons Down syndrome and Alzheimer's dementia'
- Summary
- MCarron, M (PI and Doctoral Student), Begley, C Gill M.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Nov 1999
- Date To
- Oct 2002
- Title
- Seed funding to explore the impact of caring for persons with the dual disability of Alzheimer's Dementia and Down Syndrome
- Summary
- McCarron, M (PI)
- Funding Agency
- All-Ireland Research Fellowship grant from An Bord Altranais and the National Board of Nursing
- Date From
- Nov 1998
- Date To
- Nov 1999
- Title
- National Indicators of Positive Ageing for People with Intellectual Disabilty
- Summary
- This project is developing a set of national indicators of positive ageing for people with ID to mirror those collected for the non-ID population. Using a Delphi process, it will include people with ID, academics in the field of ID and ageing, policymakers and carers in order to agree the final indicator set. IDS TILDA, it is predicted, will be the primary data source for the indicators.
- Funding Agency
- Dept of Health's HaPAI programme (Healthy and Positive Ageing Indicators) and the HSE
- Date From
- 01/03/2018
- Date To
- 01/09/2019
- Title
- Health Assessment and People with Intellectual Disability
- Funding Agency
- EIT Health
- Date From
- October 2017
- Date To
- January 2018
- Title
- Knowledge Transfer Exchange
- Summary
- Activities associated with the Palliative Care research Network work package. Identifying and addressing the needs of people with intellectual disability
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- June 2017
- Date To
- October 2017
- Title
- WayFinding
- Summary
- PI: Dr. John Dinsmore. To pilot a smart watch navigation application for people with intellectual disability/mild cognitive impairment
- Funding Agency
- TCD Faculty of Health Sciences Award - Dean's Research Initiative Fund
- Date From
- 01/05/2016
- Date To
- 01/02/2017
- Title
- Our Voices
- Summary
- Our Impact (Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme Wave 3)
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- December 2017
- Date To
- November 2018
- Title
- ASSISTID (Assistive Technologies for People with Intellectual Disability and Autism
- Summary
- PI: Prof. Brian Harvey. Core TCD Team: Prof. Mary McCarron, Dr. John Dinsmore. Study Title: Assistive Technology Development for Autism and Intellectual Disability. Role: TCD PI (presently supporting TCD applicants in the process of targeting fellows and pushing submissions with one successful and 4 applications in progress) Proportion direct to TCD will be determined in 2016. To date 2 DOCTRID ASSISTID Fellows at 171,832 per fellow have been secured under the programme
- Funding Agency
- European Commission - Marie Curie FP7 Co-Fund
- Date From
- 15/05/2014
- Date To
- 15/05/2019
- Title
- Understanding the contributors to better integration and community participation by persons with severe and profound intellectual disability
- Summary
- A Time to Move On from Congregated Settings: A Strategy for Community Inclusion (HSE, 2011) recommends a model of community inclusion to support people with an intellectual disability currently living in congregated settings to move to dispersed housing in ordinary communities. However, there is insufficient data on how successful community inclusion and community participation may be achieved for people with severe and profound intellectual disability. As a means of filling this gap, the research team, working with Inclusion Ireland conducted in-depth interviews with carers and service managers of older people with severe and profound intellectual disability to discern best practices, develop training and capacity building, and inform public policy.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- January 2015
- Date To
- December 2016
- Title
- The last months of life of people with LD living in Wales over a 12 month period.
- Summary
- Stuart Todd
- Funding Agency
- Dunhill Medical trust grant NISCHR (WAG)
- Date From
- 2015
- Date To
- 2016
- Title
- Summary
- Brain Exercise for Adults with Down Syndrome
- Funding Agency
- Down Syndrome Ireland
- Date From
- July 2015
- Date To
- March 2017
- Title
- End of Life Care
- Summary
- palliative and end of life care for older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland, through a social justice lens, in association with the IDS-TILDA study
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- Jan 13
- Date To
- Dec 16
- Title
- Effective family support models during the transition of adults with intellectual disabilities into old age
- Funding Agency
- Research & Development office Belfast
- Date From
- May 2013
- Date To
- May 2016
- Title
- Best and most cost effective day service models to support the transition of adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) into old age.
- Summary
- PI: Laurence Taggart, McCarron M, McCallion P
- Funding Agency
- Ulster University & Northern Ireland Research & Development Office
- Date From
- 2012
- Date To
- 2015
- Title
- An exploration of diagnostic overshadowing in cancer care for older adults with intellectual disability
- Funding Agency
- IRC Foundations
- Title
- The CANDID study: CANcer incidence, prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, risk factors and outcomes in older adults with intellectual disabilities
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Title
- CA21123 - Cancer- Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities (CUPID)
- Funding Agency
- EU Cost Action
- Date From
- 01/01/2023
- Date To
- 31/12/2023
Honorary Professor, Queen's University Belfast
Stewarts Care (Appointed to board February 2021)
Peamount Hospital (Appointed to board December 2018)
Member of the National Steering Committee for the National Dementia Office, HSE
Advising the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Working Group on Health Outcomes for Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Appointed by the Minister for Health to the Steering Committee of the National Trauma Strategy
Dental Hospital (The Minister for Health appointed the Board in June 2015) Dental Board Meeting Performance and Succession Committee Meeting (Chair)
Board member of DOCTRID
Awards and Honours
Winner, Health Research Charities Ireland (HRCI) Impact Award
Winner, School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Impact Award
Winner, Societal Impact Award, The Trinity Innovation Awards
Fellow, The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD)
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
Winner, Inaugural Impact Award, Health Research Board
Chair, Ageing and Intellectual Disability
Trinity Fellow
Clinical Fellowship in Nursing and Midwifery by the Health Research Board
Nurse of the Year
Member,National Clinical Programe for Older People Steering Group: The adaptation of the National Frailty Education Programme (NFEP) for the ID sector
Member, EQUIP Steering Committee
Member, Commission on Care for Older People (Department of Health)
Member, National Avista Dementia Strategy Group
Member, Digital Life Story Steering Committee (Avista)
Member, Menu of Life Enhancing Activities Steering Committee (Avista)
Member, The UK-Irish Consortium for ageing well with a lifelong disability: Priorities, perspectives and opportunities
Member, T21RS COVID-19 Impact group
Member, Independent Scientific and Ethics Advisory Board - Gene overdosage and comorbidities during the early lifetime in Down Syndrome (EU Research Project)
Member, Irish Gerontology
Member, Trisomy 21 Research Society
Member, National Steering Committee on Open Science, Health Research Board
Member and founder, National Federation Working Group on Health Outcomes for Older People with Intellectual Disability
Member, Steering Committee, National Dementia Office
Member, Trinity EngAGE, Trinity College Dublin
Member, HSE National Steering Group on Dementia, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies
Member, TILDA Steering Committee, Trinity College Dublin
Member, European Association of Palliative Care Taskforce on Palliative Care/End of life Care for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Member, International Down Syndrome Special Interest Group
Member, Special Interest Group (SIRG) on Aging and of the Nursing Special Interest Group
Advisor, Ageing related issues in persons with Intellectual Disability, Inclusion Ireland
Member, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability (IASSID)
Member, National Steering Committee, National Dementia Office, Health Service Executive (HSE)
Member, National Working Group on Extending Palliative Care to Persons with Advanced Dementia
Member, Research Committee, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies
External Member, Residential Care Standards for Older People by the Health Information Quality Authority (HIQA), St. Patrick's Hospital Cashel
Member, Professional Advisory Group, Alzheimer's Europe Conference 2005
Member, Strategic Planning Group on Older People with Disabilities
Chair, 2003 Roundtable Session on International Service Delivery for Persons with Intellectual Disability and Dementia, Volos, Greece
Guest Reviewer - Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research & American Journal of Mental Retardation