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Care Leavers – Ten Years On

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About Care Leavers – Ten Years On
How do young people who leave the care system fare as adults? What makes a difference in supporting care leavers? What is important from their point of view? This ground-breaking new study will provide answers to these questions and many more.
Care Leavers – Ten Years On is the first study in Ireland to address the experiences of ‘graduates’ of the care system in adult life, in terms of education, family, work, accommodation, health and well-being. A qualitative research design will involve one-to -one interviews with approximately 70 care leavers, in addition to approximately 25 significant adults nominated by a sample of the 70 care leavers.
Funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, the study is part of Care Experiences: Journeys through the Irish Care System, a new national research and data project examining the lives of children in care and adults who were in care as children.
The research team for Care Leavers – Ten Years On is led by Professor Stephanie Holt and Professor Emeritus Robbie Gilligan from the School of Social Work and Social Policy TCD, in association with Professor Janet Boddy, School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex. Assistant Professor Eavan Brady (School of Social Work and Social Policy, TCD), Dr Sarah Parker (School of Medicine, TCD), and post-doctoral researcher Dr Neal Halforty (School of Social Work and Social Policy, TCD) complete the team.
Visit the study website to learn more.