Dr. Damien Brennan
Associate Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Dr Brennan is Associate Professor at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin where his teaching and research are focused on the Sociology of Health and Illness. Dr Brennan has developed a significant agenda of research which examines 'Contexts of Care Provision in Ireland'. Dr Brennan has held senior leadership, managerial and administrative positions at College, Faculty and School level; including two (three year) terms as Elected Member to University Council; Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning; Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning; Member of School Executive; and Subject Leader for Sociology. He has made a major contribution to understanding Ireland's problematic institutional past, while also examining the potential for care provision within contemporary Irish communities and families, with particular reference to Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness. This research agenda has attracted funding from bodies such as the Irish Research Council, the National Disability Authority, the Irish Penal Reform Trust and the Department of Health and Children. Dr Brennan held roles of PI, Co-Researcher and project manager to these funded research initiatives, which has resulted in quality outputs in academic journals, book chapters and a sole authored book. Dr Brennan also acts as a 'public intellectual', disseminating research through TV Documentaries, National Radio, Print Media, Key Note Addresses and Public Lectures. His work is an established point of reference which both informs and shapes national discourse concerning 'Contexts of Care Provision in Ireland'.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Breslin, N., Brennan, D., Hollywood, E., Comiskey, C. and Sheerin, F., The role of Path Dependency Theory in the reproduced structures, systems and practices of the Irish Mental Health System over the last 200 years., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (THEconf2024) New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 5-7th March, 2024
Timmins, F., McCausland, D., Brennan, D., Sheerin, F., Luus, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. , A national cohort study of spiritual and religious practices of older people with intellectual disability, A national cohort study of spiritual and religious practices of older people with intellectual disability, 0, 2023, phttps://doi.org/10.1177/174462
The social contract of care for people with an Intellectual Disability in, editor(s)Sheerin, F. and Doyle, C. , Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social Care Across the Lifespan, Geneva, Springer Nature, 2023, [Brennan D. & D'Eath M. ]
Brennan, D., D'eath, M., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Health and well-being of sibling carers of adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland: Four waves of data., British Journal of Learning Disabilities., 2023
Brennan, D., D'eath, M., Dunne, N., O'Donovan, M-A., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., ). Irish Social Policy to Family Carers of Adults with an Intellectual Disability: A critical analysis, Journal of Intellectual Disability, 2022
Brennan, D., McCausland, D., O'Donnovan, M-A., Eustace-Cook, J., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Approaches to and outcomes of future planning for family carers of adults with an intellectual disability: A systematic review, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 33, (6), 2020, p1221 - 1233
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Brennan, D., McCarron, M., In pursuit of meaningful occupation: Employment and occupational outcomes for older Irish adults with an intellectual disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 33, (3), 2020, p386 - 397
Brennan, D., McCausland, D., McCallion, P. and McCarron, My Future Care Road Map, Accessible Planning Tool, Trinity College Dublin, 2019, p1 - 12
Brennan, D., McCausland, D., McCallion, P. and McCarron, My Future Care Road Map, Planning Tool Guidance Document, Trinity College Dublin, 2019, p1 - 47
Damien Brennan, Family Care provision for psychiatric patients in Post Institutional Ireland , Prisons Asylums Workhouses Institutions in Ireland: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland AND Queens University Belfast , Queens University Belfast, Thursday 13th to Sat, 2019
McCausland, Darren, Brennan, Damien, McCallion, Philip, McCarron, Mary, Balancing personal wishes and caring capacity in future planning for adults with an intellectual disability living with family carers, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23, (3), 2019, p413-431
Brennan D., Key Note 'Irish Insanities Legacy and Mental Hospitals Institutional Confinement' , 'Legacies matter' Annual Conference of the Sociological Association of Ireland, Dublin Institute of Technology Grangegorman, 18 & 19 May, 2018
McCausland, D., McCallion, P., Brennan, D., and McCarron, M., The exercise of human rights and citizenship by older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62, (10), 2018, p875 - 887
Brennan, D., Present and future sustainability of family care giving, Caregiving capacity and contemporary Irish family life Learning from the experiences of families and older people with an intellectual disability, Trinity College Dublin, 11th April, 2018
Brennan, D., McCarron, M, Family Care Giving, 2017 International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability, TBSI Dublin, 20th September, 2017
Brennan D., Family Care Giving, International Summit on Ageing with an Intellectual Disability - Best Practices in Policies, Services and Community Supports to Advance Health and Wellbeing, Trinity College, Dublin, 20th September, 2017
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, "What's going to happen when we're gone?" Family caregiving capacity for older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31, (2), 2017, p226 - 235
Brennan D., Key Note - Caring Capacity in the Domestic Space: Current and Future Challenge , Irish Association of Social Workers and Social Care Ireland - National Conference, Our Lady's Hospice, Dublin, September 22nd , 2017
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M, Family Strategies for Care Giving for Older People with Intellectual Disability (ID), within 'post-institutional' Ireland, 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece, 29 Aug - 1 Sept, 2017
McCausland D., McCallion, P., Brennan, D., McCarron, M, Interpersonal relationships of older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31, (1), 2017, p140 - 153
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M, Future Care Planning Amongst Parent and Sibling Carers with Ageing Family Member with an Intellectual Disability, Irish Gerontological Society - 65th Annual & Scientific Meeting, Wexford, 28th-30th September, 2017
The myth of the Irish insanity epidemic in, editor(s)Cohen , International Handbook of Critical Mental Health, Surrey, Routledge , 2017, pp133 - 140, [Brennan D.]
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M, CAREGIVING CAPACITY AND FUTURE CARE PLANNING OF FAMILY CARERS FOR OLDER PEOPLE WITH AN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY IN IRELAND , 30th Sept - 1st Oct, 45 (suppl_2), 2016, ppii1 - -ii12
Murphy, R., Brennan, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, 'Love labour' and caring for older people with an Intellectual Disability within the family home environment', International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities World Conference, Melbourne , 15-19 August, 2016
Mental illness and the Criminalisation Process in, editor(s)Healy et al , The Routledge Handbook of Irish Criminology, Oxon: UK, Routledge , 2016, [Brennan D.]
Brennan D., McCausland D., McCallion P., McCarron M.., Understanding the contributors to better integration and community participation by persons with severe and profound intellectual disability, Dublin, 2016, p1 - 13
McCausland, D., Brennan, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., What is community?: A theoretical model of community for people with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60, (7-8), 2016, p798
Brennan, D., Murphy, R., McCallion, P., Griffiths, M & McCarron, M, Understanding Family Strategies that enable Long Term and Sustainable Home Environments for Older People with Intellectual Disability. Final Report - September 2016, Dublin, 2016, 1-72
Murphy, R., Brennan, D., McCallion, P., McCarron, M, Questioning the feasibility of the implementation of contemporary policy in Ireland: The narratives of family caregivers supporting older people with an Intellectual Disability, IASSIDD Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 15-19 August, 2016
Brennan D, The Social Construction and Professional Defence of Categories of Mental Illness in Ireland 1800-2000, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association , Prague, 25-28 August , 2015
Brennan D., Murphy R. McCallion P. and McCarron M., Carers strategies that enable long-term and sustainable home environments for older people with an Intellectual Disability, 20 Years of Family Carer Research in Ireland, Care Alliance Ireland, Dublin , 20th November, 2015
McCausland D., Brennan D., McCallion P. and McCarron M., Challenging community policy for people with intellectual disabilities , 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, 25-28 August , 2015
Moriarty E. & Brennan D, Risk and Grave Digging in Ireland: Our Traditions and Culture Your Respect Required, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, 25-28 August , 2015
Mental Hospital Institutionalisation and Deinstitutionalisation in Ireland in, editor(s)Higgins and Mc Daid , Mental Health In Ireland: Policy, Practice and Law, Dublin, Gill and Macmillian, 2014, pp11 - 23, [D Brennan]
Brennan D., Irish Insanity 1800:2000, Oxon: UK and New York: USA & Canada, Routledge, 2014
TG4 / Blinder Films, 'An Irish State of Mind', 2014, -
Brennan D., 'The Documentary on One - Grangegorman Personal Affects', 1st Broadcast 5 September, RTE Dublin, 2014, -
Brennan D, The Institutional Responses to Emotional Life in Ireland, Merriman Summer School , Ennis, 16th August, 2014
Brennan D, Mental Hospitals in Ireland: An Uncomfortable History of Now, School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College 15th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference , Trinity College, 6th-7th November , 2013
Brennan D., Brennan, M. & Rogan M., Mind the Gap: Mental Health and Prison Policy in Ireland, North-South Criminology Conference, University College Cork, 20-21 May, 2013
Damien Brennan, Brennan, M. & Rogan M.,, Mind the Gap: Mental Health and Prison Policy in Ireland, North-South Criminology Conference, University College Cork, 20-21 May,, 2013
Moriarty E. & Brennan, D., "Digging For Our Own": The professionalisation of grave digging in rural Ireland, Sociological Association of Ireland: 40th Annual Conference, Athlone, 10-12 May , 2013
Brennan D. & Brennan M., From Asylums to Hospitals to Prisons: Mental Illness in Ireland, Shifting Locations of Intervention, 19th International Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research Conference , Warwick Arts Centre, the University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL United Kingdom , 5th -6th September , 2013
Brennan D., A Sociological Analysis of the Economics of Irish Insanity, Sociological Association of Ireland: 39th Annual Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 12-13 May, 2012
A Theoretical Exploration of Institution-based Mental Health Care in Ireland in, editor(s)M. Prior , Asylums, Mental Health Care and the Irish, Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2012, pp287 - 315, [Damien Brennan]
Brennan D. & Timmins F., Changing institutional identities and the student nurse, Nurse Education Today, 32, (7), 2012, p747 - 751
Timmins, F. and Brennan, D. , Nursing in the Academy and Changing Institutional Identities. , NET 2011 22nd International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care. , Churchill College, University of Cambridge. UK (, 6-9th September 2011, 2011, pp59 - 62
Brennan. D., Brennan. M., 'From Patient to Prisoner: The Criminalisation of Mental Illness in Ireland', 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, National University of Ireland Galway, 4th & 5th April 2011, 2011, pp4 - 5
Brennan D., Telling stories about ourselves": Historical Methodology and the Creation of Mental Health Nursing Narratives, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 18, (8), 2011, p657 - 663
Brennan. D., Transcendent diagnostic categories of mental illness in Ireland, 1800 to 2010., Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, 24th February 2011, 2011
Brennan D., From Madness to Badness to Madness and Back Again: Mental Illness and Criminalisation in Ireland, European Sociological Association 10th Conference 'Social Relations in Turbulent Times', Geneva, 7-10 September, 2011, 2011, pp152 - 153
Brennan. M, Brennan D., Pathways to Mental Health Care - Methodological Considerations, The 6th Mixed Methods International Conference. , The School of Healthcare, University of Leeds and Department of Health, Behaviour, and Society, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, July , 2010
Brennan D., Legislation and Professional Practice: Responding to or Constructing Mental Illness in Ireland?, 29th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , February, 2010
Brennan. D., Brennan. M., Are our prisons becoming twenty-first Century asylums for the mentally ill?, Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, 17th November 2010, 2010
Brennan D., A Sociology of Insanity The Problem of the 'Irish Case', Seminar, Department of Sociology, University of Limerick, March , 2009
RTE / Mary Raftery, 'Behind the Walls', Ireland, RTE, 2009, -
Brennan D., Irish Mental Health Nursing: Professional Trajectory and Challenges to Contemporary Practice , International Research Conference, University College Cork, October, 2009
Brennan D., Irish Asylums and the Migration of Professional Practice, 9th Annual International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin, November , 2008
Brennan D., Asylums, Insanity, Grand Narratives and the Problem of the 'Irish Case', Annual International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, November, 2007
Horan, P., Mooney, B., Coughlan, M., Huntley-Moore, S., & Brennan, D., 'Poster Presentations: An Approach to Assessing 1st Year Undergraduate Nursing Students understanding of Sociological subject matter in an Irish Context, Inaugural International Colloquium on University Teaching and Learning at the Centre for Teaching & Learning University College Dublin, Dublin, June, 2007
Horan, P., Mooney, B., Coughlan, M., Huntley-Moore, S., & Brennan, D., 'An Evaluation of Poster Presentations as an Approach to Assessing 1st Year Undergraduate Nursing Students understanding of Sociological subject matter in an Irish Context, 1st International Conference on "Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice" Department of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway , 2nd April, 2007
Horan, P., Coughlan, M., Huntley Moore, S., Brennan, D., & Mooney, B., Group Poster Presentations: An Approach to Assessing Undergraduate Nursing Students understanding of Sociology, 4th - 6th September, NET 2007 Conference - 18th Annual International Participative Conference. Fitzwilliam College - University of Cambridge UK, Cambridge , 2007
Brennan D., Historical Methodology and Mental Illness in Ireland: Revisionism, Insanity and Opportunity, Sociological Association of Ireland: 31st Annual Conference: Sligo: April, 2006
Brennan D., Mental Health Nursing in Ireland: Lessons for the Past; Challenges for the Future Key, Annual Conference of the Association of Irish Mental Health Nurse Managers, Mayo, April, 2006
Brennan D., The Law and Mental Illness in Ireland: Intervention or Instigation, 6th Annual International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin: Dublin, 3rd November, 2005
Brennan D., 2005 The Historical Trajectory of Mental Nursing in Ireland, Irish Nursing History Society, Dublin, 24th November, 2005
Brennan D., Expressions of Intolerance to Perceived Difference Within Routinised Nursing Practice, International History of Nursing Conference, University of Melbourne, 25-27th August, 2005
Brennan D., Irish Insanity: Social Trajectory and Institutional Responses, Irish / Australian Public Lecture Series, University of Melbourne, 30th August, 2005
Brennan D., A Sociology of Madness, Insanity and Mental Illness in Ireland 1800-2000, Departmental Seminar, Department of Sociology, University of Tasmania, 6th September, 2005
Brennan D., The social construction of 'woman's work': Work status and its impact on recruitment, retention and job satisfaction in nursing, Journal of Nurse Management, 13, (4), 2005, p282-285
Brennan D., A Consideration of the Social Trajectory of Psychiatric Nursing in Ireland, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 11, (4), 2004, p497-501
Brennan D., The Location Irish Psychiatric Nursing within the Developmental Trajectory of the Irish Mental Health System, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin: 5th Annual International Research Conference, Dublin, November, 2004
Brennan D., The Development of Public Health Nurses as Advanced Nurse Practitioners - Expert Panel, Annual Conference of Irish Public Health Nurses, Athlone, May, 2004
Brennan D., The Special Olympics, a not so quiet revolution - Discourses of Emancipation and Liberation at the Summer Games Ireland 2003, The Frontline of Learning Disability, 59, 2004, p0-0
Brennan D., The "Common Sense" of Compliance -Nurses Participation in Institutionalisation In Ireland, 1st International Conference on Nursing & Midwifery in the Third Reich, University of Limerick, June, 2004
Brennan D., Irish Insanity, Historical Development and Contemporary Social Context, Departmental Seminar, Department of Sociology, Trinity College, May, 2004
Brennan D., The Location of Irish Insanity , Sociological Association of Ireland: 31st Annual Conference, Athlone, May, 2004
Brennan D., A Consideration of the Contribution of Sociology in Ireland to the Understanding of the Development and Contemporary Existence of the Irish Asylum System, Mental Health Services and Mental Health Social Policies, Sociological Association of Ireland: 30th Annual Conference, Cavan, Ireland, April, 2003
Brennan D., A deconstruction of its historical legacy and its continued influence on contemporary Mental Health Service Provision in Ireland, A national cohort study of spiritual and religious practices of older people with intellectual disability, 2003
Brennan D., The Social Context of Psychiatric Nursing in Ireland: A Critical Consideration of the Dynamic Relationship between Psychiatric Nursing, the Asylum System and Irish Society, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin: 4th Annual International Research Conference, Dublin, November, 2003
Brennan D., 2002 TCD as a Multicultural University, the challenges - a paper presented by Damien Brennan, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, TCD Launch of the HEEU Report by the Minister of Education and Science: Trinity College, Dublin November 2002., 2002
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Irish Independent - Nicola Anderson, 'People with intellectual disability in limbo as families shun talks on future Irish', Irish Independent, Dublin , 2017, -
Irish Examiner - Catherine Shanahan & Noel Baker, 'No care plans for special needs elderly', Irish Examiner Thursday, June 16, 2016, -
Damien Brennan, 'Time for Those Damaged by the Asylum System to Tell Their Stories', Irish Independent , 2014, -
Damien Brennan, Mental Health and Happiness in Ireland, Trinity Week Symposium , Trinity College , 9th April, 2014, Trinity College
Irish Times - Fintan O Toll, 'Time for State to acknowledge great wrong of Irish mental hospital system', Ireland, Irish Times, 2013, -
News Talk - George Hook, 'The Right Hook', 2013, -
RTE, 'Marian Finucane - Sunday Morning Radio', RTE, Ireland, 2013, -
Brennan D., Irish Insanity: The excessive use of Mental Hospitals in Ireland, Trinity College, 24th October, 2013, School of Nursing and Midwifery "Tell me about public lecture series"
Irish Times - Jo Humphreys, 'Professional and local interests had stake in keeping asylums, says major study', Ireland, Irish Times, 2013, - 5
Research Expertise
My research agenda has addressed some uncomfortable aspects of Ireland's past use of institutional care settings, while also examining the capacity for care provision within contemporary Irish society. This is a substantive undertaking; for example I have mapped an institutional social process spanning some two-hundred years, illustrating that Ireland had the highest level of mental hospital residency internationally. This was prolonged, detailed, hard-won, and at times 'unpopular' research, culminating in my sole authored book Irish Insanity 1800-2000 (2014). Acting on my research knowledge, I have intervened as a public intellectual by placing this research firmly within the public and political domains. This research agenda has opened up new academic challenges within the 'post-institutional landscape' in Ireland. Specifically, there are new and urgent challenges regarding the capacity of contemporary Irish society to provide care within the home/domestic setting, in fields such as mental health, intellectual disability and ageing. Tangible examples of my growing impact in defining and progressing this field is my research report Understanding Family Strategies that enable Long Term and Sustainable Home Environments for Older People with Intellectual Disability (2016), funded by the National Disability Authority, and my subsequent (2018) IRC funded research A participatory action research study to enhance long term care planning for older people with an Intellectual Disability in Ireland and their families. Building on this research agenda new research objectives are formulated, for example my current leadership of an IRC funded research collaboration with the Family Careers Ireland which is examining the Social Contract for Care Provision in Ireland (2020-2021)Projects
- Title
- Summary
- Co-applicant to the IDS-TILDA (Wave 5). This is a longitudinal study researching ageing in Ireland among people with an intellectual disability aged 40 and over.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2022
- Date To
- 2026
- Title
- The Social Contract for Care Provision in Ireland
- Summary
- This research initiative entails a collaborative research process with Family Carers Ireland with the aim of establishing conceptual clarity regarding the social contract for care giving within domestic settings in Ireland.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2022
- Title
- The development of measurements of caring capacity in domestic / home settings
- Summary
- To provide conceptual capacity and a methodological approach to enable the measurement of caring capacity within home / domestic / family settings
- Funding Agency
- Enterprise Ireland
- Date From
- November 2017
- Date To
- July 2018
- Title
- Summary
- Co-applicant to the IDS-TILDA. This is a longitudinal study researching ageing in Ireland among people with an intellectual disability aged 40 and over.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2018
- Date To
- 2022
- Title
- A participatory action research pilot study to enhance long term care planning for older people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) in Ireland and their families.
- Summary
- The development, implementation, and evaluation of a pilot intervention to address families' future care planning to support older people with an ID to age in a place of their choosing. This participatory action research approach will involve family members and care recipients from the outset to identify challenges and facilitators for the development and implementation of future care planning at a family level with a view to devising best practice guidance for this specific transition planning. This will enable the development of a long term care planning model/tool for Older People with an ID. In addition, this participatory action research process engages important questions relating to demographic changes, social inclusion and care provision in contemporary Irish society so as to inform social policy at a national level and link practice and policy at a regional and local level.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 2017
- Date To
- 2018
- Title
- Understanding family strategies that enable long term and sustainable home environments for older people with an Intellectual Disability
- Summary
- The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) is the first and most extensive such study to be conducted in Ireland or in the EU, and it is recognised internationally as pioneering in this field. This study provides the definitive and most nationally representative sample of older people with an ID. Within this study the now completed "Carer's Self-Completion Questionnaire" has a sample of 62 carers of older people with an ID living within family settings. The key methodology employed in this study entailed qualitative focus groups and interviews with these families. All focus group discussions were transcribed and data inputted into NVIVO with data analysed and mined to extract key themes and concepts. Objectives: . Describe the decision making process within families caring for an older person with an ID 1. Describe strategies for long term care planning within families 2. Describe patterns of transfer of care (parent to sibling, sibling to sibling etc) 3. Describe key family, economic, environmental, and social factors influencing strategies for long term family care . Illuminate barriers and enablers for families with an older person with ID 1. Identify pressure points for these families 2. Identify strategies, supports and enablers which sustain older people with ID within the family and community setting including the role of caregiving networks and supportive neighbours and communities . Identify best practice for supporting families with an older person with ID 1. Identify gaps between family experiences and the aspirations of contemporary ID social policy 2. Articulate the perceptions of families with regard to future policy 3. Propose models of support that facilitate family engagement and capacity in sustaining older people with an ID within the community
- Funding Agency
- National Disability Authority
- Date From
- March 2015
- Date To
- December 2016
- Title
- An Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing TILDA. Wave II III.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board & Department of Health
- Date From
- November 2012
- Date To
- November 2018
- Title
- Young adults in the Irish criminal justice system-mental health provision
- Summary
- This research project examines current mental health provision for young people in contact with the criminal justice system. It is funded by the Irish Prison Reform Trust (IPRT). This project involves the conducting of a comprehensive review of the literature to focus on current mental health provision for young people in contact with the criminal justice system and to describe international best practice. It also involves interviewing/consulting with key stakeholders in this field. The outcome of this research is publication of a final report and evidence-based policy recommendations.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Prison Reform Trust
- Date From
- June 2015
- Date To
- June 2016
- Title
- Understanding the contributors to better integration and community participation by persons with severe and profound intellectual disability
- Summary
- A Time to Move On from Congregated Settings: A Strategy for Community Inclusion (HSE, 2011) recommends a model of community inclusion to support people with an intellectual disability currently living in congregated settings to move to dispersed housing in ordinary communities. However, there is insufficient data on how successful community inclusion and community participation may be achieved for people with severe and profound intellectual disability. As a means of filling this gap, the research team, working with Inclusion Ireland conducted in-depth interviews with carers and service managers of older people with severe and profound intellectual disability to discern best practices, develop training and capacity building, and inform public policy.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- January 2015
- Date To
- December 2016
- Title
- A Consideration of the Mental Health Promotion Policies and Programs in the Eastern Health Board Region, in the Context of a Developed Theory of Mental Health Promotion
- Summary
- This research considered whether the theory of mental health promotion is reflected in the mental health promotion policies and programmes within the Eastern Health Board (EHB) region in the period 1995-2000. Research methods utilised included concept analysis, documentary analysis, and semi structured interviews. This research established that gaps exist between mental health promotion theory and the mental health promotion policies and programs in the EHB region. Strategies including programs of education were proposed and key recommendations were made.
- Date To
- 2000
- Title
- "Behind the Walls" (TV documentary RTE 9.30-10.30 September 5th & 12th)
- Summary
- My research was drawn on and I contributed to a 2 part TV documentary "Behind the Walls" (Produced by Mary Raftery). This was a very significant research output which had an important impact at the political, public and academic level.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2009
- Date To
- 2011
- Title
- An Irish State of Mind (TV4 February 2014)
- Summary
- My research was drawn on and contributed to a 3 part TV documentary "An Irish State of Mind"(Produced by Brendan Culleton). This research output explored the history and treatment of mental health in Ireland over the past three centuries .
- Funding Agency
- TV4
- Date From
- 2013
- Date To
- 2014
- Title
- A visual history of the "The Architecture of Confinement in Ireland"
- Summary
- This research involves an exploration of the architecture of confinement in Ireland particularly the architecture of asylum buildings, workhouses and Magdalene laundries. This research involves field visits to these sites of confinement, the archiving of maps, the collection of architectural plans and the photographing of these buildings. The emerging sociological themes of structure, system, power, control, shame, stigma, myth and institutionalisation are being examined, in particular how these buildings can interact and affect human behaviour. This research is timely and urgent as many of these buildings are currently being sold and converted to apartment type private accommodation.
- Date From
- 2001
- Date To
- to Date
I am currently leading and chairing a collaboration with Family Careers Ireland, which is exploring the 'social contract' for care provision in Ireland. Supported by funding from the IRC, this collaboration is focused on the development of social policy which navigates the relationship between the State, the Family and the Individual in terms of responsibility for care provision in Ireland.
Member of Numerous External Interview Panels
Member of International Election Observer Register; European Commission Election Observation Mission (2000-to date). Observer of Albanian General Elections (2001) - Selected as Observer for Pakistani Elections Mission (Election monitoring mission withdrawn prior to deployment)
Presenter and Contributor at a Round Table meeting with the HSE National Clinical Programme for People with Disability and Trinity Center for Ageing and Intellectual Disability
Board Member, Greystones Family Resource Centre
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland Subject Lead (Sociology) contributor to new NMBI Standards and Requirements for Nurse Registration Programmes
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Invited Contributor to 'Mary Raftery Journalism Fund - Screening of Behind the Walls and Seminar - Are you sitting Comfortably? and Roundtable on Documentary Film Making Ethics. Irish Film Institute / Broadcasting Authority of Ireland / RTE
Member of Delegation to Present to Oireachtas Sub Committee on Ageing and ID
Member of Delegation to Present to Department of Health and Children on Ageing and ID
Peer Reviewer, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine
Invited Speaker, Law Society of Ireland, 'Are our prisons becoming twenty-first Century asylums for the mentally ill'
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Nurse Management
Sociological Association of Ireland, Member of Executive.
External Examiner, BSc (Hons) Nursing, Athlone Institute of Technology
External Examiner, BSc (Hons) Nursing, Dundalk Institute of Technology
Invited Speaker to The Association of Irish Mental Health Nurse Managers
Awards and Honours
Masters in Arts (j.o.), Trinity College
An Bord Altranais, Registered Psychiatric
An Bord Altranais, Registered Nurse Tutor
Sociological Association of Ireland
European Sociological Association
International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities