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Dr Catherine Conlon
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Dr. Catherine Conlon

Dr. Catherine Conlon Assistant Professor, Social Policy & Course Director M.Sc. in Social Policy & Practice and M.Sc. in Child Protection & Welfare
Tel: +353 1 896 1312
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Social Politics of Reproduction
Policy, politics and service provision relating to fertility and reproduction
Policy science research in area of reproductive health
Fertile bodies and fertile subjectivity
Sexual socialisation and sexual citizenship
Pregnancy and pregnant bodies
Concealing pregnancy
Abortion experiences
My research focuses on the social politics of reproduction and sexuality and my research areas include abortion and crisis pregnancy, sexual socialisation and inter-generational relations.
My research and publications demonstrate advanced expertise and innovative practice in qualitative methodologies encompassing:
- Grounded Theory, specifically Constructivist Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis
- Narrative methods, particularly Voice Centred Relational Method (VCRM) and Biographical Narrative Interviewing Method (BNIM)
- Research Creation specifically collaborating with arts practitioners to translate social research into post-structuralist, materialist, embodied iterations (see e.g. The Pregnant Box miniature opera)
- Applied policy research including mixed methodologies
Full Profile: Research Profile here
Current PhD Students (Working Titles)
Spillane, Alison. Mixed methods research mapping women’s pathways to abortion care in Irish Family Planning Association following legalisation of abortion in Ireland.
Rong, Boa. The Lived Experience of Young Migrant Mothers in China (co-supervised with Prof Robbie Gilligan).
Examples of PhDs Supervised to Completion
Kirwan, Gloria (2018). Mental Health Service Users’ Narratives Of Participation: Consensus, Dissensus and Paradox.
Elliot O’Dare, Catherine (2019). Exploring Older Adults’ Intergenerational Friendships: From Homophily to an All-age Identity (co-supervised with Prof Virpi Timonen).