Current PhD Research Students
There are currently 19 PhD students in the School. Profiles of some of the students are given below.
Name: Kathryn Grey Ammon
Supervisor: Dr Catherine Conlon
Nationality: American.
Working Title of PhD: Legacy Data: Assembling 30 Years of Irish Abortion Narratives
Description of Research: My research engages with a unique data archive held by my supervisor which contains three decades of interviews with Irish women seeking abortion services—with two data sets being Irish women who travelled to British clinics, and the later set being post-repeal. Using the theoretical frameworks of Yuval-Davis and Deluze, this research hopes to understand how changing social policy around abortion materially affected women seeking abortion services over time, and their own relationships to their positionality, gender, and subjectivity. Using a mixed methods model of Constructivist Grounded Theory and “big” secondary qualitative data analysis, this work also seeks to understand traveling to access abortion as destabilizing traditional understandings of Irish motherhood and Irish citizenship in the postcolonial context. The relationship between gender and nation in Ireland has been well-documented in the context of abortion regulation—however, this archive is the only known large-scale collection of interviews with Irish abortion-seeking women and this data collection serves as a great opportunity to use secondary analysis methods to examine large-scale change.
Funder of Research (where relevant): PhD Provost’s Award.
NAME: Sarah Anglim
Supervisor: Dr Erna O’Connor
Nationality: Irish
Working title of PhD: Exploring the uptake of health promotion advice among head and neck cancer patients
Description of Research: The purpose of this study is to explore and examine the behaviours associated the uptake of health promotion advice including alcohol and tobacco use following a head and neck cancer diagnosis. The research participants will have a head and neck cancer diagnosis linked to a history of tobacco and/or alcohol consumption. The research participants will narrate their cancer journeys. In facilitating this study, I hope to help healthcare workers to understand this patient group using their experiences of their head and neck cancer diagnosis and gain a greater understanding of this group’s health related behaviours following their diagnosis.
Funder of the research (where relevant): St Luke’s Hospital Cancer Research Fund
Name: Srimoyee Biswas
Supervisor: Dr Joe Whelan and Dr Catherine Conlon
Nationality: Indian.
Working Title of PhD: Operationalising ‘empowerment’ and ‘negotiations’ for female Aanganwadi beneficiaries: A Study in India through the lens of gender and caste.
Description of Research: The study aims to delve into the dynamics of how women interact with welfare systems, negotiate their needs, and define empowerment within the context of caste. The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in India have significantly impacted women and children's well-being, yet there's a lack of literature on how they operationalize empowerment, especially around the lens of caste and the everydayness of their experience. The research aims to fill this gap by exploring how female beneficiaries of different caste groups navigate the welfare system from outside and within. The study's objectives include assessing welfare benefits, understanding women's responsiveness to schemes, and exploring social implications hindering maximum utilization of welfare policies. The endeavor is to shed light on the complex interplay of gender and caste in women's negotiations within welfare systems in India, with the ultimate goal of informing policy interventions and fostering gender equality and social inclusion.
Funder of Research (where relevant): Trinity Research Doctorate Award and Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship
Name: Vitalis Bengano
Supervisor: Dr. Edurne Garcia Iriarte and Co-Supervisor: Dr. Michael Feely
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Working Title of PhD: Global Disability Paradigm Shift versus Local Reality: Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities regarding the Human Rights-Based approach to disability policy and programming in Zimbabwe.
Description of Research
The inception of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in 2006 ushered in a global paradigm shift from the outmoded views of disability towards a human rights-based approach to disability policy and practice. Since then, numerous reports have been produced by state parties, DPOs, international and local NGOs ‘claiming’ to incorporate a human rights approach in their development strategies. However, there seems to be meagre empirical evidence on how persons with disabilities understand the concept of human rights and their lived experiences regarding the human rights-based approach to disability policy and practice in Zimbabwe. This study seeks to investigate how the human-rights based approaches to disability have influenced the experiences of persons with disabilities in Zimbabwe. Contra the conventional modus operandi of approaching disability research within the confines of a single narrow model, this study adopts Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of Assemblage thinking. Assemblage thinking offers a flexible theoretical and methodological framework given the fluid nature and the entangled histories of cross-border and micro-macro societal relations. Using a qualitative research approach, empirical data shall be collected through in-depth interviews and key informant interviews. Data from in-depth interviews and key-informant interviews shall either be buttressed, verified or critiqued through robust documentary analysis of selected disability policy documents and programmes in Zimbabwe.
Funder of Research (where relevant): Trinity College Dublin, School of Social Work and Social Policy 1252 Studentship
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications: At risk but underserved: Challenges faced by out-of-school youths in accessing and utilising Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Services. A case of Zimbabwe.’ Young African Leaders Summit, November 2019, Accra-Ghana. Social protection in a globalising world: Challenges and prospects for the State and non-state actors. A Case of Zimbabwe.’ University of Zimbabwe, Research Week, September 2018, Harare-Zimbabwe.
Name: Mary Condren
Supervisor: Dr Catherine Conlon
Nationality: Irish
Working Title of PhD: A study of the sets of relations evolving between lesbian couples and their GP during the process of “de novo” family formation
Description of Research:
This research project aims to explore the experience of lesbian couples (two people who identify as women), who created a family of their own through pregnancy, (“de-novo” family) of the sets of relations evolving between themselves and their family doctor during this time - from making the decisions about how to achieve pregnancy, through their journey to, hopefully, having a baby.
This will be qualitative study, interviewing couples together, who have embarked on this journey and either have had a baby or stopped trying due to fertility issues or miscarriage.
I am a retired family doctor (GP) with many years of experience counselling and caring for lesbian couples who have embarked on creating a family of their own. I also have an interest in how patients and doctors interact – the doctor / patient relationship.
Combining these two interests has led me to develop my PhD topic.
As my background is medical rather than social science, I am being introduced a new area of learning, so planning this research has been challenging and stimulating.
Funder of Research (where applicable):
Name: Soma Gregory
Supervisors: Dr Louise Caffrey, School of Social Work and Social Policy and Dr Deirdre Daly, School Nursing & Midwifery
Nationality: Irish
Working title of PhD: Women’s, midwives’ and obstetricians’ views on woman-centred maternity care in Ireland: A qualitative study utilising a Systems Theory approach
Description of Research: This study will explore experiences of receiving, and providing, woman-centred maternity care in Ireland. Both in Ireland, and internationally, a key policy objective for quality maternity services is to provide care that is ‘woman centred’. Woman-centred care is characterised by respect and responsiveness to an individual’s preferences, needs and values. Moreover, these values should guide all clinical decisions. The findings of my published MSc dissertation research (Gregory et al, 2023) found that hospital-based care was perceived less positively than homebirth care by those who had experience of both types of care. In hospitals, respectful and responsive care was found to be comparatively lacking. This research aims to assess how care provision responds to individuals’ needs and values if these are divergent from the dominant medical approach to care. This study will use a systems approach to investigate (i) how service-users (those who aspired to birth at home) and those providing their care (midwives and obstetricians) experience and understand woman-centred care, (ii) what informs their understanding and enactment of the concept, and (iii) how the policy intention is co-constructed between stakeholders. This study will help to fill the evidence gap surrounding woman-centred development of maternity services. Additionally, this research aims to feed into the policy process for the forthcoming updated National Maternity Strategy.
Funder of Research (where applicable): This research is funded by a School of Social Work and Social Policy PhD scholarship.
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications:
- Gregory, S., Caffrey, L., & Daly, D. (2023). "It could not have been more different." Comparing experiences of hospital-based birth and homebirth in Ireland: A mixed-methods survey. Women and Birth.
- Gregory S., Holt S., Barter C., Christofides N., Maremela O., Mwanda Motjuwadi N., Humphreys C., Elliffe R. & Stanley N. (2022). Public Health Directives in a Pandemic: Paradoxical Messages for Domestic Abuse Victims in Four Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
- McCaughren, S., Holt, S., Parkes, A. & Gregory, S. (2022). Report commissioned by One Family to develop and disseminate guidance on contact time for infants and young children in separated families.
- Holt, S., Elliffe, R., Gregory, S., & Curry P. (2022). Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The British Journal of Social Work.
- Holt, S., Gregory, S., & Elliffe, R. (2022). Opening up a national conversation on domestic abuse: Awareness raising campaigns in Ireland during Covid-19. A Case Study. Available from:
- Holt, S., Butler, E., Gregory, S., & Elliffe, R. (2021). "Covid was definitely a burden but it was also a gift": Interrogating the Irish response to domestic abuse. Available from:
Conference papers
- Gregory, S. Caffrey, L. & Daly, D. (2023, July 4th). "It could not have been more different." Comparing perceptions of hospital-based birth and homebirth in Ireland. Northern Maternity and Midwifery Festival, Manchester, UK.
- Holt, S., & Gregory, S., Elliffe, R., & Curry P. (2023, Apr 13th). Social work practice with families living with domestic violence and abuse in Ireland during the Covid-19 pandemic: Challenges and opportunities. European Conference on Social Work Research, Milan, Italy.
- Holt, S., & Gregory, S. (2022, Dec 7th) “It was powerful because it was named” Identifying learning from domestic abuse public messaging during Covid-19 to inform future policy. Webinar for the Connect Centre, University Central Lancashire UCLAN (Online).
- Holt, S., & Gregory, S., Butler, E., & Elliffe, R. (2022, May 10th) "Covid was definitely a burden but it was also a gift": Interrogating the Irish response to domestic abuse. Paper presented at the DAHLIA-19 International Workshop, Lake District, UK.
Supervisors: Dr. Edurne Garcia Iriarte and Dr. Philip Curry
Nationality: British
Working title of PhD: Strategies for identifying childhood disability and their consequences for measuring child outcomes over time: a mixed-method, multiple-case analysis of national birth cohort studies
Description of research: Research output drawing on data from longitudinal birth cohort studies has grown significantly over the past two decades. Questions around the prevalence and trajectory of childhood disabilities over time, and outcomes for children with disabilities, are amongst the varied issues which researchers have sought to explore with such data. However, child cohort studies are varied both in methodology and instrumentation, which in turn may influence the findings of research which draws on them. This proposed study will focus in particular on the options for disability definition and measurement in a subset of such studies. It will sensitivity test a variety of approaches through secondary research, to discern any possible patterns between these strategies and findings for outcomes of children with disabilities. Improved understanding of any possible relationships between measurement and outcomes can inform the choice of measures in future research.
Funder of the research (where relevant):
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications:
- Swift, A., Iriarte, E.G., Curry, P. et al. How Disability and Other Socio-Economic Factors Matter to Children’s Socio-Emotional Outcomes: Results from a Longitudinal Study Conducted in Ireland. Child Ind Res (2020).
- Swift, A. (2019). Differences in Socio-Emotional Outcomes between Children with a Disability
and from a Migrant Background and their Typically Developing Peers. Growing Up in Ireland 11th Annual Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
NAME: Rose Doolan Maher
Supervisors: Dr. Susan Flynn and Dr. Julie Byrne
Nationality: Irish
Working Title of PhD: Virtual Harm: Disability Associated Child Protection Risks and the Internet.
Description of Research This PhD topic fits into a wider research project with two distinct central research questions:
- PhD focus: Does the Internet present child protection and welfare risks for children with disabilities?
- Wider Project: What is the nature of risk in internet usage for disabled individuals who are deemed to pose a risk to children.
The boundaries of this PhD research study form its basis within three theoretical and professional components – disability, child protection and the Internet. The importance of this research question lies in a profound knowledge gap on disability and the internet specific to child protection and welfare concerns. Critical realism Roy Bhaskar (1989) forms a theoretical foundation within this research project presented as a middle ground alternate to social constructivism and positivism. This is fitting as a mixed method PhD, attempting to address the complex intersection that lies within disability, internet use and child protection and welfare. Rapid changes exist in internet use with a consistent influx of new digital media options available to children. This research aims to play a part in offering insights from the voices of young people with disabilities about their view of how internet use impacts their world. The perspective of parents of children with disabilities is also presented.
Funder of Research (where relevant). This research is funded under the Provost’s PhD Project Award.
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications:
- Rose Doolan Maher, Susan Flynn & Julie Byrne (2024) Shifting Mindsets; A Critical Commentary on Child Protection and Welfare, Disability, and Online Risk Through Critical Literature Review, Child Care in Practice, DOI: 10.1080/13575279.2024.2309097
- Flynn, S., Maher, R. D., & Byrne, J. (2023). Child protection and welfare risks and opportunities related to disability and internet use: Broadening current conceptualisations through critical literature review. Children and Youth Services Review, 107410.
- Doolan, R. 2005. “Aftercare” in Applied Social Care Introduction for Irish Students. Edited by, Perry Share, & Niall McElwee. Gill & Macmillan. ISBN: 0-7171-3839-9
- Doolan, Maher R., (2024) Reflections on interviewing young people with disabilities: the interview process as a means of supporting identity. (Oral presentation) 11th Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice Conference.
- Doolan Maher R., (2023) Reflections on the impact of internet use on relationships in social care’. Social Care Ireland Annual Conference.
- Doolan, Maher R., (2023) Disability Associated Child Protection Risk in the Virtual World: The Exposure of Children and Young People with Disabilities to Child Protection Risks Online. (Poster presentation), 10th Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice Conference.
Orchid ID: 0000-0002-3391-7224
NAME: Sarah Male
Supervisor: Dr Julie Byrne
Nationality: American
Working title of PhD: Hospital Discharge Planning: How Professionals Collaborate in Team Structures to Coordinate a Patient’s Discharge Plan
Description of research: Hospitals today are dependent upon the successful collaboration of multiple professionals to achieve the growing policy objective of integrated healthcare. This integration requires the healthcare organization to collaborate within its own organizational boundaries, and for each professional within the organization to collaborate within their own professional boundaries. Collaboration between multiple professionals, each of whom has been shaped by their own profession-specific frameworks, theories and goals, is clearly required in the work of the discharge planning team. Hospitals in both Ireland and the United States are mandated to have written discharge planning polices and procedures and it is the responsibility of the discharge planning team to carry out these policies and procedures. Implicit to the successful patient discharge is the ability of these multiple professionals to collaborate. However, as the literature shows, though professionals may be co-located on the same team, their co-placement does not ensure effective collaboration. In order to de-mystify the elements of successful collaboration, this qualitative study aims to identify how the professionals involved in hospital discharge planning collaborate through an embedded multiple-case study design, utilizing observation and semi-structured interviews.
Funder of the research (where relevant): 3rd year of this study was funded by the School of Social Work and Social Policy 1252 Studentship, Trinity College Dublin
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications:
- Male, S & Bryne, J. (2019). Book Review of The Psychology of Oppression by E.J.R. David & Annie O. Derthick, Groupwork Journal special issue on Political Oppress.
- “Education Social Workers for Multi-Disciplinary Hospital Discharge Planning,” presentation at the European Association of Schools of Social Work Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 4-7, 2019
Name: Irene Murphy
Supervisor: Dr Erna O’Connor
Nationality: Irish
Working Title of PhD: Exploring the Network Experiences of Parents of Minor Children after the Death of A Co-parent
Description of Research: The aim of this research is to explore the relational experiences of loss and support of men and women with young children, now parenting alone after the death of their co-parent. Much of the work in this area to date has focussed on ‘risk’ of poor outcome for children and for the surviving parent. Exploration of the relational aspect of the loss tends to be concentrated on improving parenting practices and parent child relationships to ameliorate difficulties in the future, an important area of concern. However, illness, death, and bereavement are experiences situated in a wider context of extended family, community, and other networks. Yet, there has been less research undertaken on the impact of loss of a partner and co-parent on the relational aspects of the lives of these young parents, particularly in the Irish context. As a result, much less is known about how relationships with extended family, schools, workplace, neighbourhood, friendship circles, in-laws are impacted by the death and about how surviving parents navigate these changes. This study aims to address the relational experience of loss, using a narrative approach. Research participants were recruited through a specialist palliative care service. The dialogical theoretical perspective of Mikhail Bakhtin underpins the methodology used in this constructionist research. Ecomaps are used as a tool to illuminate the different relational systems within which research participants are embedded.
Funder of the Research (where relevant): Marymount University Hospital and Hospice, Cork
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications:
Conference Paper:
- Murphy, I (2023) Exploring the potential of eco-maps to facilitate co-creation of knowledge as part of a study with bereaved parents on engagement with social networks (Oral Presentation) European Social Work Research Conference, Milan
Name: Michaela Nudo
Supervisors: Dr Ann Nolan and Dr Leigh-Ann Sweeney
Nationality: Canadian
Working Title of PhD: Bridging Barriers: Reframing Community-Driven Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Interventions for Gypsy, Roma, and Irish Traveller (GRT) Women in Ireland
Description of Research
This project investigates the multi-variable and eco-social causes behind sexual and reproductive health (SRH) disparities experienced by GRT women in Ireland. By contextualizing cultural and historical relationships between GRT communities and the Irish state, it aims to uncover structural inequities and highlight participant-led policy solutions. Engaging GRT women as active collaborators, rather than subjects, the research emphasizes transparency and inclusivity in data collection. Recognizing longstanding distrust of outside researchers, it employs ethical engagement strategies to foster trust and strengthen community ownership of outcomes. In three phases, the project will (1) complete a comprehensive literature review of conceptual frameworks and existing policies, (2) undertake qualitative research alongside secondary data analysis, and (3) conduct semi-structured interviews with both GRT women and policymakers responsible for SRH in Ireland.
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications
Recent conference contributions include Intersectional Approaches to Understanding Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Disparities (2024), delivered at the CRN & UCD CHilD-RC Annual Conference, and Ethnic Barriers to Participating in Multi-Level Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2024), presented at the International Political Science Association’s 75th Anniversary Conference. Earlier presentations examined ethnopolitics in the Balkans and the impact of corruption on vulnerable communities. Publications encompass articles in Eurasiatique (2023, 2022) addressing refugee care during COVID-19 in Greece, vaccine accessibility for asylum seekers in Germany, and historical analyses of medical innovation. Collectively, these scholarly activities align with the overarching goal of promoting equitable, community-driven policy reforms in under-served populations.
Name: Jianing Zhu
Supervisors: Dr Catherine Elliott O'Dare and Dr Catherine Conlon
Nationality: Chinese
Working Title of PhD: Understanding the Experiences of Senior Volunteers in Time Banks: A Qualitative Study Based in Shanghai
Description of Research: According to the National Bureau of Statistics (2022), by the end of 2021, China's old population aged 65 and above reached more than 200 million, accounting for 14.2% of the country's total population. Facing the considerable pressure of population aging, the existing social services for older care are not able to support the expanding service demands. In recent years, the mutual-aid elder care model has been introduced as a feasible approach to increase the elder care provision. The time bank, as one of the typical mutual-aid models, is promising to become a crucial measure to solve the issue of insufficient older care resources and to improve the quality of life of the senior population (Ou & Hu, 2017). This PhD study seeks to illuminate how the voluntary practices are understood and experienced within time banks by volunteers, including the motivations, challenges, personal perceptions and social interactions associated with their engagement. The findings of this study could inform policy makers and activist groups both nationally and internationally, who seek social change in terms of older care, as well as inform debates on building an age-friendly future.
Funder of the research (where relevant): China Scholarship Council (CSC) – Trinity College Dublin Joint Scholarship.
NAME: Amy Stapleton
Supervisor: Dr Paula Mayock
Nationality: Irish
Working title of PhD: Aging Out: The Experiences of Separated Children’s Transition to Adulthood
Description of Research: This study is about young people who, as children, left their homes in Sub Saharan Africa without their parents or guardians, and made their way to France in search of a better future. Using a participatory action research (PAR) approach with critical underpinnings, the research supported 12 separated young people to participate in an investigation of their perspectives on, and experiences of, their lives in Northern France. The core aims of the study are to produce a detailed analysis and contextualised understanding of the experiences of the young people during the transition to adulthood.
Funder of the research (where relevant): Irish Research Council under the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Programme.
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications:
- Stapleton, A. and Mayock, P. (working paper). Critical reflection as a tool to recognise and address power: A PAR study with separated young people.
- Stapleton, A., Mecea, M. and Beqiri, L. (2016). The European Union’s Contributions to International Stability: The Role of Education and Study Mobilities, AI & SOCIETY Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication. 31(3).
Most recent academic conferences related to PhD research include but are not limited:
- Life in Europe: Exploring the factors shaping aged-out separated children’s transition to adulthood’ at a Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC) PhD Seminar. TCD, Ireland. 12 March 2020.
- Participatory Action Research with Separated Young People: Overcoming Dilemmas in the Field. CARN- ALARA 2019 Conference ‘Imagine Tomorrow: Practitioner Learning for the Future. Split, Croatia. 17-19 October 2019.
- Participatory Action Research with Separated Young People: Overcoming Dilemmas in the Field. Children’s Research Network PhD Symposium 2019 ‘Doing Research for and with Children and Young People’. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway. 28 August 2019.
- Understanding the Lived Experiences of Separated Young People during the Transition to Adulthood in France, 9th International Annual Action. Research Colloquium UCD, Ireland. 28 June 2019.
- Unaccompanied Minors: Policy and Practice in European countries. University of Lille. France. 27 June 2019.
- Policy workshop sharing the perspectives of separated young people. Lost in Migration Conference, Missing Children in Europe. University of Valetta. Malta. 20-22 February 2019.
- Participatory Action Research with Separated Young People: Ethical Dilemmas. 8th International Annual Action. Research Colloquium UCD, Ireland. 27 June 2018.
Reports and other publications:
- Daniels, C., Roche, G., Hamill, C., Kaster, F., Stapleton, A., and Van Ravenstein, H. (in press). Enabling Entrepreneurship for Young Refugees: A Practice Guide for Youth-Serving Entrepreneurship Organisations. Better Futures.
- Stapleton, A. (in press). Final Report on Consultative Meeting: Supporting Young Refugees in Transition to Adulthood through Youth Work and Youth Policy. Council of Europe Youth Department.
- Stapleton, A., Wilkinson, O. (2018). Learning Brief: Spiritual Support. Joint Learning Initiative and World Vision International.
- Stapleton, A., Wilkinson, O. (2018). Learning Brief: Continuum of Protection for Children. Joint Learning Initiative and World Vision International.
- Stapleton, A., Wilkinson, O. (2018). Learning Brief: The Role of Faith in Building Peaceful Societies and Combatting Xenophobia. Joint Learning Initiative and World Vision International.
- Bodrozic, M., Kuzmits, V., Utenkova, Y. and Stapleton, A. (2017). Joint Resolution on Key Issues Concerning European Youth, Youth of European Nationalities: Durrës.
- Kilic, C. and Stapleton, A. (2017). Participation and Citizenship: Young Refugees in Europe, LOGBOOK, European Network of Professional Open Youth Work Organisations (POYWE). Available at
- Stapleton, A. and Bethea, B. (2013). I Am Not For Sale Final Report and Training Manual: A Campaign Aimed at Ending Human Trafficking. Ratiu Center for Democracy: Turda.
- Associate Editor and reviewer with the AI and Society Journal since 2015.Reviewer with the Educational Action Research Journal since 2019.
Laureate award winner of High-Level Scientific Mobility Grant scheme as part of the Grants of the French Government. French Government Medal and NUI Prize for Distinction on Dual Degrees, 2017.European Commission Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship Award, University Lille III, 2012 2014.
NAME: Julie Cahill
Supervisors: Dr Eavan Brady and Professor Robbie Gilligan
Nationality: Irish
Working Title of PhD: A study of the social connections of young adults with experience of relative foster care in Ireland.
Funder of the research (where relevant):
Description of Research:
The research will be based on a qualitative study with young adults who have experience of relative foster care in Ireland. The aim is to explore the social connections as described by the young adults themselves and the meaning of these connections in their early adult lives. The research is interested in the perception of the young adults about the influence of relative care on their social connections.
This study aims to contribute to the significant qualitative research gap identified in Ireland and internationally in relation to the voice of young adults with lived experience of relative (kinship) foster care experience; increasing the understanding of the role and influence of social connections in their young adult lives and any implications that this might hold for further research gaps, practice or policy in this area.
Name: Aoife Shannon
Supervisor: Dr Erna O’Connor
Nationality: Irish
Working title of PhD: Exploring the role of supervision in sustaining perinatal social work careers – the potential of an attachment theory lens.
Description of Research: The research sets to explore the role supervision may have on the retention of social workers within the area of perinatal social work (medical social work in a maternity setting), while also considering the impact attachment theory may have on the supervisory relationship.
Perinatal social work is an area where there is limited research despite there being an increasing number of hospitals in Ireland employing social workers in this area. They are at the forefront of dealing with complex areas of social work including domestic violence, substance use, and children being placed in care from birth. It can also be a very triggering area of work for practitioners depending on their own experiences of maternity care.
This study sets to interview 15-20 perinatal social workers to look at this in more detail, while considering what role attachment theory may have had on their experiences of supervision. A qualitative approach will be applied through the use of in-depth interviews. These interviews set to allow for a narrative style approach to explore people’s experiences of supervision, attachment styles and what they feel sustains them in being able to stay in the profession.
Funder of the Research (where relevant):
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications:
Wilson, E, Jackson, K and Shannon, A (2020) ‘Perinatal social work during the Covid-19 pandemic: Reflecting on concepts of time and liminality’ in Qualitative Social Work, Volume 20, Issue 1-2: 443-448.
NAME: Danielle Young
Supervisor(s): Dr Louise Caffrey and Dr Catherine Conlon
Nationality: American
Working Title of PhD: After Yes: A Realist Synthesis and Evaluation of General Practice Provided Abortion Services in the Republic of Ireland
Description of Research The Irish community-based early medication abortion provision system is novel and innovative and can serve as a model of learning for other high-income countries. The majority of abortions in Ireland are provided in General Practice. The service was started in January 2019 with passage of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act in December 2018. This study will apply realist methodology to systematically theorise community-based early medication abortion implementation through the General Practice context.
Funder of Research (where relevant). The School of Social Work and Social Policy, School Based, Trinity Research Doctorate Award. Winner 2024 / 2025
Seminar Presentations/Conference Presentations/Publications:
Borders, A; Keenan-Devlin, L; Young, D; Grobman, W; Lee King, P. Reducing severe maternal morbidity for birthing persons with severe hypertension through a statewide quality improvement initiative. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2024;
Quasebarth, M; Boesche, M; Turner, T; Moore, A; Young, D; Stulberg, D; Hasselbacher, L. Patient experiences using public and private insurance coverage for abortion in Illinois: implementation successes and remaining gaps. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2024;1-13.
Young, D; Fitzgerald, K; Laursen, L; Whitaker, AK. Comparison of vaginal and buccal misoprostol after mifepristone for medication abortion through 70 days of gestation: A retrospective chart review. Contraception. 2022; 115:62-66.
Chor, J; Young, D; Quinn, M; Gilliam, M. A novel lay health worker training to help women engage in post-abortion contraception and well-woman care. Health Promotion Practice. 2020;21(2): 172-174
Lee King, P; Young, D; Borders, A. A framework to harness the power of quality collaboratives to improve perinatal outcomes. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2019 Sep; 62(3):606-620.
Chor, J; Tusken, M; Young, D; Lyman, P; Gilliam M. Factors shaping women ’s pre-abortion communication with members of their social network. Journal of Community Health. 2019 Apr; 44(2):265-271.
Chor, J; Garcia-Ricketts, S; Young, D; Hebert, L; Hasselbacher, L; Gilliam, M. Barriers and facilitators to well-woman care experienced by low-income women presenting for induced abortion after implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Women ’s Health Issues. 2018 Sep - Oct; 28(5):387-392.
Kelly, C; Young, D, Zhang, Y; Whitaker, A; Laursen, L. Effect of Medicaid coverage on administration of anesthesia during abortion procedures: An interrupted time series analysis. Presented as a poster presentation for the 2022 Society of Family Planning Annual Scientific Meeting.
Young, D; Schumm, LP; McHugh, A; Whitaker AK; Stulberg, D. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on contraceptive access at Planned Parenthood of Illinois. Presented as a poster presentation at the ACOG 2022 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting.
Hasselbacher, L; Wong, Z; Boulware, A; Delay, R; Young, D; Whitaker, AK; Stulberg, D. Rapid innovation and implementation of telemedicine for contraception: Providers’ perspectives. Presented as a poster presentation at the 2021 Society of Family Planning Annual Meeting.
Young, D; Keenan-Devlin, L; Freedman, A; Lee King, P; Borders, A. Achieving time to treatment goal for severe maternal hypertension does not result in adverse change in fetal heart rate category in statewide perinatal quality initiative. Presented as poster presentation at the 2019 Society for Reproductive Investigation Annual Meeting.
Kumar, N; Borders, A; Young, D; Welty, L; Lee King, P. System improvements associated with reduced time-to-treatment for maternal hypertension in a statewide quality improvement initiative. Presented as a poster presentation for the 2019 SMFM Annual Meeting.
Young, D; Preyss, M; Sipsma, H; Hair, S; Siddiqui, M. Depression and social support during antepartum hospitalization: A needs assessment. ePoster presented at the ACOG 2017 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting.