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Courses are examined by a combination of continuous assessment and formal examination.

Examination Timetables

The onus lies on each student to establish the dates, times and venues of examinations/term tests by consulting the timetables, and ensure their availability during these times of the year. Under no circumstances should students arrange to be away from College during these times. The Supplemental Examination timetable is now available from the Academic Registry web site.

Foundation Scholarship

Sociology and Social Policy candidates are examined in the subjects of their course up to the end of Michaelmas term of the Senior Freshman year. The scope of each paper is described in the relevant Course Handbooks.

Overview and in depth explanation of the papers per discipline.


Students who consider that illness may prevent them from attending an examination (or any part thereof) should consult their medical adviser and request a medical certificate for an appropriate period. If a certificate is granted, it must be presented to the student's tutor and the relevant departmental office within three days of the beginning of the period of absence from the examination. The tutor must immediately forward the certificate to the Office of the Vice Provost. Medical certificates must state that the student is unfit to sit examinations. Medical certificates will not be accepted in explanation for poor performance.

Students who are granted an excused absence for mid-year tests on the basis of a medical certificate will not be penalised in terms of their annual examination result. However, as no marks can be carried forward to the annual examination, student will have their final exam count for a larger percentage of their mark.

Medical certificates will not be accepted in explanation for poor performance.

Examination Conventions

A students' overall grade for his or her year is determined by the Court of Examiners. The Court of Examiners uses a set of conventions to determine the grade to be awarded for a particular set of marks. These conventions, (updated to reflect the new harmonisation of assessment models approved by Council in May 2012) are guidelines only, and the Court of Examiners meeting always makes the final decision. Full details of Harmonisation of Assessment and Progression Regulations.

For further information please consult the College Calendar.