Hazardous Waste

Click here for more information on hazardous waste at the TCD Hazardous Materials Facility.

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Hazardous Materials Facility offers a comprehensive hazardous waste disposal service for all wastes including biohazard waste, chemical waste and lab smalls (LabCup). Each area is charged for the service based on the amount disposed and all hazardous waste is consigned to authorized facilities only for treatment or disposal.

Approximately 50 tonnes of hazardous waste is produced by laboratories in Trinity each year. All of this is tracked by HMF until final destruction in Irish and European facilities.

The disposal of hazardous waste is controlled by a number of regulatory provisions and producers of hazardous waste are legally responsible for complying with these requirements.

Stores opening times

Please check here for regular opening times and location details.

Is my waste hazardous?

Waste is considered hazardous when it meets the prescribed characteristics detailed below. The hazard statement codes may be found in Section 2 of the safety data sheet (SDS) for the substance.

HP1 Explosive

Waste which is capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to the surroundings. Pyrotechnic waste, explosive organic peroxide waste and explosive self-reactive waste is included. When a waste contains one or more substances classified by one of the hazard class and category codes and hazard statement codes shown in Table 1, the waste shall be assessed for HP 1, where appropriate and proportionate, according to test methods. If the presence of a substance, a mixture or an article indicates that the waste is explosive, it shall be classified as hazardous by HP 1.

HP1 Explosive
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Unst. Expl. H200
Expl. 1.1 H201
Expl. 1.2 H202
Expl. 1.3 H203
Expl. 1.4 H204
Self-react. A H240
Org. Perox. A
Self-react. B H241
Org. Perox. B

HP 2 Oxidising

Waste which may, generally by providing oxygen, cause or contribute to the combustion of other materials. When a waste contains one or more substances classified by one of the hazard class and category codes and hazard statement codes shown in Table 2, the waste shall be assessed for HP 2, where appropriate and proportionate, according to test methods. If the presence of a substance indicates that the waste is oxidising, it shall be classified as hazardous by HP 2.

HP 2 Oxidising
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Ox. Gas 1 H270
Ox. Liq. 1 H271
Ox. Sol. 1
Ox. Liq. 2, Ox. Liq. 3 H272
Ox. Sol. 2, Ox. Sol. 3

HP 3 Flammable

  • flammable liquid waste: liquid waste having a flash point below 60°C or waste gas oil, diesel and light heating oils having a flash point > 55°C and ≤ 75°C
  • flammable pyrophoric liquid and solid waste: solid or liquid waste which, even in small quantities, is liable to ignite within five minutes after coming into contact with air
  • flammable solid waste: solid waste which is readily combustible or may cause or contribute to fire through friction
  • flammable gaseous waste: gaseous waste which is flammable in air at 20°C and a standard pressure of 101.3 kPa
  • water reactive waste: waste which, in contact with water, emits flammable gases in dangerous quantities
  • other flammable waste: flammable aerosols, flammable self-heating waste, flammable organic peroxides and flammable self-reactive waste

When a waste contains one or more substances classified by one of the following hazard class and category codes and hazard statement codes shown in Table 3, the waste shall be assessed, where appropriate and proportionate, according to test methods. If the presence of a substance indicates that the waste is flammable, it shall be classified as hazardous by HP 3.

HP 3 Flammable
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Flam. Gas 1 H220
Flam. Gas 2 H221
Aerosol 1 H222
Aerosol 2 H223
Flam. Liq. 1 H224
Flam. Liq. 2 H225
Flam. Liq. 3 H226
Flam. Sol. 1 H228
Flam. Sol. 2
Self-react. CD H242
Self-react. EF
Org. Perox. CD
Org. Perox. EF
Pyr. Liq. 1 H250
Pyr. Liq. 2
Self-heat. 1 H251
Self-heat. 2 H252
Water-react. 1 H260
Water-react. 2 H261
Water-react. 3

HP 4 Irritant- skin irritation and eye damage

Waste which on application can cause skin irritation or damage to the eye. When a waste contains one or more substances in concentrations above the cut-off value, that are classified by one of the following hazard class and category codes and hazard statement codes and one or more of the following concentration limits is exceeded or equalled, the waste shall be classified as hazardous by HP 4. The cut-off value for consideration in an assessment for Skin corr. 1A (H314), Skin irrit. 2 (H315), Eye dam. 1 (H318) and Eye irrit. 2 (H319) is 1%. If the sum of the concentrations of all substances classified as Skin corr. 1A (H314) exceeds or equals 1%, the waste shall be classified as hazardous according to HP 4. If the sum of the concentrations of all substances classified as H318 exceeds or equals 10%, the waste shall be classified as hazardous according to HP 4. If the sum of the concentrations of all substances classified H315 and H319 exceeds or equals 20%, the waste shall be classified as hazardous according to HP 4. Note that wastes containing substances classified as H314 (Skin corr.1A, 1B or 1C) in amounts greater than or equal to 5% will be classified as hazardous by HP 8. HP 4 will not apply if the waste is classified as HP 8.

HP 4 Irritant- skin irritation and eye damage
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Skin corr. 1A H314 (1%)
Skin irrit. 2 H315 (1%)
Eye dam. 1 H318 (1%)
Eye irrit. 2 H319 (1%)

HP 5 Specific Target Organ Toxicity (STOT)/ Aspiration Toxicity

Waste which can cause specific target organ toxicity either from a single or repeated exposure, or which cause acute toxic effects following aspiration.When a waste contains one or more substances classified by one or more of the following hazard class and category codes and hazard statement codes shown in Table 4, and one or more of the concentration limits in Table 4 is exceeded or equalled, the waste shall be classified as hazardous according to HP 5. When substances classified as STOT are present in a waste, an individual substance has to be present at or above the concentration limit for the waste to be classified as hazardous by HP 5. When a waste contains one or more substances classified as Asp. Tox. 1 and the sum of those substances exceeds or equals the concentration limit, the waste shall be classified as hazardous by HP 5 only where the overall kinematic viscosity (at 40°C) does not exceed 20.5 mm2/s1.

HP 5 Specific Target Organ Toxicity (STOT)/ Aspiration Toxicity
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
STOT SE 1 H370 (1%)
STOT SE 2 H371 (10%)
STOT SE 3 H335 (20%)
STOT RE 1 H372 (1%)
STOT RE 2 H373 (10%)
Asp. Tox. 1 H304 (10%)

HP 6 Acute Toxicity

Waste which can cause acute toxic effects following oral or dermal administration, or inhalation exposure. If the sum of the concentrations of all substances contained in a waste, classified with an acute toxic hazard class and category code and hazard statement code given in Table 5, exceeds or equals the threshold given in that table, the waste shall be classified as hazardous by HP 6. When more than one substance classified as acute toxic is present in a waste, the sum of the concentrations is required only for substances within the same hazard category. The following cut-off values shall apply for consideration in an assessment:

  • For Acute Tox. 1, 2 or 3 (H300, H310, H330, H301, H311, H331): 0.1%
  • For Acute Tox. 4 (H302, H312, H332): 1%
HP 6 Acute Toxicity
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Acute Tox. 1 (Oral) H300 (0.1%)
Acute Tox. 2 (Oral) H300 (0.25%)
Acute Tox. 3 (Oral) H301 (5%)
Acute Tox. 4 (Oral) H302 (25%)
Acute Tox. 1 (Dermal) H310 (0.25%)
Acute Tox. 2 (Dermal) H310 (2.5%)
Acute Tox. 3 (Dermal) H311 (15%)
Acute Tox. 4 (Dermal) H312 (55%)
Acute Tox. 1 (Inhal.) H330 (0.1%)
Acute Tox. 2 (Inhal.) H330 (0.5%)
Acute Tox. 3 (Inhal.) H331 (3.5%)
Acute Tox. 4 (Inhal.) H332 (22.5%)

HP 7 Carcinogenic

Waste which induces cancer or increases its incidence. When a waste contains a substance classified by one of the following hazard class and category codes and hazard statement codes and exceeds or equals one of the following concentration limits shown in Table 6, the waste shall be classified as hazardous by HP 7. When more than one substance classified as carcinogenic is present in a waste, an individual substance has to be present at or above the concentration limit for the waste to be classified as hazardous by HP 7.

HP 7 Carcinogenic
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Carc. 1A H350 (0.1%)
Carc. 1B
Carc. 2 H351 (1.0%)

HP 8 Corrosive

Waste which on application can cause skin corrosion.When a waste contains one or more substances classified as Skin corr.1A, 1B or 1C (H314) and the sum of their concentrations exceeds or equals 5%, the waste shall be classified as hazardous by HP 8. The cut-off value for consideration in an assessment for Skin corr. 1A, 1B, 1C (H314) is 1.0%.

HP 8 Corrosive
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Skin corr1A, 1B or 1C H314 (1%.)

HP 9 Infectious

Waste containing viable micro-organisms or their toxins which are known or reliably believed to cause disease in man or other living organisms. The attribution of HP 9 shall be assessed by the rules laid down in reference documents or legislation in the Member States.

HP 10 Toxic for reproduction

HP 10 Toxic for reproduction
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Repr. 1A H360 (0.3%)
Repr. 1B
Repr. 2 H361 (3.0%)

HP 11 Mutagenic

When a waste contains a substance classified by one of the following hazard class and category codes and hazard statement codes and exceeds or equals one of the following concentration limits shown in Table 8, the waste shall be classified as hazardous according to HP 11. When more than one substance classified as mutagenic is present in a waste, an individual substance has to be present at or above the concentration limit for the waste to be classified as hazardous by HP 11.

HP 11 Mutagenic
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
Muta. 1A H340 (0.1%)
Muta. 1B
Muta. 2 H341 (1.0%)

HP 12 Release of an acute toxic gas

When a waste contains a substance assigned to one of the following supplemental hazards EUH029, EUH031 and EUH032, it shall be classified as hazardous by HP 12 according to test methods or guidelines.

HP 13 Sensitising

Waste which contains one or more substances known to cause sensitising effects to the skin or the respiratory organs. When a waste contains a substance classified as sensitising and is assigned to one of the hazard statement codes H317 or H334 and one individual substance equals or exceeds the concentration limit of 10%, the waste shall be classified as hazardous by HP 13.

HP 14 Ecotoxic

Waste which presents or may present immediate or delayed risks for one or more sectors of the environment.

HP 15 Waste capable of exhibiting a hazardous property listed above not directly displayed by the original waste

When a waste contains one or more substances assigned to one of the hazard statements or supplemental hazards shown in Table 9, the waste shall be classified as hazardous by HP 15, unless the waste is in such a form that it will not under any circumstance exhibit explosive or potentially explosive properties.

HP 15 Waste capable of exhibiting a hazardous property listed above not directly displayed by the original waste
Hazard Class and Category Codes(s) Hazard Statement Code(s)
May mass explode in fire H205
Explosive when dry EUH001
May form explosive peroxides EUH019
Risk of explosion if heated under confinement EUH044

Source: S.I. No. 233/2015 - European Union (Properties of Waste which Render it Hazardous) Regulations 2015.