Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Grant C, O'Connell S, Lillis D, Moriarty A, Fitzgerald I, Dalby L, Bannan C, Tuite H, Crowley B, Plunkett P, Kennedy U, McMahon G, McKiernan S, Norris S, Hughes G, Shields D, Bergin C, Opt-out screening for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C: observational study of screening acceptance, yield and treatment outcomes, Emerg Med J, 2019
Patrick K Plunkett, Capacity - A quart into a pint pot?, Doolin Memorial Lecture, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, December 3rd, 2016, Irish Medical Organisation
O'Connell S, Lillis D, Cotter A, O'Dea S, Tuite H, Fleming C, Crowley B, Fitzgerald I, Dalby L, Barry H, Shields D, Norris S, Plunkett PK, Bergin C., Opt-Out Panel Testing for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in an Urban Emergency Department: A Pilot Study, PLoS One, 11, (3), 2016
S O'Connell, Lillis D, O'Dea S, H Tuite, C Fleming, D Shields, S Norris, B Crowley. P Plunkett, C Bergin , Results of a Universal Testing Programme for Blood Borne Viruses in an Urban Emergency Department, including Rates of Diagnosis and Linkage to Care, AASLD The Liver Meeting, Boston, MA, November 7-11 2014, 2014
Kelleher E, Plunkett PK, O'Dwyer AM, Cooney J, Emergency Medicine Trainees' Confidence in Psychiatric Assessments, Psychosomatics, 55, (4), 2014, p415 - 417
Wakai A, O'Sullivan R, Staunton P, Walsh C, Hickey F, Plunkett PK, Development of key performance indicators for emergency departments in Ireland, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 19, (ePub Feb 29 2012), 2012
Iyer PM, McNamara PH, Fitzgerald M, Smyth L, Dardis C, Jawad T, Plunkett PK, Doherty CP,, A seizure care pathway in the emergency department: preliminary quality and, Epilepsy Research and Treatment, (Epub May 29 2012 ), 2012, p273175
Plunkett PK, Byrne DG, Breslin T, Bennett K, silke B, Increasing wait times predict increasing mortality in emergency medical admissions, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 18, 2011
Miró OS, Burillo-Putze G, Plunkett PK, Brown AF, Female representation on emergency medicine editorial teams., EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 17, (2), 2010, p84 - 88
F McCarthy, S De Bhaldraithe, C Rice, CG McMahon, U Geary, PK Plunkett, P Crean, R Murphy, B Foley, N Mulvihill, RA Kenny, CJ Cunningham., Resource utilization for syncope presenting to an acute hospital Emergency Department., Irish Joural of Medical Science., 179, (4), 2010, p551 - 555
O'Kelly FD, Teljeur C, Carter I, Plunkett PK, The impact of a GP cooperative on lower-acuity Emergency Department attendances, Emergency Medicine Journal, 27, (10), 2010, p770 - 773
McCarthy F, McMahon CG, Geary U, Plunkett PK, Kenny RA, Cunningham CJ, Management of syncope in the Emergency Department: a single hospital observational case series based on the application of European Society of Cardiology Guidelines, Europace, 11, (2), 2009, p216 - 224
Plunkett PK, If Emergency Medicine didn't already exist, it would have to be invented, College of Emergency Medicine Autumn Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 25th September, 2008, College of Emergency Medicine
Plunkett PK, Calling Time for Strokes, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15, (6), 2008, p309 - 310
MRC CRASH Trial Collaborators, Perel P, Arango M, Clayton T, Edwards P, Komolafe E, Poccock S, Roberts I, Shakur H, Steyerberg E, Yutthakasemsunt S, Predicting outcome after traumatic brain injury: practical prognostic models based on large cohort of international patients, BMJ, 336, (7641), 2008, p425 - 429
Plunkett PK, Ad astra: EJEM is cited at last, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15, (1), 2008, p1 - 2
Plunkett PK, Evolution - a slow and eventful process., European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15, (3), 2008, p2
Jackson A, Deasy C, Geary UM, Plunkett PK, Harbison J. , Validation of the use of the ROSIER stroke recognition instrument in an Irish emergency department. , Irish Journal of Medical Science, 177, (3), 2008, p189 - 192
Cullen, IM, Cafferty, F, Oon, SF, Manecksha, R, Shields, D, Grainger, R, McDermott, TED, Plunkett, P, Meaney, J, Lynch, TH, Evaluation of Evaluation of Suspected Renal Colic with Noncontrast CT in the Emergency Department: A Single Institution Study, Journal of Endourology, 22, (11), 2008, p2441 - 2445
Plunkett PK, Professionalism and advocacy, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14, (4), 2007, p185 - 187
Plunkett PK, Editorial: State of the Nation at EJEM, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14, (6), 2007, p313 - 314
Casey H, Plunkett PK, General Practice Referral Letters - "Tell me what you want", Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland, 10th Annual scientific meeting, Dublin, March 1st to 2nd, 2007
Plunkett PK, Testing, testing: 1,2,3,4..., European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14, (5), 2007, p245 - 246
Plunkett P K , Editorial, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14, (2), 2007, p63 - 64
K. MURRAY-LILLIBRIDGE , J. BARRY, S. REAGAN , D. O'FLANAGAN , G. SAYERS , C. BERGIN , E. KEENAN , S. O'BRIAIN, P. PLUNKETT , G. MCMAHON, C. KEANE , P. O'SULLIVAN , D. IGOE, L. MULLEN, M. WARD , A. SMITH and M. FISCHER, Epidemiological findings and medical, legal, and public health challenges of an investigation of severe soft tissue infections and deaths among injecting drug users - Ireland, 2000., Epidemiology and Infection, 134, (4), 2006, p894 - 901
Plunkett PK, Shaping up to the future of shadows and spin, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 13, (4), 2006, p189 - 191
Plunkett P K , The development of Emergency Medicine in Europe - from childhood to adulthood, European Journal of Emergency Medicine , 13, (3), 2006, p127 - 128
Plunkett PK, Emergency Medicine in Europe - time constraints may be universal, but are we seeing the same patients?, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 13, (6), 2006, p321 - 324
Plunkett P K , First aid, fast track and the fertile fields of peer review., European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 13, (1), 2006, p1 - 2
Plunkett P K , Blocked, bothered and bewildered am I, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 13, (2), 2006, p65 - 66
Edwards, P, Arango, M, Balica, L, Cottingham, R, El-Sayed, H, Farrell, B, Fernandes, J, Gogichaisvili, T, Golden, N, Hartzenberg, B, Husain, M, Ulloa, MI, Jerbi, Z, Khamis, H, Komolafe, E, Laloe, V, Lomas, G, Ludwig, S, Mazairac, G, Sanchz, MDAM, Nasi, L, Olldashi, F, Plunkett, P, Roberts, I, Sandercock, P, Shakur, H, Soler, C, Stocker, R, Svoboda, P, Trenkler, S, Venkataramana, NK, Wasserberg, J, Yates, D, Yutthakasemsunt, S, Final results of MRC CRASH, a randomised placebo-controlled trial of intravenous corticosteroid in adults with head injury - outcomes at 6 months, LANCET, 365, 2005
Jabbar A, Reynolds JV, Plunkett PK, Stab to second intercostal space: a bubbling extrapleural wound., Èmergency Medicine Journal, 22, (12), 2005, p916 - 918
Edwards P, Arango M, Balica L et al, Final results of MRC CRASH, a randomised placebo-controlled trial of intravenous corticosteroid in adults with head injury-outcomes at 6 months., Lancet 9475 , 365, (9475), 2005, p1957 - 1959
Plunkett P K , Sharing knowledge: coincidences, cooperation and collegiality, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12, (5), 2005, p211 - 212
Plunkett P K , Fire, earth, wind and water, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12, (6), 2005, p261 - 262
Plunkett P K , Beattie T F, Time for change: evolution, not revolution., European Journal of Emergency Medicine , 12, (1), 2005, p1
Beattie T, Plunkett P, Emergency medicine research, European Journal of Emergency Medicine , 12, (2), 2005, p45 - 46
Canavan M, Gallagher A, O'Dowd S, Plunkett P, O'Neill D., Non-collision bus injuries: a particular hazard for older people?, Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp53
Murphy AW, Byrne M, Plunkett P, McGee H, Bury G, Alternatives for automated communication in research, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 42, (5), 2003, p712 - 713
Cullen W, Griffin S, Bury G, Plunkett P, Opiate overdose in dublin, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 172, (1), 2003, p46
Byrne M, Murphy AW, Plunkett PK, McGee HM, Murray A, Bury G., Frequent attenders to an emergency department: a study of primary health care use, medical profile, and psychosocial characteristics., annals of Emergency Medicine, 41, (3), 2003, p309 - 318
Cullen W, Griffin s, Bury G, Plunkett PK, Opiate overdose in Dublin, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Annual Scientific Conference, Royal College of Physicians in Ireland, 172, (1), Springer London, 2003, pp46-
Petrino R, Bodiwala G, Meulemans A, Plunkett P, Williams D; European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM)., EuSEM core curriculum for emergency medicine, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9, (4), 2002, p308 - 314
Bury G, Hungerford P, Langton D, Plunkett P., A & E services in Ireland: the potential role of general practice in accident and emergency services, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 169, (4), 2000, p245 - 247
Murphy AW, Plunkett PK, Bury G, Leonard C, Walsh J, Lynam F, Johnson Z., Effect of patients seeing a general practitioner in accident and emergency on their subsequent reattendance: cohort study, British Medical Journal, 320, (7239), 2000, p903 - 904
Gibney D, Murphy AW, Barton D, Byrne C, Smith M, Bury G, Mullan E, Plunkett PK., Randomized controlled trial of general practitioner versus usual medical care in a suburban accident and emergency department using an informal triage system., British Journal of General Practice, 49, (438), 1999, p43 - 44
Murphy AW, Leonard C, Plunkett PK, Brazier H, Conroy R, Lynam F, Bury G., Characteristics of attenders and their attendances at an urban accident and emergency department over a one year period, Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine, 16, (6), 1999, p425 - 427
Ryan JM, McCarthy G, Plunkett PK., Regional intravenous infusion of calcium gluconate for hydrofluoric acid burns of the upper extremity, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 31, (4), 1998, p526 - 527
Quin GI, Fanning NF, Plunkett PK., Nutmeg intoxication, Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine, 15, (4), 1998, p287 - 288
Murphy AW, Leonard C, Plunkett PK, Bury G, Lynam F, Smith M, Gibney D., Effect of the introduction of a financial incentive for fee-paying A&E attenders to consult their general practitioner before attending the A&E department, Family Practitioner, 14, (5), 1997, p407 - 410
Ryan JM, McCarthy GM, Plunkett PK., Regional intravenous calcium--an effective method of treating hydrofluoric acid burns to limb peripheries, Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine, 14, (6), 1997, p401 - 402
Murphy AW, Bury G, Plunkett PK, Gibney D, Smith M, Mullan E, Johnson Z., Randomised controlled trial of general practitioner versus usual medical care in an urban accident and emergency department: process, outcome, and comparative cost., British Medical Journal, 312, (7039), 1996, p1135 - 1142
Gibney D, Murphy AW, Smith M, Bury G, Plunkett PK., Attitudes of Dublin accident and emergency department doctors and nurses towards the services offered by local general practitioners., Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine, 12, (4), 1995, p262 - 265
Ryan JM, Noone E, Plunkett PK., Review of a mobile accident and emergency unit at a rock concert, Irish Medical Journal, 87, (5), 1994, p148 - 149
Kidney DD, McCarthy G, Ryan J, Plunkett PK., Bilateral rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid, Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine, 11, (2), 1994, p127 - 128
Desmond N, Murphy M, Plunkett P, Mulcahy F., Use of a Dublin inner city A & E department by patients with known HIV-1 infection, International Journal of STD and AIDS, 4, (4), 1993, p222 - 225
Murphy AW, Martyn C, Plunkett PK, O'Connor P., Sports injuries and the accident and emergency department--ten years on, Irish Medical Journal, 85, (1), 1992, p30 - 33
Plunkett PK., Inter-scalene brachial plexus blocks, Archives of Emergency Medicine, 7, (2), 1990, p122-
Edwards JD, Grant PT, Plunkett P, Nightingale P., The haemodynamic effects of sublingual nitroglycerin spray in severe left ventricular failure., Intensive Care Medicine, 15, (4), 1989, p247 - 249
Redmond AD, Richards S, Plunkett PK., The significance of random breath alcohol sampling in the accident and emergency department, Alcohol and Alcoholism, 22, (4), 1987, p341 - 343
Plunkett PK, Redmond AD, Billsborough SH., Cervical subluxation: a deceptive soft tissue injury, Journal of the Royal society of Medicine, 80, (1), 1987, p46 - 47
Redmond AD, Plunkett PK., Intraosseous infusion, Archives of Emergency Medicine, 3, (4), 1986, p231 - 233
Plunkett PK, Wilkins RG, Edwards JD, Early management of spinal injury (Letter), British Medical Journal, 292, (6518), 1986, p485 - 485
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Plunkett PK, Management of Status Epilepticus in the Emergency Department, 2008 Winter Symposium on Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care, Karpacz, Poland, Feb 28th - Mar 4th, 2008, Polish Society for Emergency Medicine
Plunkett PK, Emergency Medicine, a crucial specialty, IV National Congress on Emergency Medicine, Antalya, Turkey, May, 2008, Emergency Physicians Association of Turkey
Plunkett PK, Friends, Family and "Frequent flyers", 2008 Winter Symposium on Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care, Karpacz, Poland, Feb 28th - Mar 4th, 2008, Polish Society for Emergency Medicine
Plunkett PK, How to make your paper more acceptable to the Journal Editor, IV National Congress on Emergency Medicine, Antalya, Turkey, May, 2008, Emergency Physicians Association of Turkey
Plunkett PK, Measuring competency in training and research , 4th European Congress on Emergency Medicine, Heraklion, Crete, October 4th to 8th, 2006
Plunkett PK, European Working Time Directive - Implications for training , 4th European Congress on Emergency Medicine, Heraklion, Crete, October 4th to 8th, 2006
Plunkett PK, Intravenous Drug Abuse: Severe Unexplained Infections, 2nd Mediterranean Emergency Medicine congress, Sitges, Spain, September 13-17, 2003, European society for Emergency Medicine - American Academy of Emergency Medicine
Plunkett PK, How Professional Examinations Can Be Used to Modify Attitudes to Research Methodology, 2nd Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Sitges, Spain, Sept 13- 17, 2003, European Society for Emergency Medicine - -American Academy for Emergency Medicine
Research Expertise
Member, Fitness to Practice Committee, Medical Council
Chair, Health Committee, CORU
Council Member, Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council
Member, Medical Advisors Group (MAG) of Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC)
Chair, Fitness to Practice Committee, PHECC
Member, Section of Emergency Medicine, UEMS
Member, Professional Standards Committee, College of Emergency Medicine
Chair of National Board for Ireland and Council member, College of Emergency Medicine
Board Member, Faculty of Accident & Emergency Medicine (Granted Royal Charter as "College of Emergency Medicine", 2008)
Member, Education and Examination committee, Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine
Chairman, Advisory Committee on Emergency Medicine Training (ACEMT); Member, Irish Surgical Post-Graduate Training Committee (ISPTC) and Member, Basic Surgical Training committee (BST), Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
Editor-in-Chief European Journal of Emergency Medicine
Emeritus Editor European Journal of Emergency Medicine
Council Member and member of Executive Committee, European Society for Emergency Medicine
Member, Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Committee - RCSI
Awards and Honours
Knight of Grace, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
Serving Brother, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
Lord Mayor's Award, Dublin
Medical Adviser/ Lead - St John Ambulance, Ireland
Commissioner, St John Ambulance Brigade of Ireland
Member of Editorial Boards of the European Journal of Emergency Medicine, the Polish Journal of Emergency Medicine and of "Emergencias", the Spanish emergency medicine journal
Member, Consultant Committee, Irish Medical Organisation
College Tutor and member of Specialist Advisory Board (SAB) in Accident & Emergency Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh