Sustainable Transport

Our Objectives

  • 95% of students and staff commute to college via walking, cycling or public transport.
  • We have a Healthy Trinity: Smarter Travel Trinity Committee of staff and students that work on sustainable transport initiatives.
  • We have ran campaigns for smarter infrastructure for walking and cycling in Dublin

Our Objectives

Trinity has a number of sustainable transport objectives in its Sustainability Action Plan, such as:

  • Reduce car parking by 50% in the College Green Campus
  • Support the delivery of walking and cycling infrastructure
  • Investigate how remote working impacts GHG emissions targets
  • Reduce all air travel generated from college activities 

Our Sustainability Report details the progress that has been made in their implementation.

 WHAT Can I DO? Green Map


See Healthy Trinity's website to find walking and cycling maps and more information about their initiatives.

Check out our Green Map to find secure bike parking on campus.