Course Transfer
Students may apply, through their tutor, to the Senior Lecturer for permission to transfer to another course. Transfer applications should be submitted to the Admissions Office using a standard form.
While every effort will be made to allow adequately qualified students to change course, it will not be possible to permit a transfer into a course which already has a full complement of students. In no case may students register for a course until their application to transfer has been formally approved and they have received notification from the Senior Lecturer.
The categories of transfer applicants are as follows:
(i) Newly entered Junior Freshman students who in their first term seek to transfer into the Junior Freshman year of a different course. A two-tiered system applies to applicants in this category.
First tier
Students seeking to transfer should apply by the end of the second week of Michaelmas teaching term. Decisions on applications received by the closing date will be made on the basis of (a) availability of places and (b) entry qualifications.
Second tier
Students who have not applied by the earlier date may apply for transfer up to the end of the first week of Hilary term. These requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis and students are eligible for only such course vacancies as still exist after the earlier transfer period. In no case can acceptance of late transfer be cited by students as grounds for poor performance at examinations.
(ii) Continuing Junior Freshman students and non Junior Freshman students seeking to transfer into the Junior Freshman year of a different course.
Students in this category should apply before 1 August and will be assessed on the basis of their original entry qualifications. Students who miss this cut-off date may apply in the same way as newly entered Junior Freshman students, i.e. by the end of the second week of Michaelmas teaching term or the end of the first week of Hilary term.
(iii) Continuing Junior Freshman students and non Junior Freshman students seeking to transfer into a year other than the Junior Freshman year of a different course.
Students in this category should apply no later than the Friday before the start of Michaelmas teaching term and will be assessed, after consultation with the departments concerned, on the basis of original entry qualifications and results of College examinations