A warm welcome to the School of Social Work & Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin. We are proud to offer a wide range of courses to undergraduate & postgraduate students from a wide diversity of backgrounds.
School of Social Work and Social Policy
The School of Social Work and Social Policy offers a variety of vibrant, exciting, demanding and relevant undergraduate and postgraduate courses for a range of students, from school leavers to advanced professionals. Our Staff also are Research Active in a variety of interesting areas. View our videos to learn more about our postgraduate courses straight from our graduates or about our research areas from our staff.
Latest School News test

Sherie de Burgh commemorative seminar jointly hosted by One Family and the School of Social Work and Social Policy

Sixth Annual Sherie de Burgh Commemorative Event
Summer school opportunity to travel to Germany and learn about disability and child welfare!

Head of School and Associate Prof Catherine Conlon, together with Prof Virpi Timonen, University of Helsinki and Dr Geraldine Foley, School of Medicine, Trinity College have authored a new paper for the Qualitative Research Journal entitled 'Quality in qualitative research:a relational process