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Dr Leigh-Ann Sweeney
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Dr Leigh-Ann Sweeney

Assistant Professor in Social Work
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Dr Leigh-Ann Sweeney`s research interests include the broad substantive topics of sex work, gender equity and feminist discourse in social work education and practice. With a scholarly background in Health Promotion, Leigh-Ann has a particular interest in sexual health, health equity, the social determinants of health, and access and inclusion to health and social care services. Leigh-Ann is a qualitative researcher with expertise in biographical narrative inquiry and participatory action research.
Leigh-Ann is the co-founder and board member of the Irish Sex Work Research Network [ISWRN] and is a qualified CORU registered social work practitioner with extensive experience in the field of Probation and Welfare, Family Support, and Medical Social Work.
Methodological interests:
- Feminist standpoint epistemology
- Intersectionality
- Biographic and narrative approaches
- Participatory action research
- Qualitative methods