What can I do?

How to reduce water consumption and wastewater generation:

  • use a basin of water to clean vegetables and then use that water in your garden or potted indoor/outdoor plants
  • avoid leaving taps running unnecessarily
  • only run your dishwasher or washing machine when full, to gain optimum efficient use of the water and energy
  • put an egg timer in your shower and encourage household members to limit their shower time to conserve water and energy (for heating water)
  • only fill the kettle with the amount of water you plan on using - this saves water AND energy

Home gardening:

  • never water during the hours of 11am - 5pm, as these are the hottest hours. Watering at this time ends up scorching the plants, as the water simply wicks through them and evaporates. Always water before 9am or in the evenings after 7pm for your plants to get the best benefits
  • mulch your garden beds with leaves/ compost/ straw, which will prevent water evaporating from the soil. A well mulched garden bed can go without water for a weekend, freeing you up to get away! 
  • don't use stones/ gravel in garden beds as they retain heat and 'boil' water off the soil during summer months, thus drying out the soil and plants
  • collect rainwater with a rain barrel situated under the downspout of your gutters, and use it in the garden. Make sure to clean out the barrel of old leaves, etc. on a regular basis so the water doesn't go stagnant


Lab sink and tapsIn labs at Trinity:

  • in laboratories always turn off water-driven equipment (e.g. water driven pumps/condensers) when experiments are completed
  • turn off taps in sinks when not actively rinsing or washing
  • turn down taps when washing to avoid overuse of water
  • always report/repair leaking taps or water fixtures (estatesandfacilities@tcd.ie or extension 4000 if you are on campus)

You can find additional useful water saving tips here.