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Professor Virpi Timonen
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Professor Virpi Timonen

Professor Virpi Timonen Professor in Social Policy & Ageing & Course Director, Bachelor in Sociology & Social Policy
Tel: +353 1 896 2950
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Available to supervise PhD research on topics that fall within sociology of ageing and the human life course, including analyses of social policies and welfare states. Expert in the Grounded Theory method and prepared to supervise theses utilising other qualitative research methods.
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Current PhD Students (Working Titles)
Petautschnig Arancibia, Carla. The Self at Work: Exploring the Experience of Community Placement in ACtivation Schemes in Post-recession Context.
Schulmann, Katharine. A Grounded Theory Discourse Analysis of Older People and their Care during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Examples of PhDs Supervised to Completion
Foley, Geraldine (2014). Coming to Terms with Loss: Explaining how People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Engage with Health Care Services.
Elliott O’Dare, Catherine (2019) Exploring Older Adults’ Intergenerational friendships: From homophily to an All-age Identity (co-supervised with Dr. Catherine Conlon).